The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

The free market health care system isn't a model to follow either, as only people with money can get proper care.

Funny how it worked well for most people from 1783 to 2010, but the past 9 years and 11 months has been a disaster.
You mean most people with money. Some have had to sell their homes to get treatment...
In other words, they didn't purchase health insurance.
Maybe they couldn't afford it. Ever think of that?
They can afford to own a home, but they can't afford health insurance?

The cost of healthcare is way higher than it needs to be because of government meddling. The ACA is a prime example.
Brah, you're a fucking simpleton. Go back to Londonistan.
The free market health care system isn't a model to follow either, as only people with money can get proper care.

What’s wrong with that model? Healthcare is NOT a Right and never has been. Hopefully it never will be considered a Right either.
You're too far gone if you think that people should die in the streets because they can't afford heath care.
Feel free to pay for the healthcare.
You ate way too much bad food before you came here. Go home.
I disagree with the premise 'most developed' being attributed to any country other than the US. Which is why the US has no government health care.
The free market health care system isn't a model to follow either, as only people with money can get proper care.

Funny how it worked well for most people from 1783 to 2010, but the past 9 years and 11 months has been a disaster.
You mean most people with money. Some have had to sell their homes to get treatment...

So, they did have treatment? Thanks for admitting that.
View attachment 246399

LOL! It does seem that most of your posts are retarded. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.
You're just another selfish Merrucan. You can afford it so you don't care who dies in the streets, you'll just walk over them.
You original comment was that medical care can't be left to market forces, yet you've been confronted with numerous ways that market forces have been interfered with and usurped....These things are what's driving up the costs, not a truly free marketplace.
El Rich believes insurance can still be cheap after government forces insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions.
Hey straw man, come on??! All I have said is that healthcare should be of high quality and affordable. I’m not claiming that any path forward is right or wrong. I do suspect if we are to assure that basic healthcare is affordable to all and that high quality healthcare is available to those who can afford it, we need rethink our current approach.
You also claim that people who have no money should receive free healthcare.

The free market is the way to make healthcare the cheapest and the highest quality. The minute you start forcing companies to provide free healthcare or mandate any services, you toss out the free market.
So the poor starve and die of curable diseases? Seems more cutthroat than we need to be.
No one has ever starved in this country unless they were stranded by a blizzard.

People die of incurable diseases every day. Most diseases that once had no cure are no curable, thanks to capitalism. Under the free market, the poor would go to charity hospitals. There would be a lot fewer poor people of the government wasn't subsidizing poverty.
First, your statement that no one has ever starved in this country other than due to a natural disaster is plainly untrue.
Second, I said “curable” not “incurable” diseases.
Also, what charity hospitals are you referring to? Almost all have shut their doors because they couldn’t compete in the free market, the ones that still exist are funded by public universities as research hospitals.
Finally, I agree that our welfare system is broken and does at least as much harm as good. That being said, simply defunding government programs does not lead to those who have received subsidies saying “WOW, I’ve been really lazy, I better go get a job” Instead it creates a larger homeless population.
El Rich believes insurance can still be cheap after government forces insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions.
Hey straw man, come on??! All I have said is that healthcare should be of high quality and affordable. I’m not claiming that any path forward is right or wrong. I do suspect if we are to assure that basic healthcare is affordable to all and that high quality healthcare is available to those who can afford it, we need rethink our current approach.
You also claim that people who have no money should receive free healthcare.

The free market is the way to make healthcare the cheapest and the highest quality. The minute you start forcing companies to provide free healthcare or mandate any services, you toss out the free market.
So the poor starve and die of curable diseases? Seems more cutthroat than we need to be.
No one has ever starved in this country unless they were stranded by a blizzard.

People die of incurable diseases every day. Most diseases that once had no cure are no curable, thanks to capitalism. Under the free market, the poor would go to charity hospitals. There would be a lot fewer poor people of the government wasn't subsidizing poverty.
First, your statement that no one has ever starved in this country other than due to a natural disaster is plainly untrue.

Is it? Provide some examples.

Second, I said “curable” not “incurable” diseases.
Also, what charity hospitals are you referring to? Almost all have shut their doors because they couldn’t compete in the free market, the ones that still exist are funded by public universities as research hospitals.
Finally, I agree that our welfare system is broken and does at least as much harm as good. That being said, simply defunding government programs does not lead to those who have received subsidies saying “WOW, I’ve been really lazy, I better go get a job” Instead it creates a larger homeless population.

Charity hospitals can't compete with Medicaid and hospitals that government forces to provide the poor with free healthcare.

