The 2 Choices in November: Submit to ANTIFA/BLM or Side with Conservatives and Christians

Trump supporters are neither Christian or Conservative. Jesus said we will be judged by how we treat the least among us. Republicans get a big fat fail on that one, they represent the interest of the rich and powerful and stand against the least among us, cutting food assistance, Medicaid, and other social programs while handing corporations and the wealthy a huge tax break, and lets not even talk about the estate tax. Besides, pretty sure Trump has all the seven deadly sins covered.

But conservative? That is a flipping joke. That concept was trampled in the Republican's mad dash to kiss the king's ring. Conservatives support free trade, not a trade war with China. Conservatives are opposed to deficit spending, has anyone even looked at the national debt recently? And calling for the military to be used against civilians? Using spy planes to monitor cell phone activity during a protest?

Nope, it is fine and dandy if you want to support Trump. But you sure as hell should not be insulting the Christian faith by proclaiming it a Christian ideal. And you only show your ignorance when you pretend to be conservative while supporting Trump. Nope, Sinclair Lewis was spot on, "When Fascism comes to American it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". I present to you today's Republican party, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.
I have seen a lot of videos with large groups of armed Trombie nutbags trying to intimidate small groups of unarmed BLM protesters.

What’s up with that?
You've seen a lot of videos? ok post them liar.

How many would you like?
post them

I asked how many you would like to see.
your dodge is noted and expected

Don’t want to provide a number?

Shall I begin with three?

Peaceful 'Black Lives Matter' protest in Ripley also draws counter demonstrators

You wrote and I quote
" I have seen a lot of videos with large groups of armed Trombie nutbags trying to intimidate small groups of unarmed BLM protesters."
I didn't see one gun and we know how videos are edited they started the shit but when we react to their action that's when you start videoing
So you lied
And shitbag what's a Trombie? is that one of yours?

Loser. You lie about what you see on video. You’re a Trombie. You know. A Trump Zombie.
Yes. It’s mine.

no you lied
You said
" I have seen a lot of videos with large groups of armed Trombie nutbags trying to intimidate small groups of unarmed BLM protesters."
No guns in the first video
second video no one was being harrassed you dumb shit
and three was opinionated
I'm not a Trombie whatever that fucking is

You want some more? How many?

And yes, you are a Trombie.
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend has a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
This is a bunch of BS. Democrats are the fascist. The average Democrat don't even know what fascism is.

so many conservatives

so much ignorance
I take it your a Democrat!

"I take it your a Democrat!"


You only think that because, like so many of your conservative friends, you think that anyone who doesn't stand WITH you must be your ENEMY!

or..."if they aren't Repub then they MUST BE Dem."

I consider myself Independent
I oppose ALL parties because.....well...LOOK!

the dems are nuts
the repubs are deranged

dems are going TOO FAR to the left
repubs going TOO FAR to the right.

Up until trump took control of the republican party I had voted for BOTH parties (local elections, congress). I supported and admired BOTH Mccain and Romney.

Now that deranged conservative christians have firm control of the republican party I will not vote for them again UNTIL they toss out the garbage and bring back the decent guys.

I certainly support the NEVER TRUMPER republicans and would vote for any of them!
Mccain and Romney . Lolol. Are you an American, or are you a Democrat?
I'm an American, next!
Good to know your a trump supporter . America first . Drives democrats crazy.
All of this Left Wing craziness will put Trump in a great position. Most of America hates this racist BLM shit and the filthy ANTIFA terrorism and the weakness of the Democrats to deal with the problems.

Trump will exploit that to the hilt, like he should. We are looking at a Trump landslide.

We are looking at Trump buried in a landslide. Maybe he will ask for a cease and desist order against voters.

‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection

“The more bad things happen in the country, it just solidifies support for Trump,” said Phillip Stephens, GOP chairman in Robeson County, N.C., one of several rural counties in that swing state that shifted from supporting Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016. “We’re calling him ‘Teflon Trump.’ Nothing’s going to stick, because if anything, it’s getting more exciting than it was in 2016.”

This year, Stephens said, “We’re thinking landslide.”

Republicans are delusional. If they are thinking landslide then they are not thinking. What happens to the economy when the stimulus gets withdrawn. In June, the direct payments end. In July the $600 a week for the unemployed will end. National income is at 104% approximately due to this stimulus. When they end, national income will plummet. State and local governments will lay off more workers.

