The actual problem the left has with Trump.

The ones destroying our country want you to be frustrated and sit out elections. Mission accomplished
They’re all destroying the country and have been since 1861. The Republicans and no better than the Democrats. The Rightist cause as much damage as the Leftists. They’ve all become part of one big hurricane of destruction that cannot be stopped by anything less than burning this country to the ground, cleaning up the ashes and starting over from scratch.
Does it ever bother you how Trump constantly whines about past grievances? Is that what real men do? Even if he is treated unfairly by the media (he isn’t), why doesn’t he ever shut the fuck up about it? A real leader would take it in stride and just focus on his platform. Focus on what issues his constituents what. We barely even know what Trump’s 2024 platform is because of how much of a whiny, childish, sack of human garbage he is.
They really do believe that he is a moral, honest, strong, brilliant, patriotic Christian man. Most of them, anyway.

There is nothing that can be said or done with someone who really believes that. All you can do is observe and try to learn.
hahaha. that's adorable.

honestly, it is a miracle that you are somehow managing to breathe. kudos to your many caretakers.
I, myself, am a caretaker. Selfish idiots like you couldn't handle it on your best day.
He already said what his agenda is, drill baby drill and close that border.

The problem with our country is we have people like you voting: how the candidate looks, how they speak, if they smile, if they are friendly enough to the leftist press......... This isn't a Fn popularity contest. That's the way you voted for your favorite American Idol, but you shouldn't be using the same criteria for President.

By the time this moron in office is done flooding our country with illegals, the damage may be so bad we will have no way to recover. They are giving immigration court dates in 2027. I'll take Trump over this destruction any day of the week. And if Dementia somehow does make it to a second term, this country will be totally destroyed by then and the great experiment will end.
Why do you assume I only want that in a candidate simply because of how pathetic Trump is? His character is a huge representation of his leadership.

Also you do know this drill baby drill thing is nonsense right? It sounds good on paper, sure, but reality is more complicated. First of all, oil profits are already at an all time high. They don’t need to drill more in different areas. They don’t even attempt to because there are thousands of unused permits to drill more. There is no incentive to drill more. If they wanted to drill more, they easily could. Also, I just want to point out that when Trump said this at the Town hall, he said it in response to combating inflation in general. Unsurprisingly, he has no plan whatsoever to bring down the cost of things like food. Republicans are too stupid for nuance and creativity in economic theory policy. “Drill baby drill” is somehow a cure all for complicated issues.
I’d go back to the 18th century in an instant, even though it would mean my death. Hell, I’d go back to the 13th century even quicker.

It’s not my place to give a fuck about anyone other than myself. Never has been and never will be.

We shouldn’t be interacting with the rest of the world except at the end of a weapon. That’s the only technological superiority we need to maintain.
Yup. You’re what passes for a conservative these days

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

No. Trump falsely attacking elections, the heart of our freedoms, tends to piss of Americans who want to stay non fascist. We are odd that way.
If I wrote it then I'm guilty of it. But the e-mail aside, how about his own former business partner Tony Bobulinski that confirmed it? He has e-mails, texts and voice messages from Hunter. Or are you going to tell me a decorated vet that became a very successful businessman is also bullshitting?

My father was never wealthy, but he did okay for himself. If I needed a place to stay and he had a house he was doing nothing with, he'd just let me stay there. How is it Hunter, his very own son, was paying his father $48,000 a month to rent his fathers house? I thought Joe said his son was one of the most brilliant people he knew! Why would this genius be paying 48K a month for a house that wasn't work 5K a month?
You know why, that's "The Big Guy's" cut.
Why do you assume I only want that in a candidate simply because of how pathetic Trump is? His character is a huge representation of his leadership.

Also you do know this drill baby drill thing is nonsense right? It sounds good on paper, sure, but reality is more complicated. First of all, oil profits are already at an all time high. They don’t need to drill more in different areas. They don’t even attempt to because there are thousands of unused permits to drill more. There is no incentive to drill more. If they wanted to drill more, they easily could. Also, I just want to point out that when Trump said this at the Town hall, he said it in response to combating inflation in general. Unsurprisingly, he has no plan whatsoever to bring down the cost of things like food. Republicans are too stupid for nuance and creativity in economic theory policy. “Drill baby drill” is somehow a cure all for complicated issues.

It's a cure for many of the problems we have today. Inflation is tied to the price of fuel. Think your heat bill his high? Imagine trying to heat an entire factory for your workers or building that sells products. All those costs get passed down to us thus inflation.

Those permits are for exploration, not drilling. Dementia made so many more regulations that it's much less profitable to drill even if they got those permits. Energy is like any other product: more supply than demand, the price goes down. More demand than supply, the price goes up. Fuel companies are not in charge of their profits, the market is.
most hilarious to me is that it is the same smegment [!] of people that harps on the alleged blackout of hunter's laptop story being responsible for the loss (when they are not squealing about an imagined steal], which also denies any impact of the coordinated russian attacks egged along by the trump campaign on the 2016 election. awesome cognitive dissonance.
Smegma is your favorite gum flavor, huh?

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