The 2 Choices in November: Submit to ANTIFA/BLM or Side with Conservatives and Christians

Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Where are these Conservative Christians that you speak of....???? Who are they???

Conservative Christians are also called "Trump voters". Remember 2016? If not, here's a reminder:

They are not. They are called right wing extremists and fake Christians.
Other than conservatives, Christians, Cops, small business owners and ordinary people, what do you have? A handful of anarchists and a tiny angry incoherent democrat base who do what they are told and vote for a sad old mentally impaired has-been politician.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.


the irony

here YOU are demanding TOTAL submission to YOUR conservative christian beliefs while whining about the left doing the same thing....

No, we're just observing them bowing down to communism and marxism. That is who rules you.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

It is despicable and shameful for you to mention Christians in your headline. There is absolutely NO IDENTIFICATION between the Christian faith and whatever the republicans are up to. If you have not noticed, thousands upon thousands of Christians have taken peacefully to the streets to demand an end to racism and violence, both in the US and in other countries. The deceased have been given Christian funerals with Christian clergy presiding. If the deceased were not Christians, they would have been given full rites according to their religion. Christian clergy have knelt and prayed at BLM marches. This is all in keeping with the teachings of Jesus. You can stop defaming and degrading the Christian faith any time now.

Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.

Not a generalization. It’s 100%.

Helping the poor. The "left" isn't necessarily the same as Democrat either. I could also point to war. No way Jesus would support what we are doing.

'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

Matthew 25:40

The left supports killing babies. There is nothing biblical about that other than God destroying those who sanction abortion. The left doesn't help the poor. They keep them in bondage for a vote.
Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.

Not a generalization. It’s 100%.
trump grabs pussy
is THAT biblical?
trump pays hush money to hookers
is THAT biblical?
trump conned people out of MILLIONS with his fake university....
is THAT biblical?
trump mocks and ridicules everyone who dares to disagree with him...
is THAT biblical?
trump tweeted "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
is THAT biblical?
The question was Left vs Right, not "is Trump biblical?" How many church leaders are supporting abortion?
Thanks for playing.

p.s. Grabbing pussy? How about that digital raper Joe Biden? (ask Tara Reade)
Hush money to hookers? so what? Its his money. Not like the Bidens cashing in on China and Ukraine.
Biden is a senile old fool, no wonder you prefer to whine about Trump than brag on Joe.


"The question was Left vs Right, not "is Trump biblical?"
Thanks for playing."

bush92 said

"If you're a Christian you can't be a Democrat. The two terms are mutually exclusive. Cannot support baby murder and be a Christian."

Weatherman2020 said

"Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.

Not a generalization. It’s 100%."

to which I responded

"trump grabs pussy

is THAT biblical?

trump pays hush money to hookers

is THAT biblical?

trump conned people out of MILLIONS with his fake university....

is THAT biblical?

trump mocks and ridicules everyone who dares to disagree with him...

is THAT biblical?

trump tweeted "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

is THAT biblical?"

so, mr Imafknidiot.....I was responding to THAT!

thanks for being a moron


to recap....

2 conservatives brought up the religion and the bible

I responded to them

and a third moronicon chimed in with "the question was Lib v Con, NOT the is Trump biblical"

so tell me, mr hypocritical moron.....

why didn't you tell THOSE 2 cons what you said to me?

'the question was Lib V Con, NOT is Trump biblical"

cons are human garbage

and deranged

and liars
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Where are these Conservative Christians that you speak of....???? Who are they???

Conservative Christians are also called "Trump voters". Remember 2016? If not, here's a reminder:

They are not. They are called right wing extremists and fake Christians.

There are no right-wing extremists, just left wing extremists (antifa & the like). What is a "fake Christian"? The ones on TV like Chris Matthews and Nancy Pelosi who say they are Catholic but support abortion? They are the FAKES.

...But Trump isn’t a vessel for God’s will, Maher said, and Cyrus “wasn’t a fat, orange-haired, conscience-less scumbag”. Trump’s supporters “don’t care”, he ventured, because “that’s religion. The more it doesn’t make sense the better, because it proves your faith.” Maher portrayed evangelical Christians as a dim-witted group willing to make the most ludicrous theological leaps to advance their agenda.

As I watched, I tried to imagine how evangelicals would view this routine. I think they would see a secular elitist eager to assert what he considers his superior intelligence. They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. Maher’s diatribe reminded me of a pro-Trump acquaintance from Ohio who now lives in Manhattan and who says that New York liberals are among the most intolerant people he has ever met.
All of this Left Wing craziness will put Trump in a great position. Most of America hates this racist BLM shit and the filthy ANTIFA terrorism and the weakness of the Democrats to deal with the problems.

Trump will exploit that to the hilt, like he should. We are looking at a Trump landslide.

