The act of a foolish General 160 years ago today

That’s a neat idea, but Lee didn’t have the logistics to rampage across the northern states. He fought the war on a shoestring often only being kept from defeat by the provident capture of a Union supply depot or two. If he was ever cut off from his line of retreat back into Virginia his army would starve while trying to avoid the more numerous Union forces that could use the railroads for strategic mobility.
And as was noted, While Lee was surviving, the central southern states were getting hammered. The AofV was just one army. Tennessee and Louisiana had fallen. Once Vicksburg goes by by the Unioin consolidates and that means Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas are cut off. The Union can now drive into any remaining state from the West and crush them, which is just what happened. Grant/Meade pinned Lee, and the armies of the West went to town.
I dot think so. Had Lee followed Washington’s tactics he might have won.
Washington would have gotten his ass kicked without southerners fighting each other and the British, and the French.

Ask the native tribes what happens when you try a guerilla war against the US. Well, you could if there were any of them left.
I dot think so. Had Lee followed Washington’s tactics he might have won.

If he stayed with the original plan he would done a huge amount of damage to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey rail net and river ports, and threatened Philly and NYC both. Might have been enough to unseat Lincoln; he barely retained any power after the 1862 mid-terms, and only held on by having his private army controlling ans stuffing the ballot boxes in the border states. Many northern voters feared he was turning the war into an anti-slavery crusade, something they didn't support at all. They had been led to believe it was about keeping all blacks out of the new territories and out of the Midwest and northeastern states. Lincoln and the GOP had run a campaign based on white nationalism., and won on that basis.

This is clear from the aftermath, where almost all blacks remained in the South after the war. During the war, the Union forced blacks to keep the plantations running and weren't allowed to leave without written permission, and the rest were put in 'contraband camps' to keep them from fleeing north. Most northern states already had Black Codes for decades; Lincoln's own state of Illinois made it nearly impossible for blacks to make a legal living or buy property.
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If he stayed with the original plan he would done a huge amount of damage to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey rail net and river ports, and threatened Philly and NYC both. Might have been enough to unseat Lincoln; he barely retained any power after the 1862 mid-terms, and only held on by having his private army controlling ans stuffing the ballot boxes in the border states. Many northern voters feared he was turning the war into an anti-slavery crusade, something they didn't support at all. They had been led to believe it was about keeping all blacks out of the new territories and out of the Midwest and northeastern states. Lincoln and the GOP had run a campaign based on white nationalism., and won on that basis.

This is clear from the aftermath, where almost all blacks remained in the South after the war. During the war, the Union forced blacks to keep the plantations running and weren't allowed to leave without written permission, and the rest were put in 'contraband camps' to keep them from fleeing north. Most northern states already had Black Codes for decades; Lincoln's own state of Illinois made it nearly impossible for blacks to make a legal living or buy property.
Of course in the 19th Century the Great Migration occurred to get away from Jim Crow vermin.

But back OT. His campaign is irrelevant. He can't threaten Washington; Vicksburg and the West are still falling; and there are nine corps coming to kill him. Frankly they should have charged south, burned Richmond, hung Davis, then marched south burning every building, every field, every home, and shooting every adult male until they reached the Gulf.
Of course in the 19th Century the Great Migration occurred to get away from Jim Crow vermin.

lol wrong. The 'Great Migration' was in 1910 or so, the 20th Century, and was a result of northern factory owners needing scabs to bust strikes. Until then, over 90% of blacks lived in the South. In another thread, you claimed you could do math. lol no, you can't. You couldn't even get the century right. They didn't escape anything, they just moved from one slum to worse ones.
lol wrong. The 'Great Migration' was in 1910 or so, the 20th Century, and was a result of northern factory owners needing scabs to bust strikes. Until then, over 90% of blacks lived in the South. In another thread, you claimed you could do math. lol no, you can't. You couldn't even get the century right. They didn't escape anything, they just moved from one slum to worse ones.
You are right i meant the 20th century.
If he stayed with the original plan he would done a huge amount of damage to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey rail net and river ports, and threatened Philly and NYC both. Might have been enough to unseat Lincoln; he barely retained any power after the 1862 mid-terms, and only held on by having his private army controlling ans stuffing the ballot boxes in the border states. Many northern voters feared he was turning the war into an anti-slavery crusade, something they didn't support at all. They had been led to believe it was about keeping all blacks out of the new territories and out of the Midwest and northeastern states. Lincoln and the GOP had run a campaign based on white nationalism., and won on that basis.

This is clear from the aftermath, where almost all blacks remained in the South after the war. During the war, the Union forced blacks to keep the plantations running and weren't allowed to leave without written permission, and the rest were put in 'contraband camps' to keep them from fleeing north. Most northern states already had Black Codes for decades; Lincoln's own state of Illinois made it nearly impossible for blacks to make a legal living or buy property.
Agreed on all points. Nearly everything you’ve stated is unknown to most Americans.
How do you determine if a General's act was foolish? The number of casualties? Consider MacArthur. He came out of retirement to assume command of the Philippine defense and he lost his entire army. In the next war in Korea he ordered American troops into the biggest ambush in history. We may have lost 50,000 Americans in LBJ's ten year war but we lost as many in Truman's three year Korean adventure.

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