The 2nd Civil War

If you "care about America being great and a beacon of prosperity to the world", then you're against the left.

Fine, as the left is in general right now, I am against it.

The "right" as it advances an agenda of big government regulating individual behaviors and promoting laws based on religious beliefs is flawed as well.

While I agree with some of their fundamentals, these issues can not, and should not be issues of federal law.

The history of the 18th Amendment should be enough of a case study of good intentions gone fucked up.

Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?
Fine, as the left is in general right now, I am against it.

The "right" as it advances an agenda of big government regulating individual behaviors and promoting laws based on religious beliefs is flawed as well.

While I agree with some of their fundamentals, these issues can not, and should not be issues of federal law.

The history of the 18th Amendment should be enough of a case study of good intentions gone fucked up.

Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Define who "the people" are first.
The "right" as it advances an agenda of big government regulating individual behaviors and promoting laws based on religious beliefs is flawed as well.

While I agree with some of their fundamentals, these issues can not, and should not be issues of federal law.

The history of the 18th Amendment should be enough of a case study of good intentions gone fucked up.

Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Define who "the people" are first.

Those who, no matter of party, race, etc, believe that governments exist because of the people and thus have the duty to do what is best for the country and not the politician's pocketbooks. Those who believe that as a government derives its power from the people, corruption is a mortal sin and should be treated as such. Or those who simply believe our government is irreparably broken at this point in its current form.
Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Define who "the people" are first.

Those who, no matter of party, race, etc, believe that governments exist because of the people and thus have the duty to do what is best for the country and not the politician's pocketbooks. Those who believe that as a government derives its power from the people, corruption is a mortal sin and should be treated as such. Or those who simply believe our government is irreparably broken at this point in its current form.

What you seek is a near impossibility. One side believes in government. They extol its virtues in song and tale. The other believes in freedom and less government. The two forces are diametrically opposed to one another. Both sides have their propaganda machines running full force. Asking them to work as one is like trying to put the sun out with a fire hose. Impossible.

Government is indeed broken but there aren't enough people willing to fix it.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

This is what happened to Germany in the 30s. The country had suffered a terrible depression. The currency was worthless. Hitler blamed the problems on the Liberals from the Weimar period who he said over-assimilated Jews. Essentially, he convinced common people that their country had been stolen by a dark, malicious force that was killing German borders, language and culture. He told people to rise up and take their country back. He lead common people into barbarism. The Right is not far from ordering a similar revolution, I fear.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

This is what happened to Germany in the 30s. The country had suffered a terrible depression. The currency was worthless. Hitler blamed the problems on the Liberals from the Weimar period who he said over-assimilated Jews. Essentially, he convinced common people that their country had been stolen by a dark, malicious force that was killing German borders, language and culture. He told people to rise up and take their country back. He lead common people into barbarism. The Right is not far from ordering a similar revolution, I fear.

Your fear stems from hysteria and an over-developed sense of the dramatic.
Democrats are moving toward civil war as a distinct possibility by characterizing working for a living as a choice that need not have detrimental consequences.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

This is what happened to Germany in the 30s. The country had suffered a terrible depression. The currency was worthless. Hitler blamed the problems on the Liberals from the Weimar period who he said over-assimilated Jews. Essentially, he convinced common people that their country had been stolen by a dark, malicious force that was killing German borders, language and culture. He told people to rise up and take their country back. He lead common people into barbarism. The Right is not far from ordering a similar revolution, I fear.

Your fear stems from hysteria and an over-developed sense of the dramatic.

That describes most of this thread.
And you would keep it how it is? All the corruption, debt, decline? Is so, you are the juvenile with the sophomoric philosophy.

Yeah right retard...and you are above all of that right? And all of your "appointees" will be above it too.

You yourself have appointed yourself as a lieutennant in your make-believe army (talking about corruption).

Decline? Wrong. What you're seeing is other countries catching up to us. They're progressing; we are not in decline. The wonderful book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree spells it out but since there are multi-syllable're likely not interested.

Compared to your banana republic with a chairborne warrior at the helm; I'll take America on it's worst day and 40 years of Nixons and Hardings before I'd follow you to the Sunday Brunch Buffet.

I would appoint myself lieutenant in the first place so that I could serve on the front lines and after the war have earned respect and admiration for doing so.
Yes. That is called corruption. That you don't know the definition is likely a sign that you're going to be quite corrupt and corruptable.

My appointees that would hold government offices would be selected from among the Americans who were tired of corruption and thus did something about it.
So merit has zilch to do with it. The only qualification is being tired of corruption.

Honestly, the only thing you can call me sophomoric on would be my faith in humanity.
In the same way millions visit Las Vegas each year to strike it rich can't be called sophomoric because they have faith.

And how many times do I have to say that Drake Roberts will not lead the nation after the war is won and a new constitution has been established before it will penetrate that thick skull of yours?

Drake Roberts won't ever lead anyone because only the clinically insane would follow your crazy ass anywhere
I wonder if Fake has let those who are going to be the privates and corporals in his "army" know that they will be the ones asked to charge Capitol Hill. I'm sure they'll meet light resistance....or at least thats what they'll tell them.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

Sure, sounds easy....

Nothing sophomoric about that "plan" at all.
Fine, as the left is in general right now, I am against it.

The "right" as it advances an agenda of big government regulating individual behaviors and promoting laws based on religious beliefs is flawed as well.

While I agree with some of their fundamentals, these issues can not, and should not be issues of federal law.

The history of the 18th Amendment should be enough of a case study of good intentions gone fucked up.

Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Yeah Pete...can he count on you? I'm sure you'll be appointed where he thinks you'll serve best...
Define who "the people" are first.

