The 8th and 10th Commandments


Active Member
Feb 25, 2012
Rep System: Opted back in for a while.
Seems like even in Israeli Libraries the 10 Commandments have a hard time,

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's

Ten Commandments - Listed

Keeping the above in mind anyone care to explain the following ...

What I found out was that around 30,000 books were taken from Palestinians, mostly from private homes," he told AFP.

"They took every book that was found, then they started to catalogue. The whole process took something like 10 to 15 years."...

..."It was not a secret," he said. "Everybody knew about it."

Amit, who is writing a book on the subject, says documents including letters from the then-library director show that Israeli researchers "considered these books to be very valuable, and they really wanted them."

"They said we are saving these books, but at the same time they said we want these books, we need these books, we will look after them better than the Palestinians... so it has a lot to do with colonial attitudes," he said.

He acknowledges that the library catalogued the books carefully and kept them separate from the general collection, but questions why no efforts were made to return them.

"War is an ugly thing, but what's important is what happened in the decades afterwards," he said.

Palestinian books sit in Israeli library - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

I thought the Commandments and the Torah were the heart of Jewish Culture.
what makes you think that the books collected were not simply ABANDONED?
Jews left lots of books when they fled shariah shit holes, too, Your
comment makes no sense Of course lots were simply grabbed out of
their hands and destroyed on site, too. Muslims are not known to
PRESERVE writing----they destroy them wholesale-----but jews simply
do not. If you mail a bible or any christian writing to a friend in saudi
arabia----it will be shredded in the post office
what makes you think that the books collected were not simply ABANDONED?
Jews left lots of books when they fled shariah shit holes, too, Your
comment makes no sense Of course lots were simply grabbed out of
their hands and destroyed on site, too. Muslims are not known to
PRESERVE writing----they destroy them wholesale-----but jews simply
do not. If you mail a bible or any christian writing to a friend in saudi
arabia----it will be shredded in the post office

We are not talking about what the Arabs do or did we are talking about what the Israelis do or did. The books are the acknowledged property of the Palestinians and yet there has been no effort to return them to their owners. That is Theft.

I am also getting sick and tired of Zionists ( you Rose, Hoss, Roudy ) excusing one evil with another. I was taught that was the wrong way to attempt to right a wrong.
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what makes you think that the books collected were not simply ABANDONED?
Jews left lots of books when they fled shariah shit holes, too, Your
comment makes no sense Of course lots were simply grabbed out of
their hands and destroyed on site, too. Muslims are not known to
PRESERVE writing----they destroy them wholesale-----but jews simply
do not. If you mail a bible or any christian writing to a friend in saudi
arabia----it will be shredded in the post office

We are not talking about what the Arabs do or did we are talking about what the Israelis do or did. The books are the acknowledged property of the Palestinians and yet there has been no effort to return them to their owners. That is Theft.

I am also getting sick and tired of Zionists ( you Rose, Hoss, Roudy ) excusing one evil with another. I was taught that was the wrong way to attempt to right a wrong.

What YOU were taught is ----HATE SHEENYS -----holding onto abandoned
property is not theft ---especially books ---when it is a well know and
historically LONG TERM FACT that muslims and all their fellow isa-respecters
have a penchant for DESTROYING THEM There are treasure troves of written
materials in EVERY COUNTRY in which jews have ever lived-----based on the
customs and laws of the "geniza" If you were anything but the nazi dog that
you are----you would be clamouring for recovery of the genizas of saudi arabia ---
check out medina first
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's..."

Thou shall take back what have been taken from you-

"For HaShem will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance." (Psalms 94:14)
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's..."

Thou shall take back what have been taken from you-

"For HaShem will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance." (Psalms 94:14)

Please Lipush, tell me how those books were taken from the Jews. Seems like you are living by the old saying " What's mine is mine and what is yours is mine also "

We are not talking about what the Arabs do or did we are talking about what the Israelis do or did. The books are the acknowledged property of the Palestinians and yet there has been no effort to return them to their owners. That is Theft.

I am also getting sick and tired of Zionists ( you Rose, Hoss, Roudy ) excusing one evil with another. I was taught that was the wrong way to attempt to right a wrong.

What YOU were taught is ----HATE SHEENYS -----holding onto abandoned
property is not theft ---especially books ---when it is a well know and
historically LONG TERM FACT that muslims and all their fellow isa-respecters
have a penchant for DESTROYING THEM There are treasure troves of written
materials in EVERY COUNTRY in which jews have ever lived-----based on the
customs and laws of the "geniza" If you were anything but the nazi dog that
you are----you would be clamouring for recovery of the genizas of saudi arabia ---
check out medina first

Does not take you long to start wallowing in the mud does it Rose. Not that I need to say it to any of the rational people on this board, but for those of you who do not fit into that catagory I do not hate " sheenys ", I do not even use the word, and I am not a Nazi Dog. Once again you excuse one evil by another, but like I said that seems to be a trait of the Zionists.
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's..."

