The abuse of Greta

The Purge said:
If you check out her photos young Greta is being escorted around the country by her handler – far left activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This Is What I Wanted To Know
The Bottom Of The Page Is ONE
Telling Us Who Luisa-Marie Neubauer's Handler's Are:

View attachment 280971

So, her handlers are some of the most philanthropic people on the planet?

Thanks for the information.
You mean the are some of the most political douchebags on the planet.

You claim to be a libertarian, and you're defending Soros? The guy is a communist.

Any libertarian would tell you it is his money and he is free to do what he wants with it.

Though, he was not who I was referring to as being philanthropic.
That's true, it is his money, but he's still a Stalinist douchebag. You called him "one the most philanthropic people on the planet." Donating money to leftwing propaganda organs is hardly what I would call "philanthropic."

Once again for the reading impaired....he was not who I was referring to as being philanthropic.
“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent,” they declared. “However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and bats, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.”

"The signatories of the declaration also insist that public policy must respect scientific and economic realities and not just reflect the most fashionable frenzy of the day.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm,” they note. “We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
"Only in MAGA land would people compare the Covington Catholic boys to Greta Thunberg. The latter campaigns to save the planet, while the former do tomahawk chops and wear MAGA hats and hire PR firms to save their own asses. Your side's activists suck, truly..."

by Time Wise
What happened to little aoc ?
Go threaten a little girl and her families lives for doing home spun comedy and then get back to us ..silenced with threats of violence for just kidding around on you tube

Greta, the catlick boy , Hogg,

All exploited and abused by the sicko misfit left for whatever agenda of the day they're crying about
It's all about shutting down free speech.

What free speech has been shut down
“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent,” they declared. “However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and bats, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.”

"The signatories of the declaration also insist that public policy must respect scientific and economic realities and not just reflect the most fashionable frenzy of the day.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm,” they note. “We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
Paid stooges
“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent,” they declared. “However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and bats, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.”

"The signatories of the declaration also insist that public policy must respect scientific and economic realities and not just reflect the most fashionable frenzy of the day.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm,” they note. “We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
Paid stooges

Prove it
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

Trolling again RW? This girl has Asperger's syndrome, depression and anxiety. The parents should be investigated for child abuse. I saw her speech at the UN and was appalled at her countenance and obvious planted hatred. Very sad. The parents are loons.

My kids are sane, reasonable, stable people and I STILL wouldn't drag them up there and allow them to lecture and rail at adults like that. How does any parent think this is okay?
So because shes a kid being used by the left as a pawn, she's off limits and gets a free mic without anyone DARE questioning her motives and methods?

Have you even looked at her history, Nimrod?
She doesn't need much encouragement. The fact you think she is a 'pawn' speaks volumes about you. None of it good. Gee, a 16 year old giving it to morons. I know it's hard to get bitch slapped by a 16 year old, but if you insist on being a dumbfuck....

Got a link to her history?
I'm really curious to find out what happened to her over a 16 year stretch that made her an expert on climate change.

As far as I can tell, all the adults in her life dumped their propaganda on her and her mental problems turned it into a full-blown psychotic delusion.

I sympathize with her. I had a similar thing happen to me (although I didn't suffer from Asperger's or severe OCD). I was raised in a fundamentalist Protestant church in the 70's, which was experiencing a wave of "End Times" frenzy. Everyone in our church community was talking constantly about the book of Revelation, how Jesus was coming back any minute now and you had to repent of your sins or be left behind to face the Tribulation and the Antichrist, etc.

I was very young (in elementary school) and no one really paid attention to my presence during all this because they thought I wasn't paying attention, or didn't really understand what they were saying. I started waking up from nightmares a couple of times a week, completely hysterical and running around the house to check on my family members. I was convinced that the Rapture had happened and everyone I loved had been taken and I had been left behind because I had forgotten to say my prayers the night before, or there had been a time I'd backtalked my mom and then forgot it so I didn't repent it. My parents had no idea what was going on with me (because I was hysterical and couldn't explain it to them) and they took me to a counselor. Turns out, a little girl who's bright enough to understand adult words but doesn't have the experience and maturity to really comprehend their meaning was not a good fit for those kinds of topics.

Bottom line, my parents sat me down and explained all the context I, as a child, had not had before. And they strictly limited other adults discussing that topic in my presence. At no point in time did they yank me up to a pulpit and let me start preaching to grown-ups on the basis of my childish fears and stand around gassing about how "proud" they were of my neurotic terror.

Greta's parents and teachers and other authority figures all deserve swift kicks in the cooter for creating this emotional trauma.
“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent,” they declared. “However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and bats, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.”

"The signatories of the declaration also insist that public policy must respect scientific and economic realities and not just reflect the most fashionable frenzy of the day.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm,” they note. “We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
Paid stooges

Prove it

Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?

