The actual problem the left has with Trump.

The Problem With Trump

Trump is super rich, a 1%er who the Democrats state we much hate, so that Democrats can protect us against them.

Trump is super rich, the Democrats can not buy him

Trump as a businessman of huge projects that puts him in court to get them built understands the burden the government puts on America, Trump was going to end a lot of those policies and red tape that empower Democrats.

Trump, dealing with politicians to get his casinos built and operating, new the obstacles the elite entrenched politicians present. Hence stated he would clean the swamp, which would expose the crimes of Pelosi, Feinstien, Kerry, and crimes of Republicans as well.

Trump also knows that the greatest scheme, Climate Change and Green Energy will pay Democrats and those who support the scam Billions, if not Trillions.

It comes down to money, and how the Elite Politicians made millions off of us.
The Problem With Trump

Trump is super rich, a 1%er who the Democrats state we much hate, so that Democrats can protect us against them.

Trump is super rich, the Democrats can not buy him

Trump as a businessman of huge projects that puts him in court to get them built understands the burden the government puts on America, Trump was going to end a lot of those policies and red tape that empower Democrats.

Trump, dealing with politicians to get his casinos built and operating, new the obstacles the elite entrenched politicians present. Hence stated he would clean the swamp, which would expose the crimes of Pelosi, Feinstien, Kerry, and crimes of Republicans as well.

Trump also knows that the greatest scheme, Climate Change and Green Energy will pay Democrats and those who support the scam Billions, if not Trillions.

It comes down to money, and how the Elite Politicians made millions off of us.
Trump as a businessman of huge projects that puts him in court

This is garbage. Grifty hasn't "headed" any large projects in decades. People license the name because it is outstanding rube bait.

He winds up in court because he cheats and stiffs vendors.

Trump, dealing with politicians to get his casinos built and operating, new the obstacles the elite entrenched politicians present

He was a lousy casino operator and lost nearly 1 billion of other people's money.
Trump is a nasty, delusional, spoiled brat, sociopath.

So are his supporters. That's why they fanatically support him.

In past generations neither party would ever let a clown like him get their nomination. He and his supporters are an embarrassment to America and to the human race.

There are many Republican politicians that promote political policies that are just as conservative as Trump's. However, Trump's supporters reject them because they don't care about political issues - what they really care about is the fact that he, like themselves are nasty, delusional, spoiled brat, sociopaths.

That is America's biggest problem - affluence has created a generation of nasty, delusional, spoiled brat, sociopaths.
most hilarious to me is that it is the same smegment [!] of people that harps on the alleged blackout of hunter's laptop story being responsible for the loss (when they are not squealing about an imagined steal], which also denies any impact of the coordinated russian attacks egged along by the trump campaign on the 2016 election. awesome cognitive dissonance.
What "coordinated russian (sic) attacks" are you babbling about here? I assure you that Russia had NOTHING to do with the way people voted in 2016. If it had, Hillary would have won. SHE was their fair-haired girl in 2016...not Trump.
What "coordinated russian (sic) attacks" are you babbling about here? I assure you that Russia had NOTHING to do with the way people voted in 2016. If it had, Hillary would have won. SHE was their fair-haired girl in 2016...not Trump.
Absolutely reverse. It was not HRC' campaign that had more than 100 contacts with the Russians.
Maybe it has something to do with NOT wanting to live in teh fucking 18th century? Maybe it has nothing to do with caring for our disabled, our eldery and having some fucking compassion? Maybe we want to maintain our leadership in science, tech and education???? Things you don't care about. fools.
That's total fiction. The idea that libs care about people doesn't pass the laugh test.
This is garbage. Grifty hasn't "headed" any large projects in decades. People license the name because it is outstanding rube bait.
He winds up in court because he cheats and stiffs vendors.
He was a lousy casino operator and lost nearly 1 billion of other people's money.
You are contending, the government does not hinder business deals, that business men of large deals do not have to spend millions in courts, fighting to get their plans approved?

There is much more to this, than your 3 simpleton replies.

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