The reason why you are confused is simply that you are suffering from the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome. You get it from watching so much fake news from sources like CNN. You have no idea of Trump's appeal to real Americans. All you ever hear is the bitching from stupid Moon Bats that are pissed that Trump is making this country great again.

There are 800,000 request for tickets for the Trump rally on the 20th.

If anybody is delusional it would be the TDS afflicted Moon Bats that think this idiot Biden can beat the Trump Train.

You are the one who is confused. That is a clear sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Unable to accept reality. The fake news outlets are Fox News and OANN as well as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others. You have no clue what REAL AMERICANS think. They think like me not you. Trump is not making this country great again. He is destroying it.

Rallies mean nothing but I hope you keep deluding yourself.

You are the delusional one if you think a jack booted idiotic thug like Trump can win. 2018 showed that voters are fed up. When even Rasmussen has Biden with a 12 point lead over Trump, you know you are in trouble.
you are doomed.
Who is "you" dude? What side are on, you funny fucker. This isn't joke time here, bitch!
This is get it right or we'll hang your stupid ass time.
I'll be tying a noose in the meantime..I'm over coddling these fucks. And you.
There's a big difference between "It's all fun and flames" and the future of the country me and my family worked for and grew up in, sorry. Not Sorry, Deal with it!

You won't be tying a noose around anyone you jack booted thug. You are the one destroying the future of this country you fascist pig.
you are doomed.
Who is "you" dude? What side are on, you funny fucker. This isn't joke time here, bitch!
This is get it right or we'll hang your stupid ass time.
I'll be tying a noose in the meantime..I'm over coddling these fucks.
you, specifically, are doomed. thanks for asking. enjoy your meltdown.
Wrong, Commie! Me and mine will prevail! We built this here, Fuck You!

cons are human garbage

especially ones who keep talking about lynching people....
Fuck you commie, you deserve a firing squad for your traitorism. You white dog turd!

This is not a banana republic you Nazi loon.
you are doomed.
Who is "you" dude? What side are on, you funny fucker. This isn't joke time here, bitch!
This is get it right or we'll hang your stupid ass time.
I'll be tying a noose in the meantime..I'm over coddling these fucks.
you, specifically, are doomed. thanks for asking. enjoy your meltdown.
Wrong, Commie! Me and mine will prevail! We built this here, Fuck You!

cons are human garbage

especially ones who keep talking about lynching people....
Fuck you commie, you deserve a firing squad for your traitorism. You white dog turd!

you sure sound TRIGGERED today!

you keep threatening to shoot and lynch people!

You cons sure do have the BEST FREE SPEECH rights!

If I had said those things my posts would have been deleted!


YOU are human garbage
No, I am a human being, and an American. Wtf are you?
I'll tell you right now, all us Americans are tired of your bullshit. Get right or get hurt, that's where we're at in America today.
What do you want to do?(please say "break bad" please, please!)
What is your contribution to American freedom, punk fuck?

You are as jack booted thug and a Nazi to boot. You are a monster not a human being. Americans and tired of your bullshit. Threatening people who have a different opinion than you. You have no idea what freedom is.
I have seen a lot of videos with large groups of armed Trombie nutbags trying to intimidate small groups of unarmed BLM protesters.

What’s up with that?
You've seen a lot of videos? ok post them liar.

How many would you like?
post them

I asked how many you would like to see.
your dodge is noted and expected

Don’t want to provide a number?

Shall I begin with three?

Peaceful 'Black Lives Matter' protest in Ripley also draws counter demonstrators

You wrote and I quote
" I have seen a lot of videos with large groups of armed Trombie nutbags trying to intimidate small groups of unarmed BLM protesters."
I didn't see one gun and we know how videos are edited they started the shit but when we react to their action that's when you start videoing
So you lied
And shitbag what's a Trombie? is that one of yours?

Loser. You lie about what you see on video. You’re a Trombie. You know. A Trump Zombie.
Yes. It’s mine.

no you lied
You said
" I have seen a lot of videos with large groups of armed Trombie nutbags trying to intimidate small groups of unarmed BLM protesters."
No guns in the first video
second video no one was being harrassed you dumb shit
and three was opinionated
I'm not a Trombie whatever that fucking is

You want some more? How many?

