The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
what is there population compared to the usa will give you your answer
Life expectancy US - 79.68 - avg. weight for male - 192 pds
Life expectancy UK - 80.54 - avg. weight for male - 184 pds


Edge is such a child.

Universal Healthcare in the United States would help address that problem.

How? My insurance doesn't tell me not eat bad foods? Please explain this. I live in Boston, the best place for healthcare in the WORLD.

Being able to talk to doctors and healthcare providers and being given access to low cost quality food. That's how. Many people in low income areas don't have very good access to healthcare professionals or low cost high quality food options.

1) You can already talk to more healthcare providers about diet and nutrition - for free - than you can shake a stick at.

2) "Access" doesn't make people WANT to talk about dieting, let alone want to follow the advice.

3) Losing weight doesn't require much or any input from a doctor for most people, and everyone already knows how.

4) "Univeral healthcare" does nothing about access to food.

5) There is no one in this country who doesn't have access to nutritious food if they want it. Fresh produce is literally the cheapest stuff in the supermarket, and a whole hell of a lot cheaper than junk food. I have no idea where you've been shopping that McDonald's and potato chips are cheaper than fruits and veggies.

6) The left is the home of the people screeching about the need to ban any and all technological innovations in food production, which exist primarily for the purpose of making things like fresh produce and fresh meat widely available at prices even poor people can afford. Noticeably, the "organic" shit is vastly more expensive.

Indeed, just sayin, I am an outstanding cook. I have catered events for people, people have asked me to do their weddings etc., but I have a good paying career that is hard to give up.
Getting to my point, I have wanted to write a cook book for some time that specifically addresses just how bad fast food/soda etc. is for you and look at these great meals you can make. Things like buying a whole chicken... one whole chicken will provide plenty of "free" chicken stock that is 100 times better, and 1000 times cheaper than salt laden boxed broth.. that freezes well. With the chicken you can make 2 good dishes that will feed 4 people...twice. Just an example, I have proven you can eat well...really well...for a lot less than what you are now.
But alas, I have to remind myself that lazy people are lazy people. That all of the reasons why they are poor, are the same reason they will never buy a book let alone read it and even further change what they are doing.
Life expectancy US - 79.68 - avg. weight for male - 192 pds
Life expectancy UK - 80.54 - avg. weight for male - 184 pds


Edge is such a child.

Universal Healthcare in the United States would help address that problem.

How? My insurance doesn't tell me not eat bad foods? Please explain this. I live in Boston, the best place for healthcare in the WORLD.

Being able to talk to doctors and healthcare providers and being given access to low cost quality food. That's how. Many people in low income areas don't have very good access to healthcare professionals or low cost high quality food options.

1) You can already talk to more healthcare providers about diet and nutrition - for free - than you can shake a stick at.

2) "Access" doesn't make people WANT to talk about dieting, let alone want to follow the advice.

3) Losing weight doesn't require much or any input from a doctor for most people, and everyone already knows how.

4) "Univeral healthcare" does nothing about access to food.

5) There is no one in this country who doesn't have access to nutritious food if they want it. Fresh produce is literally the cheapest stuff in the supermarket, and a whole hell of a lot cheaper than junk food. I have no idea where you've been shopping that McDonald's and potato chips are cheaper than fruits and veggies.

6) The left is the home of the people screeching about the need to ban any and all technological innovations in food production, which exist primarily for the purpose of making things like fresh produce and fresh meat widely available at prices even poor people can afford. Noticeably, the "organic" shit is vastly more expensive.

Indeed, just sayin, I am an outstanding cook. I have catered events for people, people have asked me to do their weddings etc., but I have a good paying career that is hard to give up.
Getting to my point, I have wanted to write a cook book for some time that specifically addresses just how bad fast food/soda etc. is for you and look at these great meals you can make. Things like buying a whole chicken... one whole chicken will provide plenty of "free" chicken stock that is 100 times better, and 1000 times cheaper than salt laden boxed broth.. that freezes well. With the chicken you can make 2 good dishes that will feed 4 people...twice. Just an example, I have proven you can eat well...really well...for a lot less than what you are now.
But alas, I have to remind myself that lazy people are lazy people. That all of the reasons why they are poor, are the same reason they will never buy a book let alone read it and even further change what they are doing.

