The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

I answered your question, and you answer me with name calling and curse words. That's not mature, smart, or professional behavior.

You didn’t answer my questions. You’re rude and a fraud.

My above comment wasn't to you. But I've answered your questions too.

Wrong. You did not. You are not a real U2 fan and you also ignore my data and spew your own. That is plain rude. Why do you portray yourself as a U2 fan when you are not one?

Not really sure why this is an issue, but what evidence do you have that I'm not a U2 fan?

How long to sing this song? I used that reference like 5x and you utterly ignored it. No real U2 fan would and yes it makes you not credible. Sorry, sir. You're a fraud. Understand now? Don't represent something you are not.

I know, the phrase, its used in the song 40. I don't have to make any response simply because you use U2 lyrics in your post to me. I'm not here to discuss U2. This is the politics forum and the topic of this thread is the 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.
Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Bullshit. No one in this country, except those who live in extremely remote areas, is more than a couple of miles from a grocery store.

When your in poverty, a couple of miles can be a bridge too far. People tend to purchase, if they have the ability to purchase anything, what is in close proximity, easy walking distance. Lots of poor, run down neighborhoods won't have the services you believe everyone has.

No, Chuckles, when you're "in poverty", a couple of miles is no big fucking deal, because you do that and more routinely. Jesus frigging Christ.

And whatever daydream scenario you've made up where poor people are saying, "I'll just have to spend $20 at McDonald's for every meal, because OMG I'd have to go a WHOLE MILE to buy groceries" is just that, a daydream.

People purchase what they want and what they think they can get. And what's possible to get is defined very differently by poor people than by elitist dimwits busily "caring" about what they imagine poor people are.

And I'm going to assume by your third blank repitition of "Lots of poor neighborhoods" that you don't actually know any, and really have no proof they even exist, it's just all about what you're "sure" is true because it fits your narrative.

Next time, just sack up and admit it.

Proximity of services matters in getting people healthcare and quality food at low cost. Some may be able to go an extra distance, but day in and day out on average, most will not. Poverty impacts health and life expectancy. Every study on the issue shows this. You can remain in denial on these facts as long as you like, but it won't change them.

Assertion without proof. I accept your admission of being a lying shitbag, and your unequivocal surrender on this subject.

Well, when I site some studies for you to read on the issue, what will your response be then? I suspect probably the same. Where is your evidence and statistics by the way on this issue? Show me some statistics that show that poverty does not impact health and life expectancy. Try to see if you can do it with cursing or labeling me with a name or something else.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.

Christ, more blank stats stolen as "proof" of your premise, just because you want to assume your ideas are the cause.

I'm sure you're great at rolling a condom onto a cucumber, but you'd still lose in a battle of wits with one.

I've posted far more statistics than you in this thread. I don't recall you posting any. You just have a grand assumption that anything I post is wrong, which is not logical. How about posting some statistics of your own for once, that support your point of view.

I didn't ask you to post statistics, you ass kitten. I asked you to PROVE YOUR STATEMENT. There's a difference.

YOU just have the grand assumption that if you - for example - post a statistic about what US life expectancy is and what British life expectancy is, that somehow "proves" your assertion that healthcare is responsible for the difference. All it ACTUALLY proves is that the difference exists. Doesn't prove a damned thing about WHY.

Speaking of not logical . . .

When I make an assertion in the positive, I do post proof. I've already done that. At this point, you fucking moron, I am not making any assertions beyond the fact that you're a halfwit who thinks saying something makes it fact. I don't need to post proof for that, because you're already doing it for me.

Other than that, I'm posting requests for YOUR proof. So . . .

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.
Low income areas in the United States often have poor access to nutritional food at low cost. Its not just about education, it also involves proximity, availability, travel, and cost.

Really? Tell me one place in the US that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples. I'll wait.

There are many economic disadvantage areas in hundreds of the 3,000 plus counties in the country. There neighborhoods in Detroit that have all but been abandoned. South Chicago, East Los Angeles, parts of West Virginia, Mississippi delta etc. You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor. Something might exist down the road a mile or two, but that is unhelpful since people typically purchase what is in close proximity to where they live.

Poverty does impact health and nutrition. Every study done on the subject shows that it does.

I didn't ask you to tell me about poor places, dimwit. Nor did I ask you to vaguely, and vacuously, tell me "there are neighborhoods there", which is obviously an assumption on your part, because you "just KNOW" it's true.