When people understand that big daddy government is not going to pay their bills any longer, they get to work. That's been proven every time.
I have said that leaving health care purely to market forces does not seem to be the most effective way to provide the best quality care at the most affordable rate. I have also said that unchecked government interference is dangerous and a sure fire way to make health care inefficient and unaffordable. Finding a middle ground is all I am advocating.
You can't say that since you have no frame of reference.
I think the root of our disagreement is that you see healthcare as a commodity and I see at as something citizenship could entitle one to. Not saying everybody gets the same, just saying basic healthcare for all seems like a luxury we can afford. In a purely free market there will be some that inevitably will be left on the outside looking in. I believe that we do not need to accept that.
You're correct: I don't see it as a right. How can it be? Rights have been the same for 10,000 years. They are something you are born with. No one is born with the right to a CAT scan or an MRI. They didn't even exist a couple of decades ago, so how can you have a right to them?

It's utterly ridiculous to speak of healthcare as a right.
Never said healthcare was a right, what I said is that it seems to me to be a luxury we can afford.
You pay for it. Why should I pay for someone else's healthcare?
Fair enough.
Hey straw man, come on??! All I have said is that healthcare should be of high quality and affordable. I’m not claiming that any path forward is right or wrong. I do suspect if we are to assure that basic healthcare is affordable to all and that high quality healthcare is available to those who can afford it, we need rethink our current approach.
You also claim that people who have no money should receive free healthcare.

The free market is the way to make healthcare the cheapest and the highest quality. The minute you start forcing companies to provide free healthcare or mandate any services, you toss out the free market.
So the poor starve and die of curable diseases? Seems more cutthroat than we need to be.
No one has ever starved in this country unless they were stranded by a blizzard.

People die of incurable diseases every day. Most diseases that once had no cure are no curable, thanks to capitalism. Under the free market, the poor would go to charity hospitals. There would be a lot fewer poor people of the government wasn't subsidizing poverty.
First, your statement that no one has ever starved in this country other than due to a natural disaster is plainly untrue.

Is it? Provide some examples.

Second, I said “curable” not “incurable” diseases.
Also, what charity hospitals are you referring to? Almost all have shut their doors because they couldn’t compete in the free market, the ones that still exist are funded by public universities as research hospitals.
Finally, I agree that our welfare system is broken and does at least as much harm as good. That being said, simply defunding government programs does not lead to those who have received subsidies saying “WOW, I’ve been really lazy, I better go get a job” Instead it creates a larger homeless population.

Charity hospitals can't compete with Medicaid and hospitals that government forces to provide the poor with free healthcare.

When people understand that big daddy government is not going to pay their bills any longer, they get to work. That's been proven every time.
Actually most charity hospitals were bought by larger for profit companies. Granted, Medicaid does not work well and one of those reasons is exactly what you have said, it hampers the ability of small private hospitals to compete along side larger ones that are owned by stockholders. The biggest problem with huge government programs is they disrupt local efforts in addressing the same issues.
the constitution is outdated, time to join the 21st guys worship that constitution like is god's sent. There are lot of things in it than need to be updated.

The US Constitution is not outdated. It is the foundation of American Government and Society.

There is a legal process to change/update the Constitution. It’s not easy but it is possible. Unless the Constitution is Amended, it is still the valid law of the land. Sorry you don’t like thst. Too bad.
Isnt too bad UA too sad, 2nd amendment results in thousands of deaths and we have a crazy clown leading the country because of a minority....the constitution needs to be reviewed.
You're too far gone if you think that people should die in the streets because they can't afford heath care.

Food, housing, clothes, healthcare, etc... These things are not Rights. They’re Privileges esrnedcthrough emoloyment or by finding private sources willing to pay for you to have them. It is not the place of Government to provide basic staples to citizens.
and everyone on your list from western Europe has major problems
we have Canadians coming across the border looking for health care
people in Scandinavian countries dying at home because they were waiting for SIMPLE chest xrays

but i'm sure if we pull another ACA the one that multinational insurance companies wrote and nancy pelosi said we'll have to wait till its passed to see whats in it 'NOW THAT THE Solution

define socialism derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
I'm yet to meet a canadian that is not happy with their health system or doesn't feel sorry for our system...and millions of Americans cross borders for cheaper care especially to Mexico.

Biitch! I've yet to meet a Canadian that doesn't get procedures done in the US while they're visiting for months. Why? Because they don't have to wait here.
Bitch....Millions of Americans cross the border to get care and millions more can't afford healthcare premiums or the co-pays for suregeries and other medication....I see this all the time where people are complaining they can't afford health care premiums, or can't a surgery done because they don't have the developed countries, citizens are taken care %54 of the budget go to defense contractors (not socialism) taking care of the citizens is socialism.
Only 18% of our budget goes to the military, moron. The rest of your post is equally wrong.
Discretionary spending on the military is %54... even %18 is too much...defense contractors are cashing in your money and giving you the middle finger.
Isn't too bad UA too sad, 2nd amendment results in thousands of deaths and we have a crazy clown leading the country because of a minority....the constitution needs to be reviewed.