As my mother would say, you slobbered a bibful THAT time.

They know perfectly well that it's not good for them; they don't give a crap. And they're not going to START giving a crap just because you give them someone else's money to go to the doctor and have HIM tell them it's not good for them. And if they DO start to give a crap, they aren't going to waste time going to a doctor to have him tell them what they already know: lay off the junk food and get off your ass more.
Life expectancy US - 79.68 - avg. weight for male - 192 pds
Life expectancy UK - 80.54 - avg. weight for male - 184 pds


Edge is such a child.

Universal Healthcare in the United States would help address that problem.

How? My insurance doesn't tell me not eat bad foods? Please explain this. I live in Boston, the best place for healthcare in the WORLD.

Being able to talk to doctors and healthcare providers and being given access to low cost quality food. That's how. Many people in low income areas don't have very good access to healthcare professionals or low cost high quality food options.

1) You can already talk to more healthcare providers about diet and nutrition - for free - than you can shake a stick at.

2) "Access" doesn't make people WANT to talk about dieting, let alone want to follow the advice.

3) Losing weight doesn't require much or any input from a doctor for most people, and everyone already knows how.

4) "Univeral healthcare" does nothing about access to food.

5) There is no one in this country who doesn't have access to nutritious food if they want it. Fresh produce is literally the cheapest stuff in the supermarket, and a whole hell of a lot cheaper than junk food. I have no idea where you've been shopping that McDonald's and potato chips are cheaper than fruits and veggies.

6) The left is the home of the people screeching about the need to ban any and all technological innovations in food production, which exist primarily for the purpose of making things like fresh produce and fresh meat widely available at prices even poor people can afford. Noticeably, the "organic" shit is vastly more expensive.

Indeed, just sayin, I am an outstanding cook. I have catered events for people, people have asked me to do their weddings etc., but I have a good paying career that is hard to give up.
Getting to my point, I have wanted to write a cook book for some time that specifically addresses just how bad fast food/soda etc. is for you and look at these great meals you can make. Things like buying a whole chicken... one whole chicken will provide plenty of "free" chicken stock that is 100 times better, and 1000 times cheaper than salt laden boxed broth.. that freezes well. With the chicken you can make 2 good dishes that will feed 4 people...twice. Just an example, I have proven you can eat well...really well...for a lot less than what you are now.
But alas, I have to remind myself that lazy people are lazy people. That all of the reasons why they are poor, are the same reason they will never buy a book let alone read it and even further change what they are doing.
Cooking takes time and effort. Those are a couple of things poor people aren't likely to expend. If they were willing to work, they wouldn't be poor. The thing that makes them fat and unhealthy is the same thing that makes them poor.
What if I don’t have any money?

Go earn the money to pay for your meal then you won't be hungry.
We don’t need universal healthcare for people like you and me.

If money is no object I’ll go to the most expensive restaurant

You wouldn't want to eat at a government run restaurant especially if they have a near monopoly. You would have the choice between mush and gruel and it would free in the restaurant but your taxes would go up 20%.

It is not my responsibility to pay other people's bills. It is their responsibility.

The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.

Remind me to get right on caring about a ranking based on how much socialism the system has.
You Americans are clueless. Do you know what's going on? Do you know what people in other countries say about us? We pay more taxes than they do and we get nothing for it. They have great social programs and modern infrastructure.

And when you look close you see they pay very little for everything they get. A girl in Canada said she gets $20 a month taken out for healthcare. How much does your employer take out for healthcare?
Go earn the money to pay for your meal then you won't be hungry.
We don’t need universal healthcare for people like you and me.

If money is no object I’ll go to the most expensive restaurant

You wouldn't want to eat at a government run restaurant especially if they have a near monopoly. You would have the choice between mush and gruel and it would free in the restaurant but your taxes would go up 20%.

It is not my responsibility to pay other people's bills. It is their responsibility.

The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.

Remind me to get right on caring about a ranking based on how much socialism the system has.

Exactly. One of the major ranking criteria that dumbass organizations like WHO uses is "does the country have socialized medicine"? How stupid is that?

