The act of a foolish General 160 years ago today

Of course in the 19th Century the Great Migration occurred to get away from Jim Crow vermin.

But back OT. His campaign is irrelevant. He can't threaten Washington; Vicksburg and the West are still falling; and there are nine corps coming to kill him. Frankly they should have charged south, burned Richmond, hung Davis, then marched south burning every building, every field, every home, and shooting every adult male until they reached the Gulf.
That's would have happened in almost any other civil war. Ours was uncommonly civil.
Of course in the 19th Century the Great Migration occurred to get away from Jim Crow vermin.

But back OT. His campaign is irrelevant. He can't threaten Washington; Vicksburg and the West are still falling; and there are nine corps coming to kill him. Frankly they should have charged south, burned Richmond, hung Davis, then marched south burning every building, every field, every home, and shooting every adult male until they reached the Gulf.
You’re nuts.
Absolutely right, zincwarrior. Put a blocking force between Washington DC and Lee.

Send flying columns to Richmond and Petersburg.

Send the infantry and heavy artillery after that.

The war would have ended three weeks later with Lee surrendering and Richmond burned to the ground.
Are they two states in the United States of America? Yes, our slave-raping founders chose to do it differently.
Both states are within the United States, but neither state is subject to the federal government; they are subject to the people of their state. The United States is a federation; someone left like to call the U S an empire, but it's not.

Your history is simplistic, but unfortunately, history is not. History is the recorded events of people, but there's nothing simple about people. Not all slave owners were rapists; some were humane for the times.

If it had not been for those slave-owning founders, we would not live in a free country today, and most likely, there would be slavery. The government would have stamped out the first embers of abolition before it could grow; it would not have been in the interest of the wealthy.
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Absolutely right, zincwarrior. Put a blocking force between Washington DC and Lee.

Send flying columns to Richmond and Petersburg.

Send the infantry and heavy artillery after that.

The war would have ended three weeks later with Lee surrendering and Richmond burned to the ground.
I like it!
Is the USA a federation?

  • According to 3 sources

With the United States Constitution having become effective on 4 March 1789, the United States is the oldest surviving federation, while the newest federation is Nepal, after its constitution went into effect on 20 September 2015.
Wrong. Lee using guerilla tactics and avoiding major battles where he was always outmanned and unable to match Union artillery, could have prolonged the war and lead to Lincoln losing support. Plus the Euro powers might have intervened helping the South.

If you read history, often the weaker opponent wins wars. However they must use tactics that increase their chances of success. For example, the American Revolution and the Vietnam War.
take a look at the people of vietnam now....begging for aide from the usa.....doesnt look like they won anything
Absolutely right, zincwarrior. Put a blocking force between Washington DC and Lee.

Send flying columns to Richmond and Petersburg.

Send the infantry and heavy artillery after that.

The war would have ended three weeks later with Lee surrendering and Richmond burned to the ground.

Yes. They could have flown there on unicorns and waved magic bubble wands at them. If only you jeenyuses had been around then, the world could have been saved.
Against the advice of his trusted General Longstreet, Bobbie Lee sent thousands to their deaths in a foolish frontal assault against Cemetery Hill where thousands of loyal troops with 80 cannon awaited. Years later, General Pickett made the remark, "that old man had my division slaughtered".
In the post-war years, it was Longstreet that was demonized by the losers.
Lee was not a good General. He was good at outflanking but that’s it.
just a few months prior Lee watched his outnumbered army on high ground decimate a frontal assault at Fredricksburg. Then he goes and does it himself.

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