The abuse of Greta

The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?
They like their leader Trump don't believe in science
Fox News apologized on Monday after a guest on the network attacked 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg as a “mentally ill Swedish child.”

The comments by Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire, who appeared on “The Story,” came hours after Thunberg delivered an emotional speech at the United Nations berating world leaders for failing to act on climate change.

But Knowles didn’t see an impassioned young activist fighting for her planet.

Instead, he repeatedly called Thunberg “mentally ill” and claimed she was “being exploited by her parents and by the international left.”


Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg

Democratic commentator Chris Hahn, also on the show, immediately called him out for it.

“You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child,” he said. “Shame on you.”

Knowles replied: “I’m not. I’m attacking the left for exploiting a mentally ill child.”

But Hahn didn’t let it slide.

“Relax, skinny boy, I got this, OK? You’re attacking a child,” he said. “You’re a grown man. Have some couth.”

Knowles cut in with a verbatim repetition of his attack: “I’m not. I’m attacking the left for exploiting a mentally ill child.”

Then, Hahn let loose:

“Maybe on your podcast you can get away and say whatever you want because nobody’s listening. You’re on national television. Be a grown-up when you’re talking about children. She’s trying to save the planet because your president doesn’t believe in climate change and kids need to take to the streets to worry about their future.”

Hahn called Knowles “despicable” and demanded that he apologize.

Knowles instead said she has “many mental illnesses.”

He did not apologize, but Fox News did.
and as long as we keep fighting about the why we will never do anything to prepare for the changing climate.

Of course the "why" will determine whether anything need be done.

Such a question highlights you lack of knowledge on the subject.

Your reluctance to answer shows yours.

What the hell are you even talking about?

That you do not know indicates that you have been well indoctrinated with a lack of history.
Fox News apologized on Monday after a guest on the network attacked 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg as a “mentally ill Swedish child.”

The comments by Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire, who appeared on “The Story,” came hours after Thunberg delivered an emotional speech at the United Nations berating world leaders for failing to act on climate change.

But Knowles didn’t see an impassioned young activist fighting for her planet.

Instead, he repeatedly called Thunberg “mentally ill” and claimed she was “being exploited by her parents and by the international left.”


Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg

Democratic commentator Chris Hahn, also on the show, immediately called him out for it.

“You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child,” he said. “Shame on you.”

Knowles replied: “I’m not. I’m attacking the left for exploiting a mentally ill child.”

But Hahn didn’t let it slide.

“Relax, skinny boy, I got this, OK? You’re attacking a child,” he said. “You’re a grown man. Have some couth.”

Knowles cut in with a verbatim repetition of his attack: “I’m not. I’m attacking the left for exploiting a mentally ill child.”

Then, Hahn let loose:

“Maybe on your podcast you can get away and say whatever you want because nobody’s listening. You’re on national television. Be a grown-up when you’re talking about children. She’s trying to save the planet because your president doesn’t believe in climate change and kids need to take to the streets to worry about their future.”

Hahn called Knowles “despicable” and demanded that he apologize.

Knowles instead said she has “many mental illnesses.”

He did not apologize, but Fox News did.

“The comment made by Michael Knowles who was a guest on ‘The Story’ tonight was disgraceful,” a network spokesperson said. “We apologize to Greta Thunberg and to our viewers.”

Hmmmm ... what "network spokesman" was that?

Hahn is a certified idiot, BTW.
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?
They like their leader Trump don't believe in science

Give us some science, ed. In your own words.
Of course the "why" will determine whether anything need be done.

Not at all. If your house were on fire would you try and determine why the fire started or would you try and put out the fire?

As for what we should be doing, I use farmers as an example as I deal with them every day.
Over the last 7 to 10 years they have been adding both irrigation and tiling as fast as they can afford to, in an effort to deal with the changing climate. I have clients that are farming land that has been in their family for 5 generations and they never needed irrigation before. Sure, they had droughts and the like, but those were temporary. Now days we are getting basically the same amount of rain as always, but now it comes in massive storms and we get two weeks worth in a few hours, and then it does not rain again for a month. So, instead of bickering about whose fault it is or how to stop it, they are being proactive.

This is what we need to do as a nation, but we won't because the issue has now become a political battleground. And we will pay the price for it.

California is an example of doing nothing and paying the price. Their entire water supply/control system was based around the climate that had exited for centuries, which was melting snow from higher elevations slowly refilling the water supply at the lower elevations. That is what their system was designed to handle, but that has changed and they are now getting massive rain storms and their dams are not equipped to handle the added water flow.

For the record, my view is that the climate is indeed changing and that mankind is not the cause but they have exacerbated it.

Your reluctance to answer shows yours.

Nope, the "well plants breath CO2" argument is one of the deniers favorites, as if that some how changes anything. We humans breath in oxygen, but what happens if there is too much oxygen, is that good for humans?

That you do not know indicates that you have been well indoctrinated with a lack of history.

That I do not know does indeed show that I have not been indoctrinated by your talking points. I have no idea what the point of Martha's Vineyard is. But then again, I am pretty sure you do not either. You are just parroting a talking point.
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?

Is anyone saying it will "destroy us all"? I don't think even the most extreme models has climate change completely wiping out humanity...
Of course the "why" will determine whether anything need be done.

Not at all. If your house were on fire would you try and determine why the fire started or would you try and put out the fire?

The house is not on fire.

I have no idea what the point of Martha's Vineyard is. But then again, I am pretty sure you do not either. You are just parroting a talking point.

