The actual problem the left has with Trump.

Now imagine how many leftist heads would explode if the Republicans could produce a young, articulate, charismatic version of Trump who wasn’t a total neurotic clown and actually believed/lived the ideals he espoused.
/——/ You mean like Ivanka?
Majority rules, with protection for minorities. No GOP president has won the majority of voters since Bush. We live in a country where the minority are in power.

Yes indeed, look how well we've done with the majority in power the last few years.
Maybe it has something to do with NOT wanting to live in teh fucking 18th century? Maybe it has nothing to do with caring for our disabled, our eldery and having some fucking compassion? Maybe we want to maintain our leadership in science, tech and education???? Things you don't care about. fools.

We have no leadership in education. The US spends more per capita on primary education than any other country in the world and we only have mediocre results to show for it. In lib cities some students can't read at state levels by over 80%

Under Bush and Trump the elderly, disabled, science, technology was just fine and they had total control over our federal government for several years.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

What Democrats and some Republicans hate about Trump is they have no control over him. Washington is like a club. Sure, they scream and yell at each other, but at the end of the day, they are in the same bar buying each other drinks.

In this club you don't barge in the back door and take the highest seat in the land. You need permission from the other club members. You have to work your way up from city council, to state rep, to Governor or Congress. You have to scratch backs and have yours scratched as well so they have something on you if you decide to get out of line.

Trump came in owing nobody any favors. They had nothing substantial on him. Everything they harassed him over was all made up. In spite of that Trump kept on moving forward with his successful ideas no matter how many people he pissed off.

That's why they hate him and continue to try and stop him with more petty bullshit.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

Lol thank you for proving how big of a whiny little bitch he is.
What Democrats and some Republicans hate about Trump is they have no control over him. Washington is like a club. Sure, they scream and yell at each other, but at the end of the day, they are in the same bar buying each other drinks.

In this club you don't barge in the back door and take the highest seat in the land. You need permission from the other club members. You have to work your way up from city council, to state rep, to Governor or Congress. You have to scratch backs and have yours scratched as well so they have something on you if you decide to get out of line.

Trump came in owing nobody any favors. They had nothing substantial on him. Everything they harassed him over was all made up. In spite of that Trump kept on moving forward with his successful ideas no matter how many people he pissed off.

That's why they hate him and continue to try and stop him with more petty bullshit.
Does it ever bother you how Trump constantly whines about past grievances? Is that what real men do? Even if he is treated unfairly by the media (he isn’t), why doesn’t he ever shut the fuck up about it? A real leader would take it in stride and just focus on his platform. Focus on what issues his constituents what. We barely even know what Trump’s 2024 platform is because of how much of a whiny, childish, sack of human garbage he is.
Does it ever bother you how Trump constantly whines about past grievances? Is that what real men do? Even if he is treated unfairly by the media (he isn’t), why doesn’t he ever shut the fuck up about it? A real leader would take it in stride and just focus on his platform. Focus on what issues his constituents what. We barely even know what Trump’s 2024 platform is because of how much of a whiny, childish, sack of human garbage he is.

He already said what his agenda is, drill baby drill and close that border.

The problem with our country is we have people like you voting: how the candidate looks, how they speak, if they smile, if they are friendly enough to the leftist press......... This isn't a Fn popularity contest. That's the way you voted for your favorite American Idol, but you shouldn't be using the same criteria for President.

By the time this moron in office is done flooding our country with illegals, the damage may be so bad we will have no way to recover. They are giving immigration court dates in 2027. I'll take Trump over this destruction any day of the week. And if Dementia somehow does make it to a second term, this country will be totally destroyed by then and the great experiment will end.
plenty of Hunter laptop reporting prior to the 2020 vote.
CBS news reported on it.
Politico article.
Fox news on the subject.

All in the weeks before the vote.
How many votes did the FBI change?

According to polls 16% of Biden voters would have never voted for him had they knew about the laptop scandal which the FBI kept off of social media. Unfortunately a lot of people get their news from social media and that would have been enough to easily sway the election Trump's way.

BTW your two sources reported that the laptop could be full of shit. So it isn't actually honest reporting.
He promised big and delivered mediocre. His biggest problem in office would be the same this time around… he cannot carry enough of a certain majority to get things done quickly and decisively. The Never-Trympers still exist. Unless they could be done away with, Trump isn’t worth the hassle.
/——/ I’ll take more of Trump mediocre over Dementia’s Shytshow any day.
What Democrats and some Republicans hate about Trump is they have no control over him. Washington is like a club. Sure, they scream and yell at each other, but at the end of the day, they are in the same bar buying each other drinks.

In this club you don't barge in the back door and take the highest seat in the land. You need permission from the other club members. You have to work your way up from city council, to state rep, to Governor or Congress. You have to scratch backs and have yours scratched as well so they have something on you if you decide to get out of line.

Trump came in owing nobody any favors. They had nothing substantial on him. Everything they harassed him over was all made up. In spite of that Trump kept on moving forward with his successful ideas no matter how many people he pissed off.

That's why they hate him and continue to try and stop him with more petty bullshit.
No, people hate Trump because he is, and always has been, a criminal.
Looking out for the "little guy', Trump has been sued hundreds of times for non-payment for labor done on his properties.
Trump lies so much, he could have starred in the movie Liar Liar.
Trump puts Al Capone to shame in the corruption department.
Trump is petty, vindictive, whining "victim" and always has been.
Drug dealers and street hookers have more morals than Trump.
Trump's ties with Russians? WTF, is all that about?
For a stable "genius".........Trump is dumber than a box of rocks.
Which says a lot more about his cult, than Trump.

What's NOT to hate?
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You mean like Ivanka?
No. I’m guessing you missed the lack of female pronouns in my post, but it was intentional.
Don't vote--don't bitch
When no party provides a candidate worthy of voting for, I do. The problem is that neither party offers appropriate candidates most of the time.
I’ll take more of Trump mediocre over Dementia’s Shytshow any day.
I have serious issues with the “lesser of two options “ mentality. It tends to lead to a reduction in the general quality of candidates across the board.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

He's an unvarnished idiot.

The nadir of the devolution of the GOP.
According to polls 16% of Biden voters would have never voted for him had they knew about the laptop scandal which the FBI kept off of social media. Unfortunately a lot of people get their news from social media and that would have been enough to easily sway the election Trump's way.

BTW your two sources reported that the laptop could be full of shit. So it isn't actually honest reporting.

anyone relying on social media for news is dumb as rock.

a hard disk on a laptop is re-writable media. Who knows what was changed on that disk vs what was originally on it.

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