The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

Sorry, but saying it doesn't make it true. YOU saying it makes it less likely to be true.

Its what the studies have found. Look at the rates of teen pregnancy vs the rates of teen pregnancy in Europe. Educate yourself and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Ahhh, yes. Let us never forget that you're the king of "correlation equals causation. I'm just SURE it does! They happened at the same time, so it MUST!"

Educate YOURSELF, and maybe then we can stop having these infantile posts where you cite blank stats, and then triumphantly proclaim that XYZ caused them, just because you say it caused them.

Agreeing with you doesn't require "educating" myself; it would require lobotomizing myself. Thanks, but no.

You seem to be more interested in talking about ME, rather than the topic. Instead of talking about ME, why don't you post some statistics of your own that would support your point of view or refute the statistics I have posted in this thread.

I'm not the least bit interested in talking about you, but unfortunately, the pervasive you-ness of you keeps getting in the way of actually talking about the subject. Believe me, I'd much prefer if both of your brain cells got together in the same part of your skull and produced some sort of actual thought.

Then stop coming into my thread and reading what I have to say. If I actually am what you claim I am, why would you waste another second reading anything or responding to anything I have to say? If my posts make you that upset, go somewhere else. Why spend your limited time reading and responding to my post if you really feel this way about them?

Not a fucking chance. There is no world where I intend to let you spout nonsense and lies as fact without making sure it's challenged. So your leftist game of "Win by default through playing dumb and frustrating everyone" won't work.

I have no expectation that you will ever gain an iota of intelligence, but I will at least fight to keep you from infecting others with your ignorance.
Access to healthcare means counseling, advice and nutrition programs that can help people in poverty and the lower class address these issues.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Or ask in the first place.

Of course, he seems to labor under the impression that they can't already go to free and sliding-scale health clinics and ask for that. Hell, you can go to the Department of Public Health and get reams of info on healthy nutrition, if you want it.

Maricopa County, AZ

Oh, look. That took me a whole big 5 seconds to find on Google. There is nothing that Edge's precious "universal health" is going to do about obese poor people that isn't already available.

Guess what, many people in low income areas don't have internet access, computers or cell phones.

Guess what, every library in America has computer access precisely to help those people.

Guess what else, you don't have to have computer access to find that shit out. Public health departments are not exactly hiding their existence from poor communities, you retard. Every welfare office, free clinic, and community center in the fucking country gladly hands out reams of brochures and contact info about public health services. How the hell do you think they disseminated information about themselves before the Internet? If you think poor people don't know where to go when they want something, it's only because you don't actually know any poor people, and you want us to decide public policy based on your cartoonish stereotypes of them.

Living in poverty, and living in low income areas has been proven to be a barrier in improving ones health and education which obviously impacts life expectancy. Many low income areas don't have the services found in most areas of the country. Its not wise to set up any type of business healthcare or otherwise in an area where profits would be low or non-existent. The result is that the people living in those low income areas are forced to live without services others take for granted. That, or they live to far from such services in order for those services to really play a large role in their life. Proximity is important to access and use.
Correlation doesn't equal causation. People are poor for the same reason they are unhealthy: they make poor choices in life, like getting pregnant when you are 14 years old. The decision to live on junk food is another such choice. So is drinking and smoking. Poor people do all of these things more than affluent people.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Or ask in the first place.

Of course, he seems to labor under the impression that they can't already go to free and sliding-scale health clinics and ask for that. Hell, you can go to the Department of Public Health and get reams of info on healthy nutrition, if you want it.

Maricopa County, AZ

Oh, look. That took me a whole big 5 seconds to find on Google. There is nothing that Edge's precious "universal health" is going to do about obese poor people that isn't already available.

Guess what, many people in low income areas don't have internet access, computers or cell phones.

Guess what, every library in America has computer access precisely to help those people.

