The 2 Choices in November: Submit to ANTIFA/BLM or Side with Conservatives and Christians

I am a Christian. I support the protests brought about by BLM.

Nationalists? White Supremacists?
Do you support the BDS movement? Do you support looting and burning? Or only peaceful protests?

Like the Founders I understand that some times violence will be necessary. Jesus violently threw out the "money changers" in the Temple.

I place people over things.

"People over things" - that's such a Hegelian absolute.

What about love of land, heritage, patriotism, are these dirty words these days?

I believe a fair system is about as patriotic as one can get. Where does this idea that protest is not patriotic come from?
Protest may be patriotic, burning your neighbor's store is not patriotic.

Throwing tea into the ocean seemed to be. Would I prefer they burn down the courthouse? I would.
They threw tea into the ocean, they didn't burn Boston down. Of course you would since you're an uninformed person.

They started a the way, do you also know they pulled down and destroyed statues to the King?

If that is what we prefer. Start a war?
Burning a courthouse...stupid but its a Gov't building. Burning the city where your allies have businesses is stupid. Durr...

So the people here want to start a war? With whom? Why?

It's like you have been oblivious to what has been going on.
I see bored young people burning shit. Floyd death is an excuse. They don't have jobs or school due to the virus and are lashing out while using the death as an excuse.

This has been happening for years now. We either change or things will burn.
No it hasn't. You take away freedoms and a tiniest of sparks ignites a huge fire. Our Gov't has let us down.
I am a Christian. I support the protests brought about by BLM.

Nationalists? White Supremacists?
Do you support the BDS movement? Do you support looting and burning? Or only peaceful protests?

Like the Founders I understand that some times violence will be necessary. Jesus violently threw out the "money changers" in the Temple.

I place people over things.

"People over things" - that's such a Hegelian absolute.

What about love of land, heritage, patriotism, are these dirty words these days?

I believe a fair system is about as patriotic as one can get. Where does this idea that protest is not patriotic come from?
Protest may be patriotic, burning your neighbor's store is not patriotic.

Throwing tea into the ocean seemed to be. Would I prefer they burn down the courthouse? I would.
They threw tea into the ocean, they didn't burn Boston down. Of course you would since you're an uninformed person.

They started a the way, do you also know they pulled down and destroyed statues to the King?

If that is what we prefer. Start a war?
Burning a courthouse...stupid but its a Gov't building. Burning the city where your allies have businesses is stupid. Durr...

So the people here want to start a war? With whom? Why?

It's like you have been oblivious to what has been going on.
I see bored young people burning shit. Floyd death is an excuse. They don't have jobs or school due to the virus and are lashing out while using the death as an excuse.

This has been happening for years now. We either change or things will burn.
No it hasn't. You take away freedoms and a tiniest of sparks ignites a huge fire. Our Gov't has let us down.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Yup. Big cat douche or giant turd sandwich. Either way we are fucked.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Trump is the leader demanding "total submission" and who is supporting "lawlessness", but only for himself and his cronies. Under cover of the unrest, he's tried to overturn the convictions of his criminal associates, and has succeeding in releases all of the convicted felons amongst his staff. Trump continues to profit from his Presidency, in violation of the emoluments clause, and is has refused to put his business in a blind trust.

Trump complains constantly about criticism and "fake news". "Fake news" is defined by Trump as any criticism of him or his policies. He has tried to ban reporters he doesn't like from Press Briefings - using doctored video no less. Any government worker who doesn't back up his lies, distortions and attempts to gaslight the American public, are fired.

Trump continues to shovel money to his corporations and friends, via a $29 billion tax cuts to billionaires in the Senate sponsored bailout bill. No money for American citizens, but truckloads for his buddies to cushion their economic crash.

It's awfully difficult to sell the idea that Trump is opposed to "lawlessness" when he has encouraged armed right wingers waving NAZI flags to attack state houses. Or demanded that General Flynn, whose criminal behaviour undermined the safety and security of the nation, and who has plead guilty to all of these crimes, be exonerated.

The marches and protests currently going on across America, are not just because the police keep killing unarmed black people, but because the moment that it was announced that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump wanted the shut down ended and America to get back to work.

Trump promised the working men and women of America that he was on their side and he would get THEM a better deal, and all he has done since day one is screw over working men and women in favour of the big corporations, and his billionaire buddies.

2 million sick Americans, 117,000 dead, 30 million unemployed and rising, economy cratered. Nation wide racial unrest which the President refuses to address.

