The Ancient Black Hebrews

Antiquities of the Jews
Byatch, if my post makes no sense read it slower so that other brain cell can process it better. You have posted your rebuttal to Asclepias's op and now you are being disruptive. Get lost. No one wants a curmudgeon hanging around criticizing every positive thing they say about Blacks. I wish there was a place people of color could talk among themselves without bigoted dykes like you throwing your testosterone laden BS around.

cite one example of my alleged "criticism" of "every positive thing they say about blacks"-------are you suggesting that claiming Hebrews were blacks is the BIG POSITIVE? I am
amazed-----quite a leap for a Nazi pile of shit like you
WTF? Virtually every post Asclepias made pointing to some Black African origin has been met with derision or outright scorn by you.

You've finally returned to the op. Good! Lets get it on. But let's put the Hebrew/Black connection in perspective. The Hebrew language originated in Canaan. as early as the 2nd millennium BCE. Now, if the bible is to be believed, the land of Canaan is referenced eponymously as one of the sons of Ham. Ham being the eponymous father of the blacks including Cush., Phut, Misraim( Egypt] and Canaan.

So the Hebrew connection to Black people, is the key point under consideration. The biblical evidence makes that connection as does the great Jewish historian Josephus who describes Nimrod, Son of Cush, in vivid detail in his epic, Antiquities Of The Jews.

But you seek to make a distinction between so-called sub-Saharan Blacks and those who migrated to the Mediterranean basin and Northern Africa in a bid to disenfranchise the former. Asclepias has refuted your wild speculation with photographic evidence

Knowing that Nimrod was the son of Cush and that Josephus described him as being Black with a physiognomy consistent with Blacks from the interior of Africa, it stands to reason that Canaan, brother of Cush was also of that stock. Hence, the originators of the Hebrew language are known to be Canaanites…. Black citizens of Canaan who lived in the 2nd millennium BCE.

wrong again----you are talking about individuals and their putative descent. Nimrod is a person---who was a king in
Babylon-----his relationship to CUSH is-----perhaps supposed to be a real family tree---but is more importantly symbolic of the fact that he was an EVIL GUY-----he was not Ethiopian----(ie CUSHITE)---he was Babylonian. As to the land of CANAAN---there were very evil people there----(not the whole damned population but lots)-----whose baddest thing was the fact that they sacrificed children to their "god" Moloch-----as a symbol of their badness---they were also described as being descended from the person CUSH---they are the AMALEKITES------not Abraham and not his entourage.
It is not at all clear to me that THE LAND OF CUSH----has anything at all to do with the grandson of Abraham called
CUSH. to be more specific-----it is not at all clear to me that
people called CUSHITES (ie from the land of Cush) are some sort of TRIBE descended from the grandson of Noah named Cush----and therefore BLACK. I think you are getting tangled in semantics. What is true is that the word "CUSH" is associated with 'dark color' the word CUSHIE (slang in Hebrew) means----Ethiopian OR black person-----but they are all not that TIGHTLY involved as you seem to imagine.
The belief that the sons of NOAH are the progenitors of
DIFFERENT RACES-----is actually kinda silly----and seems like
an after-thought to me. Just what constitutes the land of CUSH is also very vague-------the only thing you got right is that the word alludes to "darkness" ---in color ---or--just lack of light-------Donald Trump's wife MELANIA---also refers to "darkness"------even MELONY----Scarletts nemesis in Gone with the wind----means darkness. None of these people are NECESSARILY -----black as in "negroid race". It is YOU and butterfly who engage in SEMANTIC SOPHISTRY----not me-----
and now NIMROD was "negro" too? that's news to me. He is not so described in the bible
It doesnt have to be clear to you. No one expected you to be able to grasp a simple fact like that. We are just letting you know thats what the OT says. Nimrod was a Cushite and he is the founder of Sumer/Babylon. From now on think about how Black people founded both Sumer and Egypt.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod and the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Gen.10:8-10).

you are quite a joke------you never read the writings of Josephus------you cited an islamo Nazi propaganda source----and BTW---how come JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS was not black?
(neither was Nimrod-----or the subsequent kings of Babylon)

Josephus Flavius lived in the in the first century CE------he never met NIMROD. Nimrod----according to legend---was king of Babylon at the time ABRAHAM was born----and a really bad guy----estimated about 2000 BC. The Babylonians did lots of selfies------not black persons
Nimrod??? Wasn't he that guy that could shoot a bow and arrow like Rambo?
Antiquities of the Jews
cite one example of my alleged "criticism" of "every positive thing they say about blacks"-------are you suggesting that claiming Hebrews were blacks is the BIG POSITIVE? I am
amazed-----quite a leap for a Nazi pile of shit like you
WTF? Virtually every post Asclepias made pointing to some Black African origin has been met with derision or outright scorn by you.

