Never in the history of our nation has it been necessary to use weapons to keep the government in check

Those who have tried have been arrested or executed for treason
That's because we have guns.
They are useless against a modern military force

The Government fears your vote more than your guns
Why can't they fear both?
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on
We are going in circles now. I've explained this to you already. So let's just move on to your logical conclusion. Would you like to ban and confiscate guns to alleviate your irrational fears?

We have 300 million guns out there. Too late to do anything about it

I just think that any gun owner that thinks he needs guns and ammo for the day when he has to fight our government is a fucking asshole
Wouldn't you agree?
That's because we have guns.
They are useless against a modern military force

The Government fears your vote more than your guns
Why can't they fear both?
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on
We are going in circles now. I've explained this to you already. So let's just move on to your logical conclusion. Would you like to ban and confiscate guns to alleviate your irrational fears?

We have 300 million guns out there. Too late to do anything about it

I just think that any gun owner that thinks he needs guns and ammo for the day when he has to fight our government is a fucking asshole
Wouldn't you agree?
Call me an asshole then because I own several guns. I have enough ammo to last me some time because gun control assholes keep causing supply disruptions. I also had to buy reloading supplies for the same reason. It's the only way I can keep ammo for my COMPETITIVE shooting.

So basically you just want to vent off steam. Good for you. Vent away. There's lot's of things I don't like either.
Why can't they fear both?
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on

You make this seem like a wide spread problem, assasinating people. You sure your not talking about Mexico?
When was this? And also, many of these mass shooters in recent years have been drugged up courtesy of Big Pharma's medical experiments on the American people, via anti- depressants etc

You missed the America I grew up in where guns were used to solve political problems....

JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, Ford, Reagan, John Lennon, Wallace
No. I was there. A little young for the 1st three. So which guns would you like to ban?
I am OK with the guns...I would like to ban the owners
That doesn't surprise me at all. Modern liberals are the closest thing we have to Nazis today. If you could round up everyone you didn't like, I have no doubt you would. Me? I like diversity. It stirs the pot of the conflict and confusion process. That's how objective truth rises to the top. Error can't stand, it eventually fails. That's why I don't worry to much about assholes like you. Eventually you will Darwinize yourself out of existence. We are just one global thermal nuclear war away from the big cities getting killed off and the end of your stupid utopia fantasy. Of course it could also be one of seven other scenarios that have you guys eating each other to survive. Come on giant meteor 2016!
Last edited:
Nice try but proves nothing

None of your examples prove that if the population had been armed they would have overwhelmed the government forces. In fact, it would have led to greater slaughter

Most importantly, none of them had a free press, freedom of speech or a vote that would have prevented the despotic rulers to come into power

If you have a strong first amendment, you have no need for a second

Really? you cant be serious. If you are correct that there is no proof armed populations would have protected themselves from slaughter and genocide, than why is it that all of those cases occurred after the populations were disarmed? Why didnt those things happen while the populations were still armed? It had to be after and the proof is pretty self evident unless you happen to be an attorney, then you might work some way around it

I'm sure that the Armenian peasants and shepherds had a lot of guns confiscated. Maybe 10 or 11, anyway.
You know this how? Let me ask you this, if you are right in your belief, why would they have needed to ban guns in the first place?

Well, there was this little dust up going on, which was later referred to as WWI, in which all of the various ethnic cultures under domination of the Turks were trying to overthrow the Turks. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers....

Private ownership of guns in that region was almost unheard of at the time. They were lucky if they could afford a dagger.

Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
Really? you cant be serious. If you are correct that there is no proof armed populations would have protected themselves from slaughter and genocide, than why is it that all of those cases occurred after the populations were disarmed? Why didnt those things happen while the populations were still armed? It had to be after and the proof is pretty self evident unless you happen to be an attorney, then you might work some way around it

I'm sure that the Armenian peasants and shepherds had a lot of guns confiscated. Maybe 10 or 11, anyway.
You know this how? Let me ask you this, if you are right in your belief, why would they have needed to ban guns in the first place?

