The actual problem the left has with Trump.

No. I’m guessing you missed the lack of female pronouns in my post, but it was intentional.

When no party provides a candidate worthy of voting for, I do. The problem is that neither party offers appropriate candidates most of the time.

I have serious issues with the “lesser of two options “ mentality. It tends to lead to a reduction in the general quality of candidates across the board.
/——/ At 71, I’ve never missed a national or local election. Too many brave men and women died to protect my right to vote. You treat it like an opt out survey to rate an Amazon purchase.
No, people hate Trump because he is, and always has been, a criminal.
Looking out for the "little guy', Trump has been sued hundreds of times for non-payment for labor done on his properties.
Trump lies so much, he could have starred in the movie Liar Liar.
Trump puts Al Capone to shame in the corruption department.
Trump is petty, vindictive, whining "victim" and always has been.
Drug dealers and street hookers have more morals than Trump.
Trump's ties with Russians? WTF, is all that about?
For a stable "genius".........Trump is dumber than a box of rocks.
Which says a lot more about his cult, than Trump.

What's NOT to hate?
/——/ All accusations and no facts. Typical liberal rant.
At 71, I’ve never missed a national or local election. Too many brave men and women died to protect my right to vote. You treat it like an opt out survey to rate an Amazon purchase
I can trace my family’s heritage of killing and dying for this land back to the 1600’s. I’m well aware of what it took to create AND destroy this nation.

Accepting the lesser of two evils when both are truly EVIL simply sends the message that EVIL is acceptable. If two kids both get failing grades but you pass the one with the higher of the two scores, there’s no reason for future students to push to achieve a passing grade.
I can trace my family’s heritage of killing and dying for this land back to the 1600’s. I’m well aware of what it took to create AND destroy this nation.

Accepting the lesser of two evils when both are truly EVIL simply sends the message that EVIL is acceptable. If two kids both get failing grades but you pass the one with the higher of the two scores, there’s no reason for future students to push to achieve a passing grade.
/——-/ That’s your convoluted excuse for not voting?
That’s your convoluted excuse for not voting?
I’m an ideologue. I don’t believe in compromising my ideals or values.

You are obviously far more of a pragmatist. That’s fine, if it works for you. It doesn’t for me. Most of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made were when I abandoned my ideology in favor of supporting the lesser of two evils.
Darn, but your beloved Cyber-Ninja's couldn't find ANY in Arizona.

Teabaggers hired the "Deep State"..............Again?
Total lie.....They found over 40,000 in Maricopa alone.

That's irrelevant .. it's not vote counts .. everyone in California, New York, Oregon and Illinois could vote for a Democrat and still lose ...

C'mon .. basic government concepts. Hillary got her ass kicked, Kerry got his and Gore ..
Gore got cheated by Jeb! Gore actually won by the slimmest of margins.

However, with Bush's brother being the governor of the deciding state, ofc he cheated for his brother.

Well, not "of course", but he did.

Democrats replicated that same situation across 7 states in 2020, where either the SOS, the governor, or both were down for some fixin'.
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The problem the Left has with Trump and republicans is their abhorrent totalitarian policies. The problem the right has with the left is that they don’t like the people and want to punish them with totalitarian policies.

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