The 2nd Civil War

As always your answer is disingenuous. Only in such a wildly speculative scenario would the President order the military to act against other Americans. Furthermore, it is just as speculative and ridiculous to claim we are in a civil war now.

Again, it was your fellow leftist who claimed that Obama would send an "AC-30" to slaughter anyone who supports the Constitution.


Any Tea Bagger traitor who would take up arms against our government.

Just like in 1861 -- only this time it will only take 5 minutes to flush the traitorous Taliban Teatard turds.
So who is going to protect you libs from the vets/terrorist when they return home?
Janet seems to think they are going to take up arms against you dems. Why is that?

Actually the report said that the returning vets were at risk of being targeted by radical militias for their military skills.

Nope. She called them potential right wing terrorist.
Why is she afraid of Americans?

Any Tea Bagger traitor who would take up arms against our government.

Just like in 1861 -- only this time it will only take 5 minutes to flush the traitorous Taliban Teatard turds.

Wasn't this you haznonuts

{AC-130 Spectre and a dozen drones.}

Yeah, I think it was, you lying little shit, you...

Admit it, you just want to murder your fellow man... It's the dream of the left.
As always your answer is disingenuous. Only in such a wildly speculative scenario would the President order the military to act against other Americans. Furthermore, it is just as speculative and ridiculous to claim we are in a civil war now.

Again, it was your fellow leftist who claimed that Obama would send an "AC-30" to slaughter anyone who supports the Constitution.


Any Tea Bagger traitor who would take up arms against our government.

Just like in 1861 -- only this time it will only take 5 minutes to flush the traitorous Taliban Teatard turds.

Tell them that you have a Constitutional right to be fed and insured and that it would be high treason to deprive you of the goodies.

Civil war is inevitable on the path we are on. Every nation that's ever existed until the modern day eventually devolves into civil war or is conquored by another nation.
There we go, knew it was only a matter of time before you said something really fucking crazy.

Could you name a nation that hasnt devolved into civil war or been conquored by outsiders?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Do you think they would shoot scumbags like Tim McVey if they were so ordered?

No, Posse Comitatus would restrain them from engaging in law enforcement.

The problem is, you Obamunists view the people as an enemy to be killed or subdued. The army seems the right venue for you, because you wage war on every sovereign citizen in this nation.

Okay let me rephrase the question. If folks with McVey's mentality declared war and took over some territory and claim it as their own and the local police were not able to handle the situation. Then, if the President declared martial law in that area and orders the military to take it back, do you think they would refuse those orders?

Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.
I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.'re quite the warrior. Why aren't you out serving your country?

Because as so many people have so elegantly stated, I am "one fucked up individual" who wishes the current down spiral of our nation to stop, and believes the only way to do that reasonably is for the whole corrupt system of Washington to be toppled. Not that I have no respect for the armed forces, but why should I fight to protect a system I believe needs changing?
Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

Kinda splitting hairs, aren't we? :eusa_eh:

Terrorists are people who use fear to oppress people until they conform with their way of thought. Dissident cells are groups of people who wish to change the government in ways not outlined in the Constitution. Not necessarily the same thing.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

i am certain you mean common folk like these patriots from times gone by :up:


Sadly, that is a curse of reading to much history. You start wishing you had an army of the common people to back you up.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

What country are you living in?

The younger generation can't get enough of Obama and the progressives. Also, illegals pouring across the border feel the same.

Progressives just need to sit back and wait till conservatives die off as they are replaced one by one.

Then it will be a liberal utopia where everyone thinks the same and does the same things. After all, one size really does fit all. Diversity is our enemy.
No, Posse Comitatus would restrain them from engaging in law enforcement.

The problem is, you Obamunists view the people as an enemy to be killed or subdued. The army seems the right venue for you, because you wage war on every sovereign citizen in this nation.

Okay let me rephrase the question. If folks with McVey's mentality declared war and took over some territory and claim it as their own and the local police were not able to handle the situation. Then, if the President declared martial law in that area and orders the military to take it back, do you think they would refuse those orders?

Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

What country are you living in?

The younger generation can't get enough of Obama and the progressives. Also, illegals pouring across the border feel the same.

Progressives just need to sit back and wait till conservatives die off as they are replaced one by one.

Then it will be a liberal utopia where everyone thinks the same and does the same things. After all, one size really does fit all. Diversity is our enemy.

I live in the Free and Independent States of America. Even if it is just my computer desk or the computer desks of everyone who agrees with me, I live in that nation. A country of people who see the trends and the global decline and want to stand against it. Fight the future, if you will. Step One, liberate the US and stop the decline in every area of life.
Step one: decentralize production of raw materials by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again so that the People, not the corporations because corporations are not people, can provide for the General Welfare.
Step one: decentralize production of raw materials by legalizing Cannabis Sativa again so that the People, not the corporations because corporations are not people, can provide for the General Welfare.

Weed power!!

Okay let me rephrase the question. If folks with McVey's mentality declared war and took over some territory and claim it as their own and the local police were not able to handle the situation. Then, if the President declared martial law in that area and orders the military to take it back, do you think they would refuse those orders?

Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.


All the states and local jurisdictions are subject to Federal laws and the Federal courts; and any ‘uprising’ that doesn’t comport with the laws of a state or other jurisdiction would not be recognized as legitimate.
Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.


All the states and local jurisdictions are subject to Federal laws and the Federal courts; and any ‘uprising’ that doesn’t comport with the laws of a state or other jurisdiction would not be recognized as legitimate.

Maybe not by the government. But by the people it would. After all, any democratic or republican government is legitimate only so long as the people choose to obey it. If the people refuse to obey said government, the democratic or republican government has no right to govern the people in an area where the people have cast them out. If the government tries to force the people to obey them, they can no longer be a democratic or republican state. In which case, the government becomes an aggressive and war-mongering dictatorship that refuses to recognize the will of the people who have declared themselves to be independent of said nation.

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