And yes, you are a Trombie.

What's a trombie snowflake? Is that baby talk?
Sure show all those videos so I can prove you are a lying sack of shit just like I did with your last 3 videos.
Trump supporters are neither Christian or Conservative. Jesus said we will be judged by how we treat the least among us. Republicans get a big fat fail on that one, they represent the interest of the rich and powerful and stand against the least among us, cutting food assistance, Medicaid, and other social programs while handing corporations and the wealthy a huge tax break, and lets not even talk about the estate tax. Besides, pretty sure Trump has all the seven deadly sins covered.

But conservative? That is a flipping joke. That concept was trampled in the Republican's mad dash to kiss the king's ring. Conservatives support free trade, not a trade war with China. Conservatives are opposed to deficit spending, has anyone even looked at the national debt recently? And calling for the military to be used against civilians? Using spy planes to monitor cell phone activity during a protest?

Nope, it is fine and dandy if you want to support Trump. But you sure as hell should not be insulting the Christian faith by proclaiming it a Christian ideal. And you only show your ignorance when you pretend to be conservative while supporting Trump. Nope, Sinclair Lewis was spot on, "When Fascism comes to American it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". I present to you today's Republican party, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.
You're delusional and confused
Christianity has nothing to do with this.
You either side with those who want to tear America down and create an authoritarian rule - or you want it to remain a republic.
That's it.
you are doomed.
Who is "you" dude? What side are on, you funny fucker. This isn't joke time here, bitch!
This is get it right or we'll hang your stupid ass time.
I'll be tying a noose in the meantime..I'm over coddling these fucks.
you, specifically, are doomed. thanks for asking. enjoy your meltdown.
Wrong, Commie! Me and mine will prevail! We built this here, Fuck You!
You may not think so when that rope goes around your neck for being a commie turd. We're tired of the commie's shit, boy.
That's a nationwide sentiment. We're not abdicating this country to leftist doofuses.
Take that to the bank!

you are truly human garbage
You ain't the one to judge anything like that, fuck you! Prove me wrong, I'm tying 13 loops for your traitor ass. Just like a proper noose should be. Hang, traitor!

you are WORSE than human garbage!

you are a PIECE OF SHIT!

I suggest you stop threatening to kill people online....
And I suggest you stop being a commie piece of shit.
If I wanna kill some commies, I will do it and online has nothing to do with that.
I do what what I want, and If I need to defend to defend America by killing commies, I will, and go right through you and then some, motherfucker. Fuck you, cupcake, you ain't shit.
I will defend America, and there's not a damn thing your pussy commie ass can do to stop me, punk.
In that instance, you are a feckless fuck.
Try it and get steamrolled, punk!

"And I suggest you stop being a commie piece of shit."

-I support your right to own guns (and you can check my past posts to see that is true)
-I support your right to own automatic weapons (and you can check THAT, too)
-I support SECULAR government (no religious laws)
-I support EVERYONES right to their own personal religion and would never ban or abolish religions
-I believe laws should be based on logic, reason and common sense
-I oppose ALL FORMS of tyranny and fascism
-I oppose china, n korea, venezuela, russia and every other fascist hellhole
-I SUPPORT socialist/democracies like Norway and Denmark
-I believe in AFFORDABLE education and healthcare (not free)
-I believe in FETTERED capitalism and am a STRONG PROPONENT of smaller, mom-pop businesses.
- I fully support the military (even though most of them want to join you in lynching me) and am willing to pay to have the BEST military
I support civil rights and constitutional protections for EVERY citizen, regardless of sex, religion, race, color, creed, sexual orientation.

How does any of THAT make me a COMMY?

the reason YOU think I am a commy is because YOU are a right wing lunatic and you think EVERYONE who doesn't love herr trump MUST BE "a commy"
Your backpedaling is duly noted, faggot.

"Your backpedaling is duly noted, faggot."

I am not backpedaling

I am merely stating my positions.

and one of my positions is that right wing scum like you are truly deranged pieces of shit.

I stand FIRMLY in opposition to ALL pieces of shit.

