The 47% video guy was awesome on TV tonight!

That's not the question, which did Maobama voters deem most offensive, ya think the may protest too much. As in it hit a little too close to home.

Also the fact that Romney was explaining a spending and marketing strategy that has been spun out of proportion by the left seems to lost in the discussion. But hey let's not let facts get in the way of a good story.

Oh get over it. It's not my fault you guys picked Mittens. Maybe he'll learn to be a little more humble now that he's had his political ass handed to him so many times.

FYI I didn't vote for Romney in the primaries, I'm just getting damned tired of the fucking lies the left are telling. Romney said what he said, it you commies that are spinning the context and attempting to define what he said as something he didn't say. I guess truth has no merit for you folks.
No one on the Left spun anything, teabagger. Mittens tried to spin it by saying it was just a snippet taken out of context and that the person should release the entire video.

So he did. And people made up their own minds. Nobody on the Left needed to spin a thing. Romney hung himself with his own words.
So the guy is NOT a registered Republican or Democrat. He is an independent. He expressed frustration that the dinner costed $50,000 a head, and that what Romney said to the crowd was so different than what he said in public, and that he didnt like that a person would need $50,000 to hear what Romney really thought. He talked about how he was a blue collar guy from Boston, and felt uneasy about releasing the video because he didnt want to get the company he worked for in any kind of trouble. He didn't intend to record it until he heard the hypocrisy of the event.

He says he finally looked in the mirror and called himself a "coward" for not putting it out, so he did it.

This is a man who practices his freedom and expresses his political views so well, like the majority of people would- as an independent, regular working person of this country.

Wow. A normal, working class guy, who heard an elitist presidential candidate, speaking to a crowd of extremely wealthy partisans and giving them a private message that the rest of the voters would never hear.

And this guy exposed it. Nothing is more American than that!:clap2:

Not a Democrat? That makes him just like you, another not a Democrat who edits videos to make sure no one gets the words in context.
So the guy is NOT a registered Republican or Democrat. He is an independent. He expressed frustration that the dinner costed $50,000 a head, and that what Romney said to the crowd was so different than what he said in public, and that he didnt like that a person would need $50,000 to hear what Romney really thought. He talked about how he was a blue collar guy from Boston, and felt uneasy about releasing the video because he didnt want to get the company he worked for in any kind of trouble. He didn't intend to record it until he heard the hypocrisy of the event.

He says he finally looked in the mirror and called himself a "coward" for not putting it out, so he did it.

This is a man who practices his freedom and expresses his political views so well, like the majority of people would- as an independent, regular working person of this country.

Wow. A normal, working class guy, who heard an elitist presidential candidate, speaking to a crowd of extremely wealthy partisans and giving them a private message that the rest of the voters would never hear.

And this guy exposed it. Nothing is more American than that!:clap2:

Not a Democrat? That makes him just like you, another not a Democrat who edits videos to make sure no one gets the words in context.
Are you whining? Are you now claiming the video was fake?

You can bet every person hired to work a political event from now on will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and be checked for recording devices.

Of course what Romney said was no more disparaging than what your dear leader said about people clinging to guns and religion and the left had no problem with that. Can't imagine why. Hypocrite much?

Well hey, both were exposed... Which one did the American people deem more offensive?

The American people are pretty much fucked. They have given up their honor and morals for the thing that failed in Greece, etc.

Pretty soon all states will be voting for animal sex and transgender bs will become acceptable.
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FYI I didn't vote for Romney in the primaries, I'm just getting damned tired of the fucking lies the left are telling. Romney said what he said, it you commies that are spinning the context and attempting to define what he said as something he didn't say. I guess truth has no merit for you folks.

He straight up insulted people in the most pretentious manner possible. No sympathy for him whatsoever. His true beliefs were brought to light and he lost the chance to obtain a position he didn't deserve. Thank God that out of touch oligarch is not my President.

