The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Actually, it's just that the United States doesn't want to be what you want it to be. And far from conservatives "propagating a lie", you're just pissed that YOU'VE been propagating a lie and STILL can't get enough people to buy in.
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Well, there is a lot of capitalism among those 50 most developed countries. I mean, most Billionaires in the world live in those 50 most developed countries. Most of the large private Business's, Large corporations, multi-national corporations in the world are located in those 50 most developed countries. I would also say that most business activity in the world and most profit is made in those 50 most developed countries. With the exception of five of them, all of them provide Universal Healthcare of their citizens. Rather than being unusual, Universal Healthcare is a common feature among wealthy, developed, capitalist, democratic countries.

There are only five oddballs that don't provide among the 50:

01. Cyprus - within 5 years Cyprus will have Universal Healthcare
02. Bahrain
03. United Arab Emirates
04. Qatar
05. United States

I think the United States has a lot to learn from the other 49 most developed countries in the world.

Yeah, or maybe THEY have a lot to learn from US. Don't suppose you ever considered that in your adolescent obsession with peer pressure.
The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

Explain how our ranking in life expectancy is related to our health care system?
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
Bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument.

How is it Bandwagon fallacy? Plus claiming that its too expensive or simply impossible is not much of an argument either.

Did you really just tell us, "Look at all these other countries that do it, so why don't we?" and THEN ask, "How is that bandwagon fallacy"? You're not as dumb as you look; amazingly, you're dumber than you look.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
Number 2, Switzerland, isn’t even close to having a Medicare for all system. It’s a “universal” system meaning there’s a mandate to purchase insurance (which is all private insurance), but it is as far from a socialized system, like in the UK, as it gets. The Swiss privatized healthcare system, outside of the mandate, is as free market as it gets. It is way less regulated than our system in many ways. It is also pretty much the best system out there, especially when it comes to needing specialized care. Same with the US and getting specialized care. Both the Swiss and the US are big medical tourism destinations for people in need of specialized treatments...if you can afford it.

Secondly a large majority of the countries on this list still have private health insurance, and there’s a reason for that. Socialized medicine, at its very best, is good for when whatever your dealing with can be treated by a family practitioner. Once you get into dealing with illness or ailments that require specialized care, e.g. rarer illness, cancer, complex surgeries, joint replacement, chronic illness, deteriorating conditions etc, socialized medicine sucks for you. Even if they offer the best treatments for you, these countries rarely do, you’re going to be put on a long waiting list. Not to forget, the doctors or surgeons administering the treatments, and the tech they use, are sub par compared to what the US and Swiss offer. Which is why, if you can afford it, you go to one of those countries to get it done. I’ve worked as an RN at an infusion center for 6 years now, and work mostly with cancer pts. I’m over 4 hours from the Canadian boarder, I still see Canadian patients all the time. It doesn’t have to be anything immediately life threatening either. If grandpa has a bad knee in the UK, grandpa doesn’t get a new knee. He gets pain pills and a cane. Up until that knee gets worse and worse, until he really needs a new knee. Then he’s gonna get put on a waiting list for 5-6 months. By that time, grandpa has had his mobility severely limited, deteriorating the rest of his body systems, and quality of living. Even if the surgery, provided by subpar ortho’s, goes well, it’s extremely rare for grandpa to get back to his former quality of life and independence, since the rest of his body has weakened, and a couple of other ailments have probably popped up from lack of mobility. Socialized medicine is sacrificing the needs of the minority (minority of medical conditions) for the needs of the majority (who usually don’t really need treatment all that badly).

It’s not all sunshine and unicorns with Medicare for all. I’m tired of hearing this non nuanced position from naive young people who only go to the doctor when they have a cold and haven’t had to deal with something serious. We aren’t even getting into the initial costs of socialized medicine. Let alone the secondary costs or even intangible costs like loss of ingenuity. Half the medical patents come from the US along with a shit ton of new drugs, because it’s actually worth it for inventors and investors to take the risk on something that requires hundreds of millions for research and development, just to still worry about a massive class action suit even after it’s been approved for something unforeseen. Massive tax burden aside, there is nothing free about Medicare for all. That doesn’t mean our system is wonderful and doesn’t need any work. It could use a lot. It’s an extremely complex system that narcissistic and naive people think they have all the answers too.
Well, 45 of the 50 most developed countries provide Universal Healthcare for all their citizens and they all SPEND LESS on healthcare than the United States! Put that fact in your Stocking Cap!

They also have longer wait times and less chance of surviving serious illnesses.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Because we're smarter than the rest of the world.