Who in their right mind would vote for four more years of this level of incompetence and chaos.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Trump is the leader demanding "total submission" and who is supporting "lawlessness", but only for himself and his cronies. Under cover of the unrest, he's tried to overturn the convictions of his criminal associates, and has succeeding in releases all of the convicted felons amongst his staff. Trump continues to profit from his Presidency, in violation of the emoluments clause, and is has refused to put his business in a blind trust.

Trump complains constantly about criticism and "fake news". "Fake news" is defined by Trump as any criticism of him or his policies. He has tried to ban reporters he doesn't like from Press Briefings - using doctored video no less. Any government worker who doesn't back up his lies, distortions and attempts to gaslight the American public, are fired.

Trump continues to shovel money to his corporations and friends, via a $29 billion tax cuts to billionaires in the Senate sponsored bailout bill. No money for American citizens, but truckloads for his buddies to cushion their economic crash.

It's awfully difficult to sell the idea that Trump is opposed to "lawlessness" when he has encouraged armed right wingers waving NAZI flags to attack state houses. Or demanded that General Flynn, whose criminal behaviour undermined the safety and security of the nation, and who has plead guilty to all of these crimes, be exonerated.

The marches and protests currently going on across America, are not just because the police keep killing unarmed black people, but because the moment that it was announced that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump wanted the shut down ended and America to get back to work.

Trump promised the working men and women of America that he was on their side and he would get THEM a better deal, and all he has done since day one is screw over working men and women in favour of the big corporations, and his billionaire buddies.

2 million sick Americans, 117,000 dead, 30 million unemployed and rising, economy cratered. Nation wide racial unrest which the President refuses to address.

Who in their right mind would vote for four more years of this level of incompetence and chaos.

" Who in their right mind would vote for four more years of this level of incompetence and chaos. "

NOBODY in their RIGHT MIND would

so that explains how deranged conservatives truly are
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Trump is the leader demanding "total submission" and who is supporting "lawlessness", but only for himself and his cronies. Under cover of the unrest, he's tried to overturn the convictions of his criminal associates, and has succeeding in releases all of the convicted felons amongst his staff. Trump continues to profit from his Presidency, in violation of the emoluments clause, and is has refused to put his business in a blind trust.

Trump complains constantly about criticism and "fake news". "Fake news" is defined by Trump as any criticism of him or his policies. He has tried to ban reporters he doesn't like from Press Briefings - using doctored video no less. Any government worker who doesn't back up his lies, distortions and attempts to gaslight the American public, are fired.

Trump continues to shovel money to his corporations and friends, via a $29 billion tax cuts to billionaires in the Senate sponsored bailout bill. No money for American citizens, but truckloads for his buddies to cushion their economic crash.

It's awfully difficult to sell the idea that Trump is opposed to "lawlessness" when he has encouraged armed right wingers waving NAZI flags to attack state houses. Or demanded that General Flynn, whose criminal behaviour undermined the safety and security of the nation, and who has plead guilty to all of these crimes, be exonerated.

The marches and protests currently going on across America, are not just because the police keep killing unarmed black people, but because the moment that it was announced that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump wanted the shut down ended and America to get back to work.

Trump promised the working men and women of America that he was on their side and he would get THEM a better deal, and all he has done since day one is screw over working men and women in favour of the big corporations, and his billionaire buddies.

2 million sick Americans, 117,000 dead, 30 million unemployed and rising, economy cratered. Nation wide racial unrest which the President refuses to address.

Who in their right mind would vote for four more years of this level of incompetence and chaos.

Takes a real science hater to blame Trump for the Chinese virus that’s impacted every nation in the world. Congrats.

Shows how great of a President he is when you need to make such outlandish accusations.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

You can vote for a right wing thug that has no problem with people dying so he can win re-election. Using force against peaceful protestors. Ignoring the Constitution. Trump is the anarchist who wants a military dictatorship. Trump needs to go.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

You can vote for a right wing thug that has no problem with people dying so he can win re-election. Using force against peaceful protestors. Ignoring the Constitution. Trump is the anarchist who wants a military dictatorship. Trump needs to go.

Pelosi invites you to crowded Chinatown to give hugs because she cares about you.
I am a Christian. I support the protests brought about by BLM.

Nationalists? White Supremacists?
Do you support the BDS movement? Do you support looting and burning? Or only peaceful protests?

Like the Founders I understand that some times violence will be necessary. Jesus violently threw out the "money changers" in the Temple.

I place people over things.

"People over things" - that's such a Hegelian absolute.

What about love of land, heritage, patriotism, are these dirty words these days?

I believe a fair system is about as patriotic as one can get. Where does this idea that protest is not patriotic come from?
Protest may be patriotic, burning your neighbor's store is not patriotic.