Guess what else, you don't have to have computer access to find that shit out. Public health departments are not exactly hiding their existence from poor communities, you retard. Every welfare office, free clinic, and community center in the fucking country gladly hands out reams of brochures and contact info about public health services. How the hell do you think they disseminated information about themselves before the Internet? If you think poor people don't know where to go when they want something, it's only because you don't actually know any poor people, and you want us to decide public policy based on your cartoonish stereotypes of them.

Living in poverty, and living in low income areas has been proven to be a barrier in improving ones health and education which obviously impacts life expectancy. Many low income areas don't have the services found in most areas of the country. Its not wise to set up any type of business healthcare or otherwise in an area where profits would be low or non-existent. The result is that the people living in those low income areas are forced to live without services others take for granted. That, or they live to far from such services in order for those services to really play a large role in their life. Proximity is important to access and use.

Being poor in and of itself is less of an impact on life expectancy in the US than you imagine it is. Again, it's about individual choices, and poor people DO have choices, and DO know that they have them, whatever your "benevolent" condescension wants to tell you.

"Many low income areas don't have stuff. They don't. No, I can't prove it, but I'm sure it's true, so I'll just keep saying it and ignoring your demands for proof in the hope that you won't notice I'm a pussy!"

This just in, Mr. "I Care About Poor People, But I Don't Know Any": healthcare doesn't just come from for-profit fancy doctors' offices like you maybe go to. You know that link to the Maricopa County Department of Public Health that you dismissed without opening earlier by airily saying, "Poor people don't have computers so they can't possibly know about that"? Contains information about free and sliding-scale medical clinics in poor areas. Not to mention that the United States spends almost $600 billion a year on Medicaid. In case you weren't aware of it, Medicaid is healthcare for poor people. How do you suppose we're managing to spend $600 billion a year on healthcare for poor people if there's no place for poor people to get healthcare, you fucking moron?

Yes, poor people live without a lot of the conveniences of life that money provides. Undeniable. That's not the same as "can't get anything at all."

And I'm done asking you to provide proof instead of assertions of "This is fact. Because I say it is. It JUST IS!!!" From here on in, every time you make a statement without proof, I'm just going to take it as "I'm a lying asshole and I know it", and count it as a surrender on your part. There's only so long I can assume you're a drooling moron before I have to accept that you're actually just a maliciously lying shitbag.
Man, you can really dish it out sometimes!
I didn't ask you to tell me about poor places, dimwit. Nor did I ask you to vaguely, and vacuously, tell me "there are neighborhoods there", which is obviously an assumption on your part, because you "just KNOW" it's true.

Let me repeat the question, and feel free to go get someone with functioning grey matter and a working knowledge of English to explain it to you:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

And for the record, "down the road a mile or two" actually qualifies as "close proximity" to poor people, shitforbrains. Way to prove you're a spoiled elitist who wants a medal for "caring" about the poor without the nastiness of having to actually associate with them.

I answered your question, and you answer me with name calling and curse words. That's not mature, smart, or professional behavior.

No, you did NOT answer my question, which is not mature or smart. What "professional" has to do with anything, I have no idea. I don't get paid for posting to this message board, do you?

If you don't want to get called names, try REALLY answering the question, rather than just parroting your talking points yet again and hoping that THIS time, I'll take your word for it, even though the previous sixty times, I told you you were an idiot with no proof.

I'm fully prepared to ask this question until you provide a REAL answer:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I learned not to call people names by the time I was in first grade. Obviously you never learned that.

I learned that some people deserve courtesy and respect, and some people need a boot up their asses. Obviously, you never learned not to be the latter.

I'll tell you again, since I know you're too stupid to learn anything the first time around: do NOT try to extend your desire to control people's lives to trying to tell me how to post. If you're too fragile and delicate to handle it, feel free to scurry away with your tail between your legs.

Contrary to what your leftist buddies tell you, you do NOT deserve respect just for existing, any more than snot on a sidewalk does.