Let me repeat the question, and feel free to go get someone with functioning grey matter and a working knowledge of English to explain it to you:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

And for the record, "down the road a mile or two" actually qualifies as "close proximity" to poor people, shitforbrains. Way to prove you're a spoiled elitist who wants a medal for "caring" about the poor without the nastiness of having to actually associate with them.

I answered your question, and you answer me with name calling and curse words. That's not mature, smart, or professional behavior.

No, you did NOT answer my question, which is not mature or smart. What "professional" has to do with anything, I have no idea. I don't get paid for posting to this message board, do you?

If you don't want to get called names, try REALLY answering the question, rather than just parroting your talking points yet again and hoping that THIS time, I'll take your word for it, even though the previous sixty times, I told you you were an idiot with no proof.

I'm fully prepared to ask this question until you provide a REAL answer:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I learned not to call people names by the time I was in first grade. Obviously you never learned that.
Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.

Christ, more blank stats stolen as "proof" of your premise, just because you want to assume your ideas are the cause.

I'm sure you're great at rolling a condom onto a cucumber, but you'd still lose in a battle of wits with one.

I've posted far more statistics than you in this thread. I don't recall you posting any. You just have a grand assumption that anything I post is wrong, which is not logical. How about posting some statistics of your own for once, that support your point of view.

I didn't ask you to post statistics, you ass kitten. I asked you to PROVE YOUR STATEMENT. There's a difference.

YOU just have the grand assumption that if you - for example - post a statistic about what US life expectancy is and what British life expectancy is, that somehow "proves" your assertion that healthcare is responsible for the difference. All it ACTUALLY proves is that the difference exists. Doesn't prove a damned thing about WHY.

Speaking of not logical . . .

When I make an assertion in the positive, I do post proof. I've already done that. At this point, you fucking moron, I am not making any assertions beyond the fact that you're a halfwit who thinks saying something makes it fact. I don't need to post proof for that, because you're already doing it for me.

Other than that, I'm posting requests for YOUR proof. So . . .

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I already did. But you did not accept that. More cursing and name calling, wonderful.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.

Sorry, but saying it doesn't make it true. YOU saying it makes it less likely to be true.

Its what the studies have found. Look at the rates of teen pregnancy vs the rates of teen pregnancy in Europe. Educate yourself and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Ahhh, yes. Let us never forget that you're the king of "correlation equals causation. I'm just SURE it does! They happened at the same time, so it MUST!"

Educate YOURSELF, and maybe then we can stop having these infantile posts where you cite blank stats, and then triumphantly proclaim that XYZ caused them, just because you say it caused them.

Agreeing with you doesn't require "educating" myself; it would require lobotomizing myself. Thanks, but no.

You seem to be more interested in talking about ME, rather than the topic. Instead of talking about ME, why don't you post some statistics of your own that would support your point of view or refute the statistics I have posted in this thread.

I'm not the least bit interested in talking about you, but unfortunately, the pervasive you-ness of you keeps getting in the way of actually talking about the subject. Believe me, I'd much prefer if both of your brain cells got together in the same part of your skull and produced some sort of actual thought.

STATISTICS AREN'T PROOF, dumbass. Nor do I have an issue with what the statistics are. The problem here was, is, and apparently will continue to be that citing XYZ statistic does NOT prove your assertions as to the cause of that statistic.

I've already posted refutations of your blank assertions of causation. Did that pages ago. And what I got for my trouble was a dozen more posts where you just repeated yourself as though I didn't say anything. So there's the answer to your question of "Why don't you . . ." Because you're too stupid and dishonest to acknowledge it, so you're not worth the bother.

If you want to be spoken to with respect, earn it. Right now, calling you "fucking moron" is exactly the amount of respect you deserve (actually, it's probably more respect than yu actually deserve, but I can't slap you cross-eyed over the internet), so enjoy the fruits of being you.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Or ask in the first place.

Of course, he seems to labor under the impression that they can't already go to free and sliding-scale health clinics and ask for that. Hell, you can go to the Department of Public Health and get reams of info on healthy nutrition, if you want it.

Maricopa County, AZ

Oh, look. That took me a whole big 5 seconds to find on Google. There is nothing that Edge's precious "universal health" is going to do about obese poor people that isn't already available.

Guess what, many people in low income areas don't have internet access, computers or cell phones.

Guess what, every library in America has computer access precisely to help those people.