We are looking at Trump buried in a landslide. Maybe he will ask for a cease and desist order against voters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Trump Train will run all over that Biden clown. The poor sonofabitch will never know what hit him. If he wasn't such an asshole we could almost feel sorry for him.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Where are these Conservative Christians that you speak of....???? Who are they???

Conservative Christians are also called "Trump voters". Remember 2016? If not, here's a reminder:

They are not. They are called right wing extremists and fake Christians.

There are no right-wing extremists, just left wing extremists (antifa & the like). What is a "fake Christian"? The ones on TV like Chris Matthews and Nancy Pelosi who say they are Catholic but support abortion? They are the FAKES.

...But Trump isn’t a vessel for God’s will, Maher said, and Cyrus “wasn’t a fat, orange-haired, conscience-less scumbag”. Trump’s supporters “don’t care”, he ventured, because “that’s religion. The more it doesn’t make sense the better, because it proves your faith.” Maher portrayed evangelical Christians as a dim-witted group willing to make the most ludicrous theological leaps to advance their agenda.

As I watched, I tried to imagine how evangelicals would view this routine. I think they would see a secular elitist eager to assert what he considers his superior intelligence. They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. Maher’s diatribe reminded me of a pro-Trump acquaintance from Ohio who now lives in Manhattan and who says that New York liberals are among the most intolerant people he has ever met.

" They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. "

so....20% of the population?
Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.

Not a generalization. It’s 100%.
trump grabs pussy
is THAT biblical?
trump pays hush money to hookers
is THAT biblical?
trump conned people out of MILLIONS with his fake university....
is THAT biblical?
trump mocks and ridicules everyone who dares to disagree with him...
is THAT biblical?
trump tweeted "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
is THAT biblical?
The question was Left vs Right, not "is Trump biblical?" How many church leaders are supporting abortion?
Thanks for playing.

p.s. Grabbing pussy? How about that digital raper Joe Biden? (ask Tara Reade)
Hush money to hookers? so what? Its his money. Not like the Bidens cashing in on China and Ukraine.
Biden is a senile old fool, no wonder you prefer to whine about Trump than brag on Joe.

"The question was Left vs Right, not "is Trump biblical?"
Thanks for playing."
bush92 said
"If you're a Christian you can't be a Democrat. The two terms are mutually exclusive. Cannot support baby murder and be a Christian."
Weatherman2020 said
"Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.
Not a generalization. It’s 100%."
to which I responded
"trump grabs pussy
is THAT biblical?
trump pays hush money to hookers
is THAT biblical?
trump conned people out of MILLIONS with his fake university....
is THAT biblical?
trump mocks and ridicules everyone who dares to disagree with him...
is THAT biblical?
trump tweeted "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
is THAT biblical?"
so, mr Imafknidiot.....I was responding to THAT!
thanks for being a moron
to recap....
2 conservatives brought up the religion and the bible
I responded to them
and a third moronicon chimed in with "the question was Lib v Con, NOT the is Trump biblical"
so tell me, mr hypocritical moron.....
why didn't you tell THOSE 2 cons what you said to me?
'the question was Lib V Con, NOT is Trump biblical"
cons are human garbage
and deranged
and liars
Your post is nonsense. The Left promotes abortion, the Right is Pro-Life. Which position is more God-like, or "biblical"?
Trump is still not the topic of anything "biblical".
Don't get mad, you can't help being programmed by intolerant Leftists.
Here's a better explanation of how Evangelicals and secularists like Bill Maher look at Trump and religion:

...But Trump isn’t a vessel for God’s will, Maher said, and Cyrus “wasn’t a fat, orange-haired, conscience-less scumbag”. Trump’s supporters “don’t care”, he ventured, because “that’s religion. The more it doesn’t make sense the better, because it proves your faith.” Maher portrayed evangelical Christians as a dim-witted group willing to make the most ludicrous theological leaps to advance their agenda.

As I watched, I tried to imagine how evangelicals would view this routine. I think they would see a secular elitist eager to assert what he considers his superior intelligence. They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. Maher’s diatribe reminded me of a pro-Trump acquaintance from Ohio who now lives in Manhattan and who says that New York liberals are among the most intolerant people he has ever met.
Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.

Not a generalization. It’s 100%.
trump grabs pussy
is THAT biblical?
trump pays hush money to hookers
is THAT biblical?
trump conned people out of MILLIONS with his fake university....
is THAT biblical?
trump mocks and ridicules everyone who dares to disagree with him...
is THAT biblical?
trump tweeted "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
is THAT biblical?
The question was Left vs Right, not "is Trump biblical?" How many church leaders are supporting abortion?
Thanks for playing.

p.s. Grabbing pussy? How about that digital raper Joe Biden? (ask Tara Reade)
Hush money to hookers? so what? Its his money. Not like the Bidens cashing in on China and Ukraine.
Biden is a senile old fool, no wonder you prefer to whine about Trump than brag on Joe.