I'm a Republican. I never voted for a Democrat ever until 2016. Your only one person, one of the few in this thread that does not know how to politely communicate. This is my thread, a thread I started. If you think its all lying and not informative, stop clicking on the thread. So somewhere else. If you really feel the way you do, why do you keep coming into this thread and reading my post?
"I'm a Republican."

Yeah, right. We believe that.

Education has an impact on human behavior. So does having better access to health and food services. We know sex education reduces teen pregnancy rates. This is no different.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.
Europe doesn't have a lot of ignorant peasants fresh across the border. Their culture makes it acceptable for them to get pregnant when they are 14 years old. Take blacks and Hispanics out of your survey, and you'll see pregnancy rates the same as Europe. Also note that they account for most of our infant mortality.


Take Blacks and Hispanics out of the survey? That is nearly 40% of the United States population.
I answered your question, and you answer me with name calling and curse words. That's not mature, smart, or professional behavior.

No, you did NOT answer my question, which is not mature or smart. What "professional" has to do with anything, I have no idea. I don't get paid for posting to this message board, do you?

If you don't want to get called names, try REALLY answering the question, rather than just parroting your talking points yet again and hoping that THIS time, I'll take your word for it, even though the previous sixty times, I told you you were an idiot with no proof.

I'm fully prepared to ask this question until you provide a REAL answer:

Tell me one place that doesn't have a market selling fresh meat, fresh produce, and basic food staples.

I learned not to call people names by the time I was in first grade. Obviously you never learned that.

I learned that some people deserve courtesy and respect, and some people need a boot up their asses. Obviously, you never learned not to be the latter.

I'll tell you again, since I know you're too stupid to learn anything the first time around: do NOT try to extend your desire to control people's lives to trying to tell me how to post. If you're too fragile and delicate to handle it, feel free to scurry away with your tail between your legs.

Contrary to what your leftist buddies tell you, you do NOT deserve respect just for existing, any more than snot on a sidewalk does.

I'm a Republican. I never voted for a Democrat ever until 2016. Your only one person, one of the few in this thread that does not know how to politely communicate. This is my thread, a thread I started. If you think its all lying and not informative, stop clicking on the thread. So somewhere else. If you really feel the way you do, why do you keep coming into this thread and reading my post?
"I'm a Republican."

Yeah, right. We believe that.


Believe what you want. Its the truth. I'm a Bush/McCain Republican.
Its what the studies have found. Look at the rates of teen pregnancy vs the rates of teen pregnancy in Europe. Educate yourself and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Ahhh, yes. Let us never forget that you're the king of "correlation equals causation. I'm just SURE it does! They happened at the same time, so it MUST!"

Educate YOURSELF, and maybe then we can stop having these infantile posts where you cite blank stats, and then triumphantly proclaim that XYZ caused them, just because you say it caused them.

Agreeing with you doesn't require "educating" myself; it would require lobotomizing myself. Thanks, but no.

You seem to be more interested in talking about ME, rather than the topic. Instead of talking about ME, why don't you post some statistics of your own that would support your point of view or refute the statistics I have posted in this thread.

I'm not the least bit interested in talking about you, but unfortunately, the pervasive you-ness of you keeps getting in the way of actually talking about the subject. Believe me, I'd much prefer if both of your brain cells got together in the same part of your skull and produced some sort of actual thought.

Then stop coming into my thread and reading what I have to say. If I actually am what you claim I am, why would you waste another second reading anything or responding to anything I have to say? If my posts make you that upset, go somewhere else. Why spend your limited time reading and responding to my post if you really feel this way about them?

Not a fucking chance. There is no world where I intend to let you spout nonsense and lies as fact without making sure it's challenged. So your leftist game of "Win by default through playing dumb and frustrating everyone" won't work.

I have no expectation that you will ever gain an iota of intelligence, but I will at least fight to keep you from infecting others with your ignorance.

Great, have fun talking to yourself about these things.
Actually, no we don't know that. In fact, the evidence suggests that sex education increases teen pregnancy rates.

