The Ancient Black Hebrews

G-d's Torah came before the (Hebrews) Jews genius..your post makes no sense
To SMART Jews it makes sense but to Schlemiels like you it doesn't. Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Bible, RIGHT? If so, how can the Torah (Pentateuch) be attributed to Abraham (Hebrews) who came 400 +years before Moses?
G-d's Torah came before the (Hebrews) Jews genius..your post makes no sense

They were written my G-d at first, after the sin of the golden Calf, Moses broke those..He wrote the second himself as dedicated to him by G-d the Torah was around before Moses, before Abraham

Ok, Schlemiel, Where WAS theTorah before Moses? what evidence do you have that the Tora existed before Moses?

G-ds law existed before the Hebrews..Jews were created for Torah, not the other way around..We were just studying this with the Rabbi few months back..I'll look it up when i have time

You can't "look it up" because the Torah didn't exist before Moses wrote it. You can say it existed in the mind of God but,of course, that can't be proven.
Your black Hebrew are G-d in your mind ...That's how sad you guys are. Idol worshiper..Moses Isn't G-d :slap:
Now we will compare the 2 people. The Egyptians and the Hebrews. Remember the Egyptians are out of Kwam or as commonly known Ham. This means hot and Black. The Hebrews on the other hand are out of Shem. More than once throughout the Torah a Hebrew is mistaken for an Egyptian. Below is a passage where Joseph is burying his father Jacob In Canaan. One must note that the Canaanites lived with the Hebrews and should have been able to tell an Egyptian from a Hebrew if they looked different right? Take note specifically of verse 11.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 50:7-12 - King James Version

"7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt"

"11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan."

How did the Canaanites not know that it was a mixed procession of Hebrews and Egyptians? I mean they lived with the Hebrews and were familiar with the Egyptians. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that it was impossible to tell them apart.
Why are Americans known as Americans and not as Irish Americans, etc?
And it is well established that during and after the famine that Egypt was flush with people from the starving nations that wanted to live in a better economy.
Anyone who moved to Egypt was legislated to dress like an Egyptian.
The Children of Israel who lived in Goshen did not go along with the dress plan.

Your logic is based on picking verses and not studying the text as a whole.
Now we will compare the 2 people. The Egyptians and the Hebrews. Remember the Egyptians are out of Kwam or as commonly known Ham. This means hot and Black. The Hebrews on the other hand are out of Shem. More than once throughout the Torah a Hebrew is mistaken for an Egyptian. Below is a passage where Joseph is burying his father Jacob In Canaan. One must note that the Canaanites lived with the Hebrews and should have been able to tell an Egyptian from a Hebrew if they looked different right? Take note specifically of verse 11.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 50:7-12 - King James Version

"7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt"

"11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan."

How did the Canaanites not know that it was a mixed procession of Hebrews and Egyptians? I mean they lived with the Hebrews and were familiar with the Egyptians. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that it was impossible to tell them apart.
Why are Americans known as Americans and not as Irish Americans, etc?
And it is well established that during and after the famine that Egypt was flush with people from the starving nations that wanted to live in a better economy.
Anyone who moved to Egypt was legislated to dress like an Egyptian.
The Children of Israel who lived in Goshen did not go along with the dress plan.

Your logic is based on picking verses and not studying the text as a whole.

These guys are so sad really...They are so focused on attempting to prove that Black Africans did something great thousands of years ago, but they ignore the state of the black community today. Jews produce physicists, noble prize winners and celebrate them and we have strong families and thrive. The black family has broken down. They are killing each other in the streets. Instead of celebrating a great man like doctor Carson, they prop up scum like BLM. You cant get more dysfunctional than that... MLK would be horrified at the state of the Black Community today
Rape or adultery are earth shattering only if they are discovered. But speaking of rape, it seems that it was quite ok for Jewish men to rape and ravish the women of other peoples. Some scripture suggest that sometimes it was ordained by YWH.