Imagine you are a child born to poor parents. That socialized medicine is a good thing

Imagine if you just graduated college and you get sick before you find a good job that provides health coverage.

Imagine if you decide to start your own business. In those countries you don't have to worry about healthcare. It would make starting your own business so much easier for entrepreneurs.
Imagine if you are 59 and no one wants to employ you. Sure Walmart will hire you but they don't provide healthcare. A person who isn't old enough to retire but too old to be hired would rest easier knowing they don't have to worry about not having healthcare.
We don’t need universal healthcare for people like you and me.

If money is no object I’ll go to the most expensive restaurant

You wouldn't want to eat at a government run restaurant especially if they have a near monopoly. You would have the choice between mush and gruel and it would free in the restaurant but your taxes would go up 20%.

It is not my responsibility to pay other people's bills. It is their responsibility.

The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.

Remind me to get right on caring about a ranking based on how much socialism the system has.

Exactly. One of the major ranking criteria that dumbass organizations like WHO uses is "does the country have socialized medicine"? How stupid is that?

Imagine you are a child born to poor parents. That socialized medicine is a good thing

Imagine if you just graduated college and you get sick before you find a good job that provides health coverage.

Imagine if you decide to start your own business. In those countries you don't have to worry about healthcare. It would make starting your own business so much easier for entrepreneurs.
Imagine if you are 59 and no one wants to employ you. Sure Walmart will hire you but they don't provide healthcare. A person who isn't old enough to retire but too old to be hired would rest easier knowing they don't have to worry about not having healthcare.

You have to crawl and walk before you run. Agree or disagree?
You wouldn't want to eat at a government run restaurant especially if they have a near monopoly. You would have the choice between mush and gruel and it would free in the restaurant but your taxes would go up 20%.

It is not my responsibility to pay other people's bills. It is their responsibility.

The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.

Remind me to get right on caring about a ranking based on how much socialism the system has.

Exactly. One of the major ranking criteria that dumbass organizations like WHO uses is "does the country have socialized medicine"? How stupid is that?

Imagine you are a child born to poor parents. That socialized medicine is a good thing

Imagine if you just graduated college and you get sick before you find a good job that provides health coverage.

Imagine if you decide to start your own business. In those countries you don't have to worry about healthcare. It would make starting your own business so much easier for entrepreneurs.
Imagine if you are 59 and no one wants to employ you. Sure Walmart will hire you but they don't provide healthcare. A person who isn't old enough to retire but too old to be hired would rest easier knowing they don't have to worry about not having healthcare.

You have to crawl and walk before you run. Agree or disagree?
What's your point.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
what is there population compared to the usa will give you your answer

And that's a bullshit response too. Yes, the USA 335 million people, but that means they have more taxpayers contributing. China has more people, as does India, and yet both have universal health care.

Americans keep bragging that their health care is the "best in the world", but that's not true. It's the most expensive. You spend twice as much per person and any other nation, and yet 15% of your people have no access to health care at all, except through emergency rooms in non-private hospitals.

What does it mean to have the best healthcare? The best outcomes? The general health of Americans is DECLINING. There's an obesity epidemic, an opioid epidemic, and this generation of Americans is NOT expected to living longer than its parents. That's a pretty damning indictment of your health care system, right there. Your for-profit system is failinig you, HUGELY.
The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.

Remind me to get right on caring about a ranking based on how much socialism the system has.

Exactly. One of the major ranking criteria that dumbass organizations like WHO uses is "does the country have socialized medicine"? How stupid is that?

Imagine you are a child born to poor parents. That socialized medicine is a good thing

Imagine if you just graduated college and you get sick before you find a good job that provides health coverage.

Imagine if you decide to start your own business. In those countries you don't have to worry about healthcare. It would make starting your own business so much easier for entrepreneurs.
Imagine if you are 59 and no one wants to employ you. Sure Walmart will hire you but they don't provide healthcare. A person who isn't old enough to retire but too old to be hired would rest easier knowing they don't have to worry about not having healthcare.

You have to crawl and walk before you run. Agree or disagree?
What's your point.

My point is if you want Nationalized Healthcare you need to:

#1) Raise Taxes
#2) Provide free education. Doctors pay ~$400k to become doctors. In Canada and EuroZone education is much less expensive or free.