Sorry, but educating teens about birth control and other matters involving sex, reduces teen pregnancy rates all across the world.
Prove it.

Teen Pregnancy rates in Europe are well below that in the United States. Children and Teens receive more sex education in Europe than they do in the United States.
Europe doesn't have a lot of ignorant peasants fresh across the border. Their culture makes it acceptable for them to get pregnant when they are 14 years old. Take blacks and Hispanics out of your survey, and you'll see pregnancy rates the same as Europe. Also note that they account for most of our infant mortality.


Take Blacks and Hispanics out of the survey? That is nearly 40% of the United States population.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

or they could just use common sense and eat sensibly. Why do you need a doctor to tell you not to eat big macs 3 times a day?

the people of Scandinavia aren't healthy because of socialized medicine, they are healthy because its their cultural heritage.

its amazing how you libs see more government as the solution to all the ills of mankind, including individual stupidity.

Its amazing how some people will resist every attempt to help people because it somehow violates their political ideology. My goal here is to help people and improve life expectancy. Your goal seems to be to simply oppose anything having to do with the government.

Ok, just a few points on your foolish post:

everyone wants to help people, not just socialist liberals.
no one in the USA is currently being denied medical care,
no one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare
Life expectancy in the USA has declined because of drug use and suicide and abortions, not lack of medical care
government is the least efficient way to solve any issue, do you really want VA type care for everyone?
The USA is where new medical advances are being found, not the wonderful "50 most developed countries" as you claim
your "holier than thou" attitude is typical of liberals, you claim to love everyone, but express hate in every comment
socialism has never worked, and it has been tried in many places, the result is always tyranny, oppression, and murder.
means counseling, advice and nutrition programs
that dont mean shit unless you follow their advice....

Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?
Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

or they could just use common sense and eat sensibly. Why do you need a doctor to tell you not to eat big macs 3 times a day?

the people of Scandinavia aren't healthy because of socialized medicine, they are healthy because its their cultural heritage.

its amazing how you libs see more government as the solution to all the ills of mankind, including individual stupidity.

Its amazing how some people will resist every attempt to help people because it somehow violates their political ideology. My goal here is to help people and improve life expectancy. Your goal seems to be to simply oppose anything having to do with the government.

Ok, just a few points on your foolish post:

everyone wants to help people, not just socialist liberals.
no one in the USA is currently being denied medical care,
no one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare
Life expectancy in the USA has declined because of drug use and suicide and abortions, not lack of medical care
government is the least efficient way to solve any issue, do you really want VA type care for everyone?
The USA is where new medical advances are being found, not the wonderful "50 most developed countries" as you claim
your "holier than thou" attitude is typical of liberals, you claim to love everyone, but express hate in every comment
socialism has never worked, and it has been tried in many places, the result is always tyranny, oppression, and murder.

01. I'm not a socialist liberal. I'm a Republican, Bush/McCain Republican. I've voted for straight Republican ticket in every election until 2016. Hillary Clinton was the first person I ever voted for who was not a Republican.

02. When you don't have health insurance, the hospital won't perform that expensive procedure on you. When the poor and lower class pay out of pocket for medical care, it often ruins them financially. Pharmacies when give you your medicine for free if you don't have the money to pay for it. Many people have to choose between eating food or taking their medication. THESE ARE ALL EXAMPLES OF DENIAL OF MEDICAL CARE AND IT IMPACTS LIFE EXPECTANCY!

03. Before Obamacare, more people suffered the situations seen in #2. No one should have to decide between paying for the care and upkeep of their family and whether to see the doctor or get a medical procedure. These are often difficult choices that people who are poor or lower class are faced with.

04. Life Expectancy has not actually declined in the United States but its only 34th in the world despite the fact that the United States spends more per person on medical care than any other country in the world. #1 spender on healthcare but only 34th in the world for life expectancy is a terrible record.