Rape in the Bible – Evil Bible .com
Uh, no.
Are you ready to feel stupid?
During the conquest of an enemy, a man can take an attractive woman back home.
He cannot touch her for 30 days and for those 30 days she can not cut her nails or her hair and she is allowed to mourn her family, friends and fellow citizens to excess.
It is expected that within those 30 days he will become disgusted with her and she will be sold as a non-Jewish servant where she will live a lifetime of luxury.
Go figure those stupid Jews.

After reading your misogynistic drivel I don't feel "stupid" at all. I feel vindicated. Are you quoting the TNK? And what if a man disregards that 30 day stipulation/ What are the consequences, if any?

The man receives a public lashing and pays a fine to the court and is forbidden from having relations with the woman.
I doubt if such a law could be enforceable, or, the breaking of it detected.
You have no idea of the communal bonds in an Orthodox Jewish community.
There was a time when the Sanhedrin existed when punishments were meted out.
Today you don't receive honors during services.
Given the biblical accounts of wanton debauchery among the Jews per Jeremiah 5-7, breaking that 30 day "cooling off" period before ravishing captive slave girls was the least concern of the Sanhedrin and the Priests.
Uh, no.
Are you ready to feel stupid?
During the conquest of an enemy, a man can take an attractive woman back home.
He cannot touch her for 30 days and for those 30 days she can not cut her nails or her hair and she is allowed to mourn her family, friends and fellow citizens to excess.
It is expected that within those 30 days he will become disgusted with her and she will be sold as a non-Jewish servant where she will live a lifetime of luxury.
Go figure those stupid Jews.

After reading your misogynistic drivel I don't feel "stupid" at all. I feel vindicated. Are you quoting the TNK? And what if a man disregards that 30 day stipulation/ What are the consequences, if any?

The man receives a public lashing and pays a fine to the court and is forbidden from having relations with the woman.
I doubt if such a law could be enforceable, or, the breaking of it detected.
You have no idea of the communal bonds in an Orthodox Jewish community.
There was a time when the Sanhedrin existed when punishments were meted out.
Today you don't receive honors during services.
Given the biblical accounts of wanton debauchery among the Jews per Jeremiah 5-7, breaking that 30 day "cooling off" period before ravishing captive slave girls was the least concern of the Sanhedrin and the Priests.
I get don't understand how sensitive Jews are required to be and how even the tinyest flaw is considered by God.
A Jew who acts out of accordance with God's Torah is considered to have committed an act of adultery by following the ways of a false god.
Non-Jews have to commit outright murder, rape and beastiality to upset God because God's expectations are much lower for them.
Now we will compare the 2 people. The Egyptians and the Hebrews. Remember the Egyptians are out of Kwam or as commonly known Ham. This means hot and Black. The Hebrews on the other hand are out of Shem. More than once throughout the Torah a Hebrew is mistaken for an Egyptian. Below is a passage where Joseph is burying his father Jacob In Canaan. One must note that the Canaanites lived with the Hebrews and should have been able to tell an Egyptian from a Hebrew if they looked different right? Take note specifically of verse 11.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 50:7-12 - King James Version

"7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt"

"11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan."

How did the Canaanites not know that it was a mixed procession of Hebrews and Egyptians? I mean they lived with the Hebrews and were familiar with the Egyptians. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that it was impossible to tell them apart.
Why are Americans known as Americans and not as Irish Americans, etc?
And it is well established that during and after the famine that Egypt was flush with people from the starving nations that wanted to live in a better economy.
Anyone who moved to Egypt was legislated to dress like an Egyptian.
The Children of Israel who lived in Goshen did not go along with the dress plan.

Your logic is based on picking verses and not studying the text as a whole.

