The abuse of Greta

What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
I have a name for you: Nick Sandman.

I only wish the maudes hadn't hidden all those threads from public view, so we could all rub the sanctimonious noses of your moonbats in your blind hatred of one young individual, while you're now clutching your pearls over this pathetic little sock puppet.
I disagree with how he acted and commented on it
I did not mock his looks, call him a retard or a Nazi

If you disagree with what Greta said......criticize that
So because shes a kid being used by the left as a pawn, she's off limits and gets a free mic without anyone DARE questioning her motives and methods?

Have you even looked at her history, Nimrod?
She doesn't need much encouragement. The fact you think she is a 'pawn' speaks volumes about you. None of it good. Gee, a 16 year old giving it to morons. I know it's hard to get bitch slapped by a 16 year old, but if you insist on being a dumbfuck....

Got a link to her history?
I'm really curious to find out what happened to her over a 16 year stretch that made her an expert on climate change.
It really has nothing to do with Trump she was addressing the UN.

Most people are attacking her message and it needs to be attacked. SHe is not well informed and is essentially repeating whatever she has been told to.

Science does not support her and she is simply being used by cllimate alarmists to present ridiculous emotional arguments as opposed to reasonable information.

Regardless of who she is or how old she is if you make someone into a poster chiild for a cause you open them up to ridicule.
I’m afraid science does support her and she demonstrates more knowledge of the issue than the conservatives who are so visciously attacking her
It does not support her and she is not more knowledgeable.

She claims people are DYING RIGHT now. Sure they are there are always people dying somehwere for some reason. But so far no one can point to deaths caused by global climate change. Starvation and famine from local drought caused by local climate change? Sure but not for the reasons she is claiming.

She claims we are at the beginings of a mass extinction. Is that possible? Sure. Is is supported by science? NO.

She said the world is burning? Is it? No.

Greta has not tried to inform the world of the scientific consensus which is that the climate IS changing and man has SOME affect on these changes.

She is adopting a ridiculous alarmist stance predicting doom and gloom exactly like an evangelical preacher predicting the rapture. And with just as much crediblity and scientific support.
Many, many have died due to climate change. Massive drought in the Sudan, hurricanes, wildfires.......all made worse by climate change

We are seeing mass extinction. Not in man but in other creatures. Eventually, it will catch up with us
As I said LOCAL climatde change not global climate change.

You are quite wrong.

There is always mass extinction of one kind or another of one speceis or another somehwere.

Clearly thought she is not referring to that. Science does not support her.
These things show up locally
A hurricane does not hit the whole planet but will be more severe as water temperature changes
Droughts are only in certain regions but are made worse as fain systems are impacted

We are seeing mass extinctions of many, many species and global warming is impacting it

Yes, Scientists agree
No they do not agee that anthropogenic gloabl warming is responsible for local weather. You are trying the same argument as someone claiming that a blizaard refutes glabal warming.

They do not support her alarmist views.
mass extinction of WHAT . Anyway , man can probably survive mass extinctions of many things and its no big deal RWinger . Yep , we probably have pictures in books of what ever may disappear whenever it happens RWinger .
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
I have a name for you: Nick Sandman.

I only wish the maudes hadn't hidden all those threads from public view, so we could all rub the sanctimonious noses of your moonbats in your blind hatred of one young individual, while you're now clutching your pearls over this pathetic little sock puppet.
I disagree with how he acted and commented on it
I did not mock his looks, call him a retard or a Nazi

If you disagree with what Greta said......criticize that
Sandman didn't do a fucking thing but stand there...At that age, I had pretty much the same look on my face when Air Force MTIs got up in my face, and it drove them nuts.

I disagree with adults hiding behind her and using her as a sock puppet.

Nobody -but NOBODY- develops the kind of faux emotionally overwrought behavior that she has, at that age, in isolation.....And you're a total chump if you buy her act.
If I could think of an instance where a kid was used to promote a conservative agenda I'm sure I would easily find lefties talking shit about him or her online.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.

Yeah these fucking leftists have a lot of goddamn nerve lecturing everyone else on how we should treat Greta when they went around wishing death on Nick Sandmann for nothing.
Nobody wished death on Sandman for his racist stunt.
What "racist stunt?" Waiting for a bus and minding your own business is a "stunt?"

You're just another of those sleazy lying kid-hating leftwing douchebags.

That didn't happen.

I know you wont watch the video but here ya go.....
Be sure and point out where Sandman was being racist.
A Video of Teenagers and a Native American Man Went Viral. Here’s What Happened.
You must be a castrated shaman of some kind, or twinkle-toed. Jimmy Carter?

Considered one of the great books of the 20th Century.

Lolita - Wikipedia

keep digging the hole deeper.

So, which part of her do you find the most sexually appealing...
You're very ill.

I am not the one that made sexual comments about her or defended said comments.

those are the very ill people, but you more than likely agree with them
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.
keep digging the hole deeper.

So, which part of her do you find the most sexually appealing...
You're very ill.

I am not the one that made sexual comments about her or defended said comments.

those are the very ill people, but you more than likely agree with them
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.

Once again, I am not the one making sexual references about a 16 year old. I am not that one that said a man has to be castrated not to be sexually attracted to a 16 year old.

