The 2nd Civil War

The lust for power among the left AND the right is strong. So strong in fact that many on the right are talking about shooting in order to reverse their losses at the ballot box.

The ballot box is the ultimate arbitrator in our system - you can do (or undo) anything if you get enough votes. A war is not a substitute for enough votes. The vast majority of Americans see through the bullshit that tries to overturn the vote with a gun.

I don't know many Republicans that are really at all serious about a civil war. I DO know many that see this country on the path of greater dependency towards government to solve their personal problems, as there is no real desire among the recent generation (particularly those on the left) to become self reliant in providing for their own needs. Should anything happen that questioned the stability of our government, I'd seriously doubt many would know how to pick up the pieces and make it on their own efforts. A quick "pulse" of our nation reveals that it has media panic attacks whenever a sequester or government shut down looms over the horizon, which only further emphasizes and confirms our nation's exchange of self reliance towards one of a growing acceptance with Federal dependency. Our "entitlements" to be provided FOR makes up the vast majority of our country's budget, surpassing that of even allotted military spending. A direction that has also received a great boost by this administration, which will only catapult us into greater debt under further economic uncertainty.
In looking back on some of the posts, I believe a few of you may have misunderstood me. I want first to fix the nation. If it can be accomplished without bloodshed, I'm more than happy to go for it. But if the politicians refuse to give up their power, and make war necessary, I will do what I must to secure America for future generations.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

Any American hoping for a civil war is one fucked up individual. (That be you OP writer) And what the fuck is in the water in Indiana. Here we have had two high school kids on here all worried about the next civil war.

But listen up you bad mother fucker you. Join the Army. Live out your fantasy. Then when you shit yourself in fear for your life, you will understand a little better what war is.

And it ain't the video games you play. Punk ass mother fucker wishing for a civil war. Fuck you.

This is just another punk with delusions of grandeur. He wants to be a badass, and an apocalypse is his way to do it. Then he will be a top dog.

But he doesn't want to have to get a job and work to make something of himself.

He thinks war will be easier. I hope he never finds out how wrong he is.

Three things.
1. How can I want to be top dog if I have no intentions of ruling after the next Civil War?
2. I have every right to bring about the apocalypse as in the word from which it was taken: from apokalyptein, to uncover. In the more common form of the word, my final designs are to prevent the apocalypse from occurring for a long time.
3. How can I have no wish to get a job if I am in college studying for a career?
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Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

So, you hope to get the oppertunity to kill fellow Americans. That is what is so appalling about people like you. You are just one small step mentally from Lanza. And more than likely have an arsenal of military type weapons in your home.

No, there will be no second Civil War. But there will continue to be the massacre of innocents by psychopaths within our society allowed access to military type weapons by the policies pushed by the gun nuts and the NRA.

I have a bolt-action hunting rifle that is a single shot with a scope, plus a handgun. Military type weapons my foot. Secondly, I am indeed a psychopath. Also, I do not wish for Americans or anyone to die. But ask yourself this, is a war to take back America and fix it- even though it may result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands if it becomes more prolonged- all that worse than letting America go and watching as people become poor slaves to the government?
"Give me liberty or give me death." -Patrick Henry.
It would be EVERYBODY against 5 per cent batshytte brainwashed moron RWERS LOL...

It would be everybody against the corrupt government and the few fools who remain to defend its perpetuation of the downfall of society.

Change the channel, hater dupe. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind lol...

If my mind is brainwashed, it is by my own thinking it has become so. I can not change the channel on my thoughts.
So who is going to protect you libs from the vets/terrorist when they return home?
Janet seems to think they are going to take up arms against you dems. Why is that?

Actually the report said that the returning vets were at risk of being targeted by radical militias for their military skills.

Nope. She called them potential right wing terrorist.
Why is she afraid of Americans?

"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."
Okay let me rephrase the question. If folks with McVey's mentality declared war and took over some territory and claim it as their own and the local police were not able to handle the situation. Then, if the President declared martial law in that area and orders the military to take it back, do you think they would refuse those orders?

Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.

Only if they have the guns and the will to defend their take over.
Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.


All the states and local jurisdictions are subject to Federal laws and the Federal courts; and any ‘uprising’ that doesn’t comport with the laws of a state or other jurisdiction would not be recognized as legitimate.

War is not "legal". In times of war the statutes don't mean anything. Who do you think is going to enforce the law in a civil war? What court will hear the case?
Only those who are prepared to be shot for mutiny.

If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.

Only if they have the guns and the will to defend their take over.

The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.
If the people of the territory throw out the local government and militia or police if they refuse to cooperate and establish their own rules, the new government owns the land and thus doesn't have to listen to the president.

Only if they have the guns and the will to defend their take over.

The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.

The US military is not going to take up arms against Washington DC in any foreseeable future.

I swear, you people and your twisted fantasies.
Only if they have the guns and the will to defend their take over.

The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.

The US military is not going to take up arms against Washington DC in any foreseeable future.

I swear, you people and your twisted fantasies.

I don't think so either. Just posted that to refute someone's earlier claim that the military would back the administration.

But, its not a fantasy that the american people are becoming more and more frustrated and angry at the waste and incompetence in DC.