Guess what else, you don't have to have computer access to find that shit out. Public health departments are not exactly hiding their existence from poor communities, you retard. Every welfare office, free clinic, and community center in the fucking country gladly hands out reams of brochures and contact info about public health services. How the hell do you think they disseminated information about themselves before the Internet? If you think poor people don't know where to go when they want something, it's only because you don't actually know any poor people, and you want us to decide public policy based on your cartoonish stereotypes of them.

Living in poverty, and living in low income areas has been proven to be a barrier in improving ones health and education which obviously impacts life expectancy. Many low income areas don't have the services found in most areas of the country. Its not wise to set up any type of business healthcare or otherwise in an area where profits would be low or non-existent. The result is that the people living in those low income areas are forced to live without services others take for granted. That, or they live to far from such services in order for those services to really play a large role in their life. Proximity is important to access and use.

Being poor in and of itself is less of an impact on life expectancy in the US than you imagine it is. Again, it's about individual choices, and poor people DO have choices, and DO know that they have them, whatever your "benevolent" condescension wants to tell you.

"Many low income areas don't have stuff. They don't. No, I can't prove it, but I'm sure it's true, so I'll just keep saying it and ignoring your demands for proof in the hope that you won't notice I'm a pussy!"

This just in, Mr. "I Care About Poor People, But I Don't Know Any": healthcare doesn't just come from for-profit fancy doctors' offices like you maybe go to. You know that link to the Maricopa County Department of Public Health that you dismissed without opening earlier by airily saying, "Poor people don't have computers so they can't possibly know about that"? Contains information about free and sliding-scale medical clinics in poor areas. Not to mention that the United States spends almost $600 billion a year on Medicaid. In case you weren't aware of it, Medicaid is healthcare for poor people. How do you suppose we're managing to spend $600 billion a year on healthcare for poor people if there's no place for poor people to get healthcare, you fucking moron?

Yes, poor people live without a lot of the conveniences of life that money provides. Undeniable. That's not the same as "can't get anything at all."

And I'm done asking you to provide proof instead of assertions of "This is fact. Because I say it is. It JUST IS!!!" From here on in, every time you make a statement without proof, I'm just going to take it as "I'm a lying asshole and I know it", and count it as a surrender on your part. There's only so long I can assume you're a drooling moron before I have to accept that you're actually just a maliciously lying shitbag.

There are lots of people who don't live in low income areas that are on Medicaid. Medicaid is not evidence that the country is properly helping the poor and those living in low income areas.

Still cursing and throwing names at people. I'll provide some studies on poverty and its impact on health later on. I suspect I'll still be cursed at and called names though even after that.
You didn’t answer my questions. You’re rude and a fraud.

My above comment wasn't to you. But I've answered your questions too.

Wrong. You did not. You are not a real U2 fan and you also ignore my data and spew your own. That is plain rude. Why do you portray yourself as a U2 fan when you are not one?

Not really sure why this is an issue, but what evidence do you have that I'm not a U2 fan?

How long to sing this song? I used that reference like 5x and you utterly ignored it. No real U2 fan would and yes it makes you not credible. Sorry, sir. You're a fraud. Understand now? Don't represent something you are not.

I know, the phrase, its used in the song 40. I don't have to make any response simply because you use U2 lyrics in your post to me. I'm not here to discuss U2. This is the politics forum and the topic of this thread is the 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

And I have already proved to you that your assertion is utterly false and without merit. I am glad you could Google and find the song 40.
Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.

Sorry, but saying it doesn't make it true. YOU saying it makes it less likely to be true.

Its what the studies have found. Look at the rates of teen pregnancy vs the rates of teen pregnancy in Europe. Educate yourself and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Ahhh, yes. Let us never forget that you're the king of "correlation equals causation. I'm just SURE it does! They happened at the same time, so it MUST!"

Educate YOURSELF, and maybe then we can stop having these infantile posts where you cite blank stats, and then triumphantly proclaim that XYZ caused them, just because you say it caused them.

Agreeing with you doesn't require "educating" myself; it would require lobotomizing myself. Thanks, but no.

You seem to be more interested in talking about ME, rather than the topic. Instead of talking about ME, why don't you post some statistics of your own that would support your point of view or refute the statistics I have posted in this thread.

I'm not the least bit interested in talking about you, but unfortunately, the pervasive you-ness of you keeps getting in the way of actually talking about the subject. Believe me, I'd much prefer if both of your brain cells got together in the same part of your skull and produced some sort of actual thought.

Then stop coming into my thread and reading what I have to say. If I actually am what you claim I am, why would you waste another second reading anything or responding to anything I have to say? If my posts make you that upset, go somewhere else. Why spend your limited time reading and responding to my post if you really feel this way about them?
My above comment wasn't to you. But I've answered your questions too.

