The abuse of Greta

She’s not brave, she’s being used. Apparently you’re ok with that and just wish we would shut up and go along with the charade.

Kids like that have passion for crayons too. But we don’t ship them all over the world so their parents can bank up the cash.

She has a passion and she is following it. She is willing to put herself out there knowing that the world is filled with assholes like you whom have no other desire but to attack her personally because they lack the knowledge to attack her message...makes her far braver than you hiding behind your keyboard attacking a 16 year old.
Her passion may as well be hitting herself in the head with a stick. The world is not going to fucking end in ten years. Her life is fucked because she is wasting it. Putting yourself “out there” for something moronic is fucking moronic.

Her message is bullshit. She’s a joke and the assholes here are people like you promoting this shit and encouraging this girl to keep going. You assholes will dump her like a day old fish when you’re done and walk away from the train wreck you helped cause.

The girl needs some guidance and a god damn counselor. Not assholes like you using her.
First off, it isn’t her message, second she is a child with no responsibilities. Third, the attempt failed hugely
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
----------------------------------------- Barron is a Private little kid and keeps to himself . This 'gret turd' or 'gret tard' is like a little 'hitler' type and is similar to 'david hogg' and his followers Coyote
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
Did you feel the same when the Catholic school kid was almost attacked and killed by the African American men in D.C. while calling him every vile racial and homophobic name in the book. There was a couple months of insults going on in forums for that. All for wearing a damn hat that was a political slogan. The purveyors of real hate have ridden that one good. None of them care.
hit. Your the fucking problem here. She’s the pawn you push around the board for entertainment.

You’re a despicable piece of shit for pushing her into a miserable life of failure.

The only ones using her for entertainment are assholes like you and the other one that made sexual suggestions about her...which I am sure you agree with as well.

That you call her a failure is just one more sign of your weakness, you cannot attack her message, all you can do is attack her as a person.

That says a lot about you.
She doesn’t have a message. WTF is her message? She’s a useful idiot. And you’re just a plain old idiot for putting up with her indoctrinated bullshit.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
--------------------------- and Barron, heck , go after him if any of you like . As I said , Barron is a Private little boy , what is he ?? Some thing like 12 years old eh .
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

Meh. She is 16.

Which is precisely why she shouldn't be taken seriously. She is only regurgitating what she's been told to say.

The only thing worse than an angry rant is one that being delivered through a child proxy in order to give it a less angry appearance.

16 yr olds can be informed and knowledgeable, if often untempered by experience and wisdom. To automatically discount it as “regurgitation of what she has been told to say” says more about an implicit bias on the part of her attackers than about her level knowledge.
hit. Your the fucking problem here. She’s the pawn you push around the board for entertainment.

You’re a despicable piece of shit for pushing her into a miserable life of failure.

The only ones using her for entertainment are assholes like you and the other one that made sexual suggestions about her...which I am sure you agree with as well.

That you call her a failure is just one more sign of your weakness, you cannot attack her message, all you can do is attack her as a person.

That says a lot about you.
She doesn’t have a message. WTF is her message? She’s a useful idiot. And you’re just a plain old idiot for putting up with her indoctrinated bullshit.

Of course she has a message, don't be an even bigger moron than normal.

Here is an 11 minute TED talk with her message.

The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?
They like their leader Trump don't believe in science

Give us some science, ed. In your own words.
How many less birds are there now than 10 years ago??? How many billion ?? Any idea why??
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?
They like their leader Trump don't believe in science

Give us some science, ed. In your own words.
How many less birds are there now than 10 years ago??? How many billion ?? Any idea why??

3.7 billion birds

Cats that live in the wild or indoor pets allowed to roam outdoors kill from 1.4 billion to as many as 3.7 billion birds in the continental U.S. each year, says a new study that escalates a decades-old debate over the feline threat to native animals.Jan 29, 2013
here kitty kitty...

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

I like the way you slyly equated wanting to save the planet with wanting to kill all the Jews. That was well played! Thanks for showing your true colors!

I apologize for letting your agenda out of the bag before you were ready. Mea culpa.
^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.
Actually...what this is showing is not that a child can not be criticized, but that there are those who are incapable of criticizing her ideas and instead resort to attacks on her appearance, disability, and intelligence.


Well, first of all, they aren't her ideas. She's just a face. Her brain isn't even fully developed yet. And as buttercup mentioned, a very strategically planted face.

To conform to her terms of controversy is to default to her narrative (actually's terms of controversy and narrative since they're the ones handling her, its organizers and funders being Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates as well as George Soros and others)
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16 yr olds can be informed and knowledgeable, if often untempered by experience and wisdom. To automatically discount it as “regurgitation of what she has been told to say” says more about an implicit bias on the part of her attackers than about her level knowledge.

I do not know where these people get the idea that a 16 year old cannot be knowledgeable on a subject.
I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
----------------------------------------- Barron is a Private little kid and keeps to himself . This 'gret turd' or 'gret tard' is like a little 'hitler' type and is similar to 'david hogg' and his followers Coyote
Coyote takes orders from kids? Wow!
I would treat circumspect, a 16-year-old child who passionately harangues strangers on any subject.

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?

I did not realize that Barron Trump was an actor pushing for a political cause. Can we have a link?

Perhaps you share some genes on top of the (as retarded) political beliefs.

Don't want get kids to get called... don't nominate one as an actor for your cause. Don't want to be called a retard? Don't nominate a retard. This even a retard should understand, but not a democrat of course.
Oh sorry. I didn’t realize that made it ok to attack a child’s appearance, disability, or intelligence. Looks like I overestimated common decency on the part of some folks here.
I like the way you slyly equated wanting to save the planet with wanting to kill all the Jews. That was well played! Thanks for showing your true colors!

I apologize for letting your agenda out of the bag before you were ready. Mea culpa.[/QUOTE]

Don't blame your words on me.
As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?

I did not realize that Barron Trump was an actor pushing for a political cause. Can we have a link?

Perhaps you share some genes on top of the (as retarded) political beliefs.

Don't want get kids to get called... don't nominate one as an actor for your cause. Don't want to be called a retard? Don't nominate a retard. This even a retard should understand, but not a democrat of course.
Oh sorry. I didn’t realize that made it ok to attack a child’s appearance, disability, or intelligence. Looks like I overestimated common decency on the part of some folks here.

"I didn't realize". Yes, you do not realize because you have a lot in common with the girl.

Now you perhaps understand why using children as political pawns is not such a smart idea, like the rest of us do.
Which is precisely why she shouldn't be taken seriously. She is only regurgitating what she's been told to say.

How is that any different than your every post on this forum?
------------------------------------------- gret tard or 'gret turd' is simply a little kid . Probably a doper and hip hop type . I like the old days of children should be seen and not heard . Send her to the widdle kids table .
As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?

I did not realize that Barron Trump was an actor pushing for a political cause. Can we have a link?

Perhaps you share some genes on top of the (as retarded) political beliefs.

Don't want get kids to get called... don't nominate one as an actor for your cause. Don't want to be called a retard? Don't nominate a retard. This even a retard should understand, but not a democrat of course.
Oh sorry. I didn’t realize that made it ok to attack a child’s appearance, disability, or intelligence. Looks like I overestimated common decency on the part of some folks here.

It is what people do when they lack any knowledge on a subject. They cannot attack her message as they are too stupid an uninformed to be able to do so.
Like the OP has rightly said!

The ONLY abuse of Greta here is by her very sick parents!

Shame on them!
Greta and Hogg. Climate change! Boink. Gun control! Boink.

The left: these kids know their shit. We must follow them.


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