You've finally returned to the op. Good! Lets get it on. But let's put the Hebrew/Black connection in perspective. The Hebrew language originated in Canaan. as early as the 2nd millennium BCE. Now, if the bible is to be believed, the land of Canaan is referenced eponymously as one of the sons of Ham. Ham being the eponymous father of the blacks including Cush., Phut, Misraim( Egypt] and Canaan.

So the Hebrew connection to Black people, is the key point under consideration. The biblical evidence makes that connection as does the great Jewish historian Josephus who describes Nimrod, Son of Cush, in vivid detail in his epic, Antiquities Of The Jews.

But you seek to make a distinction between so-called sub-Saharan Blacks and those who migrated to the Mediterranean basin and Northern Africa in a bid to disenfranchise the former. Asclepias has refuted your wild speculation with photographic evidence

Knowing that Nimrod was the son of Cush and that Josephus described him as being Black with a physiognomy consistent with Blacks from the interior of Africa, it stands to reason that Canaan, brother of Cush was also of that stock. Hence, the originators of the Hebrew language are known to be Canaanites…. Black citizens of Canaan who lived in the 2nd millennium BCE.

wrong again----you are talking about individuals and their putative descent. Nimrod is a person---who was a king in
Babylon-----his relationship to CUSH is-----perhaps supposed to be a real family tree---but is more importantly symbolic of the fact that he was an EVIL GUY-----he was not Ethiopian----(ie CUSHITE)---he was Babylonian. As to the land of CANAAN---there were very evil people there----(not the whole damned population but lots)-----whose baddest thing was the fact that they sacrificed children to their "god" Moloch-----as a symbol of their badness---they were also described as being descended from the person CUSH---they are the AMALEKITES------not Abraham and not his entourage.
It is not at all clear to me that THE LAND OF CUSH----has anything at all to do with the grandson of Abraham called
CUSH. to be more specific-----it is not at all clear to me that
people called CUSHITES (ie from the land of Cush) are some sort of TRIBE descended from the grandson of Noah named Cush----and therefore BLACK. I think you are getting tangled in semantics. What is true is that the word "CUSH" is associated with 'dark color' the word CUSHIE (slang in Hebrew) means----Ethiopian OR black person-----but they are all not that TIGHTLY involved as you seem to imagine.
The belief that the sons of NOAH are the progenitors of
DIFFERENT RACES-----is actually kinda silly----and seems like
an after-thought to me. Just what constitutes the land of CUSH is also very vague-------the only thing you got right is that the word alludes to "darkness" ---in color ---or--just lack of light-------Donald Trump's wife MELANIA---also refers to "darkness"------even MELONY----Scarletts nemesis in Gone with the wind----means darkness. None of these people are NECESSARILY -----black as in "negroid race". It is YOU and butterfly who engage in SEMANTIC SOPHISTRY----not me-----
and now NIMROD was "negro" too? that's news to me. He is not so described in the bible
It doesnt have to be clear to you. No one expected you to be able to grasp a simple fact like that. We are just letting you know thats what the OT says. Nimrod was a Cushite and he is the founder of Sumer/Babylon. From now on think about how Black people founded both Sumer and Egypt.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod and the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Gen.10:8-10).

you are quite a joke------you never read the writings of Josephus------you cited an islamo Nazi propaganda source----and BTW---how come JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS was not black?
(neither was Nimrod-----or the subsequent kings of Babylon)

Josephus Flavius lived in the in the first century CE------he never met NIMROD. Nimrod----according to legend---was king of Babylon at the time ABRAHAM was born----and a really bad guy----estimated about 2000 BC. The Babylonians did lots of selfies------not black persons
Nimrod??? Wasn't he that guy that could shoot a bow and arrow like Rambo?

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. The legend is that Abraham had to run away from Nimrod because Abraham rejected the
religion of Nimrod
Are you saying the people who wrote the bible were from the tribe of Judah? How do you know that?