Those who, no matter of party, race, etc, believe that governments exist because of the people and thus have the duty to do what is best for the country and not the politician's pocketbooks. Those who believe that as a government derives its power from the people, corruption is a mortal sin and should be treated as such. Or those who simply believe our government is irreparably broken at this point in its current form.

What you seek is a near impossibility. One side believes in government. They extol its virtues in song and tale. The other believes in freedom and less government. The two forces are diametrically opposed to one another. Both sides have their propaganda machines running full force. Asking them to work as one is like trying to put the sun out with a fire hose. Impossible.

Government is indeed broken but there aren't enough people willing to fix it.

There aren't enough people, yet. But there are still many, earlier today, for example, I heard some people discussing how the government is broke beyond repair and how war might be the only solution. Regardless, the country is only getting worse. And as it gets worse, more people will start ending up like me or having a similar opinion. And I am prepared to wait years if necessary to gather enough people to put out the sun, as you put it.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

This is what happened to Germany in the 30s. The country had suffered a terrible depression. The currency was worthless. Hitler blamed the problems on the Liberals from the Weimar period who he said over-assimilated Jews. Essentially, he convinced common people that their country had been stolen by a dark, malicious force that was killing German borders, language and culture. He told people to rise up and take their country back. He lead common people into barbarism. The Right is not far from ordering a similar revolution, I fear.

Person doesn't like the idea of change. Screams "Hitler!" and expects to have the world's sympathy.
Yeah right retard...and you are above all of that right? And all of your "appointees" will be above it too.

You yourself have appointed yourself as a lieutennant in your make-believe army (talking about corruption).

Decline? Wrong. What you're seeing is other countries catching up to us. They're progressing; we are not in decline. The wonderful book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree spells it out but since there are multi-syllable're likely not interested.

Compared to your banana republic with a chairborne warrior at the helm; I'll take America on it's worst day and 40 years of Nixons and Hardings before I'd follow you to the Sunday Brunch Buffet.

I would appoint myself lieutenant in the first place so that I could serve on the front lines and after the war have earned respect and admiration for doing so.
Yes. That is called corruption. That you don't know the definition is likely a sign that you're going to be quite corrupt and corruptable.

So merit has zilch to do with it. The only qualification is being tired of corruption.

Honestly, the only thing you can call me sophomoric on would be my faith in humanity.
In the same way millions visit Las Vegas each year to strike it rich can't be called sophomoric because they have faith.

And how many times do I have to say that Drake Roberts will not lead the nation after the war is won and a new constitution has been established before it will penetrate that thick skull of yours?

Drake Roberts won't ever lead anyone because only the clinically insane would follow your crazy ass anywhere

I am aware of the definition of corruption. Explain to me how serving incognito under the guise of a lieutenant so as to prove myself not a "chairborne warrior" is corrupt. And you obviously haven't read my ideas for a Constitution after the takeover. There are clauses specifically stating that in order to serve on the equivalent of the Cabinet, merit has everything to do with your appointment. I was merely saying that I would refrain from appointing people who caused the need for a war in the first place, and are highly respected minds or highly experienced.
I wonder if Fake has let those who are going to be the privates and corporals in his "army" know that they will be the ones asked to charge Capitol Hill. I'm sure they'll meet light resistance....or at least thats what they'll tell them.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

Sure, sounds easy....

Nothing sophomoric about that "plan" at all.

Well it's better than anything you could come up with. Last time I checked, you assumed charging Washington would be the ideal first move in a revolt. But if you find that sophomoric, please tell me a better plan, so I can know you're simply not a hypocrite.
Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Define who "the people" are first.

Those who, no matter of party, race, etc, believe that governments exist because of the people and thus have the duty to do what is best for the country and not the politician's pocketbooks. Those who believe that as a government derives its power from the people, corruption is a mortal sin and should be treated as such. Or those who simply believe our government is irreparably broken at this point in its current form.


There is nothing ‘broken’ with regard to ‘the government.’

The only problem with government is you and other Americans who refuse to get involved in the political process at the very local level to make the needed changes.

Instead you whine about ‘broken government,’ refuse to lift a finger to do anything about it, and come up with these ridiculous notions about a ‘second civil war.’
The "right" as it advances an agenda of big government regulating individual behaviors and promoting laws based on religious beliefs is flawed as well.

While I agree with some of their fundamentals, these issues can not, and should not be issues of federal law.

The history of the 18th Amendment should be enough of a case study of good intentions gone fucked up.

Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Yeah Pete...can he count on you? I'm sure you'll be appointed where he thinks you'll serve best...

Regardless of where I appointed him, he wouldn't hold that position long because my administration would stop with the establishment of a new Constitution.
I'm getting kind of tired of waiting for the civil war against our corrupt government. I think that I will see if I can get any interest worked up on these boards about a civil warr because of the disappearance of incadescent light bulbs....
Define who "the people" are first.

Those who, no matter of party, race, etc, believe that governments exist because of the people and thus have the duty to do what is best for the country and not the politician's pocketbooks. Those who believe that as a government derives its power from the people, corruption is a mortal sin and should be treated as such. Or those who simply believe our government is irreparably broken at this point in its current form.


There is nothing ‘broken’ with regard to ‘the government.’

The only problem with government is you and other Americans who refuse to get involved in the political process at the very local level to make the needed changes.

Instead you whine about ‘broken government,’ refuse to lift a finger to do anything about it, and come up with these ridiculous notions about a ‘second civil war.’

Refuse to lift a finger. I hand-peck, so that entails a lot of finger lifting. On a different level, I am on a political forum at the ripe old age of 20 trying to learn people's opinions and tell them about my opinion and spend about an hour or two on the site just about every day. On a different note, apparently corruption and decay are what makes a government fixed. A clean and selfless government would be "broken" then.

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