The 2nd Civil War

I'm getting kind of tired of waiting for the civil war against our corrupt government. I think that I will see if I can get any interest worked up on these boards about a civil warr because of the disappearance of incadescent light bulbs....

A majority of the people I know of on this board are 50+. Not exactly the kind of people who enlist to fight a war across the country (no offense). If you want to fight, fine. And a civil war is inevitable with the way things are going, so why let things continue to deteriorate? It is better to take over a country 17 trillion dollars in debt than one with 25 or even double that.
I wonder if Fake has let those who are going to be the privates and corporals in his "army" know that they will be the ones asked to charge Capitol Hill. I'm sure they'll meet light resistance....or at least thats what they'll tell them.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

Sure, sounds easy....

Nothing sophomoric about that "plan" at all.

candycorn, do you think I like the idea of potentially sending thousands of Americans to their deaths? Every time I look at a young adult or a teenager, a voice in the back of my head nags, "Look who you will send to your deaths. Do they deserve it, really?" and I almost believe people like you might be right about a war, nut then I see a little child and think, "Look who a war would save. And all the unborn generations. It is worth it," and my resolve comes right back even stronger than before. Have you thought about it that way, candycorn?
Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

Sure, sounds easy....

Nothing sophomoric about that "plan" at all.

candycorn, do you think I like the idea of potentially sending thousands of Americans to their deaths?
In the academic sense, yes. Yes I do. You couldn't care less either way. "I attack Washington"

Every time I look at a young adult or a teenager, a voice in the back of my head nags, "Look who you will send to your deaths.
Meh...only if they die laughing at you would you be involved in their deaths.

Do they deserve it, really?" and I almost believe people like you might be right about a war, nut then I see a little child and think, "Look who a war would save. And all the unborn generations. It is worth it," and my resolve comes right back even stronger than before.
I literally am speechless...

Have you thought about it that way, candycorn?

No. Then again, I don't have these bizarre illusions that you have in some world where you matter.
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Those who, no matter of party, race, etc, believe that governments exist because of the people and thus have the duty to do what is best for the country and not the politician's pocketbooks. Those who believe that as a government derives its power from the people, corruption is a mortal sin and should be treated as such. Or those who simply believe our government is irreparably broken at this point in its current form.


There is nothing ‘broken’ with regard to ‘the government.’

The only problem with government is you and other Americans who refuse to get involved in the political process at the very local level to make the needed changes.

Instead you whine about ‘broken government,’ refuse to lift a finger to do anything about it, and come up with these ridiculous notions about a ‘second civil war.’

Refuse to lift a finger. I hand-peck, so that entails a lot of finger lifting. On a different level, I am on a political forum at the ripe old age of 20 trying to learn people's opinions and tell them about my opinion and spend about an hour or two on the site just about every day. On a different note, apparently corruption and decay are what makes a government fixed. A clean and selfless government would be "broken" then.

Hold on...

Did you just say that you are 20 years old?

There is nothing ‘broken’ with regard to ‘the government.’

The only problem with government is you and other Americans who refuse to get involved in the political process at the very local level to make the needed changes.

Instead you whine about ‘broken government,’ refuse to lift a finger to do anything about it, and come up with these ridiculous notions about a ‘second civil war.’

Refuse to lift a finger. I hand-peck, so that entails a lot of finger lifting. On a different level, I am on a political forum at the ripe old age of 20 trying to learn people's opinions and tell them about my opinion and spend about an hour or two on the site just about every day. On a different note, apparently corruption and decay are what makes a government fixed. A clean and selfless government would be "broken" then.

Hold on...

Did you just say that you are 20 years old?

Man... I sure hope so, then maybe, just maybe, there is hope for the future of the US after all.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

Sure, sounds easy....

Nothing sophomoric about that "plan" at all.

Well it's better than anything you could come up with. Last time I checked, you assumed charging Washington would be the ideal first move in a revolt. But if you find that sophomoric, please tell me a better plan, so I can know you're simply not a hypocrite.

I admit, I haven't tried to take over the world in the past 30+ years of my life so I haven't thought much about it :rofl:

I think you should probably follow the Austin Powers/Dr. Evil model and put a "laser" on the Moon and hold the Robbins administration hostage.

[ame=]Dr Evil in 1 million Dollars - YouTube[/ame]
I started the Post Revolt several weeks ago because I feel a sense that people are feeling the way this post shows.
This is it with the regime in the white house prior to 2008 and now the regime in the white house presently it is obvious the USA is more divided than it has been in the last 100 years.

Of the 125 million people that voted in the last election 65 million Obama received and 60 million Romney received...This does lend itself to a divided nation. Is it just a racist thing
HARDLY oh yes there is always a racial component when you have black and white but this is not the driving force.

Money and possession is the driving force and always will be and has been the reason any war comes to be.

In a simple form 65 million people think they can get more of what the 60 million have. Well the 60 million do not have as much as the 65 million think and they are not going to make more under the present political environment.

Could this cause a civil war--well maybe not a physical one but for sure a political one.
I started the Post Revolt several weeks ago because I feel a sense that people are feeling the way this post shows.
This is it with the regime in the white house prior to 2008 and now the regime in the white house presently it is obvious the USA is more divided than it has been in the last 100 years.

Of the 125 million people that voted in the last election 65 million Obama received and 60 million Romney received...This does lend itself to a divided nation. Is it just a racist thing
HARDLY oh yes there is always a racial component when you have black and white but this is not the driving force.

Money and possession is the driving force and always will be and has been the reason any war comes to be.

In a simple form 65 million people think they can get more of what the 60 million have. Well the 60 million do not have as much as the 65 million think and they are not going to make more under the present political environment.

Could this cause a civil war--well maybe not a physical one but for sure a political one.