Further, not all sub-Saharan Africans have nearly Black skin. Many have different shades of brown ski and various physiognomies to boot. The Khoi San of Southern Africa, for instance, are golden brown. They have nappy, tightly curled beady hair and they look like Asians. The Masai o Kenya and Tanzania have been dubbed "caucasoid" by some western scholars who ought to know better. Their more aquiline features got over active European minds stimulated again. Those people are Black Africans

you have said nothing at all. In fact your post is mendacious in that it IMPLIES that I have obsessed over SKIN COLOR in the same way that highly neurotic "black nationalists" like you ----do. I have stated over and over and over again on these boards that "RACE" is a myth in the human species and skin color is a useless indicator of "different kinds of homo sapiens" Unlike you---I am not an idiot. All people should know better than to make an issue of the shade of a group of people's skin. But black nationalists do it ALL THE TIME--obsessively
Oh, come off your moral high ground. America is obsessed with race and YOU are too. You didn't waste any time pointing out how much the Saudis would hate being called Black. You actually seemed to be gloating. And if you are peeved by a Black person raising awareness of Blacks and their place in history…don't off and let people interested in the subject communicate.

You're living in delusion. It's a well known fact the Saudis look at Blacks as inferior get your head out of your ass idiot

Black Saudi woman activist faces death threats

Saudi Arabia: The Middle East’s Real Apartheid State

How Arabs Treat Blacks in Saudi Arabia (Warning: Graphic!)

So what? The entire world looks at Blacks as inferior thanks to the massive propaganda machines of the West and especially the USA.
why would anyone be surprised that the Saudis would not be affected by the media blitz against Blacks? But I know firsthand that Arabs do marry Black women. I worked with the daughter of one such union for five years. She is the offspring of a Kenyan Mother and an Arabian father. She spoke glowingly of her 4 siblings and of the family unity but she did speak of discrimination by her father's relatives. So that blanket statement you make isn't universal among Arabs.

try again-----the bias that arabs have had towards "black persons" is nothing new------in fact----IT IS CLEAR IN THE KORAN> What does "Kenyan" mother mean? Unlike you ----I have known REAL KENYANS------Hindus, Muslims ---and some Christians. Kenya is chock full of native Kenyans---mostly muslim----and ALSO a large population of HINDUS----who ---long ago sought work in that land. You never met a KENYAN----but I did. In fact some of the muslims are also
migrants to that land from south east Asia. Lots of sectarian strife there. As to "it isn't universal among arabs" DUH!!! of course not-----there are exceptions that prove the rule

I don't have to try again. I know plenty of Kenyan immigrants and they look like Black Africans. The woman who told me about her Kenyan/Arab roots looks like she could be Obama's sister but darker. Speaking of Obama, everyone knows HIM; and, his Kenyan father was certainly Black wasn't he? See how easy it is to shoot your BS down? Do I have to know any more "real" Kenyans after Obama has brought his entire Kenyan family into focus? You are pathetic.

Looking past your "Kenyan" foolishness, I now address your flawed notion that Arabs are more prejudiced against Blacks than any other non Black peoples. I'll give you a chance to make your case. How is Arab prejudice any different form YOURS or of that shown daily in virtually all aspects of socio-economic American life? Choose your words carefully because I am ready to slap both of your butt cheeks with facts.
you have said nothing at all. In fact your post is mendacious in that it IMPLIES that I have obsessed over SKIN COLOR in the same way that highly neurotic "black nationalists" like you ----do. I have stated over and over and over again on these boards that "RACE" is a myth in the human species and skin color is a useless indicator of "different kinds of homo sapiens" Unlike you---I am not an idiot. All people should know better than to make an issue of the shade of a group of people's skin. But black nationalists do it ALL THE TIME--obsessively
Oh, come off your moral high ground. America is obsessed with race and YOU are too. You didn't waste any time pointing out how much the Saudis would hate being called Black. You actually seemed to be gloating. And if you are peeved by a Black person raising awareness of Blacks and their place in history…don't off and let people interested in the subject communicate.

You're living in delusion. It's a well known fact the Saudis look at Blacks as inferior get your head out of your ass idiot

Black Saudi woman activist faces death threats

Saudi Arabia: The Middle East’s Real Apartheid State

How Arabs Treat Blacks in Saudi Arabia (Warning: Graphic!)