05. The United States Military is probably the most efficient and respected organization in the world. Its #1 at what it does, unlike the for profit healthcare industry in the United States that ranks at a dismal #34. There is no other institution in the United States that American citizens respect more than the United States military. Although the government is not the most successful and efficient on all issues or situations, it is in many areas and the United States Military is a bright shining example of this. Having the government take over U.S. healthcare will drive down cost, expand coverage to all citizens, and send U.S. life expectancy sky rocketing towards the top of the list.

06. New advances in medical technology continue all over the world and they won't stop with a change in the U.S. healthcare system. The people who discover and make the most advances are those dedicated to the science and helping people, NOT those who are dedicated to profiting off sick and dying people.

07. I've been called names dozens of times in this thread, and cursed at. I don't engage in that behavior in return. Advocating for my view point is not a form of hate towards anyone. Again, I'm a Republican, not a Democrat.

08. I've never suggested that the United States should become a socialist country. I still believe in the free market, Billionaires, and Big Business. But I don't believe in for profit healthcare. Healthcare should be regulated by the government because it will reduce cost, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. I also believe that the top federal tax rate should return to 70% as it was always at or above in the United States from 1945 to 1980. Having a top federal tax rate does not make the country a socialist country. The United States was not a socialist country from 1945 to 1980.

09. Finally, even Richard Nixon advocated for Universal Healthcare.
Education works. Not in every situation, but overall it will bring down the rate of obesity, just like sex education brings down the rate of teen pregnancy.

Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?

By expanding services to people in low income areas to help them get on their feet. Also many people who are poor are actually disabled or mentally ill. They need help in many ways and are not receiving it.

The other way of course is growing the economy. Boosting quarterly real GDP growth. Most economist agree that in order to get to sustained 3% real GDP growth annually, we need to increase immigration into the country and stop the war and deportation on so called "illegals". The United States is suffering an ever expanding labor shortage which is going to put a damper on economic growth which will only hurt the poor and middle class even more.

The United States also needs to raise taxes on the rich, their income, capital gains, property and estates, and reinvest that money in education and building economic growth in depressed areas.
Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?

By expanding services to people in low income areas to help them get on their feet. Also many people who are poor are actually disabled or mentally ill. They need help in many ways and are not receiving it.

The other way of course is growing the economy. Boosting quarterly real GDP growth. Most economist agree that in order to get to sustained 3% real GDP growth annually, we need to increase immigration into the country and stop the war and deportation on so called "illegals". The United States is suffering an ever expanding labor shortage which is going to put a damper on economic growth which will only hurt the poor and middle class even more.

The United States also needs to raise taxes on the rich, their income, capital gains, property and estates, and reinvest that money in education and building economic growth in depressed areas.

You say you're not advocating for socialism, but that is exactly what you're advocating for. Democratic socialism. Where tax dollars aren't spent on war and corporate subsidies, but rather as an investment in the health, education and infrastructure for your nation, like every other first world country does.

Instead of insisting that everyone else match US military spending, why don't you REDUCE yours to the same level as everyone else?
Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

or they could just use common sense and eat sensibly. Why do you need a doctor to tell you not to eat big macs 3 times a day?

the people of Scandinavia aren't healthy because of socialized medicine, they are healthy because its their cultural heritage.

its amazing how you libs see more government as the solution to all the ills of mankind, including individual stupidity.

Its amazing how some people will resist every attempt to help people because it somehow violates their political ideology. My goal here is to help people and improve life expectancy. Your goal seems to be to simply oppose anything having to do with the government.

Ok, just a few points on your foolish post:

everyone wants to help people, not just socialist liberals.
no one in the USA is currently being denied medical care,
no one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare
Life expectancy in the USA has declined because of drug use and suicide and abortions, not lack of medical care
government is the least efficient way to solve any issue, do you really want VA type care for everyone?
The USA is where new medical advances are being found, not the wonderful "50 most developed countries" as you claim
your "holier than thou" attitude is typical of liberals, you claim to love everyone, but express hate in every comment
socialism has never worked, and it has been tried in many places, the result is always tyranny, oppression, and murder.