Throwing tea into the ocean seemed to be. Would I prefer they burn down the courthouse? I would.
They threw tea into the ocean, they didn't burn Boston down. Of course you would since you're an uninformed person.

They started a the way, do you also know they pulled down and destroyed statues to the King?

If that is what we prefer. Start a war?
Burning a courthouse...stupid but its a Gov't building. Burning the city where your allies have businesses is stupid. Durr...

So the people here want to start a war? With whom? Why?

It's like you have been oblivious to what has been going on.
I see bored young people burning shit. Floyd death is an excuse. They don't have jobs or school due to the virus and are lashing out while using the death as an excuse.

This has been happening for years now. We either change or things will burn.
No it hasn't. You take away freedoms and a tiniest of sparks ignites a huge fire. Our Gov't has let us down.
Yep, and? Once instance where irrational people did irrational things. Thats all you got over the past 20 years?
It's far worse than that. BLM and ANTIFA will grow up, get jobs, laugh at how stupid they were (most of them), Communist China will be around for a long time and no politician in sight willing to call them out, take them on and tell the business community "we aren't selling our nation out for a few bucks".

Of all his policies, his push back against China and support of capitalism, and even American Exceptionalism, resonate most with me. His defense of your sovereignty at your southern border is also vital.

To me, THAT is the choice. Really simple, I even have a bumper sticker slogan, "China First or America First"

Trump is allowing powerful companies to take over this country to the detriment of the working people and even small businesses. That is capitalism run amok. That is not desirable. His so-called defense of the southern border is racist. We have had protocols in place for many years for such processes as asylum which Trump ignores. We have racists like Stephen Miller in charge.

Ib have a slogan. "get out and shut up."
It's far worse than that. BLM and ANTIFA will grow up, get jobs, laugh at how stupid they were (most of them), Communist China will be around for a long time and no politician in sight willing to call them out, take them on and tell the business community "we aren't selling our nation out for a few bucks".

Of all his policies, his push back against China and support of capitalism, and even American Exceptionalism, resonate most with me. His defense of your sovereignty at your southern border is also vital.

To me, THAT is the choice. Really simple, I even have a bumper sticker slogan, "China First or America First"

Trump is allowing powerful companies to take over this country to the detriment of the working people and even small businesses. That is capitalism run amok. That is not desirable. His so-called defense of the southern border is racist. We have had protocols in place for many years for such processes as asylum which Trump ignores. We have racists like Stephen Miller in charge.

Ib have a slogan. "get out and shut up."

This was happening even before Trump.
If some of you on here are rejecting the idea that voters are going to view their choices somewhat along the lines of "lawlessness/radical changes to our country and "rule of law/maintaining U.S dominance" I don't think you've been paying attention. It doesn't matter even the reality, the optics are clear.

As some want to use these divisions to hurt Trump, if Trump plays it right, it actually helps him. Substantially in some cases. What they want is racial division and for Trump to go overboard so they can turn voters against him. He doesn't need to engage in this, it's a trap.

What it allows him to do is create an obvious contrast between him and Biden. We've all seen and heard the Dem leaders in these cities and states. Trump should just stay his course, "I'm here for all Americans and our constitution", while reminding everyone "some Dem politicians are happy to sit in their castles while cities burn in the very communities they pretend to care about".

It's so easy to profit from politically because so many of these politicians and their donors are their worst enemies. That's just the way I see it.

Voters know who s dividing people. Donald Trump. The optics are very clear that you are a liar.You are the one who is delusional.

The fact is that Trump has already done this. He attacked peaceful protestors. Threatens violence. The fact is that Trump has raped the Constitution. He refuses to accept the fact that the Constitution places limits on the President. Yet Trump acts like a king. The contrast between Biden and Trump is clear. Biden is acting Presidential while Trump acts like a dictatorial strongman.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

You got that right my friend. Either your with the United States of America or you vote Democrat and hate our nation.

You are the one who is against the United States of America. You want a new Nazi Germany.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Trump is the leader demanding "total submission" and who is supporting "lawlessness", but only for himself and his cronies. Under cover of the unrest, he's tried to overturn the convictions of his criminal associates, and has succeeding in releases all of the convicted felons amongst his staff. Trump continues to profit from his Presidency, in violation of the emoluments clause, and is has refused to put his business in a blind trust.

Trump complains constantly about criticism and "fake news". "Fake news" is defined by Trump as any criticism of him or his policies. He has tried to ban reporters he doesn't like from Press Briefings - using doctored video no less. Any government worker who doesn't back up his lies, distortions and attempts to gaslight the American public, are fired.