So what? The entire world looks at Blacks as inferior thanks to the massive propaganda machines of the West and especially the USA.
why would anyone be surprised that the Saudis would not be affected by the media blitz against Blacks? But I know firsthand that Arabs do marry Black women. I worked with the daughter of one such union for five years. She is the offspring of a Kenyan Mother and an Arabian father. She spoke glowingly of her 4 siblings and of the family unity but she did speak of discrimination by her father's relatives. So that blanket statement you make isn't universal among Arabs.

try again-----the bias that arabs have had towards "black persons" is nothing new------in fact----IT IS CLEAR IN THE KORAN> What does "Kenyan" mother mean? Unlike you ----I have known REAL KENYANS------Hindus, Muslims ---and some Christians. Kenya is chock full of native Kenyans---mostly muslim----and ALSO a large population of HINDUS----who ---long ago sought work in that land. You never met a KENYAN----but I did. In fact some of the muslims are also
migrants to that land from south east Asia. Lots of sectarian strife there. As to "it isn't universal among arabs" DUH!!! of course not-----there are exceptions that prove the rule

I don't have to try again. I know plenty of Kenyan immigrants and they look like Black Africans. The woman who told me about her Kenyan/Arab roots looks like she could be Obama's sister but darker. Speaking of Obama, everyone knows HIM; and, his Kenyan father was certainly Black wasn't he? See how easy it is to shoot your BS down? Do I have to know any more "real" Kenyans after Obama has brought his entire Kenyan family into focus? You are pathetic.

Looking past your "Kenyan" foolishness, I now address your flawed notion that Arabs are more prejudiced against Blacks than any other non Black peoples. I'll give you a chance to make your case. How is Arab prejudice any different form YOURS or of that shown daily in virtually all aspects of socio-economic American life? Choose your words carefully because I am ready to slap both of your butt cheeks with facts.

Ok you met a few Kenyans and they were BLACK. so that means MOST or ALL Kenyans are black. Nope---there is
a very significant population of SOUTH EAST ASIANS
in Kenya. Try not to be so confident. I have correctly stated
that arabs are prejudiced against blacks----I did not say they are MORE prejudiced against blacks than any other people----
YOU LIED. Arab prejudice against blacks has nothing to do
with me at all. You have decided that I have a prejudice against blacks based on your own pre conceived notions and nothing more.
Antiquities of the JewsWTF? Virtually every post Asclepias made pointing to some Black African origin has been met with derision or outright scorn by you.

You've finally returned to the op. Good! Lets get it on. But let's put the Hebrew/Black connection in perspective. The Hebrew language originated in Canaan. as early as the 2nd millennium BCE. Now, if the bible is to be believed, the land of Canaan is referenced eponymously as one of the sons of Ham. Ham being the eponymous father of the blacks including Cush., Phut, Misraim( Egypt] and Canaan.

So the Hebrew connection to Black people, is the key point under consideration. The biblical evidence makes that connection as does the great Jewish historian Josephus who describes Nimrod, Son of Cush, in vivid detail in his epic, Antiquities Of The Jews.

But you seek to make a distinction between so-called sub-Saharan Blacks and those who migrated to the Mediterranean basin and Northern Africa in a bid to disenfranchise the former. Asclepias has refuted your wild speculation with photographic evidence

Knowing that Nimrod was the son of Cush and that Josephus described him as being Black with a physiognomy consistent with Blacks from the interior of Africa, it stands to reason that Canaan, brother of Cush was also of that stock. Hence, the originators of the Hebrew language are known to be Canaanites…. Black citizens of Canaan who lived in the 2nd millennium BCE.

wrong again----you are talking about individuals and their putative descent. Nimrod is a person---who was a king in
Babylon-----his relationship to CUSH is-----perhaps supposed to be a real family tree---but is more importantly symbolic of the fact that he was an EVIL GUY-----he was not Ethiopian----(ie CUSHITE)---he was Babylonian. As to the land of CANAAN---there were very evil people there----(not the whole damned population but lots)-----whose baddest thing was the fact that they sacrificed children to their "god" Moloch-----as a symbol of their badness---they were also described as being descended from the person CUSH---they are the AMALEKITES------not Abraham and not his entourage.
It is not at all clear to me that THE LAND OF CUSH----has anything at all to do with the grandson of Abraham called
CUSH. to be more specific-----it is not at all clear to me that
people called CUSHITES (ie from the land of Cush) are some sort of TRIBE descended from the grandson of Noah named Cush----and therefore BLACK. I think you are getting tangled in semantics. What is true is that the word "CUSH" is associated with 'dark color' the word CUSHIE (slang in Hebrew) means----Ethiopian OR black person-----but they are all not that TIGHTLY involved as you seem to imagine.
The belief that the sons of NOAH are the progenitors of
DIFFERENT RACES-----is actually kinda silly----and seems like
an after-thought to me. Just what constitutes the land of CUSH is also very vague-------the only thing you got right is that the word alludes to "darkness" ---in color ---or--just lack of light-------Donald Trump's wife MELANIA---also refers to "darkness"------even MELONY----Scarletts nemesis in Gone with the wind----means darkness. None of these people are NECESSARILY -----black as in "negroid race". It is YOU and butterfly who engage in SEMANTIC SOPHISTRY----not me-----
and now NIMROD was "negro" too? that's news to me. He is not so described in the bible
It doesnt have to be clear to you. No one expected you to be able to grasp a simple fact like that. We are just letting you know thats what the OT says. Nimrod was a Cushite and he is the founder of Sumer/Babylon. From now on think about how Black people founded both Sumer and Egypt.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod and the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Gen.10:8-10).