If 47% of this nation takes free shit. Isn't it not telling the truth? Is this economically good for this nation?
What Romney said was pure Pubcrappe, just arrogant and WRONG. The 47% includes the military, the retired,many hard workers, the victims of the GOP Great Recession and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction- and MANY GOP voters!
What Obama said was true. People who are bitter, gave up, think gov't is just bad, and vote for gun and religious propagandists, the people who MADE them bitter, the screw the workers and the poor a-holes, the greedy idiot GOP...

I'm not usually so blunt, but your a lying sob. Romney was speaking about the 47% of Americans who wouldn't vote for him no matter what and that was why he was not going to expend resources on them. The left took it upon themselves to define the 47%, Romney didn't.

That's not what he said that got him into trouble.
Bishop Romney said:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.​
Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

So it looks like you're the lying SOB. And a rank amateur when it comes to understanding politics.

I swear, that's the worst thing about this teabagger thing: it produced political imbeciles trying to speak intelligently about things they don't have the tools or the patience to understand.

Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers. Come on this should be easy, he was talking about the leaches that lined up for just a rumor of getting some Maobama money. Pull your head out.

OH I forgot, he was also speaking about zombies like you.
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FYI I didn't vote for Romney in the primaries, I'm just getting damned tired of the fucking lies the left are telling. Romney said what he said, it you commies that are spinning the context and attempting to define what he said as something he didn't say. I guess truth has no merit for you folks.

He straight up insulted people in the most pretentious manner possible. No sympathy for him whatsoever. His true beliefs were brought to light and he lost the chance to obtain a position he didn't deserve. Thank God that out of touch oligarch is not my President.

If 47% of this nation takes free shit. Isn't it not telling the truth? Is this economically good for this nation?

I dunno. Is having a military economically good for this nation? Because if yes, then a fair amount of those 47% are important.

What about the children of poor families? Is it economically good for all those who were born poor and made something of themselves to have had access to education and food?
I'm not usually so blunt, but your a lying sob. Romney was speaking about the 47% of Americans who wouldn't vote for him no matter what and that was why he was not going to expend resources on them. The left took it upon themselves to define the 47%, Romney didn't.

That's not what he said that got him into trouble.
Bishop Romney said:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.​
Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

So it looks like you're the lying SOB. And a rank amateur when it comes to understanding politics.

I swear, that's the worst thing about this teabagger thing: it produced political imbeciles trying to speak intelligently about things they don't have the tools or the patience to understand.

Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers. Come on this should be easy, he was talking about the leaches that lined up for just a rumor of getting some Maobama money. Pull your head out.

He said:

All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them.

He said:

I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

It's not our fucking fault that your idiot nominee used those words, and generalized about nearly half the country.

And it's not our fucking fault that you picked him, just like it's not your fucking fault that we picked Mondale or Dukakis. But do you see us whining and crying about that? No. Democrats aren't bed-wetting pussies.
Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers.

He didn't mention them directly because he doesn't give a fuck about them. He just groups them together into an easily dismissable percentage. The military? Grunts who will die if he needs them to. Retired people? Persons who don't contribute so they should be cut off. Hard workers? People who don't have millions of dollars to play around with so don't draw his attention.

What do you get in the end? A guy who loses the presidency, but doesn't really care because he was born into a life of privilege and has the means to continue that lifestyle.
That's not what he said that got him into trouble.

So it looks like you're the lying SOB. And a rank amateur when it comes to understanding politics.

I swear, that's the worst thing about this teabagger thing: it produced political imbeciles trying to speak intelligently about things they don't have the tools or the patience to understand.

Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers. Come on this should be easy, he was talking about the leaches that lined up for just a rumor of getting some Maobama money. Pull your head out.

He said:

All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them.

He said:

I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

It's not our fucking fault that your idiot nominee used those words, and generalized about nearly half the country.

And it's not our fucking fault that you picked him, just like it's not your fucking fault that we picked Mondale or Dukakis. But do you see us whining and crying about that? No. Democrats aren't bed-wetting pussies.