SO fuk you and your rope you stinking sleazy slimy nazi piece of human garbage.
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend has a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
My friend has 2 Mausers..and 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dog tag chain..and a Luger and a box of shells for the Luger. And you are a leftist faggot and fuck you! He got all that from his dad and I remember all of it, bitch! Don't you dare talk about Nazis because you know nothing about that, punk bitch! Nazis would kick your pussy ass, but not ours.
nice continued meltdown, son.

he really did lose it!


nothing scarier than a TRIGGERED conservative with rope.....
Are you scared yet, faggot? You should be, with your traitor ass.
Maybe you get passed by..Maybe or maybe not..

Let me know when the police show up at your house.....

I'm interested to see how long it takes for them to check out your threats of murder online.....
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend had a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
^well that's a lie..

not a "lie"

a parable!


here's another one.....

once there was a lunatic who kept posting ALL OVER the INTERNET "i'm going to lynch you" and "I have guns and I'm going to kill you"

people suggested he stop making death threats but....he was a conservative and NOBODY was going to reason with HIM!

so he continued....

now he spends most of time in his cell

How did you like my parable?
I'm sure you're spamming the fuck out of that report button, huh?

IOW trying to silence an opposing view. One you don't like to hear.

The rioting morons are going to have to be dealt with, one way or another. Hopefully lawfully, but I do not see it happening.

They need to know that many, many everyday Americans do have a plan B.
Last edited:
you are doomed.
Who is "you" dude? What side are on, you funny fucker. This isn't joke time here, bitch!
This is get it right or we'll hang your stupid ass time.
I'll be tying a noose in the meantime..I'm over coddling these fucks.
you, specifically, are doomed. thanks for asking. enjoy your meltdown.
Wrong, Commie! Me and mine will prevail! We built this here, Fuck You!
You may not think so when that rope goes around your neck for being a commie turd. We're tired of the commie's shit, boy.
That's a nationwide sentiment. We're not abdicating this country to leftist doofuses.
Take that to the bank!

you are truly human garbage
You ain't the one to judge anything like that, fuck you! Prove me wrong, I'm tying 13 loops for your traitor ass. Just like a proper noose should be. Hang, traitor!

you are WORSE than human garbage!

you are a PIECE OF SHIT!

I suggest you stop threatening to kill people online....
And I suggest you stop being a commie piece of shit.
If I wanna kill some commies, I will do it and online has nothing to do with that.
I do what what I want, and If I need to defend to defend America by killing commies, I will, and go right through you and then some, motherfucker. Fuck you, cupcake, you ain't shit.
I will defend America, and there's not a damn thing your pussy commie ass can do to stop me, punk.
In that instance, you are a feckless fuck.
Try it and get steamrolled, punk!

"And I suggest you stop being a commie piece of shit."

-I support your right to own guns (and you can check my past posts to see that is true)
-I support your right to own automatic weapons (and you can check THAT, too)
-I support SECULAR government (no religious laws)
-I support EVERYONES right to their own personal religion and would never ban or abolish religions
-I believe laws should be based on logic, reason and common sense
-I oppose ALL FORMS of tyranny and fascism
-I oppose china, n korea, venezuela, russia and every other fascist hellhole
-I SUPPORT socialist/democracies like Norway and Denmark
-I believe in AFFORDABLE education and healthcare (not free)
-I believe in FETTERED capitalism and am a STRONG PROPONENT of smaller, mom-pop businesses.
- I fully support the military (even though most of them want to join you in lynching me) and am willing to pay to have the BEST military
I support civil rights and constitutional protections for EVERY citizen, regardless of sex, religion, race, color, creed, sexual orientation.

How does any of THAT make me a COMMY?

the reason YOU think I am a commy is because YOU are a right wing lunatic and you think EVERYONE who doesn't love herr trump MUST BE "a commy"
Your backpedaling is duly noted, faggot.

"Your backpedaling is duly noted, faggot."

I am not backpedaling

I am merely stating my positions.

and one of my positions is that right wing scum like you are truly deranged pieces of shit.

I stand FIRMLY in opposition to ALL pieces of shit.

SO fuk you and your rope you stinking sleazy slimy nazi piece of human garbage.
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend has a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
My friend has 2 Mausers..and 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dog tag chain..and a Luger and a box of shells for the Luger. And you are a leftist faggot and fuck you! He got all that from his dad and I remember all of it, bitch! Don't you dare talk about Nazis because you know nothing about that, punk bitch! Nazis would kick your pussy ass, but not ours.
nice continued meltdown, son.

he really did lose it!


nothing scarier than a TRIGGERED conservative with rope.....
Are you scared yet, faggot? You should be, with your traitor ass.
Maybe you get passed by..Maybe or maybe not..

