The 2nd Civil War

The military is made up of many individuals, with individual likes and dislikes. Pretty much mirrors the demographics of the nation - so why would anyone try to lump them into one mindset? Does it give them courage to pretend that "everyone in the military" agrees with them?

About the only common denominator is a committment to protecting the U.S. from enemies foreign and domestic.

Most of them take their oath to defend the Constitution VERY seriously. The civil war that we now find ourselves in is between those who seek continuance of that Constitution and the principles of government it represents; and those who follow Obama in seeking to end or fundamentally alter that Constitution.

Yet you think they will automatically take up arms to end that which they swore to uphold..

You know that in the 1st civil war, about two-thirds of the army joined with the Confederacy? It took a couple of years, and a LOT of Irish, for the Union to recoup their numbers.

I hope that this civil war never rises to a shooting war. I hope that the democrats are defeated in other ways and that we return to a Constitutional Republic. But the lust for power among the left is strong and the damage already done to the nation is severe.
The military is made up of many individuals, with individual likes and dislikes. Pretty much mirrors the demographics of the nation - so why would anyone try to lump them into one mindset? Does it give them courage to pretend that "everyone in the military" agrees with them?

About the only common denominator is a committment to protecting the U.S. from enemies foreign and domestic.

Most of them take their oath to defend the Constitution VERY seriously. The civil war that we now find ourselves in is between those who seek continuance of that Constitution and the principles of government it represents; and those who follow Obama in seeking to end or fundamentally alter that Constitution.

Yet you think they will automatically take up arms to end that which they swore to uphold..

You know that in the 1st civil war, about two-thirds of the army joined with the Confederacy? It took a couple of years, and a LOT of Irish, for the Union to recoup their numbers.

I hope that this civil war never rises to a shooting war. I hope that the democrats are defeated in other ways and that we return to a Constitutional Republic. But the lust for power among the left is strong and the damage already done to the nation is severe.

You sound just like the loonies on the left during President Bushes two terms.

Virtually all the military officers in a given state stayed loyal to their states during the War for Southern Independence. The rank an file were at first, patriotic citizens who volunteered to fight after Ft. Sumter. Then, after that shit wore off they were draftees.
The military is made up of many individuals, with individual likes and dislikes. Pretty much mirrors the demographics of the nation - so why would anyone try to lump them into one mindset? Does it give them courage to pretend that "everyone in the military" agrees with them?

About the only common denominator is a committment to protecting the U.S. from enemies foreign and domestic.

Most of them take their oath to defend the Constitution VERY seriously. The civil war that we now find ourselves in is between those who seek continuance of that Constitution and the principles of government it represents; and those who follow Obama in seeking to end or fundamentally alter that Constitution.

Yet you think they will automatically take up arms to end that which they swore to uphold..

You know that in the 1st civil war, about two-thirds of the army joined with the Confederacy? It took a couple of years, and a LOT of Irish, for the Union to recoup their numbers.

I hope that this civil war never rises to a shooting war. I hope that the democrats are defeated in other ways and that we return to a Constitutional Republic. But the lust for power among the left is strong and the damage already done to the nation is severe.

The lust for power among the left AND the right is strong. So strong in fact that many on the right are talking about shooting in order to reverse their losses at the ballot box.

The ballot box is the ultimate arbitrator in our system - you can do (or undo) anything if you get enough votes. A war is not a substitute for enough votes. The vast majority of Americans see through the bullshit that tries to overturn the vote with a gun.
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The lust for power among the left AND the right is strong. So strong in fact that many on the right are talking about shooting in order to reverse their losses at the ballot box.

The ballot box is the ultimate arbitrator in our system - you can do (or undo) anything if you get enough votes. A war is not a substitute for enough votes. The vast majority of Americans see through the bullshit that tries to overturn the vote with a gun.

This is another area where the battle lines are drawn.

No, the ballot box is NOT the final arbiter. The election of democrts to positions of power does not render the Constitution null and void. Polls on MSNBC do no reverse the 1st Amendment, and 75 million likes on Baracks Facebook page does not mean the rule of law is suspended.

But what you posted is exactly the problem we find ourselves with; the left believes that if they can muster temporary support by 50.000001% of the people, they can strip the other 49.999999% of civil rights and property.

The Constitution is the final arbiter - because you wish to change that, your side and my side fight.
No it not. It's a pretty simple question.

It's a pretty stupid question based on mental masturbation.