Thou shall take back what have been taken from you-

"For HaShem will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance." (Psalms 94:14)

Please Lipush, tell me how those books were taken from the Jews. Seems like you are living by the old saying " What's mine is mine and what is yours is mine also "

Source of those books were Palestinian for sure? Somehow I doubt it

Please Lipush, tell me how those books were taken from the Jews. Seems like you are living by the old saying " What's mine is mine and what is yours is mine also "

Source of those books were Palestinian for sure? Somehow I doubt it

well ---actually----if you consider the LITERACY RATE of arab muslims in
the palestine mandate ------BOOKS????? try to face facts caturday.
the "educational system" ----was kinda 'private'-----the turks did not provide
it nor did the brits -----and arab muslims did not get one---in general

as to books being taken from jews-----well---in all isa respecting countries
MASSIVELY over the past 1700 years
according to the islamo nazis----almost a million
"palestinians" were thrown out of Israel ------
and the total number of books somehow
CONFISCATED FROM THEM comes to ----"30,000"
that comes to a grand total of 3 books for every
100 people Does not seem like a massive
FORCED ROUND UP OF BOOKS to me ----sounds like
stuff thrown away when people move.
I have at least 30,000 books in my cellar (well---lots
got ruined in the flood ----that I picked up as discards--
---3 copies of the koran------never buy that book ---
---people toss them all the time ----
if you live in places that have book drops--
---you can find them there

Please Lipush, tell me how those books were taken from the Jews. Seems like you are living by the old saying " What's mine is mine and what is yours is mine also "

Source of those books were Palestinian for sure? Somehow I doubt it

You did not read the article did you. The ownership of the books is not in question !!! Seems to me as if you and Rose are just making excuses to justify steeling ( sp ) Where is your beleif in right and wrong. It was wrong to take them in the first place and it is wrong to hold onto them now, The Isralis are just thiefs and looters. This is just another case of you not willing to own up to the fact that Israel is wrong in this case as She is in so many others !!!
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Please Lipush, tell me how those books were taken from the Jews. Seems like you are living by the old saying " What's mine is mine and what is yours is mine also "

Source of those books were Palestinian for sure? Somehow I doubt it

read the article. the israelis are crooks just like the NAZIs were crooks.

The problem with you leprechaun boy is that in reality, you know nothing about Israel !

You just love to slander Jews any chance you get, because you dislike Jews. All you do is compare them to Nazis and by doing so, you are spitting on the graves of the six million slaughtered Jews. Only a deranged anti - semite would bring up Nazis and the holocaust to compare them to Israel.
People like you make me sick sealie boy.
Source of those books were Palestinian for sure? Somehow I doubt it

read the article. the israelis are crooks just like the NAZIs were crooks.

The problem with you leprechaun boy is that in reality, you know nothing about Israel !

You just love to slander Jews any chance you get, because you dislike Jews. All you do is compare them to Nazis and by doing so, you are spitting on the graves of the six million slaughtered Jews. Only a deranged anti - semite would bring up Nazis and the holocaust to compare them to Israel.
People like you make me sick sealie boy.

Just a quick clarification. The first person to bring up Nazis in this thread was Rose, and the first person to bring up thr Holocaust was you Toastboy. Seems as if that is another trick that the Zionists like to play, putting words into others mouths, what a sleeze.
The problem with you leprechaun boy is that in reality, you know nothing about Israel !

You just love to slander Jews any chance you get, because you dislike Jews. All you do is compare them to Nazis and by doing so, you are spitting on the graves of the six million slaughtered Jews. Only a deranged anti - semite would bring up Nazis and the holocaust to compare them to Israel.
People like you make me sick sealie boy.

Just a quick clarification. The first person to bring up Nazis in this thread was Rose, and the first person to bring up thr Holocaust was you Toastboy. Seems as if that is another trick that the Zionists like to play, putting words into others mouths, what a sleeze.

If you had a brain cell in your head Patty boy, you would realize that I wasn't just referring to the post I quoted, but others from the recent past.

Are you 12 years old ?
Seems like even in Israeli Libraries the 10 Commandments have a hard time,

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's

Ten Commandments - Listed

Keeping the above in mind anyone care to explain the following ...

What I found out was that around 30,000 books were taken from Palestinians, mostly from private homes," he told AFP.

"They took every book that was found, then they started to catalogue. The whole process took something like 10 to 15 years."...

..."It was not a secret," he said. "Everybody knew about it."

Amit, who is writing a book on the subject, says documents including letters from the then-library director show that Israeli researchers "considered these books to be very valuable, and they really wanted them."

