The actual problem the left has with Trump.

All you braindead progs suffer the same delusion: You think the judges ruled on the evidence. In fact they did everything possible to avoid ruling on the evidence.
they didn't want to be accused by the elites and bowed out voluntarily. The elites didn't want Trump and they, the judges, were all reminded of how they got where they got and from whose money they got there with. Doh!!!!!
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What "coordinated russian (sic) attacks" are you babbling about here? I assure you that Russia had NOTHING to do with the way people voted in 2016. If it had, Hillary would have won. SHE was their fair-haired girl in 2016...not Trump.
No...that is a lie.
No...that is a lie.

Obama said that there was no way Russia could interfere
"But the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes."
You are contending, the government does not hinder business deals, that business men of large deals do not have to spend millions in courts, fighting to get their plans approved?

There is much more to this, than your 3 simpleton replies.
Please stop.

You were wrong.

No. I’m guessing you missed the lack of female pronouns in my post, but it was intentional.

When no party provides a candidate worthy of voting for, I do. The problem is that neither party offers appropriate candidates most of the time.

I have serious issues with the “lesser of two options “ mentality. It tends to lead to a reduction in the general quality of candidates across the board.
If you're vote is determined by your morality values, why don't you vote for a monk or a nun. Do you have monks and nuns do your plumbing, car repairs, dental work, surgery, etc, or do you look for the most qualified?
No, people hate Trump because he is, and always has been, a criminal.
Looking out for the "little guy', Trump has been sued hundreds of times for non-payment for labor done on his properties.
Trump lies so much, he could have starred in the movie Liar Liar.
Trump puts Al Capone to shame in the corruption department.
Trump is petty, vindictive, whining "victim" and always has been.
Drug dealers and street hookers have more morals than Trump.
Trump's ties with Russians? WTF, is all that about?
For a stable "genius".........Trump is dumber than a box of rocks.
Which says a lot more about his cult, than Trump.

What's NOT to hate?
Trump wasn't a problem for the democrats until he beat Hillary. Weird, huh.
If you're vote is determined by your morality values, why don't you vote for a monk or a nun. Do you have monks and nuns do your plumbing, car repairs, dental work, surgery, etc, or do you look for the most qualified?
You have doctors perform surgery on you with no morals, dentists with no morals?

You do not care if a plumber has no morals? You dont care if he replaces perfectly good copper piping with PVC, keeping the copper to sell for a profit?
Wrong? That business men do not spend millions in courts getting their projects approved. You are simply naive and ignorant.

Wrong that there is much government red tape involved in getting a large project approved and executed?
You can stop going on like a crack ho now.

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