The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Or ask in the first place.

Of course, he seems to labor under the impression that they can't already go to free and sliding-scale health clinics and ask for that. Hell, you can go to the Department of Public Health and get reams of info on healthy nutrition, if you want it.

Maricopa County, AZ

Oh, look. That took me a whole big 5 seconds to find on Google. There is nothing that Edge's precious "universal health" is going to do about obese poor people that isn't already available.

Guess what, many people in low income areas don't have internet access, computers or cell phones.
The poor and lower class often have to choose between medication or food in the United States. They often going into enormous debt due to the cost of healthcare in the United States. Those burdens are not suffered by Europeans. Europeans live longer, pay less for healthcare, and everyone receives healthcare. There are no communist countries in Europe. NONE. Communism as a system in Europe has been dead since December 25, 1991. Europeans simply have a better approach to healthcare. This is proven by the fact that they live longer than Americans, pay less per person for healthcare, everyone is provided healthcare. When it comes to healthcare, Europeans win with overall quality as measured by life expectancy, coverage, and cost.

The poor are also eating worse and are unhealthier. You are trying to be reactive vs. proactive. I am all for providing better nutritional and exercise options to the less wealthy. Stop saying EUROPEANS. Which countries in partcular would you like to compare to the US?

Average life expectancy in the US is 78.69 years and in Germany it is 80.64 years and in France it is 82.67 years. It is not like people are not making it past 60. And again we are by far the fattest country. Be proactive not reactive!!!

When dealing with average life expectancy, a gap of a year, or two years is actually a lot. Its not acceptable for the United States to be 34th in the world when it comes to life expectancy despite spending more on healthcare than anyone. You can lump Europe together because generally or on average, they have better life expectancy, lower cost medical care and everyone is provided for. The rare exceptions would be in the Balkans where countries like Serbia and Bulgaria don't have Universal Healthcare.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the US is the fattest country? Doesn't fit your narrative?

The U.S. is the most obese nation in the world, just ahead of Mexico
The US is still the fattest country in the world research confirms | Daily Mail Online

This is why we don't live as long. And 1 year is not a huge deal when you're fatter. Stop it!

He's not ignoring it. He's ASSuming it's because poor people are a bunch of ignorant, helpless sheep who can't possibly figure out that McDonald's isn't health food on their own, and who would RACE to the doctor to get led like children through how to feed themselves if only we would just pay for it.

What he's ignoring is that poor people aren't as stupid and childish as he thinks, they don't WANT to eat healthier, they could see a doctor about their diet right now if they wanted to, and even if you gave them each a free pass to a nutritionist, they wouldn't use it and they wouldn't follow the advice if they did.

Well, you obviously do not understand the problems of low income areas and how living there can have a dramatic impact on your life. Growing up in poverty and living in poverty stricken areas causes many of these problems. Problems that could be addressed through a form of Universal Healthcare. Most European countries don't have poverty rates that are seen in the United States, which is another reason why they have higher life expectancy. Poverty impacts health in many ways.

Whatever. Just now happened to be in need of an MRI. Cost me 200 buck and I waited 20 minutes. Already done as a matter of fact. No waiting, no nothing.
Being able to talk to doctors and healthcare providers and being given access to low cost quality food. That's how. Many people in low income areas don't have very good access to healthcare professionals or low cost high quality food options.

You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.

I think you do it on purpose.
You are confused Moon Bat.

It is not my responsibility to pay your medical bills. It is your responsibility. If you can't pay for it then go be poor someplace else.

What is morally wrong is for the filthy government to steal my money to give to welfare queens and Illegals that are too sorry to provide for their own.

Go pay for your own healthcare. Stop being a greedy asshole and expect somebody else to pay for you. That is despicable. You are not entitled to have somebody else pay for your health care just because you are alive.

The government does not steal the money YOU RECEIVED from the market. Taxation is not theft. Its necessary for the government to raise tax revenue in order to pay for multiple things in order for the MARKET and Society to continue to function. IF you think otherwise, move to Somalia. In Somalia, there is no government to take any of your earnings.