Yet, here you are going after me and by your silence giving your stamp of approval to those statements.
I’m afraid science does support her and she demonstrates more knowledge of the issue than the conservatives who are so visciously attacking her
It does not support her and she is not more knowledgeable.

She claims people are DYING RIGHT now. Sure they are there are always people dying somehwere for some reason. But so far no one can point to deaths caused by global climate change. Starvation and famine from local drought caused by local climate change? Sure but not for the reasons she is claiming.

She claims we are at the beginings of a mass extinction. Is that possible? Sure. Is is supported by science? NO.

She said the world is burning? Is it? No.

Greta has not tried to inform the world of the scientific consensus which is that the climate IS changing and man has SOME affect on these changes.

She is adopting a ridiculous alarmist stance predicting doom and gloom exactly like an evangelical preacher predicting the rapture. And with just as much crediblity and scientific support.
Many, many have died due to climate change. Massive drought in the Sudan, hurricanes, wildfires.......all made worse by climate change

We are seeing mass extinction. Not in man but in other creatures. Eventually, it will catch up with us
As I said LOCAL climatde change not global climate change.

You are quite wrong.

There is always mass extinction of one kind or another of one speceis or another somehwere.

Clearly thought she is not referring to that. Science does not support her.
These things show up locally
A hurricane does not hit the whole planet but will be more severe as water temperature changes
Droughts are only in certain regions but are made worse as fain systems are impacted

We are seeing mass extinctions of many, many species and global warming is impacting it

Yes, Scientists agree
No they do not agee that anthropogenic gloabl warming is responsible for local weather. You are trying the same argument as someone claiming that a blizaard refutes glabal warming.

They do not support her alarmist views.
Blizzards rely on moisture in the air
Moisture comes from evaporation

Global warming will not have an equal impact on all weather simultaneously.....but it stokes the furnace
keep digging the hole deeper.

So, which part of her do you find the most sexually appealing...
You're very ill.

I am not the one that made sexual comments about her or defended said comments.

those are the very ill people, but you more than likely agree with them
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.

It's all he's got.
No they do not agee that anthropogenic gloabl warming is responsible for local weather. You are trying the same argument as someone claiming that a blizaard refutes glabal warming.

They do not support her alarmist views.

Wait, are you saying that a changing climate would not affect local weather patterns?

The Purge said:
If you check out her photos young Greta is being escorted around the country by her handler – far left activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This Is What I Wanted To Know
The Bottom Of The Page Is ONE
Telling Us Who Luisa-Marie Neubauer's Handler's Are:

The Purge said:
If you check out her photos young Greta is being escorted around the country by her handler – far left activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This Is What I Wanted To Know
The Bottom Of The Page Is ONE
Telling Us Who Luisa-Marie Neubauer's Handler's Are:

View attachment 280971

So, her handlers are some of the most philanthropic people on the planet?

Thanks for the information.
You're very ill.

I am not the one that made sexual comments about her or defended said comments.

those are the very ill people, but you more than likely agree with them
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.

Once again, I am not the one making sexual references about a 16 year old. I am not that one that said a man has to be castrated not to be sexually attracted to a 16 year old.

Yet, here you are going after me and by your silence giving your stamp of approval to those statements.
So? There's nuts everywhere. You sure get sidetracked easily.
I am not the one that made sexual comments about her or defended said comments.

those are the very ill people, but you more than likely agree with them
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.

It's all he's got.

Yep, not being attracted to 16 year olds is all I have. But I can live with that. Do you have trouble controlling your sexual attraction to 16 year olds?
Easily manipulated, huh.
I am not the one that made sexual comments about her or defended said comments.

those are the very ill people, but you more than likely agree with them
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.

Once again, I am not the one making sexual references about a 16 year old. I am not that one that said a man has to be castrated not to be sexually attracted to a 16 year old.

Yet, here you are going after me and by your silence giving your stamp of approval to those statements.
So? There's nuts everywhere. You sure get sidetracked easily.

Somethings are worth pointing out even if they are off topic. The fact you attack me for calling out sexual statements about 16 year olds but have nothing bad to say about said comments is worth pointing out.

Why did you choose to attack me and not the person that said a man has to be castrated not to be sexually attracted to a 16 year olds?
Go fuck yourself, sick loser.

So, in recap. You attack me for calling out those that make sexual post about this 16 year old, but say not a damn thing about those post.

I think that is all we need to know about you. I am sorry for calling out your buddies
No matter how the debate starts out, you always end up making it personal and head for the gutter. That says everything about you.

It's all he's got.

Yep, not being attracted to 16 year olds is all I have. But I can live with that. Do you have trouble controlling your sexual attraction to 16 year olds?
Easily manipulated, huh.

Not at all, which is why I am not attracted to 16 year olds. How about you? do you find them appealing?
The Purge said:
If you check out her photos young Greta is being escorted around the country by her handler – far left activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This Is What I Wanted To Know
The Bottom Of The Page Is ONE
Telling Us Who Luisa-Marie Neubauer's Handler's Are:

View attachment 280971

So, her handlers are some of the most philanthropic people on the planet?

Thanks for the information.
You mean the are some of the most political douchebags on the planet.

You claim to be a libertarian, and you're defending Soros? The guy is a communist.
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

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