Until you do 1 and 2...crawl and walk you cannot do 3 - Universal Healthcare. AKA run.

Thank you for listening.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
what is there population compared to the usa will give you your answer

And that's a bullshit response too. Yes, the USA 335 million people, but that means they have more taxpayers contributing. China has more people, as does India, and yet both have universal health care.

Americans keep bragging that their health care is the "best in the world", but that's not true. It's the most expensive. You spend twice as much per person and any other nation, and yet 15% of your people have no access to health care at all, except through emergency rooms in non-private hospitals.

What does it mean to have the best healthcare? The best outcomes? The general health of Americans is DECLINING. There's an obesity epidemic, an opioid epidemic, and this generation of Americans is NOT expected to living longer than its parents. That's a pretty damning indictment of your health care system, right there. Your for-profit system is failinig you, HUGELY.

Obesity and drug use has nothing to do with Universal Healthcare.
Remind me to get right on caring about a ranking based on how much socialism the system has.

Exactly. One of the major ranking criteria that dumbass organizations like WHO uses is "does the country have socialized medicine"? How stupid is that?

Imagine you are a child born to poor parents. That socialized medicine is a good thing

Imagine if you just graduated college and you get sick before you find a good job that provides health coverage.

Imagine if you decide to start your own business. In those countries you don't have to worry about healthcare. It would make starting your own business so much easier for entrepreneurs.
Imagine if you are 59 and no one wants to employ you. Sure Walmart will hire you but they don't provide healthcare. A person who isn't old enough to retire but too old to be hired would rest easier knowing they don't have to worry about not having healthcare.

You have to crawl and walk before you run. Agree or disagree?
What's your point.

My point is if you want Nationalized Healthcare you need to:

#1) Raise Taxes
#2) Provide free education. Doctors pay ~$400k to become doctors. In Canada and EuroZone education is much less expensive or free.

Until you do 1 and 2...crawl and walk you cannot do 3 - Universal Healthcare. AKA run.

Thank you for listening.

Canada and the UK both have that stupid national health care program. In both countries taxes are significantly higher than in the US.

Their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

These stupid Moon Bats think they will get free shit if we just pass some idiotic bill giving them free shit.

They, being ignorant in Economics, absolutely have no idea of the real cost of social programs. Even when they see Socialist countries either going going bankrupt or in dismal economic growth. They think Socialism will somehow work in the US, even with our tens of millions of welfare queens that don't contribute jackshit.
In countries with Nationalized Healthcare and there are actually very few, most like Germany actually have a dual system. In other words the rich still get something extra on the side or go to the US when they have a major medical need. The OP is further ignorant because in the US a medical degree costs on average $400k while in other countries it is basically free or much cheaper. The rate of people who want to be doctors will drop exponentially if they cannot make real money in it. Lastly, only one of those countries gives people citizenship if they are simply born there and that is Canada with only 35mil people.

So if the idiot OP really wants this then he has to
Solve the population, $$ of education and of course the lobbyists for private insurers issue. He addressed none of it. Instead he posted useless and inaccurate links.


The fact is that the top 50 developed countries typically provide all their citizens healthcare, do it at rate that is 2/3s the cost of the United States, and they live longer. The topic is Universal Healthcare where everyone is taken care of regardless of the system used. The overwhelming majority of Europeans, even the rich, stay in Europe for their healthcare.

Population is not the issues since the United States spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any country in the world. These European countries are only spending an average of 10% of their GDP on healthcare and providing for all their citizens with BETTER results.

The average European country spends less on healthcare per person, covers everyone, and achieves better results on average than seen in the United States.

How many illegals do they have? How many have to spend $400k to garner a medical degree? How come 80% of new drug research and innovation comes from the US? How come we have the highest 5-year cancer survivor rates in the world? How many of those countries spend on their military like we do so that we can protect the smaller ones? How many of those countries allow people simply born there to be automatic citizens? What is the tax rate in those countries —- your % of GDP pt? Your argument is weak and you are either trolling or ignorant.