you are quite a joke------you never read the writings of Josephus------you cited an islamo Nazi propaganda source----and BTW---how come JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS was not black?
(neither was Nimrod-----or the subsequent kings of Babylon)

Josephus Flavius lived in the in the first century CE------he never met NIMROD. Nimrod----according to legend---was king of Babylon at the time ABRAHAM was born----and a really bad guy----estimated about 2000 BC. The Babylonians did lots of selfies------not black persons
Nimrod??? Wasn't he that guy that could shoot a bow and arrow like Rambo?

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. The legend is that Abraham had to run away from Nimrod because Abraham rejected the
religion of Nimrod
There you go again. LEGEND? What legend? Look, toots, if you want to come to the picnic bring some meat and stop showing up with bread crumbs.
wrong again----you are talking about individuals and their putative descent. Nimrod is a person---who was a king in
Babylon-----his relationship to CUSH is-----perhaps supposed to be a real family tree---but is more importantly symbolic of the fact that he was an EVIL GUY-----he was not Ethiopian----(ie CUSHITE)---he was Babylonian. As to the land of CANAAN---there were very evil people there----(not the whole damned population but lots)-----whose baddest thing was the fact that they sacrificed children to their "god" Moloch-----as a symbol of their badness---they were also described as being descended from the person CUSH---they are the AMALEKITES------not Abraham and not his entourage.
It is not at all clear to me that THE LAND OF CUSH----has anything at all to do with the grandson of Abraham called
CUSH. to be more specific-----it is not at all clear to me that
people called CUSHITES (ie from the land of Cush) are some sort of TRIBE descended from the grandson of Noah named Cush----and therefore BLACK. I think you are getting tangled in semantics. What is true is that the word "CUSH" is associated with 'dark color' the word CUSHIE (slang in Hebrew) means----Ethiopian OR black person-----but they are all not that TIGHTLY involved as you seem to imagine.
The belief that the sons of NOAH are the progenitors of
DIFFERENT RACES-----is actually kinda silly----and seems like
an after-thought to me. Just what constitutes the land of CUSH is also very vague-------the only thing you got right is that the word alludes to "darkness" ---in color ---or--just lack of light-------Donald Trump's wife MELANIA---also refers to "darkness"------even MELONY----Scarletts nemesis in Gone with the wind----means darkness. None of these people are NECESSARILY -----black as in "negroid race". It is YOU and butterfly who engage in SEMANTIC SOPHISTRY----not me-----
and now NIMROD was "negro" too? that's news to me. He is not so described in the bible
It doesnt have to be clear to you. No one expected you to be able to grasp a simple fact like that. We are just letting you know thats what the OT says. Nimrod was a Cushite and he is the founder of Sumer/Babylon. From now on think about how Black people founded both Sumer and Egypt.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod and the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Gen.10:8-10).

you are quite a joke------you never read the writings of Josephus------you cited an islamo Nazi propaganda source----and BTW---how come JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS was not black?
(neither was Nimrod-----or the subsequent kings of Babylon)

Josephus Flavius lived in the in the first century CE------he never met NIMROD. Nimrod----according to legend---was king of Babylon at the time ABRAHAM was born----and a really bad guy----estimated about 2000 BC. The Babylonians did lots of selfies------not black persons
Nimrod??? Wasn't he that guy that could shoot a bow and arrow like Rambo?