I don't see an armed rebellion or a coup or anything like that, what I see is a whole new group of citizens being sent to DC in the next few elections.

Hopefully they will fix some of the mess. But my optimism is guarded.
The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.

The US military is not going to take up arms against Washington DC in any foreseeable future.

I swear, you people and your twisted fantasies.

I don't think so either. Just posted that to refute someone's earlier claim that the military would back the administration.

But, its not a fantasy that the american people are becoming more and more frustrated and angry at the waste and incompetence in DC.

I don't see an armed rebellion or a coup or anything like that, what I see is a whole new group of citizens being sent to DC in the next few elections.

Hopefully they will fix some of the mess. But my optimism is guarded.

I agree that Americans are fed up with grid lock, and we both know the far left and the far right are part of that, and we both know the middle in Congress is more concerned with maintaining their jobs than serving us.
The military and state and local police have plenty of guns. The US military members are predominately conservative and patriotic. They do not like what is being done in DC.

If there was ever a secession or some kind of coup, the military would side with the people, not the government.

The US military is not going to take up arms against Washington DC in any foreseeable future.

I swear, you people and your twisted fantasies.

I don't think so either. Just posted that to refute someone's earlier claim that the military would back the administration.

But, its not a fantasy that the american people are becoming more and more frustrated and angry at the waste and incompetence in DC.

I don't see an armed rebellion or a coup or anything like that, what I see is a whole new group of citizens being sent to DC in the next few elections.

Hopefully they will fix some of the mess. But my optimism is guarded.

I completely disagree.

Parasites constitute 50% of the electorate. They vote early and often. No fucking way they are going to send to DC someone who threatens the welfare state.

The US military is not going to take up arms against Washington DC in any foreseeable future.

I swear, you people and your twisted fantasies.

I don't think so either. Just posted that to refute someone's earlier claim that the military would back the administration.

But, its not a fantasy that the american people are becoming more and more frustrated and angry at the waste and incompetence in DC.

I don't see an armed rebellion or a coup or anything like that, what I see is a whole new group of citizens being sent to DC in the next few elections.

Hopefully they will fix some of the mess. But my optimism is guarded.

I completely disagree.

Parasites constitute 50% of the electorate. They vote early and often. No fucking way they are going to send to DC someone who threatens the welfare state.


the parasite 50% don't all vote. Voting takes effort, sitting on your ass in front of the TV and drinkin beer or smoking pot is much easier.

Do you see an armed rebellion or military coup in our future?
The US military is not going to take up arms against Washington DC in any foreseeable future.

I swear, you people and your twisted fantasies.

I don't think so either. Just posted that to refute someone's earlier claim that the military would back the administration.

But, its not a fantasy that the american people are becoming more and more frustrated and angry at the waste and incompetence in DC.

I don't see an armed rebellion or a coup or anything like that, what I see is a whole new group of citizens being sent to DC in the next few elections.

Hopefully they will fix some of the mess. But my optimism is guarded.

I agree that Americans are fed up with grid lock, and we both know the far left and the far right are part of that, and we both know the middle in Congress is more concerned with maintaining their jobs than serving us.

you just made the case for term limits.
I don't think so either. Just posted that to refute someone's earlier claim that the military would back the administration.

But, its not a fantasy that the american people are becoming more and more frustrated and angry at the waste and incompetence in DC.

I don't see an armed rebellion or a coup or anything like that, what I see is a whole new group of citizens being sent to DC in the next few elections.

Hopefully they will fix some of the mess. But my optimism is guarded.

I completely disagree.

Parasites constitute 50% of the electorate. They vote early and often. No fucking way they are going to send to DC someone who threatens the welfare state.


the parasite 50% don't all vote. Voting takes effort, sitting on your ass in front of the TV and drinkin beer or smoking pot is much easier.

Do you see an armed rebellion or military coup in our future?

Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon

I completely disagree.

Parasites constitute 50% of the electorate. They vote early and often. No fucking way they are going to send to DC someone who threatens the welfare state.


the parasite 50% don't all vote. Voting takes effort, sitting on your ass in front of the TV and drinkin beer or smoking pot is much easier.

Do you see an armed rebellion or military coup in our future?

Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon


I agree that IF there is some sort of rebellion or coup, the military will side with the people, not the govt.
the parasite 50% don't all vote. Voting takes effort, sitting on your ass in front of the TV and drinkin beer or smoking pot is much easier.

Do you see an armed rebellion or military coup in our future?

Yes, I do.

I disagree that the all the armed forces will support DC.

Remenber a while back when admiral Fallon refused Bush II order to bomb Iran and ordered the B52 to land?


Admiral William J. Fallon


I agree that IF there is some sort of rebellion or coup, the military will side with the people, not the govt.

It's comical to think that, in the first place, the military will refuse their orders and their oaths. It's a silly notion to start with. Sillier still that the oaths of anyone once forgotten would be worth anything to so-called patriots wanting to return power to the people...yeah sure these guys will totally let some chairborne warrior tell them what to do or would be invited to the revolution.

It's, well, stupid to think they'd take orders from some dope like you to start with; unless you prefer the ACTUAL implementation of all of the nonsense you accuse Obama of government tyranny.

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