Let me know when the police show up at your house.....

I'm interested to see how long it takes for them to check out your threats of murder online.....
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend had a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
^well that's a lie..

not a "lie"

a parable!


here's another one.....

once there was a lunatic who kept posting ALL OVER the INTERNET "i'm going to lynch you" and "I have guns and I'm going to kill you"

people suggested he stop making death threats but....he was a conservative and NOBODY was going to reason with HIM!

so he continued....

now he spends most of time in his cell

How did you like my parable?
I'm sure you're spamming the fuck out of that report button, huh?

IOW trying to silence an opposing view. One you don't like to hear.

" I'm sure you're spamming the fuck out of that report button, huh? "'

Your paranoia is striking deep.

I have NOT reported you!

once, yesterday, when YOU were talking about LYNCHING ME or PUTTING A BULLET IN MY HEAD I ALMOST hit the report button but changed my mind.

I have NOT reported you.

If SOMEBODY is reporting you;

it isn't me

and you deserve it
you are doomed.
Who is "you" dude? What side are on, you funny fucker. This isn't joke time here, bitch!
This is get it right or we'll hang your stupid ass time.
I'll be tying a noose in the meantime..I'm over coddling these fucks.
you, specifically, are doomed. thanks for asking. enjoy your meltdown.
Wrong, Commie! Me and mine will prevail! We built this here, Fuck You!
You may not think so when that rope goes around your neck for being a commie turd. We're tired of the commie's shit, boy.
That's a nationwide sentiment. We're not abdicating this country to leftist doofuses.
Take that to the bank!

you are truly human garbage
You ain't the one to judge anything like that, fuck you! Prove me wrong, I'm tying 13 loops for your traitor ass. Just like a proper noose should be. Hang, traitor!

you are WORSE than human garbage!

you are a PIECE OF SHIT!

I suggest you stop threatening to kill people online....
And I suggest you stop being a commie piece of shit.
If I wanna kill some commies, I will do it and online has nothing to do with that.
I do what what I want, and If I need to defend to defend America by killing commies, I will, and go right through you and then some, motherfucker. Fuck you, cupcake, you ain't shit.
I will defend America, and there's not a damn thing your pussy commie ass can do to stop me, punk.
In that instance, you are a feckless fuck.
Try it and get steamrolled, punk!

"And I suggest you stop being a commie piece of shit."

-I support your right to own guns (and you can check my past posts to see that is true)
-I support your right to own automatic weapons (and you can check THAT, too)
-I support SECULAR government (no religious laws)
-I support EVERYONES right to their own personal religion and would never ban or abolish religions
-I believe laws should be based on logic, reason and common sense
-I oppose ALL FORMS of tyranny and fascism
-I oppose china, n korea, venezuela, russia and every other fascist hellhole
-I SUPPORT socialist/democracies like Norway and Denmark
-I believe in AFFORDABLE education and healthcare (not free)
-I believe in FETTERED capitalism and am a STRONG PROPONENT of smaller, mom-pop businesses.
- I fully support the military (even though most of them want to join you in lynching me) and am willing to pay to have the BEST military
I support civil rights and constitutional protections for EVERY citizen, regardless of sex, religion, race, color, creed, sexual orientation.

How does any of THAT make me a COMMY?

the reason YOU think I am a commy is because YOU are a right wing lunatic and you think EVERYONE who doesn't love herr trump MUST BE "a commy"
Your backpedaling is duly noted, faggot.

"Your backpedaling is duly noted, faggot."

I am not backpedaling

I am merely stating my positions.

and one of my positions is that right wing scum like you are truly deranged pieces of shit.

I stand FIRMLY in opposition to ALL pieces of shit.

SO fuk you and your rope you stinking sleazy slimy nazi piece of human garbage.
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend has a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
My friend has 2 Mausers..and 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dog tag chain..and a Luger and a box of shells for the Luger. And you are a leftist faggot and fuck you! He got all that from his dad and I remember all of it, bitch! Don't you dare talk about Nazis because you know nothing about that, punk bitch! Nazis would kick your pussy ass, but not ours.
nice continued meltdown, son.

he really did lose it!


nothing scarier than a TRIGGERED conservative with rope.....
Are you scared yet, faggot? You should be, with your traitor ass.
Maybe you get passed by..Maybe or maybe not..