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. The legend is that Abraham had to run away from Nimrod because Abraham rejected the
religion of Nimrod
There you go again. LEGEND? What legend? Look, toots, if you want to come to the picnic bring some meat and stop showing up with bread crumbs.

there is nothing wrong with LEGEND-------the only "proof"
that NIMROD existed as Nemesis to ABRAHAM is the writings of the OLD TESTAMENT. Even in the Old Testament---the story is slightly vague ----thus "legend"---nothing at all wrong with FIRM LEGENDS with which any nation describes itself------there is always SOME BASIS in
truth to all such "legends"
Oh, come off your moral high ground. America is obsessed with race and YOU are too. You didn't waste any time pointing out how much the Saudis would hate being called Black. You actually seemed to be gloating. And if you are peeved by a Black person raising awareness of Blacks and their place in history…don't off and let people interested in the subject communicate.

You're living in delusion. It's a well known fact the Saudis look at Blacks as inferior get your head out of your ass idiot

Black Saudi woman activist faces death threats

Saudi Arabia: The Middle East’s Real Apartheid State

How Arabs Treat Blacks in Saudi Arabia (Warning: Graphic!)

So what? The entire world looks at Blacks as inferior thanks to the massive propaganda machines of the West and especially the USA.
why would anyone be surprised that the Saudis would not be affected by the media blitz against Blacks? But I know firsthand that Arabs do marry Black women. I worked with the daughter of one such union for five years. She is the offspring of a Kenyan Mother and an Arabian father. She spoke glowingly of her 4 siblings and of the family unity but she did speak of discrimination by her father's relatives. So that blanket statement you make isn't universal among Arabs.

try again-----the bias that arabs have had towards "black persons" is nothing new------in fact----IT IS CLEAR IN THE KORAN> What does "Kenyan" mother mean? Unlike you ----I have known REAL KENYANS------Hindus, Muslims ---and some Christians. Kenya is chock full of native Kenyans---mostly muslim----and ALSO a large population of HINDUS----who ---long ago sought work in that land. You never met a KENYAN----but I did. In fact some of the muslims are also
migrants to that land from south east Asia. Lots of sectarian strife there. As to "it isn't universal among arabs" DUH!!! of course not-----there are exceptions that prove the rule

I don't have to try again. I know plenty of Kenyan immigrants and they look like Black Africans. The woman who told me about her Kenyan/Arab roots looks like she could be Obama's sister but darker. Speaking of Obama, everyone knows HIM; and, his Kenyan father was certainly Black wasn't he? See how easy it is to shoot your BS down? Do I have to know any more "real" Kenyans after Obama has brought his entire Kenyan family into focus? You are pathetic.

Looking past your "Kenyan" foolishness, I now address your flawed notion that Arabs are more prejudiced against Blacks than any other non Black peoples. I'll give you a chance to make your case. How is Arab prejudice any different form YOURS or of that shown daily in virtually all aspects of socio-economic American life? Choose your words carefully because I am ready to slap both of your butt cheeks with facts.

Ok you met a few Kenyans and they were BLACK. so that means MOST or ALL Kenyans are black. Nope---there is
a very significant population of SOUTH EAST ASIANS
in Kenya. Try not to be so confident. I have correctly stated
that arabs are prejudiced against blacks----I did not say they are MORE prejudiced against blacks than any other people----
YOU LIED. Arab prejudice against blacks has nothing to do
with me at all. You have decided that I have a prejudice against blacks based on your own pre conceived notions and nothing more.

Who said ALL Kenyan's were Black? If no one said that why bring it up? You are SOOOO devious. Now you cleverly try to dodge the fallout I generated in exposing your own biases against Blacks by calling me a liar. This is the statement you say is a lie:

"I now address your flawed notion that Arabs are more prejudiced against Blacks than any other non Black peoples. "

See the highlighted words? Those words were chosen carefully. I was describing your initial response to another post where you blurted out

In colloquial Hebrew---Cushite usually refers to the fact that the person has dark colored skin. If one considers that which anthropologists call "NEGROID" by race-------it does not necessarily refer to a person of the "negroid" race----just anyone with dark colored skin. It is colloquial------not rocket science. If one reads really old stuff---it become obvious that this usage is ---nothing new. As to arabs----try reading the koran------muhummad specifically describes those that arabs call ABED ------regarding dark skin and kinky hair. ----clearly something "different"#107

Note: See how devious you are? You say (sp) muhummad specifically describes those that arabs call ABED
------regarding dark skin and kinky hair. But you don't quite make the connection between that undefined reference and so-calld Arab bias against Blacks. You leave the readers hanging…giving one the NOTION that Arab bias against Blacks is sanctioned by Mohammed himself and is therefore universal or standard fare. If that were the case, millions of Blacks wouldn't be Muslims.

