The Ancient Black Hebrews



Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

my hair is curly-----not nappy-----but curly is related to the
SHAPE of the hair shaft and closer to nappy than absolutely
straight hair Lots and lots of what is called "different races" have curly hair-------straight is more unusual-----and the whole issue is MULTI-ALLELIC-----the phenotype cannot
deilineate RACE

Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

LOL so would an ape. You are desperate
Your choice of words further exposes the filthy racist content of your mind. But if you want to go there, you shouldn't have chose an ape to make your foul analogy. An ape has thin lips, like yours. A flat ass, like yours and straight hair, like yours. And that "White skin" you find so adorable is shared by most animals. It isn't special at all. Shave a rabbit (white skin). Shave a rat (white skin) shave a chimpanzee or monkey (White skin.) But somehow White humans have placed some inordinate value on theirs…

Black skin is far more rarer in the natural selection arena. The first man was Black, made in the image of his Creator…and from him came all other species of man. This we can reason by the fact that no White couple can produce Black offspring but a Black couple can produce a White child.

Herein, I have laid out facts that emanate from your own scholars. It is White schools that I learned that the genes that make YOU white are recessive and that those that make Blacks Black are dominant. This is not Afrocentric rhetoric but is based on scientific analysis by White investigators.

And the stone faces of the earliest of Pharaohs, brimming with negritude, cannot be dismissed as easily as you would like. Nor can the hint of Black African physiognomy seen among the Arabian royalty be denied. Yes, there are reports that some Saudis are Black oppressors but other reports point to places like Kuwait Where the royals there are Black Arabs.

Black arabs.png
Black arabs.png
Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

LOL so would an ape. You are desperate
Your choice of words further exposes the filthy racist content of your mind. But if you want to go there, you shouldn't have chose an ape to make your foul analogy. An ape has thin lips, like yours. A flat ass, like yours and straight hair, like yours. And that "White skin" you find so adorable is shared by most animals. It isn't special at all. Shave a rabbit (white skin). Shave a rat (white skin) shave a chimpanzee or monkey (White skin.) But somehow White humans have placed some inordinate value on theirs…

Black skin is far more rarer in the natural selection arena. The first man was Black, made in the image of his Creator…and from him came all other species of man. This we can reason by the fact that no White couple can produce Black offspring but a Black couple can produce a White child.

Herein, I have laid out facts that emanate from your own scholars. It is White schools that I learned that the genes that make YOU white are recessive and that those that make Blacks Black are dominant. This is not Afrocentric rhetoric but is based on scientific analysis by White investigators.

And the stone faces of the earliest of Pharaohs, brimming with negritude, cannot be dismissed as easily as you would like. Nor can the hint of Black African physiognomy seen among the Arabian royalty be denied. Yes, there are reports that some Saudis are Black oppressors but other reports point to places like Kuwait Where the royals there are Black Arabs.

View attachment 82666 View attachment 82666

the last issue you should be addressing when conversing with me---is GENETICS------You know nothing about the issue. In fact your post is comical. You muddle semantics and commit SOPHISTRY STRETCHED TO THE POINT OF OBSCENITY -------besides that you evince a remarkable lack
of insight into the nuances of Arabic usages-----even I can do better ------ya-abu-zib. The congenital disorder neurofibromatosis is also DOMINANT----does that make persons harboring that --mostly SKIN condition----STRONG?.
BLACK as a race is a very nebulous idea and skin color is a
very very imprecise marker. Yes----two persons who have what most most people would call of the "black race"---can
produce that which most people would call of 'the white race" got that ABU-KHALY-AL KANZEER?

Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.
Last edited:

Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

You do realize that the process of mummification frequently turns the skin a darker color. And Ramses sure has a nice aquiline nose, unlike the fuller, broader nasal features of the blacks.
What is NICE about an aquiline nose? And what about the "nice aquiline" noses seen in the portraits of the Blacks I submitted above?
Africa is the most diverse continent on earth. Not all Africans have broad noses nor are all sub-Sharahan Africans
pitchBlack with woolly hair. Finally, if you compare JROC's picture with my African portraits , their features are more "caucasian " than his!
Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

LOL 'ancient kmt' Who was enslaving whom? "EXPLORERS" --------when was Egypt DISCOVERED
by "the explorers? Is that when they named ancient

Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

that African looks had caucasion features---note the aquiline nose and deep set eyes
well,Duhhhh, That was my point. But the difference is that I believe some Black Africans had those features before Whites ( human whites) ever existed.
Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

that African looks had caucasion features---note the aquiline nose and deep set eyes
well,Duhhhh, That was my point. But the difference is that I believe some Black Africans had those features before Whites ( human whites) ever existed.

Oh-----I get it-----your understanding of human genetics and evolution is-----
the DEEP SET EYES are the feature that predisposes to the
DEGENERATE MUTATION ------melanin deprivation. I am
TRULY fascinated. -----and somehow--------the tendency toward shallow orbital sockets ENHANCES MELANIN-----
how exciting----have you published?
They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

LOL 'ancient kmt' Who was enslaving whom? "EXPLORERS" --------when was Egypt DISCOVERED
by "the explorers? Is that when they named ancient
You lack even elementary knowledge of ancient KMT and its ultimate fall. The Greek name " Egypt" represents the conquest of KMT and its final demise. For me, the dividing line between Ancient KMT and Egypt is a mile wide. KMT was the home of the originating Black Kings and dynastic Pharaohs while the name "Egypt" commemorates the start of European usurpation of all the glories of ancient KMT.
Grand larceny by the Greeks occurred on an unprecedented scale and many of Greek "contributions" to Western civilization can be traced back to ancient KMT!

Fast forward to 1789 when Napoleon and his contingent of soldiers cam upon the head of the Sphinx sticking out of the desert sands.Note that i did not say Napoleon discovered the Sphinx. Others had come before him to see the spectacle of mystery. And, I must point out that damage to the nose of the Sphinx was reported and sketched well before Napoleon's arrival. However, the Sphinx ,believed to be more twice as old as the Pyramids of Giza, is the key to early Black civilization. I can't think of any man made thing in Mesopotamia that even approaches the age of the Sphinx.

But White racists of the 19th century and beyond were not content to abandon the Sphinx to Negritude. The ramifications were too important to ignore; and, the Arabs were tenable allies of the anti Black explorers and excavators who all but engineered the near final destruction of KMT by altering the face of the Sphinx to look more caucasoid during renovation.

From this history we can project the notion of Black Hebrews. If the ancient Black people of KMT were sophisticated enough to create an advanced civilization like none before it, the other Black children or siblings of Ham, including the Hebrews of Canaan must have been equally gifted. And the existence of the Sphinx also makes their reality more feasible.
Last edited:

Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

They don't look very black
Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

They don't look very black
I guess Muhammed Ali didn't look Black either.
None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

LOL 'ancient kmt' Who was enslaving whom? "EXPLORERS" --------when was Egypt DISCOVERED
by "the explorers? Is that when they named ancient
You lack even elementary knowledge of ancient KMT and its ultimate fall. The Greek name " Egypt" represents the conquest of KMT and its final demise. For me, the dividing line between Ancient KMT and Egypt is a mile wide. KMT was the home of the originating Black Kings and dynastic Pharaohs while the name "Egypt" commemorates the start of European usurpation of all the glories of ancient KMT.
Grand larceny by the Greeks occurred on an unprecedented scale and many of Greek "contributions" to Western civilization can be traced back to ancient KMT!

Fast forward to 1789 when Napoleon and his contingent of soldiers cam upon the head of the Sphinx sticking out of the desert sands.Note that i did not say Napoleon discovered the Sphinx. Others had come before him to see the spectacle of mystery. And, I must point out that damage to the nose of the Sphinx was reported and sketched well before Napoleon's arrival. However, the Sphinx ,believed to be more twice as old as the Pyramids of Giza, is the key to early Black civilization. I can't think of any man made thing in Mesopotamia that even approaches the age of the Sphinx.