Wrong. You did not. You are not a real U2 fan and you also ignore my data and spew your own. That is plain rude. Why do you portray yourself as a U2 fan when you are not one?

Not really sure why this is an issue, but what evidence do you have that I'm not a U2 fan?

How long to sing this song? I used that reference like 5x and you utterly ignored it. No real U2 fan would and yes it makes you not credible. Sorry, sir. You're a fraud. Understand now? Don't represent something you are not.

I know, the phrase, its used in the song 40. I don't have to make any response simply because you use U2 lyrics in your post to me. I'm not here to discuss U2. This is the politics forum and the topic of this thread is the 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

And I have already proved to you that your assertion is utterly false and without merit. I am glad you could Google and find the song 40.

If that is the case, why are you still coming into this thread and reading my post? Believe what you want. I've posted indisputable facts which suggest that the United States would be much better off with a Universal Healthcare system that most developed countries already have. I've not seen anything yet in this thread that makes me think otherwise.
Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

Living in poverty is a barrier to pretty much everything, so congratulations for being "brilliant" enough to figure out that being poor sucks.

That being said, poor people DO have access to food, and they DO have access to doctors, and they DO already know the difference between junk food and healthy food.

Maybe, if you really want to "help" people so much, you could start by not assuming they're all dumber than a box of rocks.

My point is that low income areas do not have the same access to health services and quality food at low cost. When I say access, that also includes proximity which means around the corner or down the block as opposed to being two miles away. I've never claimed anyone was dumb. People in low income areas have the same IQ as the rest of the population. Their problems are the circumstances that they are born into. I'm offering solutions to help them. Solutions that your against for some strange reason. Solutions that have been proven to work in other countries.


No, your point has NOT been "they don't have the same access". That goalpost-moving shit only works on people who are as catshit-stupid as you are.

Let me just stop you RIGHT there, lying shitbag. HERE is the point you have been making, and it sure as hell is not "Poor people have less access than rich people".

You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor.

Lots of poor, run down neighborhoods won't have the services you believe everyone has.

You also started out stating flat-out that poor people didn't have access to healthy food. So don't try to play word games with me and pretend now that all you were REALLY saying is that poor people don't have the same access as rich people do. NOT the same thing at all.

Also, do NOT fucking tell me that "if it's not around the corner or down the block, that qualifies as 'no access'." I'm sure YOU, in your ignorant elitist snobbery, feel that any inconvenience at all equals you just not being able to do it, but that is not true for poor people . . . which you would know, if you ever actually spent time around poor people, rather than just "caring" about them from a long distance by voting for socialism.

Unlike you, I have been poor. I know people who are poor. I spend time around them. I spend time in their neighborhoods. I have lived in their neighborhoods. I see them as actual, valuable, real human beings, not just brainless, helpless caricatures to throw up and pity for votes. So when I tell you that everything you think you know (but can't prove, because you're too busy "knowing") about poor people is warmed-over, brain-damaged bullshit, you'd best believe I know whereof I speak and I CAN prove it.

Don't believe me? Whenever you want to strap on a pair and pretend not to be a dickless lying shitbag, name me the place you think does not have access to healthy food, and I'll gladly prove you wrong.

But until YOU start proving your assertions, it's impossible for me to refute it, beyond telling you you're an idiot and a liar.
Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

Living in poverty is a barrier to pretty much everything, so congratulations for being "brilliant" enough to figure out that being poor sucks.

That being said, poor people DO have access to food, and they DO have access to doctors, and they DO already know the difference between junk food and healthy food.

Maybe, if you really want to "help" people so much, you could start by not assuming they're all dumber than a box of rocks.

My point is that low income areas do not have the same access to health services and quality food at low cost. When I say access, that also includes proximity which means around the corner or down the block as opposed to being two miles away. I've never claimed anyone was dumb. People in low income areas have the same IQ as the rest of the population. Their problems are the circumstances that they are born into. I'm offering solutions to help them. Solutions that your against for some strange reason. Solutions that have been proven to work in other countries.


No, your point has NOT been "they don't have the same access". That goalpost-moving shit only works on people who are as catshit-stupid as you are.

Let me just stop you RIGHT there, lying shitbag. HERE is the point you have been making, and it sure as hell is not "Poor people have less access than rich people".

You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor.

Lots of poor, run down neighborhoods won't have the services you believe everyone has.