"PS never tell a Saudi that he is "BLACK"-----Saudis don't eat lunch at the same table with "blacks"----blacks are ABED ---

(slave) Never say MUHUMMAD WAS BLACK---you might lose your head" #52

Your own preconceptions concerning Black/Arab relations began with the above. You seem to be gloating here and relishing the NOTION that you have the "privilege " of being accepted because of your "Whiteness in the Arab world. The very fact that you seem so comfortable around such bias brings to the forefront your own racist proclivities.. Now, if you have any modicum of decency in your biased ass, you will retract your accusation that I lied!
It doesnt have to be clear to you. No one expected you to be able to grasp a simple fact like that. We are just letting you know thats what the OT says. Nimrod was a Cushite and he is the founder of Sumer/Babylon. From now on think about how Black people founded both Sumer and Egypt.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod and the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Gen.10:8-10).

you are quite a joke------you never read the writings of Josephus------you cited an islamo Nazi propaganda source----and BTW---how come JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS was not black?
(neither was Nimrod-----or the subsequent kings of Babylon)

Josephus Flavius lived in the in the first century CE------he never met NIMROD. Nimrod----according to legend---was king of Babylon at the time ABRAHAM was born----and a really bad guy----estimated about 2000 BC. The Babylonians did lots of selfies------not black persons
Nimrod??? Wasn't he that guy that could shoot a bow and arrow like Rambo?

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. The legend is that Abraham had to run away from Nimrod because Abraham rejected the
religion of Nimrod
There you go again. LEGEND? What legend? Look, toots, if you want to come to the picnic bring some meat and stop showing up with bread crumbs.

there is nothing wrong with LEGEND-------the only "proof"
that NIMROD existed as Nemesis to ABRAHAM is the writings of the OLD TESTAMENT. Even in the Old Testament---the story is slightly vague ----thus "legend"---nothing at all wrong with FIRM LEGENDS with which any nation describes itself------there is always SOME BASIS in
truth to all such "legends"
Stop dodging. You got caught again. You specifically alluded to some extra-biblical legend that
Abraham had to run away from Nimrod because Abraham rejected the
religion of Nimrod.


Looks like a modern Egyptian to me...Certainly not a Nubian

Notice the pointed nose..


Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel, now located in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt.


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Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

As a decedent of the priest כֹּהֵן of the temple, I'm a direct descendant of Aharon, brother of Moses. Which makes Moses my cousin:cool:
Last edited:
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

As a decedent of the priest כֹּהֵן of the temple, I'm a direct descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses. Which makes Moses my cousin:cool:
Not all the Priests were related to Aaron, dummy. But even so, your wooly hair ( please post that photo again) confirms your Negritude.
Somewhere in your ancestral past someone with sub Saharan characteristics contributed to your gene pool. If indeed you are related to Moses your wooly locks lend credibility to the notion that Hebrews might have originally been Black!
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.

Quit hating on the Jews you bigot:slap:...Moses is my cousin:cool:

Kohen = Cohen are the priestly family of the Jewish people. The Torah (the Bible) describes the annointment of Aharon, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Kohen Gadol). The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Kohanim, which include the Temple service, blessing of the people and spiritual healing. The Kohanim are a family of the Tribe of Levi.

The office of Cohen was granted to Aharon and his sons and to all their male progeny for all generations. The Torah states a number of times that the priesthood is an eternal covenant with the descendants of Aharon, the first Kohen, never to be lost.
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

As a decedent of the priest כֹּהֵן of the temple, I'm a direct descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses. Which makes Moses my cousin:cool:
Not all the Priests were related to Aaron, dummy. But even so, your wooly hair ( please post that photo again) confirms your Negritude.
Somewhere in your ancestral past someone with sub Saharan characteristics contributed to your gene pool. If indeed you are related to Moses your wooly locks lend credibility to the notion that Hebrews might have originally been Black!

Here you go...Fear the Fro.:afro:

Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.

Quit hating on the Jews you bigot:slap:...Moses is my cousin:cool:

Kohen = Cohen are the priestly family of the Jewish people. The Torah (the Bible) describes the annointment of Aharon, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Kohen Gadol). The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Kohanim, which include the Temple service, blessing of the people and spiritual healing. The Kohanim are a family of the Tribe of Levi.

