The age-old sales pitch ... tax the rich. How about just untaxing, poor working people?

In Left Wing Economics the citizens are the Slaves, and the Ruling Elites are the Slave Masters.
This is why the greedy corrupt Democrat Politicians are spending $$Trillions$$.
They don't care because their Slaves will carry the burden.
Our Founding Fathers got the federal tax system right, and that is why the Democrats attacked it in 1909. They didn't like paying their fair share when purchasing those articles of luxury which poor working souls could only dream of at the time.
The only "far tax" I'm interested in is NO TAX!

I wish I could agree with you on that, but I believe there is a need for Congress to have power to lay and collect taxes, but only for the list of particulars found beneath Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, for which Congress was authorized to lay and collect taxes.
Our Founding Fathers got the federal tax system right, and that is why the Democrats attacked it in 1909. They didn't like paying their fair share when purchasing those articles of luxury which poor working souls could only dream of at the time.
I remember the far left Occupy Wall Street protests.
Their chant was the 99% vs the 1%.
There is a never-ending incredible irony with the Crazy Left Wingers.
The 1% ruling over the 99% is exactly what Marxism is.
The Left Wingers are Idiots.

They wont untax the poor because that would require doing something.

They could say untax the poor which would require a lot of planning, work and implementation and people would applaud them. But why do that when they can just say tax the rich to get applause from voters but then they do nothing at all because they won't tax the rich because they are the rich and the rich donate money to them.
A wage earner who earns about $12,000 a year pays about 12% to our federal government, not to mention the thousands of hidden federal taxes on the necessities of life.

Stop making shit up!

An American earning $12,000/yr pays zero in federal income tax. He/she isn't even required to file a tax return in most cases. The standard deduction for a single person in USA is $12,950. For head of household $19,400. For couples $25,900.

Maybe it isn't me who should shut up?
An American earning $12,000/yr pays zero in federal income tax. He/she isn't even required to file a tax return in most cases. The standard deduction for a single person in USA is $12,950. For head of household $19,400. For couples $25,900.

Maybe it isn't me who should shut up?
I see you are still making shit up:

I see you are still making shit up:

View attachment 771567
You are looking at the tax brackets for TAXABLE income. I'm looking at income period. TAXABLE income is the adjusted gross income after any allowable credits and the allowed special exemptions less the standard deduction or any allowable itemized deductions. You never filled out a tax return in your life did you.
You are looking at the tax brackets for TAXABLE income. I'm looking at income period. TAXABLE income is the adjusted gross income after any allowable credits and the allowed automatic exemptions less the standard deduction or any allowable itemized deductions. You never filled out a tax return in your life did you.
You don't consider a person living in NYC who earns $45,000 as being poor?

A single taxpayer in the 22 percent tax bracket pays: 10 percent on income up to $10,275 12 percent on income between $10,275 and $41,775 22 percent for income above $41,775 According to the IRS tax tables, a person with taxable income of $50,000 would owe $6,623 in federal income taxes, or 13 percent of their taxable income.

Stop making shit up
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How about equitable outcomes and taxing every income earner the same? What a novel concept ..
You don't consider a person living in NYC who earns $45,000 as being poor?

A single taxpayer in the 22 percent tax bracket pays: 10 percent on income up to $10,275 12 percent on income between $10,275 and $41,775 22 percent for income above $41,775 According to the IRS tax tables, a person with taxable income of $50,000 would owe $6,623 in federal income taxes, or 13 percent of their taxable income.

Stop making shit up
How about focusing on the discussion you started instead of trying to change the subject now to cover up your apparent ignorance of income versus taxable income?
This has been said in many other ways before but we waste so much time figuring out who is going to pay for out-of-control spending. Not all spending is infrastructure, education, welfare, military, and healthcare. How about prioritizing essentials and identifying waste and start from there?

Until then, the Left looks stupid with its “tax the rich, middle-class creep” while spending like drunken sailors.
How about focusing on the discussion you started instead of trying to change the subject now to cover up your apparent ignorance of income versus taxable income?


You are the one who made shit up when writing: "Poor people are not taxed now."
View attachment 771583
You are the one who made shit up when writing: "Poor people are not taxed now."

Very few poor people pay federal income tax other than the FICA/Medicare tax every working person pays and excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, gasoline etc. that everybody buying these products pay. Those running their own businesses may have a very small corporate tax.

But the vast majority do not pay any federal or state income tax and and many who don't get checks from the government in earned income credits.

You can try to cover up your deficiency in this topic by telling me over and over that I'm making sh*t up, but every time you do you only underscore your own ignorance on the subject. Take the hint.

The reason I support a flat income tax--10% above a reasonable threshhold should be the norm--is so that you don't have roughly 50% of Americans who pay little or no federal taxes voting for the people who establish the tax policy for the other 50%. When everybody lives under the same law, people tend to vote for the best, most qualified people instead of those who will advantage them the most.
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Hey bro....

How are your property rights enforced?

How is your intellectual property protected?

What about a labor is that enforced?

I mean, we definitely can't rely on courts and stuff...that funded by tax dollars and stuff...ewww
According to Joey Xi and his merry Maoist Dem Commies, ovt needs more taxes to send to our enemies. Look at China to see how Joey Xi, allow them to steal our intellectual property at their pleasure. or how govt will take your land when it pleases them.

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Very few poor people pay federal income tax
Oh, so now it is "very few poor people pay federal income tax".
You don't consider a person living in NYC who earns $45,000 as being poor? How much federal income tax does a person earning $45,000 pay?

Stop making shit up. It's time to end the big lie about taxing the rich and helping the poor.

Our Founders got the tax system right, and that is why it was attacked in 1913. The rich were tired of having to pay their fair share when purchasing articles of luxury which the poor could only dream of.
The reason I support a flat income tax
Flat tax? What is a "flat income tax" ? What is the definition of "income" under your "flat tax" ? Is it a "direct tax"? Does everyone pay an equal share under your "flat tax"?

What is needed is to end all taxes calculated from profits, gains, salaries, tips, wages, and all other lawfully realized money and return to our constitution's original tax plan as expressed in the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment.

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