If Obama declares himself "president for life," dissolves congress, then declared martial law in areas that and orders the military to subdue them, will the Military comply? I wouldn't bet on it.

Nah, the answer is zero. There are no supernatural creatures called angels.

I'm 100% certain that President Obama is not going to declare himself president for life. However, if what you outlined were the case, hypothetically speaking, the military would be justified in not complying with such an order.
No it not. It's a pretty simple question.

It's a pretty stupid question based on mental masturbation.

If Obama declares himself "president for life," dissolves congress, then declared martial law in areas that and orders the military to subdue them, will the Military comply? I wouldn't bet on it.

Nah, the answer is zero. There are no supernatural creatures called angels.

I'm 100% certain that President Obama is not going to declare himself president for life. However, if what you outlined were the case, hypothetically speaking, the military would be justified in not complying with such an order.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to try something. I think it's a long shot. I wouldn't go so far as to say 100 percent no though. I personally think he envisions a state of emergency situation in which he suspends the Constitution and then basically pulls a Putin in which he makes himself a ruler for life; even if it's not officially declared. Yes, it's a long shot; but I do think that would be a dream situation for him.
Nah, the answer is zero. There are no supernatural creatures called angels.

I'm 100% certain that President Obama is not going to declare himself president for life. However, if what you outlined were the case, hypothetically speaking, the military would be justified in not complying with such an order.

Yeah, not the point.

Your question is stupid because it is based on wild speculation. I countered your absurd scenario with an equally absurd one in the other direction.

IF this civil war we are in degrades to a shooting war, it's not going to be a nice, neat, state verses state affair, it will be neighbor against neighbor, cells of resistance that are invisible and fight with guerrilla tactics. democrats will react with even greater repression, doors kicked in in the middle of the night by BATF and DHS agents. The army won't support that and won't have a visible enemy to fight.
It's a pretty stupid question based on mental masturbation.

If Obama declares himself "president for life," dissolves congress, then declared martial law in areas that and orders the military to subdue them, will the Military comply? I wouldn't bet on it.

Nah, the answer is zero. There are no supernatural creatures called angels.

I'm 100% certain that President Obama is not going to declare himself president for life. However, if what you outlined were the case, hypothetically speaking, the military would be justified in not complying with such an order.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to try something. I think it's a long shot. I wouldn't go so far as to say 100 percent no though. I personally think he envisions a state of emergency situation in which he suspends the Constitution and then basically pulls a Putin in which he makes himself a ruler for life; even if it's not officially declared. Yes, it's a long shot; but I do think that would be a dream situation for him.

I was 100% sure President Bush wouldn't do it either. Lincoln even held elections while the South was fighting the feds for it's independence. Were any president to try such a move, I'm pretty sure there would be insurrection from all corners of the country. And rightly so......
My honest guess is that on Jan. 20, 2017, Barack Obama will peacefully leave office.

And that we will continue our slow slide into totalitarianism and decay with little real resistance.
Nah, the answer is zero. There are no supernatural creatures called angels.

I'm 100% certain that President Obama is not going to declare himself president for life. However, if what you outlined were the case, hypothetically speaking, the military would be justified in not complying with such an order.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to try something. I think it's a long shot. I wouldn't go so far as to say 100 percent no though. I personally think he envisions a state of emergency situation in which he suspends the Constitution and then basically pulls a Putin in which he makes himself a ruler for life; even if it's not officially declared. Yes, it's a long shot; but I do think that would be a dream situation for him.

I was 100% sure President Bush wouldn't do it either. Lincoln even held elections while the South was fighting the feds for it's independence. Were any president to try such a move, I'm pretty sure there would be insurrection from all corners of the country. And rightly so......

A president would face a mighty resistance for trying such things. However, if the chaotic parameters were right; I could see it. I frankly have seen a lot of audacious maneuvers within the last decade in this country; things that I never thought imaginable before. And the cup of greed may spill over....
Nah, the answer is zero. There are no supernatural creatures called angels.

I'm 100% certain that President Obama is not going to declare himself president for life. However, if what you outlined were the case, hypothetically speaking, the military would be justified in not complying with such an order.

Yeah, not the point.

Your question is stupid because it is based on wild speculation. I countered your absurd scenario with an equally absurd one in the other direction.