The office of Cohen was granted to Aharon and his sons and to all their male progeny for all generations. The Torah states a number of times that the priesthood is an eternal covenant with the descendants of Aharon, the first Kohen, never to be lost.
OK, Then your picture show you are indeed descended from Black Hebrews>


Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.

Quit hating on the Jews you bigot:slap:...Moses is my cousin:cool:

Kohen = Cohen are the priestly family of the Jewish people. The Torah (the Bible) describes the annointment of Aharon, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Kohen Gadol). The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Kohanim, which include the Temple service, blessing of the people and spiritual healing. The Kohanim are a family of the Tribe of Levi.

The office of Cohen was granted to Aharon and his sons and to all their male progeny for all generations. The Torah states a number of times that the priesthood is an eternal covenant with the descendants of Aharon, the first Kohen, never to be lost.

That Kohen signature has been found among the Falashas and the Lemba Jews of Africa. They have woolly hair too!
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.

Quit hating on the Jews you bigot:slap:...Moses is my cousin:cool:

Kohen = Cohen are the priestly family of the Jewish people. The Torah (the Bible) describes the annointment of Aharon, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Kohen Gadol). The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Kohanim, which include the Temple service, blessing of the people and spiritual healing. The Kohanim are a family of the Tribe of Levi.

The office of Cohen was granted to Aharon and his sons and to all their male progeny for all generations. The Torah states a number of times that the priesthood is an eternal covenant with the descendants of Aharon, the first Kohen, never to be lost.

That Kohen signature has been found among the Falashas and the Lemba Jews of Africa. They have woolly hair too!

Yeah, but they're not Jews
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.

Quit hating on the Jews you bigot:slap:...Moses is my cousin:cool:

Kohen = Cohen are the priestly family of the Jewish people. The Torah (the Bible) describes the annointment of Aharon, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Kohen Gadol). The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Kohanim, which include the Temple service, blessing of the people and spiritual healing. The Kohanim are a family of the Tribe of Levi.

The office of Cohen was granted to Aharon and his sons and to all their male progeny for all generations. The Torah states a number of times that the priesthood is an eternal covenant with the descendants of Aharon, the first Kohen, never to be lost.

That Kohen signature has been found among the Falashas and the Lemba Jews of Africa. They have woolly hair too!

Yeah, but they're not Jews
Neither was Moses, but they all are Israelites and have the Kohen genetic signature.
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

A pseudo Hebrew like you has no more connection to Moses than you do to Anwar Sadat. You are probably a Mormon since you refuted the Genesis account of Abraham's lineage by citing the Book Of Mormons. Tee Hee! You are so finicky with your fickleness.

as I recall----Public----you did claim that I cited the book of Mormon too-----it seems to have something to do with the
AMALEKITES. ------I have never read the book of Mormon---are the amalekits mentioned therein?
Now to one of my favorite examples of the Hebrews being Black. This one caught my attention as a child. Ramses made a decree that all male Hebrew children were to be killed. This is Ramses the Black guy from Nubia with the seat of power in southern Egypt. So this dude is probably extra dark. Moses is placed in a basket and Ramses daughter finds him and brings him into their home. I know what you are thinking because thats what occurred to me as a kid. This white kid is about to die the moment Ramses sees him. Then something weird happens. The Pharaoh that is trying to kill all the Hebrew males looks this kid in the eyes everyday for the next 20 years and doesnt notice he is white. WTF! Then I find out that Moses is actually Black and then it all makes sense. He had no clue Moses was a Hebrew because all the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians.
When are you going to start a thread about the black Napoleon?

Moses is my ancestor-----according to the bible---and some
DNA studies-----it has not been a really long time AGO----only
something like 3000 years. But l did inherit active melanocytes-----as a kid-----I got FRECKLES all over my face ---well---actually mostly on my Hebraic now------but, alas.-----they faded with age..............I have lost my
connection to uncle moses

As a decedent of the priest כֹּהֵן of the temple, I'm a direct descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses. Which makes Moses my cousin:cool:
Not all the Priests were related to Aaron, dummy. But even so, your wooly hair ( please post that photo again) confirms your Negritude.
Somewhere in your ancestral past someone with sub Saharan characteristics contributed to your gene pool. If indeed you are related to Moses your wooly locks lend credibility to the notion that Hebrews might have originally been Black!

In fact----all priests are related to Aaron. As to "wooly hair"---
there is no question that not all people carrying the Y chromosome connect alleles that are common to people descended from Aaron have "wooly hair" Your assertions
indicate that you know nothing about population genetics

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