"They said we are saving these books, but at the same time they said we want these books, we need these books, we will look after them better than the Palestinians... so it has a lot to do with colonial attitudes," he said.

He acknowledges that the library catalogued the books carefully and kept them separate from the general collection, but questions why no efforts were made to return them.

"War is an ugly thing, but what's important is what happened in the decades afterwards," he said.

Palestinian books sit in Israeli library - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

I thought the Commandments and the Torah were the heart of Jewish Culture.
Dear Pat Trick and all,

the 10 Con mandments only apply to fellow Jews both at the time of the fictional Moses and now.

Jews have full permission from their phoney thieving genocidal so called God to do whatever they bloody well like to non Jews and especially Irish

Yes Israel is the worst living insult to all the 10 commandments ever created

Except the stoopid one about not creating graven images which has destoryed art in todays muslim world and is utter poision used by Muslim invaders who adopted it to destroy countless beautiful Hindu temples for centuries and the Buddhas in Afghanistan, the Shrines in Timbuktu and elsewhere today

Yes its all a vile Jewish con spiracy of ignorance arrogance and cruelty....

I'm ashamed to be Jewish............often
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Seems like even in Israeli Libraries the 10 Commandments have a hard time,

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's

Ten Commandments - Listed

Keeping the above in mind anyone care to explain the following ...

What I found out was that around 30,000 books were taken from Palestinians, mostly from private homes," he told AFP.

"They took every book that was found, then they started to catalogue. The whole process took something like 10 to 15 years."...

..."It was not a secret," he said. "Everybody knew about it."

Amit, who is writing a book on the subject, says documents including letters from the then-library director show that Israeli researchers "considered these books to be very valuable, and they really wanted them."

"They said we are saving these books, but at the same time they said we want these books, we need these books, we will look after them better than the Palestinians... so it has a lot to do with colonial attitudes," he said.

He acknowledges that the library catalogued the books carefully and kept them separate from the general collection, but questions why no efforts were made to return them.

"War is an ugly thing, but what's important is what happened in the decades afterwards," he said.

Palestinian books sit in Israeli library - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

I thought the Commandments and the Torah were the heart of Jewish Culture.
Dear Pat Trick and all,

the 10 Con mandments only apply to fellow Jews both at the time of the fictional Moses and now.

Jews have full permission from their phoney thieving genocidal so called God to do whatever they bloody well like to non Jews and especially Irish

Yes Israel is the worst living insult to all the 10 commandments ever created

Except the stoopid one about not creating graven images which has destryed art in todays muslim world and is utter poision used by Muslim invaders bto destroy countless beautiful Hindu temples for centuries and the Buddhas in Afghanistan, the Shrines in Timbuktu and elsewhere

Yes its all a vile Jewish con spiracy of ignorance arrogance and cruelty....

I'm ashamed to be Jewish............often

And I'm ashamed that a scumbag like yourself calls himself a Jew
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's..."

Thou shall take back what have been taken from you-

"For HaShem will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance." (Psalms 94:14)

What the heck are you saying? You can do anything and God won't 'cast' off his people. Everyone belongs to God first of all. It's so odd that you actually believe you're the only people God watches over. And second of all, what happened in the holocaust? Did Hashem cast of his people?

You're saying really weird things and you have extremely weird justifications to things.

These constant statements you make about God allowing you to do anything and that you will steal what was yours temporary a few thousand years ago even though millions of years before that it belonged to the original inhabitants. Even though you have no connection to Israelites and you're Ashkenazis. What's even funnier is you're an South American and were never Jewish or born Jewish. You're Hispanic. But you turned out to sound more crazier than Israelis themselves.
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's..."

Thou shall take back what have been taken from you-

"For HaShem will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance." (Psalms 94:14)

What the heck are you saying? You can do anything and God won't 'cast' off his people. Everyone belongs to God first of all. It's so odd that you actually believe you're the only people God watches over. And second of all, what happened in the holocaust? Did Hashem cast of his people?

You're saying really weird things and you have extremely weird justifications to things.

These constant statements you make about God allowing you to do anything and that you will steal what was yours temporary a few thousand years ago even though millions of years before that it belonged to the original inhabitants. Even though you have no connection to Israelites and you're Ashkenazis. What's even funnier is you're an South American and were never Jewish or born Jewish. You're Hispanic. But you turned out to sound more crazier than Israelis themselves.

Oh look ,more bitching and moaning by none other then BIK :lol:
You're on troll mode today, this is the only section of the message board where you can't find normal people. You never have real discussions besides flaming and insulting people. It's about time you guys actually get real and quit purposefully trying to prevent any chance of a discussion. And don't give me any excuses. It's your side that prevents any reasonable discussions.

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