The actual problem the left has with Trump.

The laptop is essentially in the public domain, what is in it that would have changed the election? Don't forget, Hunter was not on the ballot.
most hilarious to me is that it is the same smegment [!] of people that harps on the alleged blackout of hunter's laptop story being responsible for the loss (when they are not squealing about an imagined steal], which also denies any impact of the coordinated russian attacks egged along by the trump campaign on the 2016 election. awesome cognitive dissonance.
Gore got cheated by Jeb! Gore actually won by the slimmest of margins.

However, with Bush's brother being the governor of the deciding state, ofc he cheated for his brother.

Well, not "of course", but he did.

Democrats replicated that same situation across 7 states in 2020, where either the SOS, the governor, or both were down for some fixin'.
Bush won after Democrats attempted to change the rules while the counting was still being vetted, and the Florida Supreme Court ruled to continue with the new rules -- until the US Supreme Court said STOP.
most hilarious to me is that it is the same smegment [!] of people that harps on the alleged blackout of hunter's laptop story being responsible for the loss (when they are not squealing about an imagined steal], which also denies any impact of the coordinated russian attacks egged along by the trump campaign on the 2016 election. awesome cognitive dissonance.

They ran some Facebook ads and Trump had nothing to do with it. God it must be miserable being a leftist; being a born liar and having to do it all day every day.
The problem the Left has with Trump and republicans is their abhorrent totalitarian policies. The problem the right has with the left is that they don’t like the people and want to punish them with totalitarian policies.

More commie propaganda. So tell us one of these "totalitarian" polices of the right.

Nailed it.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.
Agreed, gov't is much improved in the last few years.

It is?

Utility prices sky rocketing.
Gasoline going to hit $4.00 a gallon or more this summer.
Border the worst it's been in over 25 years.
60% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck.
Inflation hit a 40 year high.
Under threat from another nuclear armed country for the first time since the 1960s.
Worst labor shortage in the history of the US.

If that's what you consider improvement, I'll accept failure any day of the week.
It is?

Utility prices sky rocketing.
Gasoline going to hit $4.00 a gallon or more this summer.
Border the worst it's been in over 25 years.
60% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck.
Inflation hit a 40 year high.
Under threat from another nuclear armed country for the first time since the 1960s.
Worst labor shortage in the history of the US.

If that's what you consider improvement, I'll accept failure any day of the week.
I'm doing just fine thank you very much and I'm no longer ashamed to say I'm an American. Priceless.
lets dump the political party's,
let people run on their name, their experience there ability and there good record,
those who show an honest effort to work for Our country.
Not to line there own pockets or get the best deals for their BIG money supporters.
Who said that? Hunter, Joe, or some email sent to Hunter? Check your spam folder and ask yourself if you want to be judged by what is there?

If I wrote it then I'm guilty of it. But the e-mail aside, how about his own former business partner Tony Bobulinski that confirmed it? He has e-mails, texts and voice messages from Hunter. Or are you going to tell me a decorated vet that became a very successful businessman is also bullshitting?

My father was never wealthy, but he did okay for himself. If I needed a place to stay and he had a house he was doing nothing with, he'd just let me stay there. How is it Hunter, his very own son, was paying his father $48,000 a month to rent his fathers house? I thought Joe said his son was one of the most brilliant people he knew! Why would this genius be paying 48K a month for a house that wasn't work 5K a month?
I'm doing just fine thank you very much and I'm no longer ashamed to say I'm an American. Priceless.

You sound like a clone of Mooochelle Obama. Well a lot of people are not doing fine. Their wages can't keep up with inflation, cities are being flooded with illegals, their children are being held up in school by these illegal kids that don't speak the language. That's why he has the worst approval rating of any President of our lifetime. If you're proud of that, your standards are extremely low.
I’m an ideologue. I don’t believe in compromising my ideals or values.

You are obviously far more of a pragmatist. That’s fine, if it works for you. It doesn’t for me. Most of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made were when I abandoned my ideology in favor of supporting the lesser of two evils.
/——/ Not every choice is lesser of two evils. Nothing evil about Trump or Reagan.
Not every choice is lesser of two evils. Nothing evil about Trump or Reagan
I would tend to disagree. They weren’t as bad as their opponents, but they each had/have notable flaws.

My vote for Trump in 2016 was an attempt to wake up the Republican Party. It didn’t work. I didn’t vote for anyone in 2020 and it looks likely I’ll do the same in 2024
I would tend to disagree. They weren’t as bad as their opponents, but they each had/have notable flaws.

My vote for Trump in 2016 was an attempt to wake up the Republican Party. It didn’t work. I didn’t vote for anyone in 2020 and it looks likely I’ll do the same in 2024
/——/ The ones destroying our country want you to be frustrated and sit out elections. Mission accomplished.

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