But White racists of the 19th century and beyond were not content to abandon the Sphinx to Negritude. The ramifications were too important to ignore; and, the Arabs were tenable allies of the anti Black explorers and excavators who all but engineered the near final destruction of KMT by altering the face of the Sphinx to look more caucasoid during renovation.

From this history we can project the notion of Black Hebrews. If the ancient Black people of KMT were sophisticated enough to create an advanced civilization like none before it, the other Black children or siblings of Ham, including the Hebrews of Canaan must have been equally gifted. And the existence of the Sphinx also makes their reality more feasible.

DUH-----the greeks renamed places they conquered-----what else is new? Does your silly KMT designation come to
be a real world in the EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE? ----there was
an Egyptian language------"BLACK LAND" does not mean "LAND OF BLACK PEOPLE" ----more likely it describes the VERY FERTILE silt fields that line both sides of the Nile and
CONSTITUTE that which actually was Egypt's heartland---the old Hebrew word which is at least 3000 years old is MIZRAIM--- which implies A PAIR OF SOMETHING either upper and lower Egypt -----or----either side of the nile ---wherein Egyptian
civilization Flourished---------kinds something like BANKS OF THE TWO RIVERS---- NAHARYIM (banks of tigris and Euphrates) upon which the civilization of Babylon flourished. Nothing related to "black persons"
They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

They don't look very black
I guess Muhammed Ali didn't look Black either.

he was Egyptian?
None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

They don't look very black
I guess Muhammed Ali didn't look Black either.

he was Egyptian?

I don't know..but he looks like one of the brown skinned people depicted in the wall paintings of KMT and so does Obama . Still other paintings resemble the people of inner Africa.
The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

LOL 'ancient kmt' Who was enslaving whom? "EXPLORERS" --------when was Egypt DISCOVERED
by "the explorers? Is that when they named ancient
You lack even elementary knowledge of ancient KMT and its ultimate fall. The Greek name " Egypt" represents the conquest of KMT and its final demise. For me, the dividing line between Ancient KMT and Egypt is a mile wide. KMT was the home of the originating Black Kings and dynastic Pharaohs while the name "Egypt" commemorates the start of European usurpation of all the glories of ancient KMT.
Grand larceny by the Greeks occurred on an unprecedented scale and many of Greek "contributions" to Western civilization can be traced back to ancient KMT!

Fast forward to 1789 when Napoleon and his contingent of soldiers cam upon the head of the Sphinx sticking out of the desert sands.Note that i did not say Napoleon discovered the Sphinx. Others had come before him to see the spectacle of mystery. And, I must point out that damage to the nose of the Sphinx was reported and sketched well before Napoleon's arrival. However, the Sphinx ,believed to be more twice as old as the Pyramids of Giza, is the key to early Black civilization. I can't think of any man made thing in Mesopotamia that even approaches the age of the Sphinx.

But White racists of the 19th century and beyond were not content to abandon the Sphinx to Negritude. The ramifications were too important to ignore; and, the Arabs were tenable allies of the anti Black explorers and excavators who all but engineered the near final destruction of KMT by altering the face of the Sphinx to look more caucasoid during renovation.

From this history we can project the notion of Black Hebrews. If the ancient Black people of KMT were sophisticated enough to create an advanced civilization like none before it, the other Black children or siblings of Ham, including the Hebrews of Canaan must have been equally gifted. And the existence of the Sphinx also makes their reality more feasible.

