The actual problem the left has with Trump.

How many times divorced?
WTF does his getting divorced have anything to do with anything you idiot?

How many shady business deals?
The guy has had 500 businesses. A few went south. Again, so what? Some people were unhappy with his business college and got a refund. Meanwhile, Trump was creasting wealth for himself and many others; what wealth has Joe Biden ever created? Every nickel he has came out of someone else's pocket. You seem to like being taken.

Sorry, he really doesn’t have any moral standing so far as I can see.
Who needs moral standing? Does Biden have moral standing? Obumma? Hillary? Bush? Bill Clinton? Who decides moral standing and where is that required in the US Constitution?

Trump was/is the closest thing to that. He promised and delivered for America despite being constantly bludgeoned by both sides of the aisle.....otherwise known as the 'swamp.'
He promised big and delivered mediocre. His biggest problem in office would be the same this time around… he cannot carry enough of a certain majority to get things done quickly and decisively. The Never-Trympers still exist. Unless they could be done away with, Trump isn’t worth the hassle.
That's irrelevant .. it's not vote counts .. everyone in California, New York, Oregon and Illinois could vote for a Democrat and still lose ...

C'mon .. basic government concepts. Hillary got her ass kicked, Kerry got his and Gore ..
Well, we'll talk again on a Wednesday next November and compare notes.
Trump was/is the closest thing to that. He promised and delivered for America despite being constantly bludgeoned by both sides of the aisle.....otherwise known as the 'swamp.'
Just what, exactly, did he "deliver" on?

He said he was going to be the greatest job creating president of all time. He left office with 2.9 million fewer jobs than when he took office, the first president in the modern era to experience a net loss in jobs.

What about the wall, that Mexico was going to pay for. No wall and Mexico didn't pay shit, and worse, illegal immigration increased under Trump.

What about repealing the ACA and replacing it with a "beautiful plan"? Nope, no plan, ACA is still here, and highly popular I might add, but three million more people without health insurance.

What about the trade deficit. Oh Trump was going to teach China a lesson. He started a trade war and go his ass kicked, or more to the point, we got our ass kicked. The trade deficit expanded under Trump.

Maybe it was coal, remember how he was going to bring back all those jobs in coal. Nope, coal production declined by more than 25% and coal jobs declined by over 15%.

Oh, I know what it was. GDP growth, he promised four percent per year, at least, with his big beautiful economic plan. Final result, negative 3.4%. First president to manage to shrink the economy since Hoover.

Uh, labor participation rate. Yeah, maybe that will work. Nope, dropped an additional 1.4% under Trump to 61.4%, two out of five capable workers sitting on their ass under Trump. Not that one.

I could go on, but you get the picture. So I will repeat my initial question, just what exactly did he deliver on?
Just what, exactly, did he "deliver" on?

He said he was going to be the greatest job creating president of all time. He left office with 2.9 million fewer jobs than when he took office, the first president in the modern era to experience a net loss in jobs.

What about the wall, that Mexico was going to pay for. No wall and Mexico didn't pay shit, and worse, illegal immigration increased under Trump.

What about repealing the ACA and replacing it with a "beautiful plan"? Nope, no plan, ACA is still here, and highly popular I might add, but three million more people without health insurance.

What about the trade deficit. Oh Trump was going to teach China a lesson. He started a trade war and go his ass kicked, or more to the point, we got our ass kicked. The trade deficit expanded under Trump.

Maybe it was coal, remember how he was going to bring back all those jobs in coal. Nope, coal production declined by more than 25% and coal jobs declined by over 15%.

Oh, I know what it was. GDP growth, he promised four percent per year, at least, with his big beautiful economic plan. Final result, negative 3.4%. First president to manage to shrink the economy since Hoover.

Uh, labor participation rate. Yeah, maybe that will work. Nope, dropped an additional 1.4% under Trump to 61.4%, two out of five capable workers sitting on their ass under Trump. Not that one.

I could go on, but you get the picture. So I will repeat my initial question, just what exactly did he deliver on?
Oh look, Winnie can cut and paste from a lying 'fact check.'
He promised big and delivered mediocre. His biggest problem in office would be the same this time around… he cannot carry enough of a certain majority to get things done quickly and decisively. The Never-Trympers still exist. Unless they could be done away with, Trump isn’t worth the hassle.
Maybe it has something to do with NOT wanting to live in teh fucking 18th century? Maybe it has nothing to do with caring for our disabled, our eldery and having some fucking compassion? Maybe we want to maintain our leadership in science, tech and education???? Things you don't care about. fools.
yeah lets not live in the past eh ... prices have moved into the 23 century .
That's an overused word and phrase with Democrats .. please tell me what that's supposed to mean?

I know high school and college aged students are too ignorant to know it .. what's your definition?
Majority rules, with protection for minorities. No GOP president has won the majority of voters since Bush. We live in a country where the minority are in power.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

I have never seen a grown man whine and cry so much.
I stopped watching 60 Minutes over 20 years ago because they are dishonest.
Stahl lied her ass off when she said that there was no evidence that Obama and Democrat FBI spied on Trump.
She lied when she said "we can't verify it".
Democrats are pathological liars.
They lie all of the time.
Just look at all the liars in Joe Biden's cabinet.
Garland lies, Mayorkas lies, Blinken lies, Buttigieg lies, Karine Jean-Pierre lies, Biden lies all of the time.
Never trust the Left Wingers.
60 Minutes is Democrat Propaganda, it's not legitimate News.

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