The 2nd Civil War

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.

Only if they have the guns and the will to defend their take over.

The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.

In the above scenario some locals threw out the Government and police.
Only if they have the guns and the will to defend their take over.

The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.

In the above scenario some locals threw out the Government and police.

sorry, missed that. that is not going to happen.

Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon


I agree that IF there is some sort of rebellion or coup, the military will side with the people, not the govt.

It's comical to think that, in the first place, the military will refuse their orders and their oaths


The B-52 Incident – An Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scapegoats and Heroes

On October 19, the findings of an official Air Force investigation of the unprecedented flight of a nuclear armed B-52 bomber across the U.S.

Madsen’s investigation claimed that Air Force personnel refused to follow classified orders for the Middle East deployment of the B-52 with its nuclear armed missiles. In effect, Air Force officers and personnel involved stood down in response to what were regarded as illegal orders concerning their use in the Middle East.

Admiral William Fallon, Commander of Central Command, have indicated their opposition to a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran.

Actually the report said that the returning vets were at risk of being targeted by radical militias for their military skills.

Nope. She called them potential right wing terrorist.
Why is she afraid of Americans?

"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."

She is afraid they will become right wing terrorist. Not sure it could be any clearer.
The Nazi movement relied heavily on appealing to the nationalism of former soldiers.
the parasite 50% don't all vote. Voting takes effort, sitting on your ass in front of the TV and drinkin beer or smoking pot is much easier.

Do you see an armed rebellion or military coup in our future?

Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon


I agree that IF there is some sort of rebellion or coup, the military will side with the people, not the govt.

Yes but would the people side with the military? I suppose that depends if they give us our power back.
The lust for power among the left AND the right is strong. So strong in fact that many on the right are talking about shooting in order to reverse their losses at the ballot box.

The ballot box is the ultimate arbitrator in our system - you can do (or undo) anything if you get enough votes. A war is not a substitute for enough votes. The vast majority of Americans see through the bullshit that tries to overturn the vote with a gun.

This is another area where the battle lines are drawn.

No, the ballot box is NOT the final arbiter. The election of democrts to positions of power does not render the Constitution null and void. Polls on MSNBC do no reverse the 1st Amendment, and 75 million likes on Baracks Facebook page does not mean the rule of law is suspended.

But what you posted is exactly the problem we find ourselves with; the left believes that if they can muster temporary support by 50.000001% of the people, they can strip the other 49.999999% of civil rights and property.

The Constitution is the final arbiter - because you wish to change that, your side and my side fight.

The constitution can be changed at the ballot box too. In our system you have a means of peaceful redress of ANY grievance be it the ballot box or the courts.

So if you lose at the ballot box, and you lose in the courts, and you try to rectify it with a gun - you will either be executed as a traitor (if you lose) or exalted as a founding father of your new nation (if you win).

BTW - just because YOU disagree with a judicial interpretation - that doesn't mean the constitution has been ignored.
Nope. She called them potential right wing terrorist.
Why is she afraid of Americans?

"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."

She is afraid they will become right wing terrorist. Not sure it could be any clearer.

McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon


I agree that IF there is some sort of rebellion or coup, the military will side with the people, not the govt.

Yes but would the people side with the military? I suppose that depends if they give us our power back.

Yes, I believe they would if they were supporting the same principles.


Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon


I agree that IF there is some sort of rebellion or coup, the military will side with the people, not the govt.

Yes but would the people side with the military? I suppose that depends if they give us our power back.

I think they would, but we should not minimize the danger of replacing one dictator with another one.
"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."

She is afraid they will become right wing terrorist. Not sure it could be any clearer.

McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?
She is afraid they will become right wing terrorist. Not sure it could be any clearer.

McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?

Did you just compare OWS to McVey?
McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?

Did you just compare OWS to McVey?

McVeigh was mad at the government. he was neither left or right. Just a nut like the kid in Conn.

If Ayers had been a better bomb maker he could have killed as many people as McVeigh did. But you dumb assholes make Ayers a hero.
She is afraid they will become right wing terrorist. Not sure it could be any clearer.

McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?

How many pre-school children in did Bill Ayes blow up?

How many truck bombs did the OWS set off?

Regardless, you can bet your ass the FBI was watching Bill and all the other Students protesting against the Vietnam War. A war in which young Americans were drafted to fight. I have a feeling many of the OWL folk are still on the watch lists as well.
McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?