DUH-----the greeks renamed places they conquered-----what else is new? Does your silly KMT designation come to
be a real world in the EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE? ----there was
an Egyptian language------"BLACK LAND" does not mean "LAND OF BLACK PEOPLE" ----more likely it describes the VERY FERTILE silt fields that line both sides of the Nile and
CONSTITUTE that which actually was Egypt's heartland---the old Hebrew word which is at least 3000 years old is MIZRAIM--- which implies A PAIR OF SOMETHING either upper and lower Egypt -----or----either side of the nile ---wherein Egyptian
civilization Flourished---------kinds something like BANKS OF THE TWO RIVERS---- NAHARYIM (banks of tigris and Euphrates) upon which the civilization of Babylon flourished. Nothing related to "black persons"
Your redundancy is little more than a weak jab that went short of it's target while the right hand of destiny, thrown by the Champ, zooms towards your jaw enroute to the knock out.

I've placed a clear window of history before you and you smear the pristine glass with the dirty rags of your ignorance. KMT is the name those people of the upper Nile gave themselves. I won't get into the meaning of KMT because there are two schools of thought as to its meaning. But in any case , the language of KMT, Medu Neter, has no association with any arabic or any European language. Scholars posit that it arose independently in the Nile Valley as the earliest writing system. Obviously Arabs had no part in that at all.

enough! It is to o much work to educate you. And for naught. If I were to be paid for my effort I could make a fortune. I have s made my points and I shall reveal no more free material to be wasted on the likes of YOU!
The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.

They don't look very black
I guess Muhammed Ali didn't look Black either.

he was Egyptian?

I don't know..but he looks like one of the brown skinned people depicted in the wall paintings of KMT and so does Obama . Still other paintings resemble the people of inner Africa.
I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

LOL 'ancient kmt' Who was enslaving whom? "EXPLORERS" --------when was Egypt DISCOVERED
by "the explorers? Is that when they named ancient
You lack even elementary knowledge of ancient KMT and its ultimate fall. The Greek name " Egypt" represents the conquest of KMT and its final demise. For me, the dividing line between Ancient KMT and Egypt is a mile wide. KMT was the home of the originating Black Kings and dynastic Pharaohs while the name "Egypt" commemorates the start of European usurpation of all the glories of ancient KMT.
Grand larceny by the Greeks occurred on an unprecedented scale and many of Greek "contributions" to Western civilization can be traced back to ancient KMT!

Fast forward to 1789 when Napoleon and his contingent of soldiers cam upon the head of the Sphinx sticking out of the desert sands.Note that i did not say Napoleon discovered the Sphinx. Others had come before him to see the spectacle of mystery. And, I must point out that damage to the nose of the Sphinx was reported and sketched well before Napoleon's arrival. However, the Sphinx ,believed to be more twice as old as the Pyramids of Giza, is the key to early Black civilization. I can't think of any man made thing in Mesopotamia that even approaches the age of the Sphinx.

But White racists of the 19th century and beyond were not content to abandon the Sphinx to Negritude. The ramifications were too important to ignore; and, the Arabs were tenable allies of the anti Black explorers and excavators who all but engineered the near final destruction of KMT by altering the face of the Sphinx to look more caucasoid during renovation.

From this history we can project the notion of Black Hebrews. If the ancient Black people of KMT were sophisticated enough to create an advanced civilization like none before it, the other Black children or siblings of Ham, including the Hebrews of Canaan must have been equally gifted. And the existence of the Sphinx also makes their reality more feasible.

DUH-----the greeks renamed places they conquered-----what else is new? Does your silly KMT designation come to
be a real world in the EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE? ----there was
an Egyptian language------"BLACK LAND" does not mean "LAND OF BLACK PEOPLE" ----more likely it describes the VERY FERTILE silt fields that line both sides of the Nile and
CONSTITUTE that which actually was Egypt's heartland---the old Hebrew word which is at least 3000 years old is MIZRAIM--- which implies A PAIR OF SOMETHING either upper and lower Egypt -----or----either side of the nile ---wherein Egyptian
civilization Flourished---------kinds something like BANKS OF THE TWO RIVERS---- NAHARYIM (banks of tigris and Euphrates) upon which the civilization of Babylon flourished. Nothing related to "black persons"
Your redundancy is little more than a weak jab that went short of it's target while the right hand of destiny, thrown by the Champ, zooms towards your jaw enroute to the knock out.