Obama, after lamenting for eight years the coming of the rising seas due to climate change wiping out the coastlines just purchased a $15,000,000 beachfront house on Martha's Vineyard.

The main proponents don't believe the stories either.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

And if she went on a rant about world leaders leading the world into a cesspool of sin and degradation, shouting "How dare you leave such a world for us", there would be no negative backlash from the left at all, would there? You picked a poor comparison there.
Actually, the left would disagree with her, not attack her

But the conservative hate and smear machine will not even spare a child
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?

Is anyone saying it will "destroy us all"? I don't think even the most extreme models has climate change completely wiping out humanity...

"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction ..."
- Greta Thunberg, reading from a prepared script
The house is not on fire.

This is not a good place to be...

Obama, after lamenting for eight years the coming of the rising seas due to climate change wiping out the coastlines just purchased a $15,000,000 beachfront house on Martha's Vineyard.

The main proponents don't believe the stories either.

This is very poor logic. Would you find it logical for someone to base their view of Christianity on the actions of people like Jim Baker and Creflo Dollar, or would it be more logical to base your views on the actual text of the religion?

And thank you for ignoring the meat of my post, that just further proves you are no different than this girl.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

And if she went on a rant about world leaders leading the world into a cesspool of sin and degradation, shouting "How dare you leave such a world for us", there would be no negative backlash from the left at all, would there? You picked a poor comparison there.
Actually, the left would disagree with her, not attack her

But the conservative hate and smear machine will not even spare a child
Like they did with Sandman?

The fact is the left is just as bad. They hate and smear innocent kids who have done nothing.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

And if she went on a rant about world leaders leading the world into a cesspool of sin and degradation, shouting "How dare you leave such a world for us", there would be no negative backlash from the left at all, would there? You picked a poor comparison there.
Actually, the left would disagree with her, not attack her

But the conservative hate and smear machine will not even spare a child


She is a human shield. The attacks are directed at her handlers. Her anger and screwing up her face is scripted.

As I said earlier, she is Talking Tina. Nothing more. Pull the string.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

And if she went on a rant about world leaders leading the world into a cesspool of sin and degradation, shouting "How dare you leave such a world for us", there would be no negative backlash from the left at all, would there? You picked a poor comparison there.
Actually, the left would disagree with her, not attack her

But the conservative hate and smear machine will not even spare a child

You have GOT to be kidding. The left will attack anyone or anything they do not agree with. There are no limits, not even sexual orientation nor race, nor age. If a 12 year old, black, transexual, illegal immigrant female said she supported Trump, Democrats would eat her alive.
The house is not on fire.

This is not a good place to be...

Obama, after lamenting for eight years the coming of the rising seas due to climate change wiping out the coastlines just purchased a $15,000,000 beachfront house on Martha's Vineyard.

The main proponents don't believe the stories either.

This is very poor logic. Would you find it logical for someone to base their view of Christianity on the actions of people like Jim Baker and Creflo Dollar, or would it be more logical to base your views on the actual text of the religion?

And thank you for ignoring the meat of my post, that just further proves you are no different than this girl.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

You have no meat.
The house is not on fire.

This is not a good place to be...

Obama, after lamenting for eight years the coming of the rising seas due to climate change wiping out the coastlines just purchased a $15,000,000 beachfront house on Martha's Vineyard.

The main proponents don't believe the stories either.

This is very poor logic. Would you find it logical for someone to base their view of Christianity on the actions of people like Jim Baker and Creflo Dollar, or would it be more logical to base your views on the actual text of the religion?

And thank you for ignoring the meat of my post, that just further proves you are no different than this girl.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

You have no meat.

Sorry that your talking points cannot address my views, but maybe if you email your party masters they will give you some tips.
The house is not on fire.

This is not a good place to be...

Obama, after lamenting for eight years the coming of the rising seas due to climate change wiping out the coastlines just purchased a $15,000,000 beachfront house on Martha's Vineyard.

The main proponents don't believe the stories either.

This is very poor logic. Would you find it logical for someone to base their view of Christianity on the actions of people like Jim Baker and Creflo Dollar, or would it be more logical to base your views on the actual text of the religion?

And thank you for ignoring the meat of my post, that just further proves you are no different than this girl.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

You have no meat.

Sorry that your talking points cannot address my views, but maybe if you email your party masters they will give you some tips.

That would be difficult, having no party to email.
The house is not on fire.

This is not a good place to be...

Obama, after lamenting for eight years the coming of the rising seas due to climate change wiping out the coastlines just purchased a $15,000,000 beachfront house on Martha's Vineyard.

The main proponents don't believe the stories either.

This is very poor logic. Would you find it logical for someone to base their view of Christianity on the actions of people like Jim Baker and Creflo Dollar, or would it be more logical to base your views on the actual text of the religion?

And thank you for ignoring the meat of my post, that just further proves you are no different than this girl.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

You have no meat.

Sorry that your talking points cannot address my views, but maybe if you email your party masters they will give you some tips.

That would be difficult, having no party to email.

Come now do not be shy, all you do is parrot GOP talking points all day long. If you had an original idea pop into your head it would die of loneliness.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives
If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

Yep, I can't believe you idiots want to hide behind a child.
Exactly. Same as that pencil necked Parkland HS punk. The leftists can't win the argument with facts, so they use children to push their agenda and shut down debate. Kind of like the muslim terrorists who use children as human shields.

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