It is not smart policy wise, from an economic standpoint, nor is it moral, to have poor and lower class people unable to afford healthcare. The money that the RICH receive from the MARKET should be use to solve many of the problems of the poor and lower class. After all the RICH did not create the market they were born into. They have just been successful in exploiting that market they were born into and receive more money and benefits from that market. But make no mistake, the MARKET is responsible for their earnings. Had these RICH "talented" and "hard working people" been born in Somalia, they would be living and experiencing a totally different life despite their talent and hard work. That shows you that the critical factor in what they EARN is the MARKET they were born into.

the poor in the USA have always gotten free medical care, no US hospital can refuse service to anyone. Those of us who pay have always covered the cost of those who couldn't or wouldn't. Nothing would change under socialized medicine except that those that pay would pay more for less service.

Well go back to the simple MRI. My ma in law has dementia. She had been complain about feeling sick and her stomach hurting. It was an MRI that revealed a condition with her pancreas that was killing her. Had she had to wait even a week for this she would have been in bad shape, maybe dead. Hell, who knows anyone who has had a stroke? How would a stroke patient do if they had to wait even two days for a simple MRI? If they survived what would the quality of their lives be, and would it be worth it?

Your anecdotal experiences are irrelevant when it comes to national policy. Were talking about the countries overall experience as measured by life expectancy, coverage and cost. Europeans live longer, pay less, and all are covered. Those are the indisputable facts. The United States is 34th in the world when it comes to life expectancy despite spending more on healthcare per person than any country in the world. For being the top spender in the world on healthcare, the United States has a terrible ranking with its life expectancy.

You dumbass.

The US ranks low because of two factors:

1. We are the most affluent nation and that leads to a higher calorie diet and less physical activity that causes earlier deaths.

2. We have tens of million asshole Illegals in this country that come here with piss poor heath to raid our welfare system that idiots like you provide for them. Take them away and our numbers improve tremendously.

Most immigrants do far better on the BMI index so they are actually healthier in that regard. Poverty impacts health especially obesity. The highest levels of obesity are seen among the poor and lower class. Affluence allows you to buy more expensive, higher quality, low calorie dense food, which is why the rich and upper middle class have healthier BMI's than the poor. They also have a doctor and a healthcare plan. People that are poor don't have those things. It makes a difference and impacts their health in a negative way.
The government does not steal the money YOU RECEIVED from the market. Taxation is not theft. Its necessary for the government to raise tax revenue in order to pay for multiple things in order for the MARKET and Society to continue to function. IF you think otherwise, move to Somalia. In Somalia, there is no government to take any of your earnings.

It is not smart policy wise, from an economic standpoint, nor is it moral, to have poor and lower class people unable to afford healthcare. The money that the RICH receive from the MARKET should be use to solve many of the problems of the poor and lower class. After all the RICH did not create the market they were born into. They have just been successful in exploiting that market they were born into and receive more money and benefits from that market. But make no mistake, the MARKET is responsible for their earnings. Had these RICH "talented" and "hard working people" been born in Somalia, they would be living and experiencing a totally different life despite their talent and hard work. That shows you that the critical factor in what they EARN is the MARKET they were born into.

the poor in the USA have always gotten free medical care, no US hospital can refuse service to anyone. Those of us who pay have always covered the cost of those who couldn't or wouldn't. Nothing would change under socialized medicine except that those that pay would pay more for less service.

Well go back to the simple MRI. My ma in law has dementia. She had been complain about feeling sick and her stomach hurting. It was an MRI that revealed a condition with her pancreas that was killing her. Had she had to wait even a week for this she would have been in bad shape, maybe dead. Hell, who knows anyone who has had a stroke? How would a stroke patient do if they had to wait even two days for a simple MRI? If they survived what would the quality of their lives be, and would it be worth it?

Your anecdotal experiences are irrelevant when it comes to national policy. Were talking about the countries overall experience as measured by life expectancy, coverage and cost. Europeans live longer, pay less, and all are covered. Those are the indisputable facts. The United States is 34th in the world when it comes to life expectancy despite spending more on healthcare per person than any country in the world. For being the top spender in the world on healthcare, the United States has a terrible ranking with its life expectancy.

You dumbass.

The US ranks low because of two factors:

1. We are the most affluent nation and that leads to a higher calorie diet and less physical activity that causes earlier deaths.