You didn't answer my question you bed wetting pussy, where did he mention the military or the rest? And why do you insist on telling lies, never mind, you're a fucking slimy Moabama-bot-zombie. You folks enjoy having smoke blown up your ass.
You didn't answer my question you bed wetting pussy, where did he mention the military or the rest? And why do you insist on telling lies, never mind, you're a fucking slimy Moabama-bot-zombie. You folks enjoy having smoke blown up your ass.

I answered it. Where do you think that the whole concept of 47% comes from? Some master equation Romney had about poor liberals? 47% of the country is not made up of poor liberals. The answers to who the 47% are can be found anywhere on the internet. Romney dismissed them all in one fell swoop. That's the type of man he is. When daddy is rich it's hard to learn to care about those who have to do without.
Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers.

He didn't mention them directly because he doesn't give a fuck about them. He just groups them together into an easily dismissable percentage. The military? Grunts who will die if he needs them to. Retired people? Persons who don't contribute so they should be cut off. Hard workers? People who don't have millions of dollars to play around with so don't draw his attention.

What do you get in the end? A guy who loses the presidency, but doesn't really care because he was born into a life of privilege and has the means to continue that lifestyle.

No he was talking about people who would never take responsibility for themselves and thought they were owed just because the exist. If you can't see a difference, you're the one to be pitied.
He straight up insulted people in the most pretentious manner possible. No sympathy for him whatsoever. His true beliefs were brought to light and he lost the chance to obtain a position he didn't deserve. Thank God that out of touch oligarch is not my President.

If 47% of this nation takes free shit. Isn't it not telling the truth? Is this economically good for this nation?

I dunno. Is having a military economically good for this nation? Because if yes, then a fair amount of those 47% are important.

What about the children of poor families? Is it economically good for all those who were born poor and made something of themselves to have had access to education and food?

Well, you do make some good points. Everyone should have a education and exist to food but looking at europe shows me that we need a balance.

Nothing is ever one extreme or the other.
You didn't answer my question you bed wetting pussy, where did he mention the military or the rest? And why do you insist on telling lies, never mind, you're a fucking slimy Moabama-bot-zombie. You folks enjoy having smoke blown up your ass.

I answered it. Where do you think that the whole concept of 47% comes from? Some master equation Romney had about poor liberals? 47% of the country is not made up of poor liberals. The answers to who the 47% are can be found anywhere on the internet. Romney dismissed them all in one fell swoop. That's the type of man he is. When daddy is rich it's hard to learn to care about those who have to do without.

Ya think he might have included hard core dems in the number he wasn't going to spend resources on? Ya think?
Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers.

He didn't mention them directly because he doesn't give a fuck about them. He just groups them together into an easily dismissable percentage. The military? Grunts who will die if he needs them to. Retired people? Persons who don't contribute so they should be cut off. Hard workers? People who don't have millions of dollars to play around with so don't draw his attention.

What do you get in the end? A guy who loses the presidency, but doesn't really care because he was born into a life of privilege and has the means to continue that lifestyle.

No he was talking about people who would never take responsibility for themselves and thought they were owed just because the exist. If you can't see a difference, you're the one to be pitied.

And who are those people? Is he just grouping together the whole democratic party? Because if he'd become President it damn well WOULD'VE been part of his job to care about them. Who do you think make up the 47% if not those who require government programs and assistance, a vast number of which are members of the military, retired, or work multiple jobs? I'm SUPER CURIOUS to know.
Really show me where he mentioned the military, retired people or hard workers. Come on this should be easy, he was talking about the leaches that lined up for just a rumor of getting some Maobama money. Pull your head out.

He said:

All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them.

He said:

I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

It's not our fucking fault that your idiot nominee used those words, and generalized about nearly half the country.

And it's not our fucking fault that you picked him, just like it's not your fucking fault that we picked Mondale or Dukakis. But do you see us whining and crying about that? No. Democrats aren't bed-wetting pussies.