Well, there was this little dust up going on, which was later referred to as WWI, in which all of the various ethnic cultures under domination of the Turks were trying to overthrow the Turks. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers....

Private ownership of guns in that region was almost unheard of at the time. They were lucky if they could afford a dagger.

Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.
They are useless against a modern military force

The Government fears your vote more than your guns
Why can't they fear both?
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on
We are going in circles now. I've explained this to you already. So let's just move on to your logical conclusion. Would you like to ban and confiscate guns to alleviate your irrational fears?

We have 300 million guns out there. Too late to do anything about it

I just think that any gun owner that thinks he needs guns and ammo for the day when he has to fight our government is a fucking asshole
Wouldn't you agree?
Call me an asshole then because I own several guns. I have enough ammo to last me some time because gun control assholes keep causing supply disruptions. I also had to buy reloading supplies for the same reason. It's the only way I can keep ammo for my COMPETITIVE shooting.

So basically you just want to vent off steam. Good for you. Vent away. There's lot's of things I don't like either.

Your fears that anyone is going to take away your guns because you shoot competitively shows you are a paranoid asshole

Your supply disruptions are caused by lunatics such as yourself...not the government
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on

You make this seem like a wide spread problem, assasinating people. You sure your not talking about Mexico?
When was this? And also, many of these mass shooters in recent years have been drugged up courtesy of Big Pharma's medical experiments on the American people, via anti- depressants etc

You missed the America I grew up in where guns were used to solve political problems....

JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, Ford, Reagan, John Lennon, Wallace
No. I was there. A little young for the 1st three. So which guns would you like to ban?
I am OK with the guns...I would like to ban the owners
That doesn't surprise me at all. Modern liberals are the closest thing we have to Nazis today. If you could round up everyone you didn't like, I have no doubt you would. Me? I like diversity. It stirs the pot of the conflict and confusion process. That's how objective truth rises to the top. Error can't stand, it eventually fails. That's why I don't worry to much about assholes like you. Eventually you will Darwinize yourself out of existence. We are just one global thermal nuclear war away from the big cities getting killed off and the end of your stupid utopia fantasy. Of course it could also be one of seven other scenarios that have you guys eating each other to survive. Come on giant meteor 2016!
Guns don't kill people...crazed owners do
Why can't they fear both?
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on
We are going in circles now. I've explained this to you already. So let's just move on to your logical conclusion. Would you like to ban and confiscate guns to alleviate your irrational fears?

We have 300 million guns out there. Too late to do anything about it

I just think that any gun owner that thinks he needs guns and ammo for the day when he has to fight our government is a fucking asshole
Wouldn't you agree?
Call me an asshole then because I own several guns. I have enough ammo to last me some time because gun control assholes keep causing supply disruptions. I also had to buy reloading supplies for the same reason. It's the only way I can keep ammo for my COMPETITIVE shooting.

So basically you just want to vent off steam. Good for you. Vent away. There's lot's of things I don't like either.

Your fears that anyone is going to take away your guns because you shoot competitively shows you are a paranoid asshole

Your supply disruptions are caused by lunatics such as yourself...not the government
Oh, I'm just a plain old asshole. I know that already. You are the paranoid asshole because you are worried about my guns. Supplies were fine until the gun control assholes started beating their ridiculous war drums.
You make this seem like a wide spread problem, assasinating people. You sure your not talking about Mexico?
When was this? And also, many of these mass shooters in recent years have been drugged up courtesy of Big Pharma's medical experiments on the American people, via anti- depressants etc

You missed the America I grew up in where guns were used to solve political problems....

JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, Ford, Reagan, John Lennon, Wallace
No. I was there. A little young for the 1st three. So which guns would you like to ban?
I am OK with the guns...I would like to ban the owners
That doesn't surprise me at all. Modern liberals are the closest thing we have to Nazis today. If you could round up everyone you didn't like, I have no doubt you would. Me? I like diversity. It stirs the pot of the conflict and confusion process. That's how objective truth rises to the top. Error can't stand, it eventually fails. That's why I don't worry to much about assholes like you. Eventually you will Darwinize yourself out of existence. We are just one global thermal nuclear war away from the big cities getting killed off and the end of your stupid utopia fantasy. Of course it could also be one of seven other scenarios that have you guys eating each other to survive. Come on giant meteor 2016!
Guns don't kill people...crazed owners do
Yes, that is absolutely true. I am glad that has finally sunk in. Good job, rightwinger, good job.
You make this seem like a wide spread problem, assasinating people. You sure your not talking about Mexico?
When was this? And also, many of these mass shooters in recent years have been drugged up courtesy of Big Pharma's medical experiments on the American people, via anti- depressants etc

You missed the America I grew up in where guns were used to solve political problems....

JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, Ford, Reagan, John Lennon, Wallace
No. I was there. A little young for the 1st three. So which guns would you like to ban?
I am OK with the guns...I would like to ban the owners
That doesn't surprise me at all. Modern liberals are the closest thing we have to Nazis today. If you could round up everyone you didn't like, I have no doubt you would. Me? I like diversity. It stirs the pot of the conflict and confusion process. That's how objective truth rises to the top. Error can't stand, it eventually fails. That's why I don't worry to much about assholes like you. Eventually you will Darwinize yourself out of existence. We are just one global thermal nuclear war away from the big cities getting killed off and the end of your stupid utopia fantasy. Of course it could also be one of seven other scenarios that have you guys eating each other to survive. Come on giant meteor 2016!
Guns don't kill people...crazed owners do
I think I will make an establishment clause just for you. I like teaching you about the Constitution.
Why would they fear your guns?

Other than when you gun nuts were assassinating anyone who you disagreed with?

You may kill some politicians, but the government carries on
We are going in circles now. I've explained this to you already. So let's just move on to your logical conclusion. Would you like to ban and confiscate guns to alleviate your irrational fears?

We have 300 million guns out there. Too late to do anything about it

I just think that any gun owner that thinks he needs guns and ammo for the day when he has to fight our government is a fucking asshole
Wouldn't you agree?
Call me an asshole then because I own several guns. I have enough ammo to last me some time because gun control assholes keep causing supply disruptions. I also had to buy reloading supplies for the same reason. It's the only way I can keep ammo for my COMPETITIVE shooting.

So basically you just want to vent off steam. Good for you. Vent away. There's lot's of things I don't like either.

Your fears that anyone is going to take away your guns because you shoot competitively shows you are a paranoid asshole

Your supply disruptions are caused by lunatics such as yourself...not the government
Oh, I'm just a plain old asshole. I know that already. You are the paranoid asshole because you are worried about my guns. Supplies were fine until the gun control assholes started beating their ridiculous war drums.
If you believe you need to stock up ammo because the government is going to take it are a paranoid asshole
I'm sure that the Armenian peasants and shepherds had a lot of guns confiscated. Maybe 10 or 11, anyway.
You know this how? Let me ask you this, if you are right in your belief, why would they have needed to ban guns in the first place?

Well, there was this little dust up going on, which was later referred to as WWI, in which all of the various ethnic cultures under domination of the Turks were trying to overthrow the Turks. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers....

Private ownership of guns in that region was almost unheard of at the time. They were lucky if they could afford a dagger.

Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
You know this how? Let me ask you this, if you are right in your belief, why would they have needed to ban guns in the first place?

Well, there was this little dust up going on, which was later referred to as WWI, in which all of the various ethnic cultures under domination of the Turks were trying to overthrow the Turks. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers....

Private ownership of guns in that region was almost unheard of at the time. They were lucky if they could afford a dagger.

Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?
Well, there was this little dust up going on, which was later referred to as WWI, in which all of the various ethnic cultures under domination of the Turks were trying to overthrow the Turks. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers....

