The actual problem the left has with Trump.

/——/ Why don’t you provide evidence that the Jan 6 hearing was balanced? Every cite I posted, Fox, CNN, Dershowitz all said there was no cross examination. Here’s another
There is no cross examination in Congressional hearings.

It's a red herring.

And it's idiotic for more fundamental reasons....which is why you only see it from hacks, at rags.
I’m really not sure what your point is with this article. It doesn’t dispute what I said. It covers welfare of any kind. It’s interesting how butthurt republicans get over EITC. Are you even aware that rich people and corporations take advantage of unique deductions and loopholes of their own? It’s the reason why the EFFECTIVE tax rate is more important to measure than the official one.

Now you want to move the goalposts to corporate?

We were discussing inflation and the economy which as I stated, the labor shortage contributed greatly to. So now the question is how are all these non-working people surviving? After all, we all need money to live. We need money to eat, money to put a roof over our heads, money to pay these now very expensive utility costs. Money.

Well........ if you're not making that money from working, where are you getting it from?

Ah yes, Hutchinson, the woman that made the claim Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the truck he was in which was proven impossible from where he was sitting. Not only that, no agent in that truck backed up her story.

What the NYP article fails to address is that it was Trump's idea to have the National Guard there for the entire day on 1/6 instead of trying to get them there last minute in case something went wrong. The Capitol police chief didn't consider it because of the "bad optics" it would present. It also fails to bring up the FACT that it was the Pentagon that delayed the deployment of troops for several hours; something Trump had zero control over.

Now you want to move the goalposts to corporate?

We were discussing inflation and the economy which as I stated, the labor shortage contributed greatly to. So now the question is how are all these non-working people surviving? After all, we all need money to live. We need money to eat, money to put a roof over our heads, money to pay these now very expensive utility costs. Money.

Well........ if you're not making that money from working, where are you getting it from?
Corporate and rich people. People and entities who use loopholes and deductions.

You’re just impervious to facts you don’t like huh? You have to believe that there is an epidemic of unemployed moochers while you’re a big tough manly man who earned your money in comparison! You’re not like those other slops! You worked for a living! You’re tough as nails!

Okay are there a lot of people who would love to NOT work and just live on welfare? Absolutely. Does that mean a lot of them exist? No. Why? Because such welfare really doesn’t exist for an able bodied person with no dependents. Why you try so hard to believe otherwise is beyond my understanding. It’s almost clinical how much of denial you are in lol
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Ah yes, Hutchinson, the woman that made the claim Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the truck he was in which was proven impossible from where he was sitting. Not only that, no agent in that truck backed up her story.

What the NYP article fails to address is that it was Trump's idea to have the National Guard there for the entire day on 1/6 instead of trying to get them there last minute in case something went wrong. The Capitol police chief didn't consider it because of the "bad optics" it would present. It also fails to bring up the FACT that it was the Pentagon that delayed the deployment of troops for several hours; something Trump had zero control over.

Hutchinson, the woman that made the claim Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the truck
No...You're lying.

She told the committee that she was party to a conversation with Oronato and Meadows in which Oronato allegedly told that story.

Corporate rich people. People and entities who use loopholes and deductions.

You’re just impervious to facts you don’t like huh? You have to believe that there is an epidemic of unemployed moochers while you’re a big tough manly man who earned your money in comparison! You’re not like those other slops! You worked for a living! You’re tough as nails!

Okay are there a lot of people who would love to NOT work and just live on welfare? Absolutely. Does that mean a lot of them exist? No. Why? Because such welfare really doesn’t exist for an able bodied person with no dependents. Why you try so hard to believe otherwise is beyond my understanding. It’s almost clinical how much of denial you are in lol

What does corporate loopholes and deductions have to do with how people are getting money to live on? One has nothing to do with the other.

You don't have to be tough as nails to have a full-time job. Once again, one has nothing to do with the other. All you really need is to use your energy for working and have a little pride in yourself, something we seem to be losing a lot of these days thanks to liberalism.

If there are not a lot of people milking the system, how is it we have the largest labor shortage in our history?
No...You're lying.

She told the committee that she was party to a conversation with Oronato and Meadows in which Oronato allegedly told that story.


But that's not what your article said. It said this:

The worst by far, though, was that people immediately returning from being with Trump in the presidential vehicle told of the president trying to grab the wheel of the car to force it to be driven to the Capitol and then violently reaching for the neck of Secret Service agent Bobby Engel, who headed the president’s protective detail.