01. I'm not a socialist liberal. I'm a Republican, Bush/McCain Republican. I've voted for straight Republican ticket in every election until 2016. Hillary Clinton was the first person I ever voted for who was not a Republican.

02. When you don't have health insurance, the hospital won't perform that expensive procedure on you. When the poor and lower class pay out of pocket for medical care, it often ruins them financially. Pharmacies when give you your medicine for free if you don't have the money to pay for it. Many people have to choose between eating food or taking their medication. THESE ARE ALL EXAMPLES OF DENIAL OF MEDICAL CARE AND IT IMPACTS LIFE EXPECTANCY!

03. Before Obamacare, more people suffered the situations seen in #2. No one should have to decide between paying for the care and upkeep of their family and whether to see the doctor or get a medical procedure. These are often difficult choices that people who are poor or lower class are faced with.

04. Life Expectancy has not actually declined in the United States but its only 34th in the world despite the fact that the United States spends more per person on medical care than any other country in the world. #1 spender on healthcare but only 34th in the world for life expectancy is a terrible record.

05. The United States Military is probably the most efficient and respected organization in the world. Its #1 at what it does, unlike the for profit healthcare industry in the United States that ranks at a dismal #34. There is no other institution in the United States that American citizens respect more than the United States military. Although the government is not the most successful and efficient on all issues or situations, it is in many areas and the United States Military is a bright shining example of this. Having the government take over U.S. healthcare will drive down cost, expand coverage to all citizens, and send U.S. life expectancy sky rocketing towards the top of the list.

06. New advances in medical technology continue all over the world and they won't stop with a change in the U.S. healthcare system. The people who discover and make the most advances are those dedicated to the science and helping people, NOT those who are dedicated to profiting off sick and dying people.

07. I've been called names dozens of times in this thread, and cursed at. I don't engage in that behavior in return. Advocating for my view point is not a form of hate towards anyone. Again, I'm a Republican, not a Democrat.

08. I've never suggested that the United States should become a socialist country. I still believe in the free market, Billionaires, and Big Business. But I don't believe in for profit healthcare. Healthcare should be regulated by the government because it will reduce cost, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. I also believe that the top federal tax rate should return to 70% as it was always at or above in the United States from 1945 to 1980. Having a top federal tax rate does not make the country a socialist country. The United States was not a socialist country from 1945 to 1980.

09. Finally, even Richard Nixon advocated for Universal Healthcare.

nice rant, but not a word of fact in it, except the Nixon claim. But Nixon was run out of the whitehouse due to his own stupidity, hardly a person to be proud of.
Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?

By expanding services to people in low income areas to help them get on their feet. Also many people who are poor are actually disabled or mentally ill. They need help in many ways and are not receiving it.

The other way of course is growing the economy. Boosting quarterly real GDP growth. Most economist agree that in order to get to sustained 3% real GDP growth annually, we need to increase immigration into the country and stop the war and deportation on so called "illegals". The United States is suffering an ever expanding labor shortage which is going to put a damper on economic growth which will only hurt the poor and middle class even more.

The United States also needs to raise taxes on the rich, their income, capital gains, property and estates, and reinvest that money in education and building economic growth in depressed areas.

You say you're not advocating for socialism, but that is exactly what you're advocating for. Democratic socialism. Where tax dollars aren't spent on war and corporate subsidies, but rather as an investment in the health, education and infrastructure for your nation, like every other first world country does.

Instead of insisting that everyone else match US military spending, why don't you REDUCE yours to the same level as everyone else?

could I have some of whatever you are smoking? your knowledge and common sense has been destroyed by your joint.
Education and Universal Healthcare are disparate things.

Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?

By expanding services to people in low income areas to help them get on their feet. Also many people who are poor are actually disabled or mentally ill. They need help in many ways and are not receiving it.