Private ownership of guns in that region was almost unheard of at the time. They were lucky if they could afford a dagger.

Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?
Now about you wanting to ban high capacity magazines, do I understand you correctly that you want the army and police to have high capacity magazines but the people who the 2nd Amendment was meant to protect shouldn't? In what bizzaro world does that make any sense at all?
Well, there was this little dust up going on, which was later referred to as WWI, in which all of the various ethnic cultures under domination of the Turks were trying to overthrow the Turks. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers....

Private ownership of guns in that region was almost unheard of at the time. They were lucky if they could afford a dagger.

Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?

See post 221.
Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?
Now about you wanting to ban high capacity magazines, do I understand you correctly that you want the army and police to have high capacity magazines but the people who the 2nd Amendment was meant to protect shouldn't? In what bizzaro world does that make any sense at all?

Ding, if in your fantasy world, you are going to become an urban freedom fighter and overcome the combined army, navy and air force of the United States government, then you need to start saving up to buy your own BatTank, BatHelicopter, and BatGunboat.
Please explain how things could have been any worse for the Armenians when the Turks went marching through their streets going door to door and the Armenians were armed. If anything, perhaps a few more families would have escaped. I'm sure most of them were taken by surprise.

Please someone name a genocide taken against a civilian population by its own gov. when that population was armed. It hasnt happened yet but on the flip side.... well, the facts are what they are

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

World War I Begins and the Genocide Follows

The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Fearing that Armenians would side with Russia, a Christian nation, the Turks disarmed the Armenian population. When the Russians handed the Turks a crushing defeat at the battle of Sarikemish in the Caucuses, the Turks accused the Armenians of fighting for the Russians and blamed them for the loss. In response, the Young Turks ordered the execution or deportation of the Armenian population. The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and executed about 300 intellectuals. Turks went door to door, rounding up male Armenians. They shot and killed them. Women, children, and the elderly were sent on death marches through the Syrian desert to concentration camps. Hundreds died of thirst, starvation, and exposure along the way. Those who stopped to rest were shot. Many Armenian children were spared death, but were forced to convert to Islam and join Turkish families. The government passed legislation to confiscate Armenian property. As many as 2 million Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire just before the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the genocide, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining there.

The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?

See post 221.
Yeah, I know. It was that post which caused me to ask you the question if there were so few guns why did they need to ban them. A question you have still not answered. So why did they need to ban them?
The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?
Now about you wanting to ban high capacity magazines, do I understand you correctly that you want the army and police to have high capacity magazines but the people who the 2nd Amendment was meant to protect shouldn't? In what bizzaro world does that make any sense at all?

Ding, if in your fantasy world, you are going to become an urban freedom fighter and overcome the combined army, navy and air force of the United States government, then you need to start saving up to buy your own BatTank, BatHelicopter, and BatGunboat.
An armed populace is a deterrent against a tyrannical government and it has worked.

deterrent; a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
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Perhaps the first guns used against Americans was Washington's militia,when the government put down the Whiskey Rebellion.
The Armenians were an impoverished people, in a land where ownership of a cow and a couple of sheep meant that you were a wealthy man. In 1915, guns and ammunition were luxury items, in this part of the world, for anyone who was not in the business of being a highwayman for a living. In this part of the world, armies had just barely advanced beyond swordsmen on horseback.
For the THIRD time, so why did they need to ban guns? Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to answer. Just blurt it out. You can do it.

Sounds like something you would know about, not me. The only thing I have ever advocated banning were ammo cartridges so large that their only practical use was in assault weapons.
What does that have to do with the Armenians banning guns? You said they had so few it didn't matter, right? If that were true, why did they need to ban them? Now do you understand?

See post 221.
Yeah, I know. It was that post which caused me to ask you the question if there were so few guns why did they need to ban them. A question you have still not answered. So why did they need to ban them?
I see no particular need to answer it twice.

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