The abuse of Greta

First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’
What an annoying and entitled little girl.
She's telling the truth. I know that's a concept you are unable to understand.
She is not telling the truth

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims and no one stole anything from her

All kinds of science supports her. She is telling the truth.
There is no scientific support for her claims and she is preaching alarmist propaganda

You are clearly and ignorant fool as well as a proven liar and coward
He and his family got death threats. He was just a kid, probably acting a little stupidly like many teens, and it was blown all out of proportion. It should never have been news and while the left vilified him the right made him their cause célèbre.

I have relatives that live in the area Sandman is from. This situation was not as innocent or accidental as people think.
He and his family got death threats. He was just a kid, probably acting a little stupidly like many teens, and it was blown all out of proportion. It should never have been news and while the left vilified him the right made him their cause célèbre.

I have relatives that live in the area Sandman is from. This situation was not as innocent or accidental as people think.

So do I and it proves nothing.

Those boys were innocent of any wrong doing and were maliciously smeared.

It proves a lot. And you being white and from that area proves my point.
No it does not prove a damn thing

And you are a proven liar and coward regardless of color
It proves plenty. As for the rest of what you said, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Don't worry, she not as entitled or annoying as you. It's only natural though that her IQ is double yours.
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’
This is typical of most conservatives: to attack and attempt to demonize those whom they fear – in this case conservatives fear the facts and truth of climate change
She is stating no facts or truths

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims, such as her mass extinction assertion.

You are really out of touch
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.
Spoken like a true Fascist. Uncle Adolf would be proud
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

Yep, I can't believe you idiots want to hide behind a child.

They've learned the value of human shields from the Islamists.
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’
What an annoying and entitled little girl.
She's telling the truth. I know that's a concept you are unable to understand.
She is not telling the truth

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims and no one stole anything from her

All kinds of science supports her. She is telling the truth.
There is no scientific support for her claims and she is preaching alarmist propaganda

You are clearly and ignorant fool as well as a proven liar and coward

Except every global scientific organisation agrees with her...

I love the RWs here bitch about this girl, gaslighting her and she is just 16 years old...

This girl is going to live long enough to see the major damage done by todays lifestyle. Fiscal Conservatives talk about not giving debt to our children but have no problem giving a screwed up planet. Sorry we have no right to screw up the planet and then pass it on, but hey what morals have ye anyway, you are gaslighting a sixteen year old...
What an annoying and entitled little girl.
She's telling the truth. I know that's a concept you are unable to understand.
She is not telling the truth

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims and no one stole anything from her

All kinds of science supports her. She is telling the truth.
There is no scientific support for her claims and she is preaching alarmist propaganda

You are clearly and ignorant fool as well as a proven liar and coward

Except every global scientific organisation agrees with her...

I love the RWs here bitch about this girl, gaslighting her and she is just 16 years old...

This girl is going to live long enough to see the major damage done by todays lifestyle. Fiscal Conservatives talk about not giving debt to our children but have no problem giving a screwed up planet. Sorry we have no right to screw up the planet and then pass it on, but hey what morals have ye anyway, you are gaslighting a sixteen year old...
That is false and ignorant

No scientific organization agrees with her alarmist claims such as her claim that we are entering an extinction level event

Much like that fool AOC claiming the world will end in 12 years.

No science supports what she says and that is fact
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.

Don't worry they gaslighting a 16 year old... They can't even beat her on the facts... so dirty tactics have to be used...
It proves a lot. And you being white and from that area proves my point.
No it does not prove a damn thing

And you are a proven liar and coward regardless of color
It proves plenty. As for the rest of what you said, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It proves nothing and gives you no insight or knowledge

What I have said is proven fact

You ARE a liar and coward

That is not sandman


“They were sitting there, mocking me as I was trying to teach my brothers, so, yes, the attention turned to them,” Israel told The Washington Post. “I explained to them, you want to build the wall for Mexicans and other indigenous people, but you’ve never seen a black or a Mexican shoot up a school.”

