The ACLU Is Anything But American

Not true, maybe 1.25 to 1.

As usual, you're lying.

After all, you started it.

Besides, I was told you loved it. Like S&M
LOL! So you consider yourself a sadist. Big surprise!
No. Not my bag.

Must be yours. Only time you find humor is at someone else's expense you shriveled up prune. Figuratively speaking that is.

I can see my comment stung so I imagine there's a lot of truth in it.
no. Not my bag.

Must be yours. Only time you find humor is at someone else's expense you shriveled up prune. Figuratively speaking that is.

I don't know what you were reading....but I notice that Marc expressly DID NOT say Republicans.

oh sure he did not mean them.....:rolleyes:

With the eye rolling thing, are you saying that Conservatives and RWrs are synonymous with Republicans?

in this forum,with a hell of a lot of posters.....yea......why do you think i get on Dean all the time? him anyone on the right is the exact same type of difference....
Any case that involves individual rights. I've posted their mission statement at least once already. Why you choose to ignore it....well, I don't know why.

any case? you are saying the same thing TM did......which is it?.....any case or are they selective?............are not my Gun Rights an individual Liberty?

The ACLU interprets it as a Collective Right. You may not agree with them, but they do not step up and try to STOP gun ownership. They defer to the NRA which is much better prepared to deal with 2nd amendment issues.

Or, are you whining that your appliance repairman won't fix your car too?

nice dance Bo.....can we do the Foxtrot next? freedom of speech is an Individual right?.....not a collective right of ALL Americans......gotcha......i think maybe you should look up the word ANY.....and see what it means....when you say ....Any case that involves individual rights......that would mean ANY individual Right....including Gun Ownership....that would mean individual rights outside of the 1st amendment....if you come back with a waltz instead of the Foxtrot i will understand.....
any case? you are saying the same thing TM did......which is it?.....any case or are they selective?............are not my Gun Rights an individual Liberty?

The ACLU interprets it as a Collective Right. You may not agree with them, but they do not step up and try to STOP gun ownership. They defer to the NRA which is much better prepared to deal with 2nd amendment issues.

Or, are you whining that your appliance repairman won't fix your car too?

nice dance Bo.....can we do the Foxtrot next? freedom of speech is an Individual right?.....not a collective right of ALL Americans......gotcha......i think maybe you should look up the word ANY.....and see what it means....when you say ....Any case that involves individual rights......that would mean ANY individual Right....including Gun Ownership....that would mean individual rights outside of the 1st amendment....if you come back with a waltz instead of the Foxtrot i will understand.....
The ACLU has for the most part interpreted the 2nd amendment as a collective right. Someone up the thread posted a link to their petition to help a man get his guns returned to him. So it is possible with the SCOTUS ruling a year or two ago the ACLU will start being more supportive of the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Which is kind of sad since the NRA already does that and it will take time away from many other civil rights issues.
You guys just crack me up. :lol:

Have you contacted your local ACLU office yet?

Naw. Besides, I'm not one of the "protected class".

They wouldn't take the case.

You know, I wouldn't have lasted 5 years on an SF A-Team without a sense of humor.

Your wasting your time hun.

How do you know they won't take your case until you ask them? And what evidence do you have that they would only take cases from a "protected class" and what IS that "protected class" anyways?
any case? you are saying the same thing TM did......which is it?.....any case or are they selective?............are not my Gun Rights an individual Liberty?

The ACLU interprets it as a Collective Right. You may not agree with them, but they do not step up and try to STOP gun ownership. They defer to the NRA which is much better prepared to deal with 2nd amendment issues.

Or, are you whining that your appliance repairman won't fix your car too?

nice dance Bo.....can we do the Foxtrot next? freedom of speech is an Individual right?.....not a collective right of ALL Americans......gotcha......i think maybe you should look up the word ANY.....and see what it means....when you say ....Any case that involves individual rights......that would mean ANY individual Right....including Gun Ownership....that would mean individual rights outside of the 1st amendment....if you come back with a waltz instead of the Foxtrot i will understand.....

Did you bother to read the ACLU's mission statement yet? I'm guessing not....because your rambling post shows that you haven't.
The ACLU interprets it as a Collective Right. You may not agree with them, but they do not step up and try to STOP gun ownership. They defer to the NRA which is much better prepared to deal with 2nd amendment issues.

Or, are you whining that your appliance repairman won't fix your car too?

nice dance Bo.....can we do the Foxtrot next? freedom of speech is an Individual right?.....not a collective right of ALL Americans......gotcha......i think maybe you should look up the word ANY.....and see what it means....when you say ....Any case that involves individual rights......that would mean ANY individual Right....including Gun Ownership....that would mean individual rights outside of the 1st amendment....if you come back with a waltz instead of the Foxtrot i will understand.....
The ACLU has for the most part interpreted the 2nd amendment as a collective right. Someone up the thread posted a link to their petition to help a man get his guns returned to him. So it is possible with the SCOTUS ruling a year or two ago the ACLU will start being more supportive of the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Which is kind of sad since the NRA already does that and it will take time away from many other civil rights issues.

Harry's the kind of guy who goes to his appliance repairman and complains that he doesn't fix his car.....apparently.
Have you contacted your local ACLU office yet?

Naw. Besides, I'm not one of the "protected class".

They wouldn't take the case.

You know, I wouldn't have lasted 5 years on an SF A-Team without a sense of humor.

Your wasting your time hun.