2. We have tens of million asshole Illegals in this country that come here with piss poor heath to raid our welfare system that idiots like you provide for them. Take them away and our numbers improve tremendously.

Most immigrants do far better on the BMI index so they are actually healthier in that regard. Poverty impacts health especially obesity. The highest levels of obesity are seen among the poor and lower class. Affluence allows you to buy more expensive, higher quality, low calorie dense food, which is why the rich and upper middle class have healthier BMI's than the poor. They also have a doctor and a healthcare plan. People that are poor don't have those things. It makes a difference and impacts their health in a negative way.

You are regurgitating the same shit. Go and work, pay some bills and you may get a clue.
The government does not steal the money YOU RECEIVED from the market. Taxation is not theft. Its necessary for the government to raise tax revenue in order to pay for multiple things in order for the MARKET and Society to continue to function. IF you think otherwise, move to Somalia. In Somalia, there is no government to take any of your earnings.

It is not smart policy wise, from an economic standpoint, nor is it moral, to have poor and lower class people unable to afford healthcare. The money that the RICH receive from the MARKET should be use to solve many of the problems of the poor and lower class. After all the RICH did not create the market they were born into. They have just been successful in exploiting that market they were born into and receive more money and benefits from that market. But make no mistake, the MARKET is responsible for their earnings. Had these RICH "talented" and "hard working people" been born in Somalia, they would be living and experiencing a totally different life despite their talent and hard work. That shows you that the critical factor in what they EARN is the MARKET they were born into.

the poor in the USA have always gotten free medical care, no US hospital can refuse service to anyone. Those of us who pay have always covered the cost of those who couldn't or wouldn't. Nothing would change under socialized medicine except that those that pay would pay more for less service.

Well go back to the simple MRI. My ma in law has dementia. She had been complain about feeling sick and her stomach hurting. It was an MRI that revealed a condition with her pancreas that was killing her. Had she had to wait even a week for this she would have been in bad shape, maybe dead. Hell, who knows anyone who has had a stroke? How would a stroke patient do if they had to wait even two days for a simple MRI? If they survived what would the quality of their lives be, and would it be worth it?

Your anecdotal experiences are irrelevant when it comes to national policy. Were talking about the countries overall experience as measured by life expectancy, coverage and cost. Europeans live longer, pay less, and all are covered. Those are the indisputable facts. The United States is 34th in the world when it comes to life expectancy despite spending more on healthcare per person than any country in the world. For being the top spender in the world on healthcare, the United States has a terrible ranking with its life expectancy.

You dumbass.

The US ranks low because of two factors:

1. We are the most affluent nation and that leads to a higher calorie diet and less physical activity that causes earlier deaths.

2. We have tens of million asshole Illegals in this country that come here with piss poor heath to raid our welfare system that idiots like you provide for them. Take them away and our numbers improve tremendously.

Most immigrants do far better on the BMI index so they are actually healthier in that regard. Poverty impacts health especially obesity. The highest levels of obesity are seen among the poor and lower class. Affluence allows you to buy more expensive, higher quality, low calorie dense food, which is why the rich and upper middle class have healthier BMI's than the poor. They also have a doctor and a healthcare plan. People that are poor don't have those things. It makes a difference and impacts their health in a negative way.

BMI is not the only thing. Low BMI may not mean health. It could mean starvation.

Of course after feeding off our welfare system the disease ridden druggie Illegals tend to get fat, don't they?

You Moon Bats are idiots supporting the invasion of these shitheads and this bloated debt ridden economy destroying welfare state we have.

You stupid Libtard assholes want it to be even more bloated, don't you? Morons!
The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.
if you actually heed the advice....otherwise....
The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.
The poor and lower class often have to choose between medication or food in the United States. They often going into enormous debt due to the cost of healthcare in the United States. Those burdens are not suffered by Europeans. Europeans live longer, pay less for healthcare, and everyone receives healthcare. There are no communist countries in Europe. NONE. Communism as a system in Europe has been dead since December 25, 1991. Europeans simply have a better approach to healthcare. This is proven by the fact that they live longer than Americans, pay less per person for healthcare, everyone is provided healthcare. When it comes to healthcare, Europeans win with overall quality as measured by life expectancy, coverage, and cost.

