The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

No one wants economic growth solely so we can accommodate more people. We only want economic growth that improves our standard of living. What's the point if we just give all the new money to immigrants?

Its the opposite, the immigrants are the SOLUTION to achieving greater wealth, prosperity and power. Otherwise, you risk being a country with a declining work force and an aging retirement community. Population decline is a bad indicator for a country.

My parents are immigrants (legal). I am OK with immigrants if they come in legally. In terms of population decline, tell that to China.

China faces a terrible demographic time bomb because of their stupid one child policy. In 20 or 30 years, their working age population will be so small compared to the retired or non-working population that it will cause extreme economic hardship.
People in China will just have to work until they are 75.

Still won't fix the problem.
Endless population increase is not a solution.
Being able to talk to doctors and healthcare providers and being given access to low cost quality food. That's how. Many people in low income areas don't have very good access to healthcare professionals or low cost high quality food options.

You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.
You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Its the opposite, the immigrants are the SOLUTION to achieving greater wealth, prosperity and power. Otherwise, you risk being a country with a declining work force and an aging retirement community. Population decline is a bad indicator for a country.

My parents are immigrants (legal). I am OK with immigrants if they come in legally. In terms of population decline, tell that to China.

China faces a terrible demographic time bomb because of their stupid one child policy. In 20 or 30 years, their working age population will be so small compared to the retired or non-working population that it will cause extreme economic hardship.
People in China will just have to work until they are 75.

Still won't fix the problem.
Endless population increase is not a solution.

Depending on the demographic range for a population in a country, the right population increase in terms of working age people is definitely a solution to keep the economy growing and supporting a large aging population. Its just what the doctor order in those cases and many countries In the industrialized world and some in the the third world as well would benefit.
You cannot conflate the two. Some of our best hospitals are in questionable areas. People have access. In terms of nutrition it is on you. One can easily spend $5 on rice/beans vs. Big Mac and fries. People here choose to eat poorly. You are losing badly. Very badly. You are unprepared.

Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Stop engaging the fraud please. The more you engage the more the fraud posts. Thank you.
Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

People in the healthcare industry do and Universal Healthcare can bring that advice and those resources to the poor and lower class. Its part of the reason why the Europeans beat us in life expectancy. They take care of the their people at the bottom of the economic ladder.
You actually believe that poor people don't know eating junk food all day is bad for them? That drinking and smoking are bad for them? They are already continually bombarded with advice.

Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Really? Tell me one place in the US that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples. I'll wait.

There are many economic disadvantage areas in hundreds of the 3,000 plus counties in the country. There neighborhoods in Detroit that have all but been abandoned. South Chicago, East Los Angeles, parts of West Virginia, Mississippi delta etc. You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor. Something might exist down the road a mile or two, but that is unhelpful since people typically purchase what is in close proximity to where they live.

Poverty does impact health and nutrition. Every study done on the subject shows that it does.
People please stop feeding this mindless troll. And mindless troll I never want to see your messages pop up in my alerts. Go away. Fraud. Doesn’t really like U2
Healthcare spending in 2017 was $1.83 trillion. Almost half of what the per year costs for medicare for all would be.
You guys scream over $5 billion for border security, yet see no problem with this-

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Medicare for All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says

How much is it going to cost the American people if we do not have a universal Healthcare program?

Depends. How much are leftist asswipes going to insist on stealing and redistributing?

So, you're saying that if we do not have medicare for all healthcare will be free?

Before you start whining about the cost of medicare for all, try finding out how much Americans will pay for healthcare over the same period if we do not have medicare for all.

My guess is that it will cost a whole hell of a lot more that medicare for all will.
Healthcare spending in 2017 was $1.83 trillion. Almost half of what the per year costs for medicare for all would be.
You guys scream over $5 billion for border security, yet see no problem with this-

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Medicare for All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says

How much is it going to cost the American people if we do not have a universal Healthcare program?

Depends. How much are leftist asswipes going to insist on stealing and redistributing?

So, you're saying that if we do not have medicare for all healthcare will be free?

Before you start whining about the cost of medicare for all, try finding out how much Americans will pay for healthcare over the same period if we do not have medicare for all.

My guess is that it will cost a whole hell of a lot more that medicare for all will.

Try getting your facts straight:

The Cost of 'Medicare-for-All' -

"between 2022 and 2031, the currently projected cost of health care expenditures in the U.S. of $59.4 trillion"

In fact under medicare for all, the government could force medical costs down to about 25% of what we pay now.

Unless Republicans are in office, then medical cost will skyrocket.

The biggest issue with healthcare is that the costs are way above what every other country is paying. Forcing those costs down would save us trillions.

Why US health care costs defy common sense (opinion) - CNN
Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

People in the healthcare industry do and Universal Healthcare can bring that advice and those resources to the poor and lower class. Its part of the reason why the Europeans beat us in life expectancy. They take care of the their people at the bottom of the economic ladder.
You actually believe that poor people don't know eating junk food all day is bad for them? That drinking and smoking are bad for them? They are already continually bombarded with advice.

Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Bullshit. No one in this country, except those who live in extremely remote areas, is more than a couple of miles from a grocery store.

When your in poverty, a couple of miles can be a bridge too far. People tend to purchase, if they have the ability to purchase anything, what is in close proximity, easy walking distance. Lots of poor, run down neighborhoods won't have the services you believe everyone has.
Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.
Healthcare spending in 2017 was $1.83 trillion. Almost half of what the per year costs for medicare for all would be.
You guys scream over $5 billion for border security, yet see no problem with this-

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Medicare for All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says

How much is it going to cost the American people if we do not have a universal Healthcare program?

Depends. How much are leftist asswipes going to insist on stealing and redistributing?

So, you're saying that if we do not have medicare for all healthcare will be free?

Before you start whining about the cost of medicare for all, try finding out how much Americans will pay for healthcare over the same period if we do not have medicare for all.

My guess is that it will cost a whole hell of a lot more that medicare for all will.
Healthcare spending in 2017 was $1.83 trillion. Almost half of what the per year costs for medicare for all would be.
You guys scream over $5 billion for border security, yet see no problem with this-

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Medicare for All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says

How much is it going to cost the American people if we do not have a universal Healthcare program?

Depends. How much are leftist asswipes going to insist on stealing and redistributing?

So, you're saying that if we do not have medicare for all healthcare will be free?

Before you start whining about the cost of medicare for all, try finding out how much Americans will pay for healthcare over the same period if we do not have medicare for all.

My guess is that it will cost a whole hell of a lot more that medicare for all will.

Try getting your facts straight:

The Cost of 'Medicare-for-All' -

"between 2022 and 2031, the currently projected cost of health care expenditures in the U.S. of $59.4 trillion"

In fact under medicare for all, the government could force medical costs down to about 25% of what we pay now.

Unless Republicans are in office, then medical cost will skyrocket.

The biggest issue with healthcare is that the costs are way above what every other country is paying. Forcing those costs down would save us trillions.

Why US health care costs defy common sense (opinion) - CNN

Great Post!

This is the path way to reduced cost, coverage for all, and a rising average life expectancy. The rich don't like it because they will pay more in taxes and no longer have healthcare that is superior to poor people. But the country has a whole will benefit. So which side are you on, America's side, or the filthy rich who think their special?
Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.
People please stop feeding this mindless troll. And mindless troll I never want to see your messages pop up in my alerts. Go away. Fraud. Doesn’t really like U2

This is MY thread. If you don't like it, don't come in here.
How come you cannot identify U2 songs?

I don't know what your talking about. I know hundreds of U2 songs, most of which I suspect you have never heard. I've seen the band 23 times in concert and have met them as well.
Its fact that the poor and lower class have lower life expectancies and share a much higher proportion of the nations obesity problem. Universal healthcare could help solve these problems among the poor and lower class and improve overall U.S. life expectancy.

Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.

Sorry, but saying it doesn't make it true. YOU saying it makes it less likely to be true.
Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

or they could just use common sense and eat sensibly. Why do you need a doctor to tell you not to eat big macs 3 times a day?

the people of Scandinavia aren't healthy because of socialized medicine, they are healthy because its their cultural heritage.

its amazing how you libs see more government as the solution to all the ills of mankind, including individual stupidity.

Its amazing how some people will resist every attempt to help people because it somehow violates their political ideology. My goal here is to help people and improve life expectancy. Your goal seems to be to simply oppose anything having to do with the government.
Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.

Sorry, but saying it doesn't make it true. YOU saying it makes it less likely to be true.

Its what the studies have found. Look at the rates of teen pregnancy vs the rates of teen pregnancy in Europe. Educate yourself and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.
Walk me through on why and how? Doctors do not prescribe diets.

People in the healthcare industry do and Universal Healthcare can bring that advice and those resources to the poor and lower class. Its part of the reason why the Europeans beat us in life expectancy. They take care of the their people at the bottom of the economic ladder.
You actually believe that poor people don't know eating junk food all day is bad for them? That drinking and smoking are bad for them? They are already continually bombarded with advice.

Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Really? Tell me one place in the US that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples. I'll wait.

There are many economic disadvantage areas in hundreds of the 3,000 plus counties in the country. There neighborhoods in Detroit that have all but been abandoned. South Chicago, East Los Angeles, parts of West Virginia, Mississippi delta etc. You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor. Something might exist down the road a mile or two, but that is unhelpful since people typically purchase what is in close proximity to where they live.

Poverty does impact health and nutrition. Every study done on the subject shows that it does.

I didn't ask you to tell me about poor places, dimwit. Nor did I ask you to vaguely, and vacuously, tell me "there are neighborhoods there", which is obviously an assumption on your part, because you "just KNOW" it's true.

Let me repeat the question, and feel free to go get someone with functioning grey matter and a working knowledge of English to explain it to you:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

And for the record, "down the road a mile or two" actually qualifies as "close proximity" to poor people, shitforbrains. Way to prove you're a spoiled elitist who wants a medal for "caring" about the poor without the nastiness of having to actually associate with them.

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