That’s Racist!… NAACP Demands Photo ID for Attendees to Join Protest Against Photo ID

What a incredibly moronic OP. You cant make this sort of stupidity up if you tried. Where does it stipulate the ID is required in order to attend the march? Advising someone to bring ID is not the same as requiring them to. More evidence that reading comprehension is at a all time low amongst some members of the right.
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What a incredibly moronic OP. You cant make this sort of stupidity up if you tried. Where does it stipulate the ID is required in order to attend the march? Advising someone to bring ID is not the same as requiring them to. More evidence that reading comprehension is at a all time low amongst some members of the right.
^ What he/she said.
If only because 'stupid racist' is redundant, and there's too many of you to respond to each personally, I'll just say the hypocrisy accusation directed at the NAACP in this instance isn't accurate or fair. My statement was that a generic set of protest rules coincided with a specific protest about photo ID laws and was thus coincidental, not hypocrisy.
If only because 'stupid racist' is redundant, and there's too many of you to respond to each personally, I'll just say the hypocrisy accusation directed at the NAACP in this instance isn't accurate or fair. My statement was that a generic set of protest rules coincided with a specific protest about photo ID laws and was thus coincidental, not hypocrisy.

Oh, I see, it is just a generic set of protest rules. I will get back to you the next time there is an unfortunate coincidence concerning the right :thup:
[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] prides himself of NOT being a hypocrite, except when he is :)

So I guess the spin is to pretend you don't see the irony.

Followed by the standard "you're stupid".

I love it.

These responses from the extremist Libs are as funny as the NAACP hypocrisy.
I'm wearing out the pages of my newspeak dictionary to keep up with them.

Newspeak Dictionary

They're actually just generic rules to follow for any protest. That it coincided with a protest against photo ID is just an unfortunate coincidence and irony, not hypocrisy.

Now that's a funny excuse. Nice spin try. TeaParty didn't require ID, Occupy didn't require ID, been to many events that did not require ID.

You are as funny as the NAACP.
They're actually just generic rules to follow for any protest. That it coincided with a protest against photo ID is just an unfortunate coincidence and irony, not hypocrisy.

Now that's a funny excuse. Nice spin try. TeaParty didn't require ID, Occupy didn't require ID, been to many events that did not require ID.

You are as funny as the NAACP.

The protest did not require ID. It was suggested. How did you miss that?
They're actually just generic rules to follow for any protest. That it coincided with a protest against photo ID is just an unfortunate coincidence and irony, not hypocrisy.

And the nutters can't take guns into gun shows.

And the anti gun protests have armed guards

Probably not true but they should. And, in case you hadn't noticed, having to defend yourself against nutters doesn't speak all that well for the nutter's side. THINK.:cuckoo:
The NAACP is holding a protest against photo ID laws…
But you must bring a photo ID in order to join them at the rally.
You truly are an ignorant idiot, unsurprisingly.

Along with those who agree with you.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, where unwarranted photo ID laws are un-Constitutional; but the Constitution doesn’t apply to private organizations that are at liberty to enact whatever rules they wish. Consequently the NAACP is being neither ‘racist’ nor inconsistent.

You’ve committed a false comparison fallacy, and the premise of your thread fails accordingly.

there is a constitutional right to bear arms. guess what....need photo ID to buy a gun.
What a incredibly moronic OP. You cant make this sort of stupidity up if you tried. Where does it stipulate the ID is required in order to attend the march? Advising someone to bring ID is not the same as requiring them to. More evidence that reading comprehension is at a all time low amongst some members of the right.

it is not advising says as invitees they agree to obey the rules and marshal...and then says they must "do" these things.

shut up
They're actually just generic rules to follow for any protest. That it coincided with a protest against photo ID is just an unfortunate coincidence and irony, not hypocrisy.

Now that's a funny excuse. Nice spin try. TeaParty didn't require ID, Occupy didn't require ID, been to many events that did not require ID.

You are as funny as the NAACP.

The protest did not require ID. It was suggested. How did you miss that?

it was not suggested. learn to read.
the Naacp has become nothing more than a joke and an organization to stir up hate and shit on us American citizens...unfortunately, they have people who will follow their nonsense
links and paper stating RULES at site


You just can’t make this stuff up!
The NAACP is holding a protest against photo ID laws…
But you must bring a photo ID in order to join them at the rally.

ALL of it here,
photo id naacp

Pundit Press reported:

The NAACP will be holding a march to protest voter ID laws. In order to attend, all members are required to bring along a photo ID.

In a flier entitled “Important Dos and Don’ts for Marchers!!!,” the NAACP state at the top that all protesters conduct themselves “in accordance with the historic custom of the Civil Rights Movement.” They should also listen to their “marshals at all times” and follow the “Dos” and “Don’ts” underneath the opening paragraph…

…In the middle of the list, however, is a drastically ironic “Do.” To go to the rally, you are asked to have “photo identification (driver’s license, passport or other valid photo id) with you and keep it on your person at all times.”

Read the rest here.

all of it here
That?s Racist!? NAACP Demands Photo ID for Attendees to Join Protest Against Photo ID Laws | The Gateway Pundit

Lying sack of shit Stephanie is at it again.

They recommended people bring in case they get arrested.

Dumb conservative gal can't read apparently.

Nice try, steph.

Better luck next time.

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