The poor are also eating worse and are unhealthier. You are trying to be reactive vs. proactive. I am all for providing better nutritional and exercise options to the less wealthy. Stop saying EUROPEANS. Which countries in partcular would you like to compare to the US?

Average life expectancy in the US is 78.69 years and in Germany it is 80.64 years and in France it is 82.67 years. It is not like people are not making it past 60. And again we are by far the fattest country. Be proactive not reactive!!!

When dealing with average life expectancy, a gap of a year, or two years is actually a lot. Its not acceptable for the United States to be 34th in the world when it comes to life expectancy despite spending more on healthcare than anyone. You can lump Europe together because generally or on average, they have better life expectancy, lower cost medical care and everyone is provided for. The rare exceptions would be in the Balkans where countries like Serbia and Bulgaria don't have Universal Healthcare.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the US is the fattest country? Doesn't fit your narrative?

The U.S. is the most obese nation in the world, just ahead of Mexico
The US is still the fattest country in the world research confirms | Daily Mail Online

This is why we don't live as long. And 1 year is not a huge deal when you're fatter. Stop it!

He's not ignoring it. He's ASSuming it's because poor people are a bunch of ignorant, helpless sheep who can't possibly figure out that McDonald's isn't health food on their own, and who would RACE to the doctor to get led like children through how to feed themselves if only we would just pay for it.

What he's ignoring is that poor people aren't as stupid and childish as he thinks, they don't WANT to eat healthier, they could see a doctor about their diet right now if they wanted to, and even if you gave them each a free pass to a nutritionist, they wouldn't use it and they wouldn't follow the advice if they did.

Well, you obviously do not understand the problems of low income areas and how living there can have a dramatic impact on your life. Growing up in poverty and living in poverty stricken areas causes many of these problems. Problems that could be addressed through a form of Universal Healthcare. Most European countries don't have poverty rates that are seen in the United States, which is another reason why they have higher life expectancy. Poverty impacts health in many ways.

I grew up in poverty. Did you? You are absolutely clueless. This is my last response to you. You should be abashed by your ignorance. And you did not even get my U2 references. You’re not even a U2 fan. Fraud.
The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.
if you actually heed the advice....otherwise....

The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.
if you actually heed the advice....otherwise....

Ant say about anywhere else, but the kids here aren’t heeding the advise. They having a real tough time with STD’s.
The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

or they could just use common sense and eat sensibly. Why do you need a doctor to tell you not to eat big macs 3 times a day?

the people of Scandinavia aren't healthy because of socialized medicine, they are healthy because its their cultural heritage.

its amazing how you libs see more government as the solution to all the ills of mankind, including individual stupidity.

Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.
and when a good many of them leave the office and just go about life as they did before the visit....what then?....
I supposed "doctor's orders" will take on a new meaning once we socialize health care.
You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

People in the healthcare industry do and Universal Healthcare can bring that advice and those resources to the poor and lower class. Its part of the reason why the Europeans beat us in life expectancy. They take care of the their people at the bottom of the economic ladder.
You actually believe that poor people don't know eating junk food all day is bad for them? That drinking and smoking are bad for them? They are already continually bombarded with advice.

Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Really? Tell me one place in the US that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples. I'll wait.
The poor and lower class often have to choose between medication or food in the United States. They often going into enormous debt due to the cost of healthcare in the United States. Those burdens are not suffered by Europeans. Europeans live longer, pay less for healthcare, and everyone receives healthcare. There are no communist countries in Europe. NONE. Communism as a system in Europe has been dead since December 25, 1991. Europeans simply have a better approach to healthcare. This is proven by the fact that they live longer than Americans, pay less per person for healthcare, everyone is provided healthcare. When it comes to healthcare, Europeans win with overall quality as measured by life expectancy, coverage, and cost.

The poor are also eating worse and are unhealthier. You are trying to be reactive vs. proactive. I am all for providing better nutritional and exercise options to the less wealthy. Stop saying EUROPEANS. Which countries in partcular would you like to compare to the US?

Average life expectancy in the US is 78.69 years and in Germany it is 80.64 years and in France it is 82.67 years. It is not like people are not making it past 60. And again we are by far the fattest country. Be proactive not reactive!!!