Phillips said he and his fellow Native American activists also had issues with the students throughout the day.

“Before they got centered on the black Israelites, they would walk through and say things to each other, like, ‘Oh, the Indians in my state are drunks or thieves,’” the 64-year-old said.

To Jessica Travis, a Florida attorney who was at the memorial with her mother, the students looked out of control.

“The kids really went into a mob mentality, honestly,” she said, adding that she didn’t see any chaperones trying to control the situation. She said she heard one student tell the Hebrew Israelites to “drink the Trump water.”

Jon Stegenga, a photojournalist who drove to Washington on Friday from South Carolina to cover the Indigenous Peoples March, recalled hearing students say “build the wall” and “Trump 2020.” He said it was about that time that Phillips intervened.

“He said, ‘I wish I could say something to these people, to the whole crowd,’ ” Stegenga said in an interview Sunday.

Another member of the Indigenous Peoples March suggested Phillips start singing, the photographer said. Phillips played a prayer song on a drum as he walked toward the students.

Some of the students began doing a “Tomahawk chop” and dancing, the video shows. Phillips said he found it offensive but kept walking and drumming.

Most of the students moved out of his way, the video shows. But Sandmann stayed still.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.

Don't worry they gaslighting a 16 year old... They can't even beat her on the facts... so dirty tactics have to be used...
Science and the facts have defeated her

No one is using dirty tactics

She was selected and used as a mouth piece making her open to any criticism

You do not get to hide behind kids boy
She's telling the truth. I know that's a concept you are unable to understand.
She is not telling the truth

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims and no one stole anything from her

All kinds of science supports her. She is telling the truth.
There is no scientific support for her claims and she is preaching alarmist propaganda

You are clearly and ignorant fool as well as a proven liar and coward

Except every global scientific organisation agrees with her...

I love the RWs here bitch about this girl, gaslighting her and she is just 16 years old...

This girl is going to live long enough to see the major damage done by todays lifestyle. Fiscal Conservatives talk about not giving debt to our children but have no problem giving a screwed up planet. Sorry we have no right to screw up the planet and then pass it on, but hey what morals have ye anyway, you are gaslighting a sixteen year old...
That is false and ignorant

No scientific organization agrees with her alarmist claims such as her claim that we are entering an extinction level event

Much like that fool AOC claiming the world will end in 12 years.

No science supports what she says and that is fact

That girl is telling the truth. You're just mad because that 16 year old girl has more gut than you ever will.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.

Don't worry they gaslighting a 16 year old... They can't even beat her on the facts... so dirty tactics have to be used...
Science and the facts have defeated her

No one is using dirty tactics

She was selected and used as a mouth piece making her open to any criticism

You do not get to hide behind kids boy
No it does not prove a damn thing

And you are a proven liar and coward regardless of color
It proves plenty. As for the rest of what you said, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It proves nothing and gives you no insight or knowledge

What I have said is proven fact

You ARE a liar and coward

That is not sandman


“They were sitting there, mocking me as I was trying to teach my brothers, so, yes, the attention turned to them,” Israel told The Washington Post. “I explained to them, you want to build the wall for Mexicans and other indigenous people, but you’ve never seen a black or a Mexican shoot up a school.”

Phillips said he and his fellow Native American activists also had issues with the students throughout the day.

“Before they got centered on the black Israelites, they would walk through and say things to each other, like, ‘Oh, the Indians in my state are drunks or thieves,’” the 64-year-old said.

To Jessica Travis, a Florida attorney who was at the memorial with her mother, the students looked out of control.

“The kids really went into a mob mentality, honestly,” she said, adding that she didn’t see any chaperones trying to control the situation. She said she heard one student tell the Hebrew Israelites to “drink the Trump water.”

Jon Stegenga, a photojournalist who drove to Washington on Friday from South Carolina to cover the Indigenous Peoples March, recalled hearing students say “build the wall” and “Trump 2020.” He said it was about that time that Phillips intervened.