How do you know they won't take your case until you ask them? And what evidence do you have that they would only take cases from a "protected class" and what IS that "protected class" anyways?

So now you're back to playing dumb again.
Naw. Besides, I'm not one of the "protected class".

Not true.

I guess you didn't realize that the Americans With Disabilities Act covers retards too.

So now you've learned two things in this thread.

You're welcome. :thup:

I looked up a site deletedand it keeps taking me to your profile page mani.
Bullshit. You're making an assumption.

Separation of Church and state doesn't mean what you claim.

You most likely claim that it means that religion must be separated from government completely when there are numerous examples where they are intertwined.

Your idea of the Separation of Church and state is totally different from what Thomas Jefferson meant. He meant that no one religion should control our government. It doesn't mean we can't pray or must remove all religious symbols from our buildings.

Once me where the phrase "Separation of Church and State" is in the constitution.


The Supreme Court alone determines what separation of church and State means, not you, not anyone subscribing to this thread:
The majority in the Everson case, and the minority as shown by quotations from the dissenting views in our notes 6 and 7, agreed that the First Amendment's language, properly interpreted, had erected a wall of separation between Church and State.

[T]he First Amendment had erected a wall between Church and State which must be kept high and impregnable.

Separation means separation, not something less. Jefferson's metaphor in describing the relation between Church and State speaks of a 'wall of separation,' not of a fine line easily overstepped.

McCollum v. Board of Education (1948)

The OP’s only response, therefore, is to cite case law – as determined by the Supreme Court – overturning this ruling. Anything else is meaningless, subjective opinion.
Just because you say it is doesn't mean it is so.

And that applies to you as well.
Bullshit. You're making an assumption.

Separation of Church and state doesn't mean what you claim.

You most likely claim that it means that religion must be separated from government completely when there are numerous examples where they are intertwined.

Your idea of the Separation of Church and state is totally different from what Thomas Jefferson meant. He meant that no one religion should control our government. It doesn't mean we can't pray or must remove all religious symbols from our buildings.

Once me where the phrase "Separation of Church and State" is in the constitution.


The Supreme Court alone determines what separation of church and State means, not you, not anyone subscribing to this thread:
The majority in the Everson case, and the minority as shown by quotations from the dissenting views in our notes 6 and 7, agreed that the First Amendment's language, properly interpreted, had erected a wall of separation between Church and State.

[T]he First Amendment had erected a wall between Church and State which must be kept high and impregnable.

Separation means separation, not something less. Jefferson's metaphor in describing the relation between Church and State speaks of a 'wall of separation,' not of a fine line easily overstepped.

McCollum v. Board of Education (1948)

The OP’s only response, therefore, is to cite case law – as determined by the Supreme Court – overturning this ruling. Anything else is meaningless, subjective opinion.
Just because you say it is doesn't mean it is so.

And that applies to you as well.

A wall between church and state doesn't mean what you claim.

It means we can't have a state sponsored religion.

The 1st Amendment doesn't allow the you or your lib friends to cut God out of our lives. No matter what you say....that is a fact.

no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.[25]
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What Does Separation Of Church And State Mean??


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

That's what the Bill of Rights says. Nothing about "separation", just that CONGRESS can't establish an official religion or prohibit anyone from worshiping as they see fit. It DOESN'T say no Christmas displays in the town square, no Ten Commandments in a courthouse, no prayer in school, or any of the other things that the revisionists and activist judges have ruled in the last 20-30 years. In fact, it doesn't even say that a STATE LEGISLATURE can't say only Lutherans (or Catholics, or Wicans, or Druids) are eligible to hold state offices. Only CONGRESS is restricted by this clause.

Read more: What does separation of church and state mean
Point is it matters a damn if separation between church and state puts up a wall if you don't understand what that wall is there for.

And the wall is there to keep the government from taking away our rights by forming a religion or installing a theocracy.

That is the sole purpose of that passage. It is to prevent government from imposing religious rule over this country. That has been the interpretation from the beginning and no amount of double-speak will change that.

It doesn't allow you to make laws that prevents the free expression of religion.

So regardless if you fuckers focus grouped the meaning or came to a consensus about what it means, Thomas Jefferson was clear about what his intentions were and liberals are attempting to warp that meaning into whatever the fuck they want it to mean.
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Point is it matters a damn if separation between church and state puts up a wall if you don't understand what that wall is there for.

And the wall is there to keep the government from taking away our rights by forming a religion or installing a theocracy.

That is the sole purpose of that passage. It is to prevent government from imposing religious rule over this country. That has been the interpretation from the beginning and no amount of double-speak will change that.

It doesn't allow you to make laws that prevents the free expression of religion.

So regardless if you fuckers focus grouped the meaning or came to a consensus about what it means, Thomas Jefferson was clear about what his intentions were and liberals are attempting to warp that meaning into whatever the fuck they want it to mean.

Who has passed a law preventing your free expression of religion, mudwhistle?
I can't wait until muddie starts a thread stating that one can't be a racist if one is married to a black woman.

Because he's made that claim more than once.
The ACLU has for the most part interpreted the 2nd amendment as a collective right. Someone up the thread posted a link to their petition to help a man get his guns returned to him. So it is possible with the SCOTUS ruling a year or two ago the ACLU will start being more supportive of the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Which is kind of sad since the NRA already does that and it will take time away from many other civil rights issues.

since they were against the decision i doubt it....

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