You also started out stating flat-out that poor people didn't have access to healthy food. So don't try to play word games with me and pretend now that all you were REALLY saying is that poor people don't have the same access as rich people do. NOT the same thing at all.

Also, do NOT fucking tell me that "if it's not around the corner or down the block, that qualifies as 'no access'." I'm sure YOU, in your ignorant elitist snobbery, feel that any inconvenience at all equals you just not being able to do it, but that is not true for poor people . . . which you would know, if you ever actually spent time around poor people, rather than just "caring" about them from a long distance by voting for socialism.

Unlike you, I have been poor. I know people who are poor. I spend time around them. I spend time in their neighborhoods. I have lived in their neighborhoods. I see them as actual, valuable, real human beings, not just brainless, helpless caricatures to throw up and pity for votes. So when I tell you that everything you think you know (but can't prove, because you're too busy "knowing") about poor people is warmed-over, brain-damaged bullshit, you'd best believe I know whereof I speak and I CAN prove it.

Don't believe me? Whenever you want to strap on a pair and pretend not to be a dickless lying shitbag, name me the place you think does not have access to healthy food, and I'll gladly prove you wrong.

But until YOU start proving your assertions, it's impossible for me to refute it, beyond telling you you're an idiot and a liar.

Again, access to health services and quality food at low cost in low income areas does impact the poor people who live in those areas. Studies have been done that have shown this. I have read those studies. I'll site them here when I have more time.

The most important factor in dragging U.S. life expectancy below that of European nations are the conditions that poor people in the United States live in. You claim its because of choices they make rather than being born into poverty and living in low income areas. I've seen evidence that being born in low income areas, being born into poverty, means less access to health resources(including quality food at low cost) than what people have in most areas of the country.

There are dozens of neighborhoods in Detroit that don't have any of the services you speak of. In fact, there are even neighborhoods in Detroit that are no longer serviced by Police and Fire departments do to urban decay and low population numbers.

Here are a few links for you:

Key Facts: Poverty and Poor Health | Health Poverty Action
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Bullshit. No one in this country, except those who live in extremely remote areas, is more than a couple of miles from a grocery store.

When your in poverty, a couple of miles can be a bridge too far. People tend to purchase, if they have the ability to purchase anything, what is in close proximity, easy walking distance. Lots of poor, run down neighborhoods won't have the services you believe everyone has.

No, Chuckles, when you're "in poverty", a couple of miles is no big fucking deal, because you do that and more routinely. Jesus frigging Christ.

And whatever daydream scenario you've made up where poor people are saying, "I'll just have to spend $20 at McDonald's for every meal, because OMG I'd have to go a WHOLE MILE to buy groceries" is just that, a daydream.

People purchase what they want and what they think they can get. And what's possible to get is defined very differently by poor people than by elitist dimwits busily "caring" about what they imagine poor people are.

And I'm going to assume by your third blank repitition of "Lots of poor neighborhoods" that you don't actually know any, and really have no proof they even exist, it's just all about what you're "sure" is true because it fits your narrative.

Next time, just sack up and admit it.

Proximity of services matters in getting people healthcare and quality food at low cost. Some may be able to go an extra distance, but day in and day out on average, most will not. Poverty impacts health and life expectancy. Every study on the issue shows this. You can remain in denial on these facts as long as you like, but it won't change them.

Assertion without proof. I accept your admission of being a lying shitbag, and your unequivocal surrender on this subject.

Well, when I site some studies for you to read on the issue, what will your response be then? I suspect probably the same. Where is your evidence and statistics by the way on this issue? Show me some statistics that show that poverty does not impact health and life expectancy. Try to see if you can do it with cursing or labeling me with a name or something else.

Depends on which studies, and by whom.

Don't even think you're going to pull out "Where's your evidence?" now after utterly ignoring it when I posted it. Feel free to scroll back and find it. Then feel free to produce some of your own - since I've only been asking for it for about 100 pages so far without seeing any - before flattering yourself that you get to demand anything else.

Also, don't try to extend your desire to control people's lives to trying to tell me how to post, fucking moron. Like I said, you get the respect you earn, and you haven't even really earned enough to be called a fucking moron. That's actually just me being generous. You're welcome.
Really? Tell me one place in the US that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples. I'll wait.

There are many economic disadvantage areas in hundreds of the 3,000 plus counties in the country. There neighborhoods in Detroit that have all but been abandoned. South Chicago, East Los Angeles, parts of West Virginia, Mississippi delta etc. You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor. Something might exist down the road a mile or two, but that is unhelpful since people typically purchase what is in close proximity to where they live.