The so called illegals in the United States benefit the country more than they take from it. Illegals in the United States commit less crime on average than American citizens and tend to work harder and are more productive. They are also willing to work in jobs many American citizens are not willing to do. The country needs far more people to come up from latin America and work here if it wants to achieve and maintain real GDP growth of 3% a year. There are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the United States currently. There are labor shortages everywhere. Attacking illegal's and deporting them will only HURT economic growth which will hurt the entire country especially the budget issues the country is struggling with.

The cost of becoming a healthcare worker should also be reformed and brought in line with where it is in Europe. Again, the whole healthcare for profit whether it be the education for such work or the work itself, needs to stop. Its bankrupting the country and providing so little benefit while doing so.

I doubt 80% of drug research and innovation comes from the United States. Even if it did, there is way to much waste and profit when it comes to drugs. There is also the damage that the drug industry does to the population as well. The focus must be on the health of the population, not profits for the industry. Those profits have not led to higher life expectancy rates for Americans. Again, America is #34th in the world in life expectancy. All these wonderful drugs have not done jack shit when it comes to the bottom line of health for the country as a whole.

Right now in Europe today, there are far more active ground combat brigades stationed there that not U.S. forces by European forces. Europe has far more combat aircraft, main battle tanks, artillery, and other weapons stationed on the ground across Europe than the United States does. So in terms of who the Russians will be facing immediately after an invasion, most of them will be European weapons and forces. The United States currently only has 3 ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. 1 in Germany, 1 in Poland, and 1 in Italy. Germany's total number of ground combat brigades, 6, is more than double the total number of U.S. ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. That's just Germany. There are 28 other European countries we have yet to look at.

Its true that European countries have higher tax rates as a percentage of GDP than the United States does. They tax their rich and upper middleclass far more than we do. Its good policy. They have far less poverty and healthcare for all. The United States, which has one of the lowest tax rates in the world, can't provide healthcare for all its citizens and has far higher percentages of its citizens living in poverty. You could fix these problems in the United States by raising taxes on the rich and upper middle class. The result being a huge reduction in poverty and healthcare for everyone.

bullshit, illegals take jobs from americans and put americans on welfare and food stamps. Illegals get free medical and education for their illegal kids. They cost us a lot more than they contribute in tax revenue. Most of them don't pay taxes because they are paid cash off the books.

That's not true because the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century and there are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the country. The United States needs more people from latin America to come to this country in order to improve and sustain good economic growth.

Yes, but let them come LEGALLY. That's all I am asking for.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

And yet they all cling to the US for military protection and foreign aid.

Go figure.

And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Norway has a tiny population of 5 million, and they are all from the same gene pool. Its more like a large extended family than a 300 million population that includes all ethnicities, races, religions, and cultures. Trying to compare Norway to the USA is like comparing a gnat to an elephant.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
The USA has had universal health care since the 1980s.
Did you not see the robots?

Yep, I saw them. Still not making any dent in U.S. labor shortages though. 7.3 million unfilled jobs, lowest unemployment rate in half a century. Robo-workers have failed to prevent this from happening.
a higher minimum wage will encourage greater market participation.
oh say the same shit in every thread danny.....
lol. and, y'all still have nothing but fallacy for rebuttal, every thread.
yea fallacy for some reason you could not you could not tell us were ellis island is is a clue....its not in Arizona....
You are the one who is pleading so specially, in a vacuum. Capitalism works.
Your children will pay the price when government decides to control drug prices.
If government controls prices we'll all pay less.
There won't be any new drugs, you fucking dumbass. Drug companies aren't going to invest billions of dollars if they can't recoup their costs.

I agree to a point, but drug patents are much too long, shorten the patent times and get generics into the market faster and everyone will benefit. the drug companies might end up making 40% profits instead of 60%
I agree the cost can be vastly reduced. Most of it is a result of regulations and the approval process. Of course, the left will fight that tooth and nail every step of the way.

YES. Laser eye surgery cost like $5k per eye 10 years ago. Now it is $800 per. Why? More doctors, more competition, no insurance interference.

No controls by regulation. No cost shifting from Medicare and Medicaid. In short... no government screwing it up.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
The USA has had universal health care since the 1980s.

exactly, those of us who paid covered those who couldn't or wouldn't pay. No one was denied medical care in the USA, even those here illegally.

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