You didn't answer my question you bed wetting pussy, where did he mention the military or the rest? And why do you insist on telling lies, never mind, you're a fucking slimy Moabama-bot-zombie. You folks enjoy having smoke blown up your ass.

Well, for one, the military only pays payroll taxes, not taxes on dividends or extreme wealth. They don't make that much. Same with all the other 47 percent, because many of them are retired, or paying payroll taxes as well, because they have minimum wage (or maybe slightly better) jobs, but they don't make enough to have to pay taxes on their investments. speaking of those who don't pay taxes on investments, but rather by payroll taxes (i.e. the 47 percent), he was talking about the military and the rest.
He didn't mention them directly because he doesn't give a fuck about them. He just groups them together into an easily dismissable percentage. The military? Grunts who will die if he needs them to. Retired people? Persons who don't contribute so they should be cut off. Hard workers? People who don't have millions of dollars to play around with so don't draw his attention.

What do you get in the end? A guy who loses the presidency, but doesn't really care because he was born into a life of privilege and has the means to continue that lifestyle.

No he was talking about people who would never take responsibility for themselves and thought they were owed just because the exist. If you can't see a difference, you're the one to be pitied.

And who are those people? Is he just grouping together the whole democratic party? Because if he'd become President it damn well WOULD'VE been part of his job to care about them. Who do you think make up the 47% if not those who require government programs and assistance, a vast number of which are members of the military, retired, or work multiple jobs? I'm SUPER CURIOUS to know.

What is it about he was discussing CAMPAIGN RESOURCES that you don't understand?
He said:

All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them.

He said:

I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

It's not our fucking fault that your idiot nominee used those words, and generalized about nearly half the country.

And it's not our fucking fault that you picked him, just like it's not your fucking fault that we picked Mondale or Dukakis. But do you see us whining and crying about that? No. Democrats aren't bed-wetting pussies.

You didn't answer my question you bed wetting pussy, where did he mention the military or the rest? And why do you insist on telling lies, never mind, you're a fucking slimy Moabama-bot-zombie. You folks enjoy having smoke blown up your ass.

Well, for one, the military only pays payroll taxes, not taxes on dividends or extreme wealth. They don't make that much. Same with all the other 47 percent, because many of them are retired, or paying payroll taxes as well, because they have minimum wage (or maybe slightly better) jobs, but they don't make enough to have to pay taxes on their investments. speaking of those who don't pay taxes on investments, but rather by payroll taxes (i.e. the 47 percent), he was talking about the military and the rest.

Two words, bull shit!
Well, I know right wing idiots will hate to hear this. But Obama's claims, while uncomfortable, were accurate.

So were Romney's. And I think Obama and Romney are morons as both of their parties represent corporate interests trying to achieve an Authoritarian State.


My grandmother and I have been having a long struggle as I converted to Libertarianism from being a full-time Democrat just as early as November.

Even though she generally agrees with me, she said the one thing that frightened me the most:

"I know you're right, but in the end I'm going to vote for the people that give me stuff."

This is after the 47% comment.


So even though my grandmother was a sharpshooter and member of the NRA her whole life, and instilled the belief of the Second Amendment in me, even she will forsake the Second Amendment because someone promises her something in return.

I have to thank my grandmother though, had she not instilled that Second Amendment fervor in me, I would remained blind to the power play of the Progressive Movement. Their attack on the Second Amendment woke me up, quickly.

I see this sentiment everywhere as well:

"Who cares if they take our guns, the government will protect us, just like they provide us with free services for our own well being."
"Who cares about the NDAA, I'm not a terrorist"
"Who cares about financial invasion by the CIA (General Search Warrants), I have nothing to hide"
"Who cares about the Bond Bubble, the government will just print more money when it bursts."
"It doesn't matter if the government has raiding Social Security, it will magically be there in the future no matter what."
"Why pay a cell phone bill, when I qualify for an Obamaphone."
"Honestly, I don't care that the politicians are keeping us poor, as long as they give me stuff to make up for it."
"Who cares that they want to fly drones over the US, we're not suspicious."
"The Constitution is an antiquated document, not made for modern society."


