That shining "god" Obama couldn't even with nearly a $1 trillion in shovel ready jobs do this!

This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 7.52.04 PM.png
This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.
I did just fine during W's and Bo's Great Recession, but I know a lot of Americans didn't. Seems to me the rich got a big share of the pie, but the rest of America got screwed. I find this unacceptable. Do you?

Has there been a time in this country's history where the rich didn't get a big share of the pie, while the rest of America got screwed?
No...but does that mean I have to accept it? You can, but I won't.

And what have you done about it?

Personally I worked really hard to move myself closer to the "rich" than I was a decade ago so that I got screwed less and a few crumbs off of the pie.

Other than that I work at the local level to get 3rd party candidates elected and vote only for 3rd party on the national level if there is that option.
I post here and bitch about it.

Whatever keeps you warm at night is good with me.
This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.
This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.

But it never WENT down consistently. It went up dramatically and 2017 was a decline from 2016. That is a turn around. 7 years of constant growth of part time workers.
Ok, I'm a truck driver. Truck drivers are not in low supply. If you think they are, go to any truck stop at 10pm. You'll see trucks parked in there like ants, parked out onto the shoulders of the interstates in both directions.

What's in low supply is willingness of drivers to take low paying jobs. Take a look at the interstates, notice every 3rd vehicle is a big rig. There are plenty of us out here. What people want is CHEAP shipping costs. Supply and demand. If supply is kept down, like it is now, prices are kept up. People hate paying shipping costs. What they don't realize is how many hundreds of thousands of us out here risk our lives every day so you can have your crap that you order, eat or buy. What job pays as little as driving a truck and is subject to so much scrutiny and gov't regulation and risk to human life?

So no, truck drivers are not in low supply. Cheap ass people that don't want to pay to get their crap shipped are in HIGH supply.
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .

Facts say otherwise.

Which facts?

Please list all the economic indicators that have shown a turn around since the Trump election.

Are you really going to try to pretend the economy is not strong? Even LIBERALS are admitting this economy is booming.

The Economy Is Looking Awfully Strong

FOMC Minutes Show Hawkish Fed Eying "Very Strong Economy"; Fears Tariffs, Yield Curve

U.S. GDP could top 4% in 2nd quarter, economists say

FOMC Minutes: Gold Prices Holding Steady As The Fed Sees Signs Of A Very Strong Economy

The US economy is strong, and it's about to get even stronger, Atlanta Fed model shows

The 6 Signs Of An Economic Recovery

And the one that stings the most for liberals:

Economists agree: Trump, not Obama, gets credit for economy
Last edited:
Economic improvement was slow but steady under Obama. Tomorrow morning (Friday, July 6th) the jobs numbers for June will be posted. Hopefully they continue to be positive, that hope isn't based on any political sake but rather for the general sake of the country's economy. I was hopeful when the tax cuts were announced. This tariff stuff has me in a wait-and-see frame of mind.
There is NO reason to believe the jobs numbers won't be just as good as in recent months. This economy is pedal to the metal.
This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165
You know you're fucking insane, right?

What that chart actually shows that part time growth by president by annual average is:

Bush41 ... 124,750
Clinton .... 331,875
Bush43 ... 369,250
Obama ....123,250

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So Obama actually added the fewest part time jobs on average. Most of each were added during Obama's first year in office because of Bush's Great Recession.

And what the fuck are you looking at that you see increases every year under Obama?

2009 .. 1,404,000
2010 .... -794,000
2011 ..... 847,000
2012 .... -288,000
2013 ....... 21,000
2014 ...... -38,000
2015 ...... -66,000
2016 .... -100,000

As far as trump, you actually claimed...

"It wasn't till Trump the number has declined"

... but in reality the number was up in April, 2018, from January, 2017, and is down only in May...

1/2017: 27363
4/2018: 27508
5/2018: 26883

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Dumbfuck, he didn't say the economy isn't booming.
Trump has turned things around fast nobody can deny thing I hope they work on is bringing back the 40 hour work week. That would be a huge positive for the American worker.
What did he turn around??

Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .
What policies of his got us out of the recession?

Didn't the right claim Trump was responsible for employment gains from the day he won the election and before he passed a single policy? Since when do policies affect employment according to the brain-dead right?
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .

Facts say otherwise.

Which facts?

Please list all the economic indicators that have shown a turn around since the Trump election.

Female employment level higher than at any point of time since 1953. Black unemployment at levels never seen before. The same for Hispanic employment. Actual GDP is increasing at a level that your hero, the obummer, and his sycophant economists claimed was impossible to ever see again.

A report Thursday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics cast an even brighter light on what is becoming one of the most important economic stories of 2018:
the difficulty employers are having in finding qualified employees to fill a record 6.7 million job openings.

  • Truck drivers are in perilously low supply,
  • Silicon Valley continues to struggle to fill vacancies, and
  • employers across the grid are coping with a skills mismatch
as the economy edges ever closer to full employment.