What trauma? she has given 11 speeches and 1 TED talk over the last year as well as be in a couple of movies about climate change. There is no trauma, there is no abuse, there is a 16 year old that has a passion about an issue that has overcome pretty severe mental conditions that at times keep her from being as "socially correct" as we want her to be.

I think she is far off the mark on her take on climate change, but I think she is pretty damn amazing to do what she has done with the cards she was dealt.
So because shes a kid being used by the left as a pawn, she's off limits and gets a free mic without anyone DARE questioning her motives and methods?

Have you even looked at her history, Nimrod?
She doesn't need much encouragement. The fact you think she is a 'pawn' speaks volumes about you. None of it good. Gee, a 16 year old giving it to morons. I know it's hard to get bitch slapped by a 16 year old, but if you insist on being a dumbfuck....

Got a link to her history?
I'm really curious to find out what happened to her over a 16 year stretch that made her an expert on climate change.

As far as I can tell, all the adults in her life dumped their propaganda on her and her mental problems turned it into a full-blown psychotic delusion.

I sympathize with her. I had a similar thing happen to me (although I didn't suffer from Asperger's or severe OCD). I was raised in a fundamentalist Protestant church in the 70's, which was experiencing a wave of "End Times" frenzy. Everyone in our church community was talking constantly about the book of Revelation, how Jesus was coming back any minute now and you had to repent of your sins or be left behind to face the Tribulation and the Antichrist, etc.

I was very young (in elementary school) and no one really paid attention to my presence during all this because they thought I wasn't paying attention, or didn't really understand what they were saying. I started waking up from nightmares a couple of times a week, completely hysterical and running around the house to check on my family members. I was convinced that the Rapture had happened and everyone I loved had been taken and I had been left behind because I had forgotten to say my prayers the night before, or there had been a time I'd backtalked my mom and then forgot it so I didn't repent it. My parents had no idea what was going on with me (because I was hysterical and couldn't explain it to them) and they took me to a counselor. Turns out, a little girl who's bright enough to understand adult words but doesn't have the experience and maturity to really comprehend their meaning was not a good fit for those kinds of topics.

Bottom line, my parents sat me down and explained all the context I, as a child, had not had before. And they strictly limited other adults discussing that topic in my presence. At no point in time did they yank me up to a pulpit and let me start preaching to grown-ups on the basis of my childish fears and stand around gassing about how "proud" they were of my neurotic terror.

Greta's parents and teachers and other authority figures all deserve swift kicks in the cooter for creating this emotional trauma.

My parents exposed my brother and I to Christianity when we were around 7 and 9.
We went to Church and Sunday school for two years and they then asked us what we'd learned.
Apparently we gave the right answers and they gave us the option to continue going to church and sunday school...or not.

I look back on those days and ask could anyone be against the Teachings of God?
They're simple and to the point.
“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent,” they declared. “However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and bats, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.”

"The signatories of the declaration also insist that public policy must respect scientific and economic realities and not just reflect the most fashionable frenzy of the day.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm,” they note. “We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
Paid stooges

Prove it

View attachment 281035

Got it, you can't. See what happens when you lie little boy?
My parents exposed my brother and I to Christianity when we were around 7 and 9.
We went to Church and Sunday school for two years and they then asked us what we'd learned.
Apparently we gave the right answers and they gave us the option to continue going to church and sunday school...or not.

I look back on those days and ask could anyone be against the Teachings of God?
They're simple and to the point.

It is not normally the teachings of god that are the problem, it is the 9000 other rules that each denomination has added to those teachings.

Then again, we could also ask which god...
So because shes a kid being used by the left as a pawn, she's off limits and gets a free mic without anyone DARE questioning her motives and methods?

Have you even looked at her history, Nimrod?
She doesn't need much encouragement. The fact you think she is a 'pawn' speaks volumes about you. None of it good. Gee, a 16 year old giving it to morons. I know it's hard to get bitch slapped by a 16 year old, but if you insist on being a dumbfuck....

Got a link to her history?
I'm really curious to find out what happened to her over a 16 year stretch that made her an expert on climate change.

As far as I can tell, all the adults in her life dumped their propaganda on her and her mental problems turned it into a full-blown psychotic delusion.

I sympathize with her. I had a similar thing happen to me (although I didn't suffer from Asperger's or severe OCD). I was raised in a fundamentalist Protestant church in the 70's, which was experiencing a wave of "End Times" frenzy. Everyone in our church community was talking constantly about the book of Revelation, how Jesus was coming back any minute now and you had to repent of your sins or be left behind to face the Tribulation and the Antichrist, etc.