When dealing with average life expectancy, a gap of a year, or two years is actually a lot. Its not acceptable for the United States to be 34th in the world when it comes to life expectancy despite spending more on healthcare than anyone. You can lump Europe together because generally or on average, they have better life expectancy, lower cost medical care and everyone is provided for. The rare exceptions would be in the Balkans where countries like Serbia and Bulgaria don't have Universal Healthcare.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the US is the fattest country? Doesn't fit your narrative?

The U.S. is the most obese nation in the world, just ahead of Mexico
The US is still the fattest country in the world research confirms | Daily Mail Online

This is why we don't live as long. And 1 year is not a huge deal when you're fatter. Stop it!

He's not ignoring it. He's ASSuming it's because poor people are a bunch of ignorant, helpless sheep who can't possibly figure out that McDonald's isn't health food on their own, and who would RACE to the doctor to get led like children through how to feed themselves if only we would just pay for it.

What he's ignoring is that poor people aren't as stupid and childish as he thinks, they don't WANT to eat healthier, they could see a doctor about their diet right now if they wanted to, and even if you gave them each a free pass to a nutritionist, they wouldn't use it and they wouldn't follow the advice if they did.

Well, you obviously do not understand the problems of low income areas and how living there can have a dramatic impact on your life. Growing up in poverty and living in poverty stricken areas causes many of these problems. Problems that could be addressed through a form of Universal Healthcare. Most European countries don't have poverty rates that are seen in the United States, which is another reason why they have higher life expectancy. Poverty impacts health in many ways.

"Well, you obviously just refuse to believe my worldview is correct."

Whenever you're done asserting what you "just KNOW" as fact, and get around to actually substantiating it, you WILL let me know, won't you?

I always love elitist left-wingers telling me what I do and don't understand based not on any information about me or my life, but on whether or not I agree with their particular stereotype of people and areas they themselves have never been to.

By all means, tell me all about the poverty of YOUR childhood. List for me the ghetto areas you personally have lived in. Tell me ALLL about the place you lived where there were no food stores but they DID have a McDonald's and you were forced to live on cheeseburgers and fries every meal.

I won't even bother to address your continued insistence on blankly asserting that "universal healthcare" is somehow going to provide healthy food that you laughably insist is currently not accessible. We've already established that you have no interest in actually proving that, or even acknowledging questions about it. I can only assume it's because you know it's bullshit, and you're just hoping if you keep plugging your ears and repeating it, we'll all somehow sustain massive brain damage and start believing you're saying something intelligent.
Being able to talk to doctors and healthcare providers and being given access to low cost quality food. That's how. Many people in low income areas don't have very good access to healthcare professionals or low cost high quality food options.

You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.

Who is "we"? You and the mouse in your pocket?

And what does "universal healthcare" have to do with "education" and "access to food"? You're still blankly stating logical fallacies as fact and ignoring the giant, gaping holes in the "logic".
The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.


Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Or ask in the first place.

Of course, he seems to labor under the impression that they can't already go to free and sliding-scale health clinics and ask for that. Hell, you can go to the Department of Public Health and get reams of info on healthy nutrition, if you want it.

Maricopa County, AZ

Oh, look. That took me a whole big 5 seconds to find on Google. There is nothing that Edge's precious "universal health" is going to do about obese poor people that isn't already available.

Guess what, many people in low income areas don't have internet access, computers or cell phones.

Guess what, every library in America has computer access precisely to help those people.

Guess what else, you don't have to have computer access to find that shit out. Public health departments are not exactly hiding their existence from poor communities, you retard. Every welfare office, free clinic, and community center in the fucking country gladly hands out reams of brochures and contact info about public health services. How the hell do you think they disseminated information about themselves before the Internet? If you think poor people don't know where to go when they want something, it's only because you don't actually know any poor people, and you want us to decide public policy based on your cartoonish stereotypes of them.

Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.
You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

People in the healthcare industry do and Universal Healthcare can bring that advice and those resources to the poor and lower class. Its part of the reason why the Europeans beat us in life expectancy. They take care of the their people at the bottom of the economic ladder.
You actually believe that poor people don't know eating junk food all day is bad for them? That drinking and smoking are bad for them? They are already continually bombarded with advice.

Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Bullshit. No one in this country, except those who live in extremely remote areas, is more than a couple of miles from a grocery store.

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