These people even admit to me that I'm right, but also admit they don't give a shit since the government is changing their diaper.

Why don't we invest in infrastructure? Modernize to high speed rail?

Why don't we remove the Middleman in the Helathcare practice (Insurance, Malpractice Insurance, Defensive Medicine), and amend National Health Care (in a way that prevents the slippery slope towards communism) right into the Constitution as a right protected by the Ninth Amendment.

Why don't we develop true energy independnce using new techonologies and innovations?

Why does our National Budget pay less than 6% combined towards Education, Science and Infrastrucutre?

Why don't we amend College Education (again in a way that prevents communism/ government control) right into the Constitution?

Why do we import great minds, instead of teaching our own?


Why are blacks still so poor? Build them good schools, give them good teachers, create incentives for good teachers and methods that truly evaluate teacher performance.

Abolish the Federal Reserve and all paper currency in the form of dollars (HOLY SHIT). Restart with a National Bank backed by precious metals (gold/silver/platinum/indium/iridium/ruthenium/rhodium). Having currency backed by several standards will cause the value of the currency to fluctuate regularly, but ultimately remain very stable over the long run (think of a sine wave). This new National Bank would be 100% transparent and completely accountable to the people.

Use the new National Bank to lend at low interest to low income neighborhoods, allowing them to gain an advantage.

Make laws that protect and promote PRIVATE LABOR UNIONS, while dismantling PUBLIC labor unions. Public employees negotiate with the VOTERS only.


AMEND a fix to GERRYMANDERING (Democrats should control the House, not Republicans, when you consider they won more than 12 million votes for the House overall).

Repeal the 17th Amendment. The States need to have proper recourse against the Federal Government.

Amend the Constitution so that no government worker, federal, state or local can be paid more than twice the MEDIAN INCOME of their constituents. An exception to this would be Doctors (this assumes National Health Care) and school teachers and other academics. Put the incentive for Doctors at SIX times the median income all the way up to EIGHT times for years of good performance. Put teachers at a start of two times the median income, all the way to four times the median income based of years of good performance. Additional to this Amendment: No person shall work for more than one job int he government at ay time, federal, state or local. This means a doctor will have to stop practicing if he wants to run for Congress and will then have his pay cut to twice the median income.

Amend the Constitution for a FLAT income tax, they may never exceed 10%, UNLESS the United States is being invaded in its own territory by a professional army/recognized nation. All revenues NOT used can be saved for later use. Also make it so that the United States may not burrow money if any way, shape or form, unless being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on its own soil. These income taxes would be collected by the STATE governments, which may withhold as much as 50% of the tax revenue for themselves, unless we are being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on our own soil.

Also, anything that Amends national education, would have to allow parents to vote on the local curriculum for their kids. The federal government WOULD BE PROHIBITED from setting any curriculum period.

Make any type of unfunded mandate illegal. This would not include programs like the following: "For every X dollars the State spends on A, the Federal Government will supply the State with Y dollars for A, and only for A."


Amend the Constitution so that the Federal Government must maintain very simple and easy to read records about their spending, that is 100% transparent and can be privately audited by ANYONE.


Honestly, I could go on for decades on how to improve and modernize America for the PEOPLE (not the corporation, although education and infrastructure would help corporations too). Notice that NEITHER party proposes ANY of the common sense ideas above. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL CORPORATE AUTHORITARIAN PIGS. However, as long as they promise you all free shit (Dems and Republicans), you will continue to live lives of poverty as the US dollar crashes and the middle class shrinks to zero.

Then, a few generations from now, posterity will see a post like this on the internet (if they can even afford the internet and its not censored) and cry, realizing that we destroyed their future, unable to comprehend why common sense solutions like the above were not implemented; and having left them disarmed, they won't even be able to rebel and reclaim a government for the people, by he people, as they'll have no way to ABOLISH it. Read my sig and enjoy.
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