“He said, ‘I wish I could say something to these people, to the whole crowd,’ ” Stegenga said in an interview Sunday.

Another member of the Indigenous Peoples March suggested Phillips start singing, the photographer said. Phillips played a prayer song on a drum as he walked toward the students.

Some of the students began doing a “Tomahawk chop” and dancing, the video shows. Phillips said he found it offensive but kept walking and drumming.

Most of the students moved out of his way, the video shows. But Sandmann stayed still.
The video absolutely proves you are a liar and a coward and a sack of shit

Sandman did nothing racist in any way shape or form and Phillips is also a proven liar and fraud

The video proves he was the aggressor who sought confrontation with peaceful kids.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.

Don't worry they gaslighting a 16 year old... They can't even beat her on the facts... so dirty tactics have to be used...
Science and the facts have defeated her

No one is using dirty tactics

She was selected and used as a mouth piece making her open to any criticism

You do not get to hide behind kids boy
All facts which you cannot refute but havening been proven a liar and racist sack of shit you will just make up some crap
She is not telling the truth

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims and no one stole anything from her

All kinds of science supports her. She is telling the truth.
There is no scientific support for her claims and she is preaching alarmist propaganda

You are clearly and ignorant fool as well as a proven liar and coward

Except every global scientific organisation agrees with her...

I love the RWs here bitch about this girl, gaslighting her and she is just 16 years old...

This girl is going to live long enough to see the major damage done by todays lifestyle. Fiscal Conservatives talk about not giving debt to our children but have no problem giving a screwed up planet. Sorry we have no right to screw up the planet and then pass it on, but hey what morals have ye anyway, you are gaslighting a sixteen year old...
That is false and ignorant

No scientific organization agrees with her alarmist claims such as her claim that we are entering an extinction level event

Much like that fool AOC claiming the world will end in 12 years.

No science supports what she says and that is fact

That girl is telling the truth. You're just mad because that 16 year old girl has more gut than you ever will.
She is not telling the truth she is merely spreading alarmist propaganda which has no supporting evidence or scientific basis .

She is not a lying sack of shit and coward like you however
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

Is that what you loons did?
obama worship song - Bing video

No,it is what you loons do...

Video: Church choir sings 'Make America Great Again' song
People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.

Hmmm...seems a bit different than putting children up to do your bidding.

Yes it is, church is supposed to a house of worship for God and here they are worshiping Trump instead. And this is not an isolated incident, it is an officially registered worship song
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.
Did you learn that at a pedophile site? You are a natural piece of shit.

The most telling thing about this thread....not a single one of this morons fellow Trumpians had any issues with this sort of a statement about a 16 year old girl...not one of them.

I am not sure what else we need to know about them.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

Is that what you loons did?
obama worship song - Bing video
Any wacko could mow down that classroom of singing children with a large capacity magazine & a gun. Then you won't have to listen to them meddling kids any more!
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

Yep, I can't believe you idiots want to hide behind a child.
I can. Social Justice nut jobs have no boundaries.
What an annoying and entitled little girl.
She's telling the truth. I know that's a concept you are unable to understand.
She is not telling the truth

There is no scientific evidence or support for her claims and no one stole anything from her

All kinds of science supports her. She is telling the truth.
There is no scientific support for her claims and she is preaching alarmist propaganda

You are clearly and ignorant fool as well as a proven liar and coward

Except every global scientific organisation agrees with her...

I love the RWs here bitch about this girl, gaslighting her and she is just 16 years old...

This girl is going to live long enough to see the major damage done by todays lifestyle. Fiscal Conservatives talk about not giving debt to our children but have no problem giving a screwed up planet. Sorry we have no right to screw up the planet and then pass it on, but hey what morals have ye anyway, you are gaslighting a sixteen year old...

There is no scientific consensus, anymore than there is scientific consensus on the success of sex change operations also vaunted by the Left.

That said, this poor girl is no more than a trained talking monkey, reading a script devised by and for the benefit of would-be global leaders who want more than anything to get their hands on the big, big money and the planet's joystick.

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