The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

I wonder where the United States ranks in pigheaded simpletons who insist on citing debunked theories years afterward because anything that supports their narrative MUST be true . . . or will be if you repeat it enough.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Because we're smarter than the rest of the world.

The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

I wonder where the United States ranks in pigheaded simpletons who insist on citing debunked theories years afterward because anything that supports their narrative MUST be true . . . or will be if you repeat it enough.
the left is learning how to merely Use capitalism for all of its capital worth in modern times.

We know Government is socialism. Government should provide the Nurture for the Nature of Capitalism.

Capitalism "can be free" within the Standards fixed by Government.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.

I'm not surprised that the dumbest carbon-based organism on the planet doesn't understand.

What I'm actually saying is that your asinine demands aren't improvements.

Any time that you ASSume that I am accepting your worldview as correct, you're already wrong, because that will never happen.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.

I'm not surprised that the dumbest carbon-based organism on the planet doesn't understand.

What I'm actually saying is that your asinine demands aren't improvements.

Any time that you ASSume that I am accepting your worldview as correct, you're already wrong, because that will never happen.
we should at least put some of it on spreadsheets.

the accounting version of assume is "much better".

"Ass U Me".
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.

I'm not surprised that the dumbest carbon-based organism on the planet doesn't understand.

What I'm actually saying is that your asinine demands aren't improvements.

Any time that you ASSume that I am accepting your worldview as correct, you're already wrong, because that will never happen.
So Jesus wouldn’t want you to help heal the poor? What church do you go to? The church of Satan?
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.

I'm not surprised that the dumbest carbon-based organism on the planet doesn't understand.

What I'm actually saying is that your asinine demands aren't improvements.

Any time that you ASSume that I am accepting your worldview as correct, you're already wrong, because that will never happen.
So Jesus wouldn’t want you to help heal the poor? What church do you go to? The church of Satan?
This is some funny chimp level strawmanning. This argument sounds like a parody of someone stupid, but it’s actually for I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned that people like this exist
Anyone would get PTSD having to have sex with you. Poor her.

She’d had PTSD for nearly 20 years before I met her. It was not related to me in any way. In fact she’s gotten far better treatment in the last seven years since I met her than in the two decades before we met.
Anyone would get PTSD having to have sex with you. Poor her.

She’d had PTSD for nearly 20 years before I met her. It was not related to me in any way. In fact she’s gotten far better treatment in the last seven years since I met her than in the two decades before we met.
Not surprised you grabbed someone with a major disability. That makes two of you.
Not surprised you grabbed someone with a major disability. That makes two of you.

We do actually provide significant support for each other. Neither of our families have ever been terribly supportive regarding our issues but we have found that support in each other

BTW - I had no idea about her issues until we’d been dating for a couple months. .
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.

I'm not surprised that the dumbest carbon-based organism on the planet doesn't understand.

What I'm actually saying is that your asinine demands aren't improvements.

Any time that you ASSume that I am accepting your worldview as correct, you're already wrong, because that will never happen.
So Jesus wouldn’t want you to help heal the poor? What church do you go to? The church of Satan?

While God has used the jawbone of an ass to communicate in the past, that doesn't mean that EVERY time an ass speaks, it should be listened to as a message from God. So you'll excuse me if I value your guidance on what Jesus wants - not to mention on what actually improves the nation - a bit less than the contents of the litter box I emptied this morning.

Please feel free to resist the urge to lecture me, on anything, ever.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.
So you don’t want the US to be improved, can’t say that I’m surprised.

I'm not surprised that the dumbest carbon-based organism on the planet doesn't understand.

What I'm actually saying is that your asinine demands aren't improvements.

Any time that you ASSume that I am accepting your worldview as correct, you're already wrong, because that will never happen.
So Jesus wouldn’t want you to help heal the poor? What church do you go to? The church of Satan?

While God has used the jawbone of an ass to communicate in the past, that doesn't mean that EVERY time an ass speaks, it should be listened to as a message from God. So you'll excuse me if I value your guidance on what Jesus wants - not to mention on what actually improves the nation - a bit less than the contents of the litter box I emptied this morning.

Please feel free to resist the urge to lecture me, on anything, ever.
No surprised that you take a dump in a litter box. Jesus is so proud of you.
So making America great again means letting poor people die in the streets?

It means telling people that those who do not put into the system will not be allowed to benefit from the work of those who do.
So disabled people who can’t work should be left to die? That’s a great America? :cuckoo:
Feel free to pay all their medical bills. No one is trying to stop you.

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