I was very young (in elementary school) and no one really paid attention to my presence during all this because they thought I wasn't paying attention, or didn't really understand what they were saying. I started waking up from nightmares a couple of times a week, completely hysterical and running around the house to check on my family members. I was convinced that the Rapture had happened and everyone I loved had been taken and I had been left behind because I had forgotten to say my prayers the night before, or there had been a time I'd backtalked my mom and then forgot it so I didn't repent it. My parents had no idea what was going on with me (because I was hysterical and couldn't explain it to them) and they took me to a counselor. Turns out, a little girl who's bright enough to understand adult words but doesn't have the experience and maturity to really comprehend their meaning was not a good fit for those kinds of topics.

Bottom line, my parents sat me down and explained all the context I, as a child, had not had before. And they strictly limited other adults discussing that topic in my presence. At no point in time did they yank me up to a pulpit and let me start preaching to grown-ups on the basis of my childish fears and stand around gassing about how "proud" they were of my neurotic terror.

Greta's parents and teachers and other authority figures all deserve swift kicks in the cooter for creating this emotional trauma.

My parents exposed my brother and I to Christianity when we were around 7 and 9.
We went to Church and Sunday school for two years and they then asked us what we'd learned.
Apparently we gave the right answers and they gave us the option to continue going to church and sunday school...or not.

I look back on those days and ask could anyone be against the Teachings of God?
They're simple and to the point.

Oh, my parents never considered making church attendance optional for my siblings and me, and as an adult now, I'm glad for it. It was specifically the obsession with the End Times that was going on at the time that caused the problem. I was much too young and uneducated in advanced, adult-level Biblical teachings like that, especially without someone explaining it to me on my own level, to handle it. They just didn't realize at the time that I was picking up on it as much as I was.
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?

What trauma? she has given 11 speeches and 1 TED talk over the last year as well as be in a couple of movies about climate change. There is no trauma, there is no abuse, there is a 16 year old that has a passion about an issue that has overcome pretty severe mental conditions that at times keep her from being as "socially correct" as we want her to be.

I think she is far off the mark on her take on climate change, but I think she is pretty damn amazing to do what she has done with the cards she was dealt.
----------------------- she is a tool fueled by her being a widdle baby FOOL and its ok with me GGator .
So because shes a kid being used by the left as a pawn, she's off limits and gets a free mic without anyone DARE questioning her motives and methods?

Have you even looked at her history, Nimrod?
She doesn't need much encouragement. The fact you think she is a 'pawn' speaks volumes about you. None of it good. Gee, a 16 year old giving it to morons. I know it's hard to get bitch slapped by a 16 year old, but if you insist on being a dumbfuck....

Got a link to her history?
I'm really curious to find out what happened to her over a 16 year stretch that made her an expert on climate change.

As far as I can tell, all the adults in her life dumped their propaganda on her and her mental problems turned it into a full-blown psychotic delusion.

I sympathize with her. I had a similar thing happen to me (although I didn't suffer from Asperger's or severe OCD). I was raised in a fundamentalist Protestant church in the 70's, which was experiencing a wave of "End Times" frenzy. Everyone in our church community was talking constantly about the book of Revelation, how Jesus was coming back any minute now and you had to repent of your sins or be left behind to face the Tribulation and the Antichrist, etc.

I was very young (in elementary school) and no one really paid attention to my presence during all this because they thought I wasn't paying attention, or didn't really understand what they were saying. I started waking up from nightmares a couple of times a week, completely hysterical and running around the house to check on my family members. I was convinced that the Rapture had happened and everyone I loved had been taken and I had been left behind because I had forgotten to say my prayers the night before, or there had been a time I'd backtalked my mom and then forgot it so I didn't repent it. My parents had no idea what was going on with me (because I was hysterical and couldn't explain it to them) and they took me to a counselor. Turns out, a little girl who's bright enough to understand adult words but doesn't have the experience and maturity to really comprehend their meaning was not a good fit for those kinds of topics.

Bottom line, my parents sat me down and explained all the context I, as a child, had not had before. And they strictly limited other adults discussing that topic in my presence. At no point in time did they yank me up to a pulpit and let me start preaching to grown-ups on the basis of my childish fears and stand around gassing about how "proud" they were of my neurotic terror.

Greta's parents and teachers and other authority figures all deserve swift kicks in the cooter for creating this emotional trauma.

My parents exposed my brother and I to Christianity when we were around 7 and 9.
We went to Church and Sunday school for two years and they then asked us what we'd learned.
Apparently we gave the right answers and they gave us the option to continue going to church and sunday school...or not.

I look back on those days and ask could anyone be against the Teachings of God?
They're simple and to the point.

Oh, my parents never considered making church attendance optional for my siblings and me, and as an adult now, I'm glad for it. It was specifically the obsession with the End Times that was going on at the time that caused the problem. I was much too young and uneducated in advanced, adult-level Biblical teachings like that, especially without someone explaining it to me on my own level, to handle it. They just didn't realize at the time that I was picking up on it as much as I was.

I look at it like this.
I learned a lot about morality and doing the right thing,and that's stuck with me throughout my life.
We all know whats right and wrong denomination be damned.

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