The 15 Questions Obama Does NOT Want To Answer About Benghazi


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. The White House issued a readout of your meeting with senior administration officials on September 10, 2012, indicating “specific measures” had been taken to “prevent 9/11 related attacks.” What were these specific measures, and how did these specific measures differ from specific measures taken on prior anniversaries of September 11?

2. When did you first learn a U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, had been attacked? What were you told, and by whom? Were you informed Sean Smith had been killed during the initial attack?

3. What orders or direction, if any, did you give to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta upon learning of the initial attack? Did you or anyone at your direction ever modify, withdraw, alter, or amplify the initial orders or direction you gave to Secretary Panetta?

4. What were you told about Department of Defense assets in the region that could respond specifically to Benghazi? Did you ask for or receive a list of military or paramilitary assets in the region that could respond to Benghazi during the pendency of the attacks?

** BETTER QUESTIONS here would be: "You KNEW of the threat of attack on 9/11/12 AND you knew about the Al Qaeida call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens - why did you not ALREADY know what military assets were available and what there status were if these attacks did occur? WHY did you wait until the LAST MINUTE, after an attack happened, to find out this information? WHY didn't you already have assets on alert and even possibly moved closer to respond in case of attack?"

13. Have you ever viewed surveillance footage from the cameras (or other sources) located at the U.S. facilities in Benghazi depicting the attacks? Will you declassify this footage so the American
people can see for themselves what transpired?
-- The CIA and Members of the State Dept have already declared there was NO evidence of any 'protest'.

There are some good questions, but as I pointed out, there are some better....

The 15 Questions About Benghazi Barack Obama Does Not Want To Answer - Breitbart
In all those hours of testimony by Hillary and those questions weren't asked? You should be asking what's wrong with the committee members.
uh oh. You're using Breibart again.
Yup, and you're dodging the issue again using the false 'source is invalid because a liberal says so' BS again.
That's all they ever have for a pathetic defense, the source. As though that alone can so easily dismiss the points. As though if they did not hear it from "the big five" mainstream TV news networks it has no veracity.
Source, racist, bigoted, homophobe and Islamophobe -- that is the extent of their talking points.
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