Trump continues to shovel money to his corporations and friends, via a $29 billion tax cuts to billionaires in the Senate sponsored bailout bill. No money for American citizens, but truckloads for his buddies to cushion their economic crash.

It's awfully difficult to sell the idea that Trump is opposed to "lawlessness" when he has encouraged armed right wingers waving NAZI flags to attack state houses. Or demanded that General Flynn, whose criminal behaviour undermined the safety and security of the nation, and who has plead guilty to all of these crimes, be exonerated.

The marches and protests currently going on across America, are not just because the police keep killing unarmed black people, but because the moment that it was announced that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump wanted the shut down ended and America to get back to work.

Trump promised the working men and women of America that he was on their side and he would get THEM a better deal, and all he has done since day one is screw over working men and women in favour of the big corporations, and his billionaire buddies.

2 million sick Americans, 117,000 dead, 30 million unemployed and rising, economy cratered. Nation wide racial unrest which the President refuses to address.

Who in their right mind would vote for four more years of this level of incompetence and chaos.

Takes a real science hater to blame Trump for the Chinese virus that’s impacted every nation in the world. Congrats.

Shows how great of a President he is when you need to make such outlandish accusations.

Trumps US Pandemic was the result of his response to the new virus.

He was spiking the ball and declaring victory during the pre-game warm ups.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

It is despicable and shameful for you to mention Christians in your headline. There is absolutely NO IDENTIFICATION between the Christian faith and whatever the republicans are up to. If you have not noticed, thousands upon thousands of Christians have taken peacefully to the streets to demand an end to racism and violence, both in the US and in other countries. The deceased have been given Christian funerals with Christian clergy presiding. If the deceased were not Christians, they would have been given full rites according to their religion. Christian clergy have knelt and prayed at BLM marches. This is all in keeping with the teachings of Jesus. You can stop defaming and degrading the Christian faith any time now.

If you're a Christian you can't be a Democrat. The two terms are mutually exclusive. Cannot support baby murder and be a Christian.

If you are a Christian you cannot support Trump. Trump has even been criticized by Jesus Christ.
It's far worse than that. BLM and ANTIFA will grow up, get jobs, laugh at how stupid they were (most of them), Communist China will be around for a long time and no politician in sight willing to call them out, take them on and tell the business community "we aren't selling our nation out for a few bucks".

Of all his policies, his push back against China and support of capitalism, and even American Exceptionalism, resonate most with me. His defense of your sovereignty at your southern border is also vital.

To me, THAT is the choice. Really simple, I even have a bumper sticker slogan, "China First or America First"

Trump is allowing powerful companies to take over this country to the detriment of the working people and even small businesses. That is capitalism run amok. That is not desirable. His so-called defense of the southern border is racist. We have had protocols in place for many years for such processes as asylum which Trump ignores. We have racists like Stephen Miller in charge.

Ib have a slogan. "get out and shut up."

This was happening even before Trump.

It has accelerated under Trump. All a big business has to do is call Republicans and tell them to jump. Republicans are all for dismantling regulations that keep our air and water clean and protect wildlife habitats. Republicans have no issue with big business cheating their customers.
It's far worse than that. BLM and ANTIFA will grow up, get jobs, laugh at how stupid they were (most of them), Communist China will be around for a long time and no politician in sight willing to call them out, take them on and tell the business community "we aren't selling our nation out for a few bucks".

Of all his policies, his push back against China and support of capitalism, and even American Exceptionalism, resonate most with me. His defense of your sovereignty at your southern border is also vital.

To me, THAT is the choice. Really simple, I even have a bumper sticker slogan, "China First or America First"

Trump is allowing powerful companies to take over this country to the detriment of the working people and even small businesses. That is capitalism run amok. That is not desirable. His so-called defense of the southern border is racist. We have had protocols in place for many years for such processes as asylum which Trump ignores. We have racists like Stephen Miller in charge.

Ib have a slogan. "get out and shut up."

This was happening even before Trump.

It has accelerated under Trump. All a big business has to do is call Republicans and tell them to jump. Republicans are all for dismantling regulations that keep our air and water clean and protect wildlife habitats. Republicans have no issue with big business cheating their customers.

When you refuse to condemn something it only continues to grow worse. Not that many complained when Obama did it.
All of this Left Wing craziness will put Trump in a great position. Most of America hates this racist BLM shit and the filthy ANTIFA terrorism and the weakness of the Democrats to deal with the problems.

Trump will exploit that to the hilt, like he should. We are looking at a Trump landslide.

We are looking at Trump buried in a landslide. Maybe he will ask for a cease and desist order against voters.

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