I've placed a clear window of history before you and you smear the pristine glass with the dirty rags of your ignorance. KMT is the name those people of the upper Nile gave themselves. I won't get into the meaning of KMT because there are two schools of thought as to its meaning. But in any case , the language of KMT, Medu Neter, has no association with any arabic or any European language. Scholars posit that it arose independently in the Nile Valley as the earliest writing system. Obviously Arabs had no part in that at all.

enough! It is to o much work to educate you. And for naught. If I were to be paid for my effort I could make a fortune. I have s made my points and I shall reveal no more free material to be wasted on the likes of YOU!

more idiocy----so true----the language of Egypt---the language which real Egyptians spoke----has nothing to do with Arabic or Hebrew or anything sub-Saharan-----you made no point at all ----other than the idea that you IMAGINE the the letters KMT is a word in the Egyptian language
PS---JQ you need not fret----there are several idiot propaganda videos on the net that "reveal" precisely the information which you UNCOVERED in your lifetime "work" of intensive "research"
Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

That guy doesn't really look black, other than the color of the bust. Obama is a half-breed who looks more like his freckle face mother than his father. What does it say that pretty much the whole of Africa was conquered by white Europeans? Africa is not up to the standards of the western world. Not much to be proud of there actually.
They all look Black to me and to the white historians like Herodotus who actually saw them in person. :laugh:

None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

That guy doesn't really look black, other than the color of the bust. Obama is a half-breed who looks more like his freckle face mother than his father. What does it say that pretty much the whole of Africa was conquered by white Europeans? Africa is not up to the standards of the western world. Not much to be proud of there actually.

Sez the Ashkenazi Jew whose people Euopreans nearly decimated in the early 20th Century!
None of those pic look like a black guy. Skin tone doesn't mean anything. Ramses was Nubian? Where do you get that from?

The key word is "Black" not Nubian. Nubia was a country not a race, although predominately Black people lived there. But the physiognomies in the photographs do suggest a Black genetic component. The fuller lips and roundness of the face is consistent
with African phenotypes.

To further support the nexus between the statue and the Blacks of Africa, I submit these graphic examples:


Compare the face of Ramses with these. Which are more "Negroid?


Place the pharaohs's crown on this African's head and turn back the hands of time.
He might be TOO Caucasian looking to pass for Ramses, but with a close shave and haircut he would pass!

I think you're reaching. You guys trip me out with this stuff. Everybody is black in your world. Moses was Black , Abraham was black, Jesus was black, everything is about race with you people. This guy doesn't look like any of those pics you posted, and there are not a lot of pure races anyway. My family are Ashkenazi Jews, none of us are light. We're all a little darker, with nappie hair. I have the blood of Aharon running through my veins:cool:


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.
Then allow me to "reach" for this Obama look-a-like- bust of Osiris. Ignore it if you want, but the whole world has access to the images. whoever served as the model for this carving shares a genetic connection with Black Africans. Ham? Chem? KMT? Can this image representing the chief of the Egyptian pantheon do more to verify the Blackness intrinsic to the founders of KMT?


You are clinging to the prejudices of the 18th and 19th centuries when explorers, upon finding the splendors of ancient KMT, could not bring themselves to acknowledge the connection between Pharaoh's Egypt and the people they were enslaving.

That guy doesn't really look black, other than the color of the bust. Obama is a half-breed who looks more like his freckle face mother than his father. What does it say that pretty much the whole of Africa was conquered by white Europeans? Africa is not up to the standards of the western world. Not much to be proud of there actually.

Sez the Ashkenazi Jew whose people Euopreans nearly decimated in the early 20th Century!

Has nothing to do with the facts..what is Africa today?

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