Poverty does impact health and nutrition. Every study done on the subject shows that it does.

I didn't ask you to tell me about poor places, dimwit. Nor did I ask you to vaguely, and vacuously, tell me "there are neighborhoods there", which is obviously an assumption on your part, because you "just KNOW" it's true.

Let me repeat the question, and feel free to go get someone with functioning grey matter and a working knowledge of English to explain it to you:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

And for the record, "down the road a mile or two" actually qualifies as "close proximity" to poor people, shitforbrains. Way to prove you're a spoiled elitist who wants a medal for "caring" about the poor without the nastiness of having to actually associate with them.

I answered your question, and you answer me with name calling and curse words. That's not mature, smart, or professional behavior.

No, you did NOT answer my question, which is not mature or smart. What "professional" has to do with anything, I have no idea. I don't get paid for posting to this message board, do you?

If you don't want to get called names, try REALLY answering the question, rather than just parroting your talking points yet again and hoping that THIS time, I'll take your word for it, even though the previous sixty times, I told you you were an idiot with no proof.

I'm fully prepared to ask this question until you provide a REAL answer:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I learned not to call people names by the time I was in first grade. Obviously you never learned that.

I learned that some people deserve courtesy and respect, and some people need a boot up their asses. Obviously, you never learned not to be the latter.

I'll tell you again, since I know you're too stupid to learn anything the first time around: do NOT try to extend your desire to control people's lives to trying to tell me how to post. If you're too fragile and delicate to handle it, feel free to scurry away with your tail between your legs.

Contrary to what your leftist buddies tell you, you do NOT deserve respect just for existing, any more than snot on a sidewalk does.
When your in poverty, a couple of miles can be a bridge too far. People tend to purchase, if they have the ability to purchase anything, what is in close proximity, easy walking distance. Lots of poor, run down neighborhoods won't have the services you believe everyone has.

No, Chuckles, when you're "in poverty", a couple of miles is no big fucking deal, because you do that and more routinely. Jesus frigging Christ.

And whatever daydream scenario you've made up where poor people are saying, "I'll just have to spend $20 at McDonald's for every meal, because OMG I'd have to go a WHOLE MILE to buy groceries" is just that, a daydream.

People purchase what they want and what they think they can get. And what's possible to get is defined very differently by poor people than by elitist dimwits busily "caring" about what they imagine poor people are.

And I'm going to assume by your third blank repitition of "Lots of poor neighborhoods" that you don't actually know any, and really have no proof they even exist, it's just all about what you're "sure" is true because it fits your narrative.

Next time, just sack up and admit it.

Proximity of services matters in getting people healthcare and quality food at low cost. Some may be able to go an extra distance, but day in and day out on average, most will not. Poverty impacts health and life expectancy. Every study on the issue shows this. You can remain in denial on these facts as long as you like, but it won't change them.

Assertion without proof. I accept your admission of being a lying shitbag, and your unequivocal surrender on this subject.

Well, when I site some studies for you to read on the issue, what will your response be then? I suspect probably the same. Where is your evidence and statistics by the way on this issue? Show me some statistics that show that poverty does not impact health and life expectancy. Try to see if you can do it with cursing or labeling me with a name or something else.

Depends on which studies, and by whom.

Don't even think you're going to pull out "Where's your evidence?" now after utterly ignoring it when I posted it. Feel free to scroll back and find it. Then feel free to produce some of your own - since I've only been asking for it for about 100 pages so far without seeing any - before flattering yourself that you get to demand anything else.

Also, don't try to extend your desire to control people's lives to trying to tell me how to post, fucking moron. Like I said, you get the respect you earn, and you haven't even really earned enough to be called a fucking moron. That's actually just me being generous. You're welcome.

If you want to continue to behave like that fine. There are plenty of other people that post in here that I can have a normal conversation with. I'll continue to read and respond to their comments. You can go curse at someone else or the wall.
There are many economic disadvantage areas in hundreds of the 3,000 plus counties in the country. There neighborhoods in Detroit that have all but been abandoned. South Chicago, East Los Angeles, parts of West Virginia, Mississippi delta etc. You will find in these areas neighborhoods where quality food is not available or is too expensive for many of the poor. Something might exist down the road a mile or two, but that is unhelpful since people typically purchase what is in close proximity to where they live.

Poverty does impact health and nutrition. Every study done on the subject shows that it does.

