The actual problem the left has with Trump.

/——/ Again with childish insults. Now post some facts refuting CNN or stfu.
Mind the manner in which you address me, innumerate illiterate fuck.

Facts First: This claim is false. More debt was added in the eight years under President Barack Obama, with Biden as vice president, than in the four years under Trump. The Trump era sett the record for most debt added in a single four-year presidential term, but Biden made it sound here like the Trump era set the record even when you include two-term presidents like Obama.

What Biden said is literally true, which Dale is obliged to acknowledge.

Any grade school child understands you can't compare 4 years directly with 8. To do so, you must look at "equivalent units". It is as if Dale is talking to morons.

To make a liar of Biden, Dale judges him by what it "seems" he said. But there was nothing wrong with it. No one should need this explained to them.


Furthermore, in making Obama/Biden the biggest offender (though he is careful to use a passive construction) Dale himself misrepresents to facts.
And Ray's link is entirely irrelevant to the point I made.

Now tell me who won the 2020 election.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

“Castrated gelding”???? Are you saying that Americans are looking for good breeding stock in their presidents???
That's an overused word and phrase with Democrats .. please tell me what that's supposed to mean?

I know high school and college aged students are too ignorant to know it .. what's your definition?

It’s really not difficult to explain democracy. Why do Republicans have such a problem with the concept that every citizen has the right to vote and to have their vote counted.
An appeal to authority? How about this appeal: Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr said that he told former President Trump that his claims about widespread election fraud were “bullshit.”
Do you accept that?

Depends on what you and he consider fraud. Rigged elections? Can't say one way or the other. Having FBI people silence the Hunter story on social media, 100%
Why is that your call traitor?
It's the law's call. Criminal business conviction. Liable for sexual assault and battery. Three more felony trials coming that will get him without a doubt.

Anybody who supports Trump is not paying attention or is a traitor.
Lol well again oil profits are at an all time high. Either way, you can’t just pretend energy is the sole reason for inflation in general. The economy is definitely more complicated than that. Hell you wouldn’t even be saying this shit about a factory otherwise but because Trump’s only answer to across the board inflation is “drill baby drill” you have to knee jerk defend it.

Can’t you just admit it when Trump says something stupid? Like not just this I mean. Like ever. Can you admit when Trump says something incredibly stupid? I like Biden but i can definitely admit when he says head-scratching things she shouldn’t have. In general you guys are terrible at criticizing Trump. It’s hard to take you seriously.

Again, there is not some huge red tape to stop them from drilling. They might need to go through a legal process to use these unused permits, but what’s stopping them? It’s not like oil companies have any legal complaints that are barring them. They aren’t suing anyone. If they wanted to drill more, they easily could even if it wouldn’t happen as soon as tomorrow.

I said oil and fuel were a big part of it, not the only part of it. With less people opting to work it forces industries to offer more money to obtain labor. Labor is the largest expenditure of most any business. A reduction in our social programs for people mentally and physically capable of working would put those people back in the workforce.

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