The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
and everyone on your list from western Europe has major problems
we have Canadians coming across the border looking for health care
people in Scandinavian countries dying at home because they were waiting for SIMPLE chest xrays

but i'm sure if we pull another ACA the one that multinational insurance companies wrote and nancy pelosi said we'll have to wait till its passed to see whats in it 'NOW THAT THE Solution

define socialism derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
I'm yet to meet a canadian that is not happy with their health system or doesn't feel sorry for our system...and millions of Americans cross borders for cheaper care especially to Mexico.

Biitch! I've yet to meet a Canadian that doesn't get procedures done in the US while they're visiting for months. Why? Because they don't have to wait here.
Bitch....Millions of Americans cross the border to get care and millions more can't afford healthcare premiums or the co-pays for suregeries and other medication....I see this all the time where people are complaining they can't afford health care premiums, or can't a surgery done because they don't have the developed countries, citizens are taken care %54 of the budget go to defense contractors (not socialism) taking care of the citizens is socialism.
Only 18% of our budget goes to the military, moron. The rest of your post is equally wrong.
Discretionary spending on the military is %54... even %18 is too much...defense contractors are cashing in your money and giving you the middle finger.
It's all discretionary, moron.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
Feel free to give them all of your own money that you want.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
Feel free to give them all of your own money that you want.
You are being ripped off and the rest of us are laughing at you.
I'm yet to meet a canadian that is not happy with their health system or doesn't feel sorry for our system...and millions of Americans cross borders for cheaper care especially to Mexico.

Biitch! I've yet to meet a Canadian that doesn't get procedures done in the US while they're visiting for months. Why? Because they don't have to wait here.
Bitch....Millions of Americans cross the border to get care and millions more can't afford healthcare premiums or the co-pays for suregeries and other medication....I see this all the time where people are complaining they can't afford health care premiums, or can't a surgery done because they don't have the developed countries, citizens are taken care %54 of the budget go to defense contractors (not socialism) taking care of the citizens is socialism.
Only 18% of our budget goes to the military, moron. The rest of your post is equally wrong.
Discretionary spending on the military is %54... even %18 is too much...defense contractors are cashing in your money and giving you the middle finger.
It's all discretionary, moron.

No it's not you fool. Federal spending is for salaries, benefits, and for all federal employees, the hard costs of running and keeping open all federal buildings, offices, and military bases around the world. All of these costs are contractual, and fixed, and Congress and the President have no discretion in paying for these costs.
Biitch! I've yet to meet a Canadian that doesn't get procedures done in the US while they're visiting for months. Why? Because they don't have to wait here.
Bitch....Millions of Americans cross the border to get care and millions more can't afford healthcare premiums or the co-pays for suregeries and other medication....I see this all the time where people are complaining they can't afford health care premiums, or can't a surgery done because they don't have the developed countries, citizens are taken care %54 of the budget go to defense contractors (not socialism) taking care of the citizens is socialism.
Only 18% of our budget goes to the military, moron. The rest of your post is equally wrong.
Discretionary spending on the military is %54... even %18 is too much...defense contractors are cashing in your money and giving you the middle finger.
It's all discretionary, moron.

No it's not you fool. Federal spending is for salaries, benefits, and for all federal employees, the hard costs of running and keeping open all federal buildings, offices, and military bases around the world. All of these costs are contractual, and fixed, and Congress and the President have no discretion in paying for these costs.
Wrong, moron. Congress can vote to terminate every last dime of it tomorrow. The Supreme Court has already ruled on that issue.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
Feel free to give them all of your own money that you want.
You are being ripped off and the rest of us are laughing at you.
Thanks for admitting that you're a thief.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
Feel free to give them all of your own money that you want.
You are being ripped off and the rest of us are laughing at you.
Thanks for admitting that you're a thief.
Still laughing at you.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.

So move to a jurisidction where there is no government. They do exist. Mynamar has no real government. Youll need enough money for a private security team to keep you safe 24/7. Also a source of clean drinking water for your personal residence. And you'd better be able to feed yourself, and never need medical care, but there's no government and no taxes.

There is also no personal safety, no jobs, no food, and the entire country is one of the most dangerous shitholes on earth, but they're completely free of government.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.

So move to a jurisidction where there is no government. They do exist. Mynamar has no real government. Youll need enough money for a private security team to keep you safe 24/7. Also a source of clean drinking water for your personal residence. And you'd better be able to feed yourself, and never need medical care, but there's no government and no taxes.

There is also no personal safety, no jobs, no food, and the entire country is one of the most dangerous shitholes on earth, but they're completely free of government.
Somalia has similar attractions, Syria as well.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.

So move to a jurisidction where there is no government. They do exist. Mynamar has no real government. Youll need enough money for a private security team to keep you safe 24/7. Also a source of clean drinking water for your personal residence. And you'd better be able to feed yourself, and never need medical care, but there's no government and no taxes.

There is also no personal safety, no jobs, no food, and the entire country is one of the most dangerous shitholes on earth, but they're completely free of government.
Mynamar has a government, moron.

Why is a Canadian telling an American to leave his country?
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
Feel free to give them all of your own money that you want.
You are being ripped off and the rest of us are laughing at you.
Thanks for admitting that you're a thief.