How many pre-school children in did Bill Ayes blow up?

How many truck bombs did the OWS set off?

Regardless, you can bet your ass the FBI was watching Bill and all the other Students protesting against the Vietnam War. A war in which young Americans were drafted to fight. I have a feeling many of the OWL folk are still on the watch lists as well.

I was equating the dangers of both far right and far left. From what I know of McVeigh, he was neither. Ayers was and is far left, he planted bombs at the capital and the NYPD. He was and is a domestic terrorist.

people like Ayers and Farrakhan are just as dangerous as skinheads and aryans. Both ends of the political spectrum should be deported or jailed.
militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?

Did you just compare OWS to McVey?

McVeigh was mad at the government. he was neither left or right. Just a nut like the kid in Conn.

If Ayers had been a better bomb maker he could have killed as many people as McVeigh did. But you dumb assholes make Ayers a hero.

Behind a Book That Inspired McVeigh -

If Ayers wanted to kill people he would have killed people.
Did you just compare OWS to McVey?

McVeigh was mad at the government. he was neither left or right. Just a nut like the kid in Conn.

If Ayers had been a better bomb maker he could have killed as many people as McVeigh did. But you dumb assholes make Ayers a hero.

Behind a Book That Inspired McVeigh -

If Ayers wanted to kill people he would have killed people.

NY times article on a nazi. How do you know its not all a lie? a fabrication?

Ayers wanted to kill people, he was just a lousy bomb maker.
militant left wing extremists have done more attacks and riots than those one right. Bill Ayers, OWS, etc. are you equally worried about them?

How many pre-school children in did Bill Ayes blow up?

How many truck bombs did the OWS set off?

Regardless, you can bet your ass the FBI was watching Bill and all the other Students protesting against the Vietnam War. A war in which young Americans were drafted to fight. I have a feeling many of the OWL folk are still on the watch lists as well.

I was equating the dangers of both far right and far left. From what I know of McVeigh, he was neither. Ayers was and is far left, he planted bombs at the capital and the NYPD. He was and is a domestic terrorist.

people like Ayers and Farrakhan are just as dangerous as skinheads and aryans. Both ends of the political spectrum should be deported or jailed.

What Ayers and the WU did was in no way the same as what McVeigh did. I don't know where you pulled Farrakhan in from. Be that as it may Ayer was on a watch list. I don't think OWS has a militant wing but I'll bet a few of them are being watched still.

This whole tangent is to disprove the "Janet Napolitano Calls American Veterans Terrorist Suspects" BS. She didn't and the report she referenced never claimed it either.
A civil war implies a struggle over territory over which two opposing sides are dominant. IMO that doesn't exist. You may be thinking of a revolution against an established order. The people of America have been shown to be very compliant apathetic and indifferent except for isolated pockets of rebellion.

Look at how easily the Tea Party Movement has been subdued and it is only a popular grassroots political reform movement. The political power structure has, through propoganda, been able to break it up and disembowel it financially with a government agency, the IRS. It was not tolerated by either of the established power structures in Washington because its purpose is to change the accepted way of deal making to the detriment of the governed buy the power elite.

Any revolution will be in the form of a waxing political movement taking over the power structure of a state, and that would result in an even greater condemnation by anti-states rights opponents. That would lead to the undoing of the federal system as it now exists with a further concentration of politicsl power in Washington.

With that you would have your setting for a civil war with territory to fight over, but an extreme disparity between the two warring exponents. But there is no real chance of that scenario taking place unless there were a natural catastrophe - an EMP attack an exception - that would shake the foundations of the existing power structure leaving a power vacuum.
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McVeigh was mad at the government. he was neither left or right. Just a nut like the kid in Conn.

If Ayers had been a better bomb maker he could have killed as many people as McVeigh did. But you dumb assholes make Ayers a hero.

Behind a Book That Inspired McVeigh -

If Ayers wanted to kill people he would have killed people.

NY times article on a nazi. How do you know its not all a lie? a fabrication?

Ayers wanted to kill people, he was just a lousy bomb maker.

Read the book and the truth will set you free.

Nope. If he wanted to kill people he would never have phoned in warnings so the buildings could be evacuated. Reminds me of the Jewish militants in Palestine fighting the Brits. McVeigh gave no warnings. Those children never had a chance.

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