Let me know when the police show up at your house.....

I'm interested to see how long it takes for them to check out your threats of murder online.....
If you are angry because democrats shut down your business or closed your company and put you out of a job.

If you are angry because democrats closed your child's school over nothing. Yet put severely ill people in the nursing homes of the elderly.

If you are angry because democrats closed all stores, made utterly ridiculous demands, forced you to be a prisoner in your own home.

If you are angry because democrats closed, beaches and parks; denied funerals and weddings; put people in jail for the crime of going to work

If you are angry because democrats induced panic buying and shortages.

If you are angry because of democrat riots that burned cities and destroyed our memorials of history.

If you are angry because the democrats are stealing all of our defenses from the police to self defense and making criminals of our police.

If you are angry because democrats consider the law breaker is a more worthwhile person than the law abiding.


my friend had a business....

he put up a sign saying "I oppose FASCISM"

and the conservatives who SUPPORT FASCISM started to boycott his business!

and boycott it hard!

unfortunately he lived in a red area

.soon...he had to shut down his business!

because conservatives DESTROYED his business!

conservative christian republicans destroyed his business

So I don't vote republican.


YOU are a republican.

I would NEVER vote for a party that would have YOU as a member
^well that's a lie..

not a "lie"

a parable!


here's another one.....

once there was a lunatic who kept posting ALL OVER the INTERNET "i'm going to lynch you" and "I have guns and I'm going to kill you"

people suggested he stop making death threats but....he was a conservative and NOBODY was going to reason with HIM!

so he continued....

now he spends most of time in his cell

How did you like my parable?
I'm sure you're spamming the fuck out of that report button, huh?

IOW trying to silence an opposing view. One you don't like to hear.

" I'm sure you're spamming the fuck out of that report button, huh? "'

Your paranoia is striking deep.

I have NOT reported you!

once, yesterday, when YOU were talking about LYNCHING ME or PUTTING A BULLET IN MY HEAD I ALMOST hit the report button but changed my mind.

I have NOT reported you.

If SOMEBODY is reporting you;

it isn't me

and you deserve it
Ah, that's YOUR opinion and you're welcome to it. :)
IOW trying to silence an opposing view. One you don't like to hear.

"IOW trying to silence an opposing view. One you don't like to hear."

the problem in America today is that there are MILLIONS of deranged MURDEROUS pieces of you.....

you have threatened to lynch me!

you have threatened to put a bullet in my head!

(and where the fuk are the mods? is THAT allowed?)

Now, I KNOW you are a complete fukin idiot

but I'll ask anyway.....

if you LYNCH ME

how much freedom of speech will I have remaining?

won't YOU have SILENCED ME FOREVER by lynching me or putting a bullet in my head?

(if you aren't sure the answer is YES)

let's ask the people you have already lynched or executed.....


we can't....

because they don't have any FREE SPEECH left because YOU took it all AWAY from them by SILENCING THEM FOREVER with your rope or your gun

Trump supporters are neither Christian or Conservative. Jesus said we will be judged by how we treat the least among us. Republicans get a big fat fail on that one, they represent the interest of the rich and powerful and stand against the least among us, cutting food assistance, Medicaid, and other social programs while handing corporations and the wealthy a huge tax break, and lets not even talk about the estate tax. Besides, pretty sure Trump has all the seven deadly sins covered.

But conservative? That is a flipping joke. That concept was trampled in the Republican's mad dash to kiss the king's ring. Conservatives support free trade, not a trade war with China. Conservatives are opposed to deficit spending, has anyone even looked at the national debt recently? And calling for the military to be used against civilians? Using spy planes to monitor cell phone activity during a protest?

Nope, it is fine and dandy if you want to support Trump. But you sure as hell should not be insulting the Christian faith by proclaiming it a Christian ideal. And you only show your ignorance when you pretend to be conservative while supporting Trump. Nope, Sinclair Lewis was spot on, "When Fascism comes to American it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". I present to you today's Republican party, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.
Jesus said we will be judged by how we treat the least among us.
Yep. And the fact the Left give so little to charity (Biden gave $100 one year), while conservatives donate billions in money and time every year shows who has faith and cares about those in need. And those who do not.

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