Tommy isn't the thief. Trump, and the other plutocrats who are getting rich because the middle class are paying for their infrastructure and employee benefits, are the thieves. The employer classes in the USA have gone from owning 60% of the wealth of the nation, to owning 80% of it. When Reagan was elected, the worker class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Today, they have none and they're dependent on government handouts. Having siphoned off the wealth of the working class and given it to their bosses, Republicans are working on empoverishing the middle class.

Trump's tax cuts were a HUGE step towards doing that.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.

So move to a jurisidction where there is no government. They do exist. Mynamar has no real government. Youll need enough money for a private security team to keep you safe 24/7. Also a source of clean drinking water for your personal residence. And you'd better be able to feed yourself, and never need medical care, but there's no government and no taxes.

There is also no personal safety, no jobs, no food, and the entire country is one of the most dangerous shitholes on earth, but they're completely free of government.
Somalia has similar attractions, Syria as well.
They have governments, the kind you approve of: Feudal government.
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.

So move to a jurisidction where there is no government. They do exist. Mynamar has no real government. Youll need enough money for a private security team to keep you safe 24/7. Also a source of clean drinking water for your personal residence. And you'd better be able to feed yourself, and never need medical care, but there's no government and no taxes.

There is also no personal safety, no jobs, no food, and the entire country is one of the most dangerous shitholes on earth, but they're completely free of government.
Mynamar has a government, moron.

Why is a Canadian telling an American to leave his country?
She is helping you to find a place that is free of government. Isnt that what you want ?
Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
There must be some pay off I suppose.

American health insurance must be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.
Government is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people.

So move to a jurisidction where there is no government. They do exist. Mynamar has no real government. Youll need enough money for a private security team to keep you safe 24/7. Also a source of clean drinking water for your personal residence. And you'd better be able to feed yourself, and never need medical care, but there's no government and no taxes.

There is also no personal safety, no jobs, no food, and the entire country is one of the most dangerous shitholes on earth, but they're completely free of government.
Mynamar has a government, moron.

Why is a Canadian telling an American to leave his country?
She is helping you to find a place that is free of government. Isnt that what you want ?
They aren't free of government. Morons like you try to equate especially bad government with no government. No one is fooled.
Government control will just make the system worse for everyone -.

So can capitalism Boe

Or have you not noted those quicky mart collection cans w/childrens faces on them?


I have no idea what you are talking about. What is a Quicky Mart Collection of Cans With Children's Faces? Are you claiming that some Capitalist has canned children as food products?

You never had a sick child in your neighborhood ?, or simply were not aware of them?

It's hard to imagine not being aware of all the fund raisers that go on , all health care related, and so many focused on a sick child

And yes, they ALL had some sort of HC policy......No, they weren't all the spawn of welfare queens & bums

But i guess we see what we want to , as well as dent what we'd like

So while you may paint universal HC with fallicous names like communist , turnaround is fair play

I get to call the insurance cabal and it supporters here heartless ,souless tools of the devil


Ah - so you're just doing a performance art rendition of the Autorantic Moonbat.

Got it.

In RealityLand:

Voluntary Charity is perfectly compatible with Capitalism, Civil Society and Human Decency.


Dear Boe, i spent 3 decades in ems , try treating sick/injured kids for a 'performance' , and get back to me

Trust me, It's tear your heart out , even the most stoic of us

But what's worse are those that would demonize them, blame them, their parents, their teachers, whatever....

That's the 'I got mine' mentality , grand denial mechanism

Until the capitalist vultures circle their homes, and existences , looking to pick them clean

That's kickin' a man (or child far to many cases) down , for those that believe in fair play

Obviously you don't

Let us know how that works out

Government control will just make the system worse for everyone -.

So can capitalism Boe

Or have you not noted those quicky mart collection cans w/childrens faces on them?


I have no idea what you are talking about. What is a Quicky Mart Collection of Cans With Children's Faces? Are you claiming that some Capitalist has canned children as food products?

You never had a sick child in your neighborhood ?, or simply were not aware of them?

It's hard to imagine not being aware of all the fund raisers that go on , all health care related, and so many focused on a sick child

And yes, they ALL had some sort of HC policy......No, they weren't all the spawn of welfare queens & bums

But i guess we see what we want to , as well as dent what we'd like

So while you may paint universal HC with fallicous names like communist , turnaround is fair play

I get to call the insurance cabal and it supporters here heartless ,souless tools of the devil


Ah - so you're just doing a performance art rendition of the Autorantic Moonbat.

Got it.

In RealityLand:

Voluntary Charity is perfectly compatible with Capitalism, Civil Society and Human Decency.


Dear Boe, i spent 3 decades in ems , try treating sick/injured kids for a 'performance' , and get back to me

Trust me, It's tear your heart out , even the most stoic of us

But what's worse are those that would demonize them, blame them, their parents, their teachers, whatever....

That's the 'I got mine' mentality , grand denial mechanism

Until the capitalist vultures circle their homes, and existences , looking to pick them clean

That's kickin' a man (or child far to many cases) down , for those that believe in fair play

Obviously you don't

Let us know how that works out


^^^ Sanctimonious Ass gonna Sanctimony ^^^

There is nothing I have posted here that doesn't support fair play. And I do not demonize people who have had misfortune in their lives. I do oppose those who exploit such people to pick the pockets of those who are productive.

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