The abuse of Greta

^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.

Here is a novel idea for you, attack her ideas and not her. If you do not agree with what she is saying, provide a counter argument. You attacking her does nothing to her message.

Can you quote where I attacked her? I posted a few funny memes today, is that an attack in your view? I actually defended her last night, when someone posted a vile sexual comment about her. Most of the memes people have been posting are making the point that she's a puppet. And those memes are for the gullible sheep who are falling for the alarmism scam.
people with her conditions are often mistaken for being rude as they lack some of the innate social skills most people have.

Perhaps a little charity on your part would be appropriate...the term 'be the adult in the room" comes to mind.

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.
Gretard ................shining a light on climate change


Did she present her arguments in a respectful and civil manner?
Does that somehow condone adults calling a child a Nazi, a retard and attacking her parents?

Who is held to a higher standard of behavior?

Why did you not answer the question?

Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple fucking question?

And why should I answer your fucking questions, when you refuse to answer mine?

OK...I will answer your question
But let’s establish the conditions

You spell out what she said that was disrespectful. Please detail anything that is a personal attack or name calling

I will do the same with what Conservatives are saying about her

Then we can compare notes

I asked if she presented her arguments in a respectful and civil manner.

Your response is to demand that I "spell out what she said that was disrespectful"?

You don't even understand the concept of a real question.

Possibly because it has been so long since you actually asked one.

Seriously. something is seriously fucking wrong with you.
You failed a simple request

You claim she is disrespectful and I asked what specifically do you mean?
You are confident in attacking little girls, but are unable to justify why

Given that a source of pride in Trump supporters is the disrespectful attitude of their leader towards others, why do they then care if Greta is “disrespectful”?
Here is a novel idea for you, attack her ideas and not her.

No, I think in this instance, it is absolutely appropriate to attack the messenger. She's a child who claims to have taken herself out of school to lead a crusade to save the world from the mean, old grown-ups who don't agree with her.

"We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not."

Mocking the messengers is a totally sane and appropriate response.

Mocking the messengers is always the right move when you lack the knowledge and intelligence to attack the message.
^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.
Actually...what this is showing is not that a child can not be criticized, but that there are those who are incapable of criticizing her ideas and instead resort to attacks on her appearance, disability, and intelligence.

^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.

Here is a novel idea for you, attack her ideas and not her. If you do not agree with what she is saying, provide a counter argument. You attacking her does nothing to her message.
Please stop stealing our money. Please STOP!

What, no new sexual comments about the 16 year old like you had for us last night?
The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.
The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.
I am quite aware of what I typed

Do you condone the way Conservatives are attacking this child?
Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.
Skye once again chiming in showing what an ugly woman she can be
Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.
I am quite aware of what I typed

Do you condone the way Conservatives are attacking this child?

He does far more than condone...
Does that somehow condone adults calling a child a Nazi, a retard and attacking her parents?

Who is held to a higher standard of behavior?

Why did you not answer the question?

Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple fucking question?

And why should I answer your fucking questions, when you refuse to answer mine?

OK...I will answer your question
But let’s establish the conditions

You spell out what she said that was disrespectful. Please detail anything that is a personal attack or name calling

I will do the same with what Conservatives are saying about her

Then we can compare notes

I asked if she presented her arguments in a respectful and civil manner.

Your response is to demand that I "spell out what she said that was disrespectful"?

You don't even understand the concept of a real question.

Possibly because it has been so long since you actually asked one.

Seriously. something is seriously fucking wrong with you.
You failed a simple request

You claim she is disrespectful and I asked what specifically do you mean?
You are confident in attacking little girls, but are unable to justify why

Given that a source of pride in Trump supporters is the disrespectful attitude of their leader towards others, why do they then care if Greta is “disrespectful”?
Only his disrespectful attitude towards leftwingers.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?

May be I should say....Greturd??????????

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.
The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

Meh. She is 16.
Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

Meh. She is 16.

Which is precisely why she shouldn't be taken seriously. She is only regurgitating what she's been told to say.

The only thing worse than an angry rant is one that being delivered through a child proxy in order to give it a less angry appearance.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?

I did not realize that Barron Trump was an actor pushing for a political cause. Can we have a link?

Perhaps you share some genes on top of the (as retarded) political beliefs.

Don't want get kids to get called... don't nominate one as an actor for your cause. Don't want to be called a retard? Don't nominate a retard. This even a retard should understand, but not a democrat of course.
The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

I like the way you slyly equated wanting to save the planet with wanting to kill all the Jews. That was well played! Thanks for showing your true colors!

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