Sounds to me like she testified as if it really happened.
But that's not what your article said. It said this:

The worst by far, though, was that people immediately returning from being with Trump in the presidential vehicle told of the president trying to grab the wheel of the car to force it to be driven to the Capitol and then violently reaching for the neck of Secret Service agent Bobby Engel, who headed the president’s protective detail.

Sounds to me like she testified as if it really happened.
Doesn't matter what it sounds like to you. It's about what it actually says.
What does corporate loopholes and deductions have to do with how people are getting money to live on? One has nothing to do with the other.

You don't have to be tough as nails to have a full-time job. Once again, one has nothing to do with the other. All you really need is to use your energy for working and have a little pride in yourself, something we seem to be losing a lot of these days thanks to liberalism.

If there are not a lot of people milking the system, how is it we have the largest labor shortage in our history?
The point is that it is basically welfare if you consider EITC welfare.

You just believe things that sound good. They do a lot for your ego I guess. You don’t bother learning real facts about economics.

So are you trying to imply that new welfare programs have been created that are causing the labor shortage? That’s definitely nonsense. Not sure what these particular people are doing, but I know they aren’t on coasting on some welfare program.

While he can be a bull in a chinashop to us conservatives, he isn't the usual castrated gelding republican related to a romney bush or mccain the left are used to.

And that....

Pisses them off and all paradigm shifts are met with great resistance.

His lies? His insane conspiracy theories? His calls for the termination of the constitution? His focus on loyalty over any competency?

Just listen to his ex-cabinet members. Republicans all. They worked with the man, intimately. And again and again they tell you he's unfit for office.

Listen to them. That is absolutely unprecedented.
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The point is that it is basically welfare if you consider EITC welfare.

You just believe things that sound good. They do a lot for your ego I guess. You don’t bother learning real facts about economics.

So are you trying to imply that new welfare programs have been created that are causing the labor shortage? That’s definitely nonsense. Not sure what these particular people are doing, but I know they aren’t on coasting on some welfare program.

And you know that how? You can't figure out how people are living without working for money but totally rule out the obvious.
I’d go back to the 18th century in an instant, even though it would mean my death. Hell, I’d go back to the 13th century even quicker.

It’s not my place to give a fuck about anyone other than myself. Never has been and never will be.

We shouldn’t be interacting with the rest of the world except at the end of a weapon. That’s the only technological superiority we need to maintain.
And yet you seem to enjoy the internet and computers and stuff….
And you know that how? You can't figure out how people are living without working for money but totally rule out the obvious.
I’m sure parents are playing a role. Hard to say. I mean on the flip side you can’t tell me what the actual programs are lol. I mean even if you wanted to say SNAP, that would make zero sense because the best they would get is like $200 per month. Unemployment insurance is temporary. So is TANF. Only families get that anyway. What else is there? Lol nothing.
And yet you seem to enjoy the internet and computers and stuff….

Anathema is an odd duck. With nearly suicidal devotion to strict gender roles.

Ask him about the ambulance or medical care he has refused because of the gender of the EMTs or the doctors.
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I’m sure parents are playing a role. Hard to say. I mean on the flip side you can’t tell me what the actual programs are lol. I mean even if you wanted to say SNAP, that would make zero sense because the best they would get is like $200 per month. Unemployment insurance is temporary. So is TANF. Only families get that anyway. What else is there? Lol nothing.

As my article points out there are dozens of housing services paid for by the taxpayer. That takes care of the roof over your head. Have you ever seen a skinny person that uses food stamps? My article also points out the large increase in those that use Medicaid, so there is your healthcare coverage. Obama phones? Been around for a long time now and they even upgraded them to smart phones. No internet, no problem. Dementia created the American connectivity act that will pay for some or all of your internet services.

So actually people who know how to play the system can do quite well without working. These articles are a bit dated and written before we increased our welfare handouts.

Total lie.....They found over 40,000 in Maricopa alone.

View attachment 785332
"you vote for people who manufacture fake ballots that deny the will of the people".

Doesn't mean they are fake, moron.

A Republican-backed review of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona’s largest county ended Friday without producing proof to support former President Donald Trump’s false claims of a stolen election.

After six months of searching for evidence of fraud, the firm hired by Republican lawmakers issued a report that experts described as riddled with errors, bias and flawed methodology. Still, even that partisan review came up with a vote tally that would not have altered the outcome, finding that Biden won by 360 more votes than the official results certified last year.

The finding was an embarrassing end to a widely criticized, and at times bizarre, quest to prove allegations that election officials and courts have rejected. It has no bearing on the final, certified results. Previous reviews of the 2.1 million ballots by nonpartisan professionals that followed state law have found no significant problem with the vote count in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. Biden won the county by 45,000 votes, key to his 10,500-vote win of Arizona.

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