The 2nd Civil War

A civil war implies a struggle over territory over which two opposing sides are dominant. IMO that doesn't exist. You may be thinking of a revolution against an established order. The people of America have been shown to be very compliant apathetic and indifferent except for isolated pockets of rebellion.

Look at how easily the Tea Party Movement has been subdued and it is only a popular grassroots political reform movement. The political power structure has, through propoganda, been able to break it up and disembowel it financially with a government agency, the IRS. It was not tolerated by either of the established power structures in Washington because its purpose is to change the accepted way of deal making to the detriment of the governed buy the power elite.

Any revolution will be in the form of a waxing political movement taking over the power structure of a state, and that would result in an even greater condemnation by anti-states rights opponents. That would lead to the undoing of the federal system as it now exists with a further concentration of politicsl power in Washington.

With that you would have your setting for a civil war with territory to fight over, but an extreme disparity between the two warring exponents. But there is no real chance of that scenario taking place unless there were a natural catastrophe - an EMP attack an exception - that would shake the foundations of the existing power structure leaving a power vacuum.

You mention isolated pockets of rebellion. What if one were to unite those groups with a common goal?
McVey gave us a terrible example of how dangerous they could be if they become radicalized. I hope they've kept and close eye on the Militant Right Wing Extremist and their recruiting methods.

How many people shed tears for ol Timmy? Zero. Eric Rudolph? Probably close to the same amount.

Yeah...the people are going to side with those who kill non-combatants. Keep dreaming.

The Extremist Right conveniently forgets about McVey, one of their own.

A right-wing extremist fighting "tyranny" committed the biggest act of domestic terrorism in the history of this nation.

An individual. Not an army. Any revolutionary army that I command or lead would not fire on children or schools, and would provide warning at least a day in advance if a siege or battle in a heavily-populated area were to commence.
A civil war implies a struggle over territory over which two opposing sides are dominant. IMO that doesn't exist. .

The Parasites (socialists, fascists, elitists)


The Freemen


A band of Teatard Rednecks



Greatest YouTube video ever!!

Unleash the Kracken!!

And if the "teatard rednecks" are in a densely populated area? Is the US going to carpet bomb a civilian area? You can't use AC-130s in a city filled with idiots still loyal to your side, idiot.
It's comical to think that, in the first place, the military will refuse their orders and their oaths. It's a silly notion to start with. Sillier still that the oaths of anyone once forgotten would be worth anything to so-called patriots wanting to return power to the people...yeah sure these guys will totally let some chairborne warrior tell them what to do or would be invited to the revolution.

It's, well, stupid to think they'd take orders from some dope like you to start with; unless you prefer the ACTUAL implementation of all of the nonsense you accuse Obama of government tyranny.

Hilarious how you claim to know our intention and plans without us stating them. And who said anything about a "chairborne warrior?"

Intention? Don't make me laugh. Means nothing. As Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody gots a plan until you get punched in the mouth."

You are the chairborne warrior.

I fully intend to fight on the field under an assumed name at a mid-level officership. Lieutenant or Captain, maybe. Not exactly "chairborne."

And all of my plans are for getting punched in the mouth. Or, more accurately, what you do in reply.
There will be no hostile conflict.

Stupid liberals are going through extraordinary means to reduce their impact on the genepool through abortion, contraception and the advancement of sexual perversion.

Conservatives are allowing their children to be born, are actively reproducing, finding means to avoid the influences of stupid liberals on their children, have control over most of the weapons in the country, and have a belief in God that prevents the sort of violence that leftist revolutionaries are infamous for.

In a generation or two the bed wetter influence on society will have diminished, the stupid people will be engaged in menial employment, in prison, starved to death, or died of an STD.

That's not to say we can relax, we need to defeat these parasites on every level possible.
How many people shed tears for ol Timmy? Zero. Eric Rudolph? Probably close to the same amount.

Yeah...the people are going to side with those who kill non-combatants. Keep dreaming.

The Extremist Right conveniently forgets about McVey, one of their own.

A right-wing extremist fighting "tyranny" committed the biggest act of domestic terrorism in the history of this nation.

An individual. Not an army. Any revolutionary army that I command or lead would not fire on children or schools, and would provide warning at least a day in advance if a siege or battle in a heavily-populated area were to commence.

Obviously nobody in their right mind would ever take your crazy ass seriously....but don't you worry about sponsoring armed treason in an open forum such as this?
There will be no hostile conflict.

Stupid liberals are going through extraordinary means to reduce their impact on the genepool through abortion, contraception and the advancement of sexual perversion.

Conservatives are allowing their children to be born, are actively reproducing, finding means to avoid the influences of stupid liberals on their children, have control over most of the weapons in the country, and have a belief in God that prevents the sort of violence that leftist revolutionaries are infamous for.

In a generation or two the bed wetter influence on society will have diminished, the stupid people will be engaged in menial employment, in prison, starved to death, or died of an STD.

That's not to say we can relax, we need to defeat these parasites on every level possible.

I'm not against the left or the right, all I care about is America being great and a beacon of prosperity to the world. If your scenario comes true, wonderful. A war has been averted and I will gladly relinquish feelings of hatred toward the government. But I believe that is wishful thinking. I don't believe the left will die out in a few generations, nor do I believe the Republicans will have complete dominance if that were to happen.
The Extremist Right conveniently forgets about McVey, one of their own.

A right-wing extremist fighting "tyranny" committed the biggest act of domestic terrorism in the history of this nation.

An individual. Not an army. Any revolutionary army that I command or lead would not fire on children or schools, and would provide warning at least a day in advance if a siege or battle in a heavily-populated area were to commence.