"The question was Left vs Right, not "is Trump biblical?"
Thanks for playing."

bush92 said

"If you're a Christian you can't be a Democrat. The two terms are mutually exclusive. Cannot support baby murder and be a Christian."

Weatherman2020 said

"Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree.
The Lefts position is ALWAYS anti-Biblical.

Not a generalization. It’s 100%."

to which I responded

"trump grabs pussy

is THAT biblical?

trump pays hush money to hookers

is THAT biblical?

trump conned people out of MILLIONS with his fake university....

is THAT biblical?

trump mocks and ridicules everyone who dares to disagree with him...

is THAT biblical?

trump tweeted "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

is THAT biblical?"

so, mr Imafknidiot.....I was responding to THAT!

thanks for being a moron


to recap....

2 conservatives brought up the religion and the bible

I responded to them

and a third moronicon chimed in with "the question was Lib v Con, NOT the is Trump biblical"

so tell me, mr hypocritical moron.....

why didn't you tell THOSE 2 cons what you said to me?

'the question was Lib V Con, NOT is Trump biblical"

cons are human garbage

and deranged

and liars
I had no idea pussy grabbing is now legal and considered a right, thanks for the tip!
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Where are these Conservative Christians that you speak of....???? Who are they???

Conservative Christians are also called "Trump voters". Remember 2016? If not, here's a reminder:

They are not. They are called right wing extremists and fake Christians.

There are no right-wing extremists, just left wing extremists (antifa & the like). What is a "fake Christian"? The ones on TV like Chris Matthews and Nancy Pelosi who say they are Catholic but support abortion? They are the FAKES.

...But Trump isn’t a vessel for God’s will, Maher said, and Cyrus “wasn’t a fat, orange-haired, conscience-less scumbag”. Trump’s supporters “don’t care”, he ventured, because “that’s religion. The more it doesn’t make sense the better, because it proves your faith.” Maher portrayed evangelical Christians as a dim-witted group willing to make the most ludicrous theological leaps to advance their agenda.

As I watched, I tried to imagine how evangelicals would view this routine. I think they would see a secular elitist eager to assert what he considers his superior intelligence. They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. Maher’s diatribe reminded me of a pro-Trump acquaintance from Ohio who now lives in Manhattan and who says that New York liberals are among the most intolerant people he has ever met.

" They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. "

so....20% of the population?

Actually 71% of the population is "Christian". Bill Maher is not as smart as he thinks he is. He's one of the reasons Christians flock to the polls, to push back on the Leftist's attempted takeover of the US. 2020 will be Armageddon as far as Christians are concerned. So pick a side, Bill Maher or traditional US values.

71% Christian
6% non-Christian
23% unaffiliated
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Where are these Conservative Christians that you speak of....???? Who are they???

Conservative Christians are also called "Trump voters". Remember 2016? If not, here's a reminder:

They are not. They are called right wing extremists and fake Christians.

There are no right-wing extremists, just left wing extremists (antifa & the like). What is a "fake Christian"? The ones on TV like Chris Matthews and Nancy Pelosi who say they are Catholic but support abortion? They are the FAKES.

...But Trump isn’t a vessel for God’s will, Maher said, and Cyrus “wasn’t a fat, orange-haired, conscience-less scumbag”. Trump’s supporters “don’t care”, he ventured, because “that’s religion. The more it doesn’t make sense the better, because it proves your faith.” Maher portrayed evangelical Christians as a dim-witted group willing to make the most ludicrous theological leaps to advance their agenda.

As I watched, I tried to imagine how evangelicals would view this routine. I think they would see a secular elitist eager to assert what he considers his superior intelligence. They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. Maher’s diatribe reminded me of a pro-Trump acquaintance from Ohio who now lives in Manhattan and who says that New York liberals are among the most intolerant people he has ever met.

" They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. "

so....20% of the population?

Actually 71% of the population is "Christian". Bill Maher is not as smart as he thinks he is. He's one of the reasons Christians flock to the polls, to push back on the Leftist's attempted takeover of the US. 2020 will be Armageddon as far as Christians are concerned. So pick a side, Bill Maher or traditional US values.

71% Christian
6% non-Christian
23% unaffiliated

The actions of Democrats the past few months has my hardcore Leftist friends scratching their heads saying WTF?
The Left either backs ANTIFA buying the bullshit that they are Anti-Facist OR they say that ANTIFA does not exist. ANTIFA says they are Anti-Fascist and just labels everyone as a fascist that does not agree with them and then attacks.
I look at it as Traditionalism vs Extreme Leftism. The left hates our flag, our anthem, religion. They believe that Marxism will bring equality. How messed up is that? They are willing to give up all of their freedom to be slaves to the ruling class. That isn't even ironic, it is sad.
The Left either backs ANTIFA buying the bullshit that they are Anti-Facist OR they say that ANTIFA does not exist. ANTIFA says they are Anti-Fascist and just labels everyone as a fascist that does not agree with them and then attacks.