IF this civil war we are in degrades to a shooting war, it's not going to be a nice, neat, state verses state affair, it will be neighbor against neighbor, cells of resistance that are invisible and fight with guerrilla tactics. democrats will react with even greater repression, doors kicked in in the middle of the night by BATF and DHS agents. The army won't support that and won't have a visible enemy to fight.

As always your answer is disingenuous. Only in such a wildly speculative scenario would the President order the military to act against other Americans. Furthermore, it is just as speculative and ridiculous to claim we are in a civil war now.
AC-130 Spectre and a dozen drones.

End of Tea Party morons with guns.


So you dont think being called a terrorist by dems is going to effect the way that pilot and gunner feel?
They'll be running a counter clockwise race track pattern over the White House more likely.

It's been awhile since I was in the military , but one of the first things they each you in basic is the difference between a legal order and an illegal order. You might some soldiers who will fire on their fellow Americans initially - but I give the bulk our military people much more credit that that.

Kent State.
The military is made up of many individuals, with individual likes and dislikes. Pretty much mirrors the demographics of the nation - so why would anyone try to lump them into one mindset? Does it give them courage to pretend that "everyone in the military" agrees with them?

About the only common denominator is a committment to protecting the U.S. from enemies foreign and domestic.

Most of them take their oath to defend the Constitution VERY seriously. The civil war that we now find ourselves in is between those who seek continuance of that Constitution and the principles of government it represents; and those who follow Obama in seeking to end or fundamentally alter that Constitution.

Yet you think they will automatically take up arms to end that which they swore to uphold..

You know that in the 1st civil war, about two-thirds of the army joined with the Confederacy? It took a couple of years, and a LOT of Irish, for the Union to recoup their numbers.

I hope that this civil war never rises to a shooting war. I hope that the democrats are defeated in other ways and that we return to a Constitutional Republic. But the lust for power among the left is strong and the damage already done to the nation is severe.

You are so full of shit. It is you 'Conservatives' that constantly talk of violatiang the Constitution and taking up arms against a government elected by the people.

You stupid bastards constantly post your fantasies of murdering your fellow Americans for daring to have a differant opinion than you, or worse yet, daring to have a differant color of hide, or differant ethnicity.
I wouldn't put it past Obama to try something. I think it's a long shot. I wouldn't go so far as to say 100 percent no though. I personally think he envisions a state of emergency situation in which he suspends the Constitution and then basically pulls a Putin in which he makes himself a ruler for life; even if it's not officially declared. Yes, it's a long shot; but I do think that would be a dream situation for him.

I was 100% sure President Bush wouldn't do it either. Lincoln even held elections while the South was fighting the feds for it's independence. Were any president to try such a move, I'm pretty sure there would be insurrection from all corners of the country. And rightly so......

A president would face a mighty resistance for trying such things. However, if the chaotic parameters were right; I could see it. I frankly have seen a lot of audacious maneuvers within the last decade in this country; things that I never thought imaginable before. And the cup of greed may spill over....

Given your past performance at prognostication, the results of 6Nov2012, I don' think many of us put much faith in your present predicitons.
As always your answer is disingenuous. Only in such a wildly speculative scenario would the President order the military to act against other Americans. Furthermore, it is just as speculative and ridiculous to claim we are in a civil war now.

Again, it was your fellow leftist who claimed that Obama would send an "AC-30" to slaughter anyone who supports the Constitution.

Open fighting, should it ever occur, will be on a small scale and involve secret police agents from DHS and the BATF seeking small cells.

The idea of Obama nuking Texas is just a fantasy that Puddly Pillow Bite, Haznonuts and Pussball jack off to.
The only way we can stop a second Civil War is to elect Republicans.....or else

They can't win elections........guns are their only remaining option

It seems that way.

Presently taxpayers and producers do not have a political party which protects their interests.


Depends on what you "produce" and how much tax you pay.

As a high earner I can influence policy and pay a small percentage of my taxes that you.

Both of the National parties represent my interests very well.
You are so full of shit. It is you 'Conservatives' that constantly talk of violatiang the Constitution and taking up arms against a government elected by the people.

You stupid bastards constantly post your fantasies of murdering your fellow Americans for daring to have a differant opinion than you, or worse yet, daring to have a differant color of hide, or differant ethnicity.

Sucks Old Cocks, you know full well that you would happily kill anyone who refused to take a loyalty oath to Barack Obama.

People will take up arms when the BATF kicks in one too many doors and hauls off one too many families in the dead of the night.

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