Obviously nobody in their right mind would ever take your crazy ass seriously....but don't you worry about sponsoring armed treason in an open forum such as this?

As I have repeated constantly, I am advocating the people to rise up against the government peacefully and with protests as guaranteed by the First Amendment. If the government then refuses to heed such protests and condemns us for exercising the 1st Amendment, as well as continues to take away the rights of the people, then it will be my duty to take up arms against the government, for they would no longer represent the Constitution that gives them power, making them illegitimate. So I am technically not for armed treason.

--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. -The Declaration of Independence.
Hilarious how you claim to know our intention and plans without us stating them. And who said anything about a "chairborne warrior?"

Intention? Don't make me laugh. Means nothing. As Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody gots a plan until you get punched in the mouth."

You are the chairborne warrior.

I fully intend to fight on the field under an assumed name at a mid-level officership. Lieutenant or Captain, maybe. Not exactly "chairborne."

And all of my plans are for getting punched in the mouth. Or, more accurately, what you do in reply.

Great "army" you got there....people can appoint themselves officers. That, in case you don't know a weakness there Napoleon.
There will be no hostile conflict.

Stupid liberals are going through extraordinary means to reduce their impact on the genepool through abortion, contraception and the advancement of sexual perversion.

Conservatives are allowing their children to be born, are actively reproducing, finding means to avoid the influences of stupid liberals on their children, have control over most of the weapons in the country, and have a belief in God that prevents the sort of violence that leftist revolutionaries are infamous for.

In a generation or two the bed wetter influence on society will have diminished, the stupid people will be engaged in menial employment, in prison, starved to death, or died of an STD.

That's not to say we can relax, we need to defeat these parasites on every level possible.

I'm not against the left or the right, all I care about is America being great and a beacon of prosperity to the world. If your scenario comes true, wonderful. A war has been averted and I will gladly relinquish feelings of hatred toward the government. But I believe that is wishful thinking. I don't believe the left will die out in a few generations, nor do I believe the Republicans will have complete dominance if that were to happen.

If you "care about America being great and a beacon of prosperity to the world", you're against the left.

The republicrats are not the only opposition to the left, they're merely the most established party that currently has the best influence.

Those of us who value liberty need to push the party to promote the libertarian agenda, just like the bed wetters corrupted the democrook party into an arm of the Bolsheviks.
If anything, America will become more Progressive once old, white Southern Conservative racists finally die off and people born before 1960 stop trying to bring back the "good ol' days".
Intention? Don't make me laugh. Means nothing. As Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody gots a plan until you get punched in the mouth."

You are the chairborne warrior.

I fully intend to fight on the field under an assumed name at a mid-level officership. Lieutenant or Captain, maybe. Not exactly "chairborne."

And all of my plans are for getting punched in the mouth. Or, more accurately, what you do in reply.

Great "army" you got there....people can appoint themselves officers. That, in case you don't know a weakness there Napoleon.

Considering it's my army, and I would technically be the Supreme Commander of it, I could appoint my psuedo-character whatever position I wanted to hold. It would also add a bit of mystery to it, the men knowing that one of the mid-tier officers was actually the Supreme Commander. Make them have faith in their leaders. And it would keep the upper echelon humble, knowing the Captain they are berating for no reason could actually be their leader.
If there is a Civil War or an uprising, I don't think it'll be brother vs. brother (like the first one). It'll be citizens vs. the government.

Only thing in common with the first is that slaves would be freed, namely those enslaved to the government through high debt we must pay.
There will be no hostile conflict.

Stupid liberals are going through extraordinary means to reduce their impact on the genepool through abortion, contraception and the advancement of sexual perversion.

Conservatives are allowing their children to be born, are actively reproducing, finding means to avoid the influences of stupid liberals on their children, have control over most of the weapons in the country, and have a belief in God that prevents the sort of violence that leftist revolutionaries are infamous for.

In a generation or two the bed wetter influence on society will have diminished, the stupid people will be engaged in menial employment, in prison, starved to death, or died of an STD.

That's not to say we can relax, we need to defeat these parasites on every level possible.

I'm not against the left or the right, all I care about is America being great and a beacon of prosperity to the world. If your scenario comes true, wonderful. A war has been averted and I will gladly relinquish feelings of hatred toward the government. But I believe that is wishful thinking. I don't believe the left will die out in a few generations, nor do I believe the Republicans will have complete dominance if that were to happen.

If you "care about America being great and a beacon of prosperity to the world", you're against the left.

The republicrats are not the only opposition to the left, they're merely the most established party that currently has the best influence.

Those of us who value liberty need to push the party to promote the libertarian agenda, just like the bed wetters corrupted the democrook party into an arm of the Bolsheviks.

If you prove to me that your opinion is the best, then it would be used. No party politics or anything. At least until the Houses were established and a Consul elected, then I could give you no guarantees. And if the Left is pushed out, no imprisoning them simply because they believe in a different political ideology than you.
Debt like the $4t squandered in Iraq for no reason?

The FISA under me (provisionally, I, Drake Roberts, will not run the government after a war of independence and a new Constitution is developed) would not wage war for no reason. Even if there are terrorists.
If there is a Civil War or an uprising, I don't think it'll be brother vs. brother (like the first one). It'll be citizens vs. the government.

Only thing in common with the first is that slaves would be freed, namely those enslaved to the government through high debt we must pay.

I like your avi. And maybe the President, or is that too much wishful thinking?
I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.

I smell a Personality Disorder.
I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.

I smell a Personality Disorder.

Which one?

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