“Business’ number one problem is finding qualified workers. At the current pace of job growth, if sustained, this problem is set to get much worse,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said in a statement. “These labor shortages will only intensify across all industries and company sizes.”
The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

Now WHY does a Trump presidency provide a business environment where THERE ARE MORE JOBS available than people to fill them?
Maybe because during our "deified God" presidency and I'm not making that what a hardened
"professional journalist said about Obama...
Evan Thomas, Editor of NewsWeek...
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Despite the miserable results from the $48 billion spent on infrastructure in the $787 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, President Obama’s recently-proposed American Jobs Act includes $50 billion for new infrastructure projects to be funded through the creation of a government-run infrastructure bank
The Shovel-Ready Jobs Swindle

And it was so evident that EVEN OBAMA said there never were "shovel ready jobs"!
"Remember ‘shovel-ready projects.' Those were construction projects in the 2009 stimulus bill that were supposed to get moving right away ... ‘Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected,' Obama said." (David Jackson, "Obama Jokes About 'Shovel-Ready Projects'," USA Today, 6/13/11)
Mitt Romney: Press Release - President Obama's Not-So-Shovel-Ready Jobs

MAYBE JUST MAYBE Trump would NEVER be so anti-business, anti-profit, anti-capitalist as this list of Obama
quotes show. NONE of which Trump WOULD ever ever say!View attachment 203053

Obama took over an economy that was at its worst point since before WW2.

Trump took over an economy that was doing really, really well.

There's a big difference.

It's like comparing a soccer goalkeeper with a striker and saying the goalkeeper is not nearly as good as the striker because he hasn't scored many goals.
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .

Facts say otherwise.

Which facts?

Please list all the economic indicators that have shown a turn around since the Trump election.

Female employment level higher than at any point of time since 1953. Black unemployment at levels never seen before. The same for Hispanic employment. Actual GDP is increasing at a level that your hero, the obummer, and his sycophant economists claimed was impossible to ever see again.

All trends which began years ago.

And female employment actually first hit an all-time high under Obama in January, 2014...

... and has been growing steadily for the last 6½ years now. Trump has done well in not fucking it up so far.

Black unemployment peaked at almost 17% after Bush's Great Recession. It dropped 9 points under Obama to 7.8%, not far above the all-time low of 7%. It continued to drop to it's current level of 5.9% under Trump. Again, Trump has done well so far, but has maintained the same rate of decrease as we've see for the last 7½ years. Which is still impressive given the lower the rate, the harder it is to lower it.

Same with Hispanic unemployment....

As far as GDP, its annual average up only slightly over what it is since 2010...

2010-2016: 2.14%
2017: 2.3%
A report Thursday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics cast an even brighter light on what is becoming one of the most important economic stories of 2018:
the difficulty employers are having in finding qualified employees to fill a record 6.7 million job openings.

  • Truck drivers are in perilously low supply,
  • Silicon Valley continues to struggle to fill vacancies, and
  • employers across the grid are coping with a skills mismatch
as the economy edges ever closer to full employment.

“Business’ number one problem is finding qualified workers. At the current pace of job growth, if sustained, this problem is set to get much worse,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said in a statement. “These labor shortages will only intensify across all industries and company sizes.”
The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

Now WHY does a Trump presidency provide a business environment where THERE ARE MORE JOBS available than people to fill them?
Maybe because during our "deified God" presidency and I'm not making that what a hardened
"professional journalist said about Obama...
Evan Thomas, Editor of NewsWeek...
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Despite the miserable results from the $48 billion spent on infrastructure in the $787 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, President Obama’s recently-proposed American Jobs Act includes $50 billion for new infrastructure projects to be funded through the creation of a government-run infrastructure bank
The Shovel-Ready Jobs Swindle

And it was so evident that EVEN OBAMA said there never were "shovel ready jobs"!
"Remember ‘shovel-ready projects.' Those were construction projects in the 2009 stimulus bill that were supposed to get moving right away ... ‘Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected,' Obama said." (David Jackson, "Obama Jokes About 'Shovel-Ready Projects'," USA Today, 6/13/11)
Mitt Romney: Press Release - President Obama's Not-So-Shovel-Ready Jobs

MAYBE JUST MAYBE Trump would NEVER be so anti-business, anti-profit, anti-capitalist as this list of Obama
quotes show. NONE of which Trump WOULD ever ever say!View attachment 203053

Obama took over an economy that was at its worst point since before WW2.

Trump took over an economy that was doing really, really well.

There's a big difference.

It's like comparing a soccer goalkeeper with a striker and saying the goalkeeper is not nearly as good as the striker because he hasn't scored many goals.

All that might be true.
But what I do know is NO president would ever deprecate the people that pay the majority of taxes!
Think how much better the economy would have been if Obama wasn't so against businesses, capitalism, profits, etc.
All Obama proved was you can be a dumb shit when it comes to the economy, with no business experiences and the economy will limp along at 1%,2% GDP but when you tell the world and business people the following, what kind of confidence does that install in businesses to expand? When growth is punished by the President with the MOST rules and regulations in history of presidency.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .
What policies of his got us out of the recession?

Didn't the right claim Trump was responsible for employment gains from the day he won the election and before he passed a single policy? Since when do policies affect employment according to the brain-dead right?
Pretty DAMN quick when Obama was totally against businesses as exemplified by these anti-business statements!
Plus Congress gave idiot Obama what he wanted, $787 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, President Obama’s recently-proposed American Jobs Act includes $50 billion for new infrastructure projects to be funded through the creation of a government-run infrastructure bank
The Shovel-Ready Jobs Swindle

And it was so evident that EVEN OBAMA said there never were "shovel ready jobs"!
And then you idiots like Obama laughed when he said..
"Remember ‘shovel-ready projects.' Those were construction projects in the 2009 stimulus bill that were supposed to get moving right away ... ‘Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected,' Obama said." (David Jackson, "Obama Jokes About 'Shovel-Ready Projects'," USA Today, 6/13/11)
Mitt Romney: Press Release - President Obama's Not-So-Shovel-Ready Jobs

Pissed away $787 billion INCLUDING the payback of TARP which Bush was blamed for and Obama gets the profits!

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