The other way of course is growing the economy. Boosting quarterly real GDP growth. Most economist agree that in order to get to sustained 3% real GDP growth annually, we need to increase immigration into the country and stop the war and deportation on so called "illegals". The United States is suffering an ever expanding labor shortage which is going to put a damper on economic growth which will only hurt the poor and middle class even more.

The United States also needs to raise taxes on the rich, their income, capital gains, property and estates, and reinvest that money in education and building economic growth in depressed areas.

So you think the government can create jobs better than the free market? So did Marx, Lenin, Castro, Mao, and Stalin.

you also agree with them on punishing the rich for being successful, your socialist idols say, "well done comrade"
Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?

By expanding services to people in low income areas to help them get on their feet. Also many people who are poor are actually disabled or mentally ill. They need help in many ways and are not receiving it.

The other way of course is growing the economy. Boosting quarterly real GDP growth. Most economist agree that in order to get to sustained 3% real GDP growth annually, we need to increase immigration into the country and stop the war and deportation on so called "illegals". The United States is suffering an ever expanding labor shortage which is going to put a damper on economic growth which will only hurt the poor and middle class even more.

The United States also needs to raise taxes on the rich, their income, capital gains, property and estates, and reinvest that money in education and building economic growth in depressed areas.

You say you're not advocating for socialism, but that is exactly what you're advocating for. Democratic socialism. Where tax dollars aren't spent on war and corporate subsidies, but rather as an investment in the health, education and infrastructure for your nation, like every other first world country does.

Instead of insisting that everyone else match US military spending, why don't you REDUCE yours to the same level as everyone else?

I believe in heavy US military spending as well as aiding the economy or business's when the time is right and investment in health, education, and infrastructure. That's what Franklin Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John F Kennedy and Lynden Johnson did when they were in the White House. Its true that some aspects of that can be considered Socialism. I believe capitalism works best when it is properly regulated by government and there are programs to help those that get left behind in the upward movement created by capitalism. Perhaps you can say its a hybrid of capitalism and socialism.

But military spending, national security, and foreign policy are still the most important when it comes to spending. Preventing a Third World War and intervening to protect U.S. and global interest around the world in the long run leads to increased prosperity and more lives saved. So I definitely support U.S. defense and foreign policy objectives since 1945 which have prevented World War III, defeated Soviet Communism, protected vital energy supplies, removed threatening regimes, and made the world and increasingly better place to live.
Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

or they could just use common sense and eat sensibly. Why do you need a doctor to tell you not to eat big macs 3 times a day?

the people of Scandinavia aren't healthy because of socialized medicine, they are healthy because its their cultural heritage.

its amazing how you libs see more government as the solution to all the ills of mankind, including individual stupidity.

Its amazing how some people will resist every attempt to help people because it somehow violates their political ideology. My goal here is to help people and improve life expectancy. Your goal seems to be to simply oppose anything having to do with the government.

Ok, just a few points on your foolish post:

everyone wants to help people, not just socialist liberals.
no one in the USA is currently being denied medical care,
no one in the USA was denied medical care before obamacare
Life expectancy in the USA has declined because of drug use and suicide and abortions, not lack of medical care
government is the least efficient way to solve any issue, do you really want VA type care for everyone?
The USA is where new medical advances are being found, not the wonderful "50 most developed countries" as you claim
your "holier than thou" attitude is typical of liberals, you claim to love everyone, but express hate in every comment
socialism has never worked, and it has been tried in many places, the result is always tyranny, oppression, and murder.

01. I'm not a socialist liberal. I'm a Republican, Bush/McCain Republican. I've voted for straight Republican ticket in every election until 2016. Hillary Clinton was the first person I ever voted for who was not a Republican.

02. When you don't have health insurance, the hospital won't perform that expensive procedure on you. When the poor and lower class pay out of pocket for medical care, it often ruins them financially. Pharmacies when give you your medicine for free if you don't have the money to pay for it. Many people have to choose between eating food or taking their medication. THESE ARE ALL EXAMPLES OF DENIAL OF MEDICAL CARE AND IT IMPACTS LIFE EXPECTANCY!