If you’ve got enough votes in both Houses of Congress and enough State Legislatures to make the changes, more power to you. Somehow I don’t think you do but feel free to prove me wrong.
You're too far gone if you think that people should die in the streets because they can't afford heath care.

Food, housing, clothes, healthcare, etc... These things are not Rights. They’re Privileges esrnedcthrough emoloyment or by finding private sources willing to pay for you to have them. It is not the place of Government to provide basic staples to citizens.
So you don’t care if people die in the streets, you’ll simply walk over them. You’re just another selfish bastard.
Funny how it worked well for most people from 1783 to 2010, but the past 9 years and 11 months has been a disaster.
You mean most people with money. Some have had to sell their homes to get treatment...

So, they did have treatment? Thanks for admitting that.
View attachment 246399

LOL! It does seem that most of your posts are retarded. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.
You're just another selfish Merrucan. You can afford it so you don't care who dies in the streets, you'll just walk over them.

That's your best response. I was right, you have no argument.
You mean most people with money. Some have had to sell their homes to get treatment...

So, they did have treatment? Thanks for admitting that.
View attachment 246399

LOL! It does seem that most of your posts are retarded. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.
You're just another selfish Merrucan. You can afford it so you don't care who dies in the streets, you'll just walk over them.

That's your best response. I was right, you have no argument.
You’re just another selfish bastard. It’s not an argument, it’s a fact.
Its #1 at what it does and uses a fraction of the money the U.S. health care system does which is 34th in the world based on the life expectancy of its citizens.
The 34th ranking isn't based solely on life expectancy, nimrod. And life expectancy isn't determined solely by the quality of your healthcare system. After achieving a certain minimum, it's largely based on diet and habits like smoking or drinking.

Europeans smoke and drink more than Americans on average.
They are a lot skinnier than Americans, and they don't have hoards of pregnant teenage girls running around.

That's because they have lower poverty rates. Much of the obese/overweight issues in the United States come from those in poverty and the lower class. Lack of access to medical care/advise and lack of access to quality healthy food at an affordable price. Universal Healthcare in the United States would help eliminate this problem.

The poor in the U.S. are often fat. They live in homes with modern conveniences such as indoor pluming, heating and air conditioning, electricity, and internet connections. They own big screen TVs and cellphones. They received free medical care from the government. In much of the world, they would be considered rich. And this is what caused it:

View attachment 246376
Capitalism "died in 1929". Socialism and mixed market economies are the first world way.
So you don’t care if people die in the streets, you’ll simply walk over them. You’re just another selfish bastard.

Actually, depending on how ripe the body is I might stop and go through the pockets before moving on. “Selfish Bastard” is a compliment where I come from.
Yes...actually, it is. Once the government takes over healthcare, they stop providing quality healthcare, so overweight people die....then, the government increases the economic collapse of the country so that food becomes so hard to get, people lose weight because they run out of house pets to eat.......
Look, he's using the Pentagon as his model of efficiency and effectiveness....That should disqualify anyone from commenting on the topic right out of the gate.

The Pentagon beats the U.S. private healthcare system when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness. Its an undeniable FACT!
Tell that to the veterans who died while waiting to get treatment from the VA.
why can we afford to waste money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?
You also claim that people who have no money should receive free healthcare.

The free market is the way to make healthcare the cheapest and the highest quality. The minute you start forcing companies to provide free healthcare or mandate any services, you toss out the free market.
So the poor starve and die of curable diseases? Seems more cutthroat than we need to be.
No one has ever starved in this country unless they were stranded by a blizzard.

People die of incurable diseases every day. Most diseases that once had no cure are no curable, thanks to capitalism. Under the free market, the poor would go to charity hospitals. There would be a lot fewer poor people of the government wasn't subsidizing poverty.
First, your statement that no one has ever starved in this country other than due to a natural disaster is plainly untrue.

Is it? Provide some examples.

Second, I said “curable” not “incurable” diseases.
Also, what charity hospitals are you referring to? Almost all have shut their doors because they couldn’t compete in the free market, the ones that still exist are funded by public universities as research hospitals.
Finally, I agree that our welfare system is broken and does at least as much harm as good. That being said, simply defunding government programs does not lead to those who have received subsidies saying “WOW, I’ve been really lazy, I better go get a job” Instead it creates a larger homeless population.

Charity hospitals can't compete with Medicaid and hospitals that government forces to provide the poor with free healthcare.

When people understand that big daddy government is not going to pay their bills any longer, they get to work. That's been proven every time.
Actually most charity hospitals were bought by larger for profit companies. Granted, Medicaid does not work well and one of those reasons is exactly what you have said, it hampers the ability of small private hospitals to compete along side larger ones that are owned by stockholders. The biggest problem with huge government programs is they disrupt local efforts in addressing the same issues.
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more general than a lot of social safety net programs.

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