I didn't ask you to tell me about poor places, dimwit. Nor did I ask you to vaguely, and vacuously, tell me "there are neighborhoods there", which is obviously an assumption on your part, because you "just KNOW" it's true.

Let me repeat the question, and feel free to go get someone with functioning grey matter and a working knowledge of English to explain it to you:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

And for the record, "down the road a mile or two" actually qualifies as "close proximity" to poor people, shitforbrains. Way to prove you're a spoiled elitist who wants a medal for "caring" about the poor without the nastiness of having to actually associate with them.

I answered your question, and you answer me with name calling and curse words. That's not mature, smart, or professional behavior.

No, you did NOT answer my question, which is not mature or smart. What "professional" has to do with anything, I have no idea. I don't get paid for posting to this message board, do you?

If you don't want to get called names, try REALLY answering the question, rather than just parroting your talking points yet again and hoping that THIS time, I'll take your word for it, even though the previous sixty times, I told you you were an idiot with no proof.

I'm fully prepared to ask this question until you provide a REAL answer:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I learned not to call people names by the time I was in first grade. Obviously you never learned that.

I learned that some people deserve courtesy and respect, and some people need a boot up their asses. Obviously, you never learned not to be the latter.

I'll tell you again, since I know you're too stupid to learn anything the first time around: do NOT try to extend your desire to control people's lives to trying to tell me how to post. If you're too fragile and delicate to handle it, feel free to scurry away with your tail between your legs.

Contrary to what your leftist buddies tell you, you do NOT deserve respect just for existing, any more than snot on a sidewalk does.

I'm a Republican. I never voted for a Democrat ever until 2016. Your only one person, one of the few in this thread that does not know how to politely communicate. This is my thread, a thread I started. If you think its all lying and not informative, stop clicking on the thread. So somewhere else. If you really feel the way you do, why do you keep coming into this thread and reading my post?
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.

Christ, more blank stats stolen as "proof" of your premise, just because you want to assume your ideas are the cause.

I'm sure you're great at rolling a condom onto a cucumber, but you'd still lose in a battle of wits with one.

I've posted far more statistics than you in this thread. I don't recall you posting any. You just have a grand assumption that anything I post is wrong, which is not logical. How about posting some statistics of your own for once, that support your point of view.

I didn't ask you to post statistics, you ass kitten. I asked you to PROVE YOUR STATEMENT. There's a difference.

YOU just have the grand assumption that if you - for example - post a statistic about what US life expectancy is and what British life expectancy is, that somehow "proves" your assertion that healthcare is responsible for the difference. All it ACTUALLY proves is that the difference exists. Doesn't prove a damned thing about WHY.

Speaking of not logical . . .

When I make an assertion in the positive, I do post proof. I've already done that. At this point, you fucking moron, I am not making any assertions beyond the fact that you're a halfwit who thinks saying something makes it fact. I don't need to post proof for that, because you're already doing it for me.

Other than that, I'm posting requests for YOUR proof. So . . .

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I already did. But you did not accept that. More cursing and name calling, wonderful.

No, you didn't. What you said was this:

There are many economic disadvantage areas in hundreds of the 3,000 plus counties in the country. There neighborhoods in Detroit that have all but been abandoned. South Chicago, East Los Angeles, parts of West Virginia, Mississippi delta etc.

That is not naming a place that doesn't have a market selling etc., etc. THAT is gesturing vaguely in a general direction and saying, "Over there, somewhere." Unless you are suggesting that the entire south side of Chicago and the entire east side of Los Angeles and the entire state of West Virginia and the entire Mississippi delta do not have any grocery stores anywhere in them. One presumes you are not, in fact, suggesting that.

But hell, you're so damned ignorant and proud of it, you COULD actually be suggesting that, for all I know.
Or ask in the first place.

Of course, he seems to labor under the impression that they can't already go to free and sliding-scale health clinics and ask for that. Hell, you can go to the Department of Public Health and get reams of info on healthy nutrition, if you want it.

Maricopa County, AZ

Oh, look. That took me a whole big 5 seconds to find on Google. There is nothing that Edge's precious "universal health" is going to do about obese poor people that isn't already available.

Guess what, many people in low income areas don't have internet access, computers or cell phones.

Guess what, every library in America has computer access precisely to help those people.

Guess what else, you don't have to have computer access to find that shit out. Public health departments are not exactly hiding their existence from poor communities, you retard. Every welfare office, free clinic, and community center in the fucking country gladly hands out reams of brochures and contact info about public health services. How the hell do you think they disseminated information about themselves before the Internet? If you think poor people don't know where to go when they want something, it's only because you don't actually know any poor people, and you want us to decide public policy based on your cartoonish stereotypes of them.