03. Before Obamacare, more people suffered the situations seen in #2. No one should have to decide between paying for the care and upkeep of their family and whether to see the doctor or get a medical procedure. These are often difficult choices that people who are poor or lower class are faced with.

04. Life Expectancy has not actually declined in the United States but its only 34th in the world despite the fact that the United States spends more per person on medical care than any other country in the world. #1 spender on healthcare but only 34th in the world for life expectancy is a terrible record.

05. The United States Military is probably the most efficient and respected organization in the world. Its #1 at what it does, unlike the for profit healthcare industry in the United States that ranks at a dismal #34. There is no other institution in the United States that American citizens respect more than the United States military. Although the government is not the most successful and efficient on all issues or situations, it is in many areas and the United States Military is a bright shining example of this. Having the government take over U.S. healthcare will drive down cost, expand coverage to all citizens, and send U.S. life expectancy sky rocketing towards the top of the list.

06. New advances in medical technology continue all over the world and they won't stop with a change in the U.S. healthcare system. The people who discover and make the most advances are those dedicated to the science and helping people, NOT those who are dedicated to profiting off sick and dying people.

07. I've been called names dozens of times in this thread, and cursed at. I don't engage in that behavior in return. Advocating for my view point is not a form of hate towards anyone. Again, I'm a Republican, not a Democrat.

08. I've never suggested that the United States should become a socialist country. I still believe in the free market, Billionaires, and Big Business. But I don't believe in for profit healthcare. Healthcare should be regulated by the government because it will reduce cost, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. I also believe that the top federal tax rate should return to 70% as it was always at or above in the United States from 1945 to 1980. Having a top federal tax rate does not make the country a socialist country. The United States was not a socialist country from 1945 to 1980.

09. Finally, even Richard Nixon advocated for Universal Healthcare.

nice rant, but not a word of fact in it, except the Nixon claim. But Nixon was run out of the whitehouse due to his own stupidity, hardly a person to be proud of.

Oh there were plenty of facts in there, and far more than anything you have offered up.
Education is something that happens throughout life in many different ways. Many people are educated about how to better take care of themselves by seeing doctors and other healthcare professionals.

IF they ask. You're assuming they're all dying to do so, and are somehow being utterly blocked from any and all contact with healthcare professionals. You're insane.

Living in poverty, living in low income areas, are barriers to improving ones health and education.

so how do we get people out of poverty? by giving them free stuff or by creating a job for them?

By expanding services to people in low income areas to help them get on their feet. Also many people who are poor are actually disabled or mentally ill. They need help in many ways and are not receiving it.

The other way of course is growing the economy. Boosting quarterly real GDP growth. Most economist agree that in order to get to sustained 3% real GDP growth annually, we need to increase immigration into the country and stop the war and deportation on so called "illegals". The United States is suffering an ever expanding labor shortage which is going to put a damper on economic growth which will only hurt the poor and middle class even more.

The United States also needs to raise taxes on the rich, their income, capital gains, property and estates, and reinvest that money in education and building economic growth in depressed areas.

So you think the government can create jobs better than the free market? So did Marx, Lenin, Castro, Mao, and Stalin.

you also agree with them on punishing the rich for being successful, your socialist idols say, "well done comrade"

I didn't say that. I did say that the government can help the private sector. It can also help people and areas that the private sector often leaves behind.

The rich earn their money from the MARKET which they did not create, they were just born into it. I believe in helping protect and grow the market which means the rich must return a good portion of the earnings to do that since they profit the most from it. Its NOT punishment, its helping to keep the MARKET going so that there can be new Billionaires well into the future. We also want a competitive environment, not one where the rich are able to stamp out all competition through monopoly. One of the best things about capitalism is free and fair competition. The more competitive the market is the better. The Rich threaten that competition when they achieve to much power, and monopoly over certain markets, and use that advantage to crush competition to their personal benefit but to societies detriment.

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