Just like you can't be a liberal a support illiberal ideals, you can't be anti fascist and support fascist means.
All of this Left Wing craziness will put Trump in a great position. Most of America hates this racist BLM shit and the filthy ANTIFA terrorism and the weakness of the Democrats to deal with the problems.

Trump will exploit that to the hilt, like he should. We are looking at a Trump landslide.

We are looking at Trump buried in a landslide. Maybe he will ask for a cease and desist order against voters.

‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection

“The more bad things happen in the country, it just solidifies support for Trump,” said Phillip Stephens, GOP chairman in Robeson County, N.C., one of several rural counties in that swing state that shifted from supporting Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016. “We’re calling him ‘Teflon Trump.’ Nothing’s going to stick, because if anything, it’s getting more exciting than it was in 2016.”

This year, Stephens said, “We’re thinking landslide.”
The Left either backs ANTIFA buying the bullshit that they are Anti-Facist OR they say that ANTIFA does not exist. ANTIFA says they are Anti-Fascist and just labels everyone as a fascist that does not agree with them and then attacks.

Just like you can't be a liberal a support illiberal ideals, you can't be anti fascist and support fascist means.

That’s exactly what ANTIFA does. They accuse anyone of not agreeing with them as fascist and then attacks them or tries to put them down.... like fascists do. It’s like the anti-bully who goes around fingering people as bullies so he can justify bullying them.

ANTIFA cracked the scull of a journalist because they didn’t like what he wrote about them. ANTIFA blocked an old couple from crossing the street.... all in the name of being Anti-fascist.
Trump is the first modern Republican to highlight the distinctions between him and his opposition.
The Left demanding total submission and supporting lawlessness will be the major theme in the coming months.

Where are these Conservative Christians that you speak of....???? Who are they???

Conservative Christians are also called "Trump voters". Remember 2016? If not, here's a reminder:

They are not. They are called right wing extremists and fake Christians.

There are no right-wing extremists, just left wing extremists (antifa & the like). What is a "fake Christian"? The ones on TV like Chris Matthews and Nancy Pelosi who say they are Catholic but support abortion? They are the FAKES.

...But Trump isn’t a vessel for God’s will, Maher said, and Cyrus “wasn’t a fat, orange-haired, conscience-less scumbag”. Trump’s supporters “don’t care”, he ventured, because “that’s religion. The more it doesn’t make sense the better, because it proves your faith.” Maher portrayed evangelical Christians as a dim-witted group willing to make the most ludicrous theological leaps to advance their agenda.

As I watched, I tried to imagine how evangelicals would view this routine. I think they would see a secular elitist eager to assert what he considers his superior intelligence. They would certainly sense his contempt for the many millions of Americans who believe fervently in God, revere the Bible and see Trump as representing their interests. Maher’s diatribe reminded me of a pro-Trump acquaintance from Ohio who now lives in Manhattan and who says that New York liberals are among the most intolerant people he has ever met.

You really are a funny person. The Republican Pasrty has been taken over by white supremacists, neo-nazis and every fringe group you can think of. There is no Antifa. Fake Christians are people who claim to be Christians but support Trump's un-Christian ideas. Trump is the only person who has been rebuked by Jesus Christ. Then using a church and Bible for a photo-op. A woman has a right to make the decision. I would try to talk them out of a abortion but I will not use a law to force a woman to have a baby.
All of this Left Wing craziness will put Trump in a great position. Most of America hates this racist BLM shit and the filthy ANTIFA terrorism and the weakness of the Democrats to deal with the problems.

Trump will exploit that to the hilt, like he should. We are looking at a Trump landslide.

We are looking at Trump buried in a landslide. Maybe he will ask for a cease and desist order against voters.

‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection

“The more bad things happen in the country, it just solidifies support for Trump,” said Phillip Stephens, GOP chairman in Robeson County, N.C., one of several rural counties in that swing state that shifted from supporting Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016. “We’re calling him ‘Teflon Trump.’ Nothing’s going to stick, because if anything, it’s getting more exciting than it was in 2016.”

This year, Stephens said, “We’re thinking landslide.”

Republicans are delusional. If they are thinking landslide then they are not thinking. What happens to the economy when the stimulus gets withdrawn. In June, the direct payments end. In July the $600 a week for the unemployed will end. National income is at 104% approximately due to this stimulus. When they end, national income will plummet. State and local governments will lay off more workers.

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