Living in poverty, and living in low income areas has been proven to be a barrier in improving ones health and education which obviously impacts life expectancy. Many low income areas don't have the services found in most areas of the country. Its not wise to set up any type of business healthcare or otherwise in an area where profits would be low or non-existent. The result is that the people living in those low income areas are forced to live without services others take for granted. That, or they live to far from such services in order for those services to really play a large role in their life. Proximity is important to access and use.

Being poor in and of itself is less of an impact on life expectancy in the US than you imagine it is. Again, it's about individual choices, and poor people DO have choices, and DO know that they have them, whatever your "benevolent" condescension wants to tell you.

"Many low income areas don't have stuff. They don't. No, I can't prove it, but I'm sure it's true, so I'll just keep saying it and ignoring your demands for proof in the hope that you won't notice I'm a pussy!"

This just in, Mr. "I Care About Poor People, But I Don't Know Any": healthcare doesn't just come from for-profit fancy doctors' offices like you maybe go to. You know that link to the Maricopa County Department of Public Health that you dismissed without opening earlier by airily saying, "Poor people don't have computers so they can't possibly know about that"? Contains information about free and sliding-scale medical clinics in poor areas. Not to mention that the United States spends almost $600 billion a year on Medicaid. In case you weren't aware of it, Medicaid is healthcare for poor people. How do you suppose we're managing to spend $600 billion a year on healthcare for poor people if there's no place for poor people to get healthcare, you fucking moron?

Yes, poor people live without a lot of the conveniences of life that money provides. Undeniable. That's not the same as "can't get anything at all."

And I'm done asking you to provide proof instead of assertions of "This is fact. Because I say it is. It JUST IS!!!" From here on in, every time you make a statement without proof, I'm just going to take it as "I'm a lying asshole and I know it", and count it as a surrender on your part. There's only so long I can assume you're a drooling moron before I have to accept that you're actually just a maliciously lying shitbag.

There are lots of people who don't live in low income areas that are on Medicaid. Medicaid is not evidence that the country is properly helping the poor and those living in low income areas.

Still cursing and throwing names at people. I'll provide some studies on poverty and its impact on health later on. I suspect I'll still be cursed at and called names though even after that.

So your argument is that that entire $600 billion is being spent on people who don't live in poor areas? Really? Oh, wait, no. I guess your argument is ACTUALLY "It's not what I want spent, so I'll just make some more ASSumptions."

You will continue to be addressed with the respect you deserve. Whining about it like a little girl just serves as proof that you deserve it. Any further sniveling on that subject will now be ignored. Whenever you aren't butch enough to deal with it, buttercup, feel free to run away. And the next time I ask you to prove an assertion you've made, don't make me ask for another 100 pages before noticing that I asked.
Wrong. You did not. You are not a real U2 fan and you also ignore my data and spew your own. That is plain rude. Why do you portray yourself as a U2 fan when you are not one?

Not really sure why this is an issue, but what evidence do you have that I'm not a U2 fan?

How long to sing this song? I used that reference like 5x and you utterly ignored it. No real U2 fan would and yes it makes you not credible. Sorry, sir. You're a fraud. Understand now? Don't represent something you are not.

I know, the phrase, its used in the song 40. I don't have to make any response simply because you use U2 lyrics in your post to me. I'm not here to discuss U2. This is the politics forum and the topic of this thread is the 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

And I have already proved to you that your assertion is utterly false and without merit. I am glad you could Google and find the song 40.

If that is the case, why are you still coming into this thread and reading my post? Believe what you want. I've posted indisputable facts which suggest that the United States would be much better off with a Universal Healthcare system that most developed countries already have. I've not seen anything yet in this thread that makes me think otherwise.

OMG you are clinically insane.
Well, they might, or they might refer you to a dietician. Problem is, you have to WANT to eat healthier and ask them to do so. And for nearly everyone in the US, if they WANTED to eat healthier, they wouldn't need a doctor or a dietician to do it. It's not exactly rocket science, and they all know what's required. People aren't fat because they can't possibly see a doctor about it, whatever Edge wants to believe.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.
Europe doesn't have a lot of ignorant peasants fresh across the border. Their culture makes it acceptable for them to get pregnant when they are 14 years old. Take blacks and Hispanics out of your survey, and you'll see pregnancy rates the same as Europe. Also note that they account for most of our infant mortality.

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