Drake, there is another whacked out kid from Indiana on here. Between you, this kid and goforit, it sounds like you have the makings of your army.

Get to it dude. Will the revolution be televised? I wanna watch. I lived through the 60ties. You know the 60ties? When real revolution was in the air? When cities were burning. And thousands were marching and protesting. When angry combat vets were coming home every week from Vietnam.

You know, when people were SERIOUS about what the believed. No spouting bullshit on a message board. You need to get to work and start recruiting.
Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

Sure, sounds easy....

Nothing sophomoric about that "plan" at all.

candycorn, do you think I like the idea of potentially sending thousands of Americans to their deaths? Every time I look at a young adult or a teenager, a voice in the back of my head nags, "Look who you will send to your deaths. Do they deserve it, really?" and I almost believe people like you might be right about a war, nut then I see a little child and think, "Look who a war would save. And all the unborn generations. It is worth it," and my resolve comes right back even stronger than before. Have you thought about it that way, candycorn?

You actually aren't sending anyone to die, so its all ok.
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Drake, there is another whacked out kid from Indiana on here. Between you, this kid and goforit, it sounds like you have the makings of your army.

Get to it dude. Will the revolution be televised? I wanna watch. I lived through the 60ties. You know the 60ties? When real revolution was in the air? When cities were burning. And thousands were marching and protesting. When angry combat vets were coming home every week from Vietnam.

You know, when people were SERIOUS about what the believed. No spouting bullshit on a message board. You need to get to work and start recruiting.

Are you referring to Hoosier4Liberty?
I'm getting kind of tired of waiting for the civil war against our corrupt government. I think that I will see if I can get any interest worked up on these boards about a civil warr because of the disappearance of incadescent light bulbs....

Well then, I think you should go on "Organizing for America" and demand that little lord Obama start bombing American cities now. Find out where Romney won a majority, and bomb...

Dare to dream comrade, dare to dream.
I admit, I haven't tried to take over the world in the past 30+ years of my life so I haven't thought much about it :rofl:

I think you should probably follow the Austin Powers/Dr. Evil model and put a "laser" on the Moon and hold the Robbins administration hostage.

Of course you haven't.

"The Banality of Evil" was coined about Eric Eichmann. It noted that the mass murdering bastard never had a thought of his own - "just following orders." The bureaucracy was a conduit for an evil that grew in the putrid stagnation of state power where men lacked any sort of ethical foundation to question the orders of their superiors.

Of course you haven't tried to take over the world, you only follow orders.
The Dems have every other News outlet in the WORLD OUTSIDE OF YOUR PATHETIC 12 PER CENT OF THE USA, SHYTTEHEAD. Ay caramba...

Takes ONE MINUTE to clean the rats out of a broadcast station and knock over the tower.

Then what are you leftist shit bags gonna do when you can't pump any more of your shit into people's heads?

Lose, that's what.


The propaganda networks must be the first target or it's a lost cause from the start.
I wonder if Fake has let those who are going to be the privates and corporals in his "army" know that they will be the ones asked to charge Capitol Hill. I'm sure they'll meet light resistance....or at least thats what they'll tell them.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

You will start in open plains? Where your technological disadvantages will do you the most harm?

Sounds like a short revolution.
An individual. Not an army. Any revolutionary army that I command or lead would not fire on children or schools, and would provide warning at least a day in advance if a siege or battle in a heavily-populated area were to commence.

Obviously nobody in their right mind would ever take your crazy ass seriously....but don't you worry about sponsoring armed treason in an open forum such as this?

As I have repeated constantly, I am advocating the people to rise up against the government peacefully and with protests as guaranteed by the First Amendment. If the government then refuses to heed such protests and condemns us for exercising the 1st Amendment, as well as continues to take away the rights of the people, then it will be my duty to take up arms against the government, for they would no longer represent the Constitution that gives them power, making them illegitimate. So I am technically not for armed treason.

--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. -The Declaration of Independence.

Why stop there? Here's the next line in that famous document. " Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

They were fighting a King, an absolute despot, a ruler for life. So far, the Constitution is still in effect and it is by the ballot that we ensure a government of and by the people. Go out and rise up, protest your cause all you want. And when you have enough people to influence a vote then your revolution is on the road to success. Unless someone unjustly suspends the Constitution taking up arms against the government is not a duty, imo.
I wonder if Fake has let those who are going to be the privates and corporals in his "army" know that they will be the ones asked to charge Capitol Hill. I'm sure they'll meet light resistance....or at least thats what they'll tell them.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

You would think starting in the South where people might support you while you built your base followers would be the better idea.
I mean I would think if you want to actually build an army? You might want to go where people are of a like mind.
I wonder if Fake has let those who are going to be the privates and corporals in his "army" know that they will be the ones asked to charge Capitol Hill. I'm sure they'll meet light resistance....or at least thats what they'll tell them.

Charging Capitol Hill. What rebel group in their right minds would "charge" Capitol Hill or Washington in general? No, much better to start in the mid-west, capturing states like Iowa, major food producers. Also places like Gary, Indiana, a major steel producer. Chicago, too, to add a bit more legitimacy. Then march on the south, somewhere my message would probably be well-received. After capturing the south, take a while to consolidate my holdings, then attack west and capture up to the Rockies. Leave some men there to prevent it from be reclaimed by the US, and push up along the Atlantic Coast back east, stopping in Virginia. Also attack places like Pittsburgh and New York State. Finally, with Washington all but surrounded, the nation's resources at my back, and 99% of America (not counting Alaska) under my control, I attack Washington.

You would think starting in the South where people might support you while you built your base followers would be the better idea.
I mean I would think if you want to actually build an army? You might want to go where people are of a like mind.

You can only recruit so many people at a monster truck rally ....

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