These guys are so sad really...They are so focused on attempting to prove that Black Africans did something great thousands of years ago, but they ignore the state of the black community today. Jews produce physicists, noble prize winners and celebrate them and we have strong families and thrive. The black family has broken down. They are killing each other in the streets. Instead of celebrating a great man like doctor Carson, they prop up scum like BLM. You cant get more dysfunctional than that... MLK would be horrified at the state of the Black Community today
The proof that Black Africans did something great thousands of years ago is readily available right in the Holy Bible. Bt it didn't stop there. The very faith that you identify with ( racially?) was started by Blacks genetically similar to those you disparage now. Even as you proudly show depictions of your self with an Afro you flee from the reality that Negro Blood courses through your own veins. But the alleged Cohen marker on your DNA seals it. If you have that marker, no matter what "race" you identify with, you are a Jewish Negro.
Now we will compare the 2 people. The Egyptians and the Hebrews. Remember the Egyptians are out of Kwam or as commonly known Ham. This means hot and Black. The Hebrews on the other hand are out of Shem. More than once throughout the Torah a Hebrew is mistaken for an Egyptian. Below is a passage where Joseph is burying his father Jacob In Canaan. One must note that the Canaanites lived with the Hebrews and should have been able to tell an Egyptian from a Hebrew if they looked different right? Take note specifically of verse 11.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 50:7-12 - King James Version

"7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt"

"11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan."

How did the Canaanites not know that it was a mixed procession of Hebrews and Egyptians? I mean they lived with the Hebrews and were familiar with the Egyptians. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that it was impossible to tell them apart.
Why are Americans known as Americans and not as Irish Americans, etc?
And it is well established that during and after the famine that Egypt was flush with people from the starving nations that wanted to live in a better economy.
Anyone who moved to Egypt was legislated to dress like an Egyptian.
The Children of Israel who lived in Goshen did not go along with the dress plan.

Your logic is based on picking verses and not studying the text as a whole.
Your logic is weak and unfounded. On top of that you are once again incorrect. Irish Americans are known as Irish Americans. We know these things because of organizations such as this.

Irish Network USA

Now to address your unintentional support of my point. If the Hebrews and Egyptians looked the same and wore the same clothing, no one could tell them apart. Thanks for pointing that out.
Now we will compare the 2 people. The Egyptians and the Hebrews. Remember the Egyptians are out of Kwam or as commonly known Ham. This means hot and Black. The Hebrews on the other hand are out of Shem. More than once throughout the Torah a Hebrew is mistaken for an Egyptian. Below is a passage where Joseph is burying his father Jacob In Canaan. One must note that the Canaanites lived with the Hebrews and should have been able to tell an Egyptian from a Hebrew if they looked different right? Take note specifically of verse 11.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 50:7-12 - King James Version

"7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt"

"11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan."

How did the Canaanites not know that it was a mixed procession of Hebrews and Egyptians? I mean they lived with the Hebrews and were familiar with the Egyptians. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that it was impossible to tell them apart.
Why are Americans known as Americans and not as Irish Americans, etc?
And it is well established that during and after the famine that Egypt was flush with people from the starving nations that wanted to live in a better economy.
Anyone who moved to Egypt was legislated to dress like an Egyptian.
The Children of Israel who lived in Goshen did not go along with the dress plan.

Your logic is based on picking verses and not studying the text as a whole.
Your logic is weak and unfounded. On top of that you are once again incorrect. Irish Americans are known as Irish Americans. We know these things because of organizations such as this.

Irish Network USA

Now to address your unintentional support of my point. If the Hebrews and Egyptians looked the same and wore the same clothing, no one could tell them apart. Thanks for pointing that out.
The entire world knew who Yaakov was.
Only Yosef dressed like an Egyptian.
And you have no clue what you're talking about.
Now we come to another passage in the bible were Moses has ran away from Egypt after he has killed a guard for hurting a Hebrew man. The Pharaoh realizes he is a Hebrew at this point. (he must have had bad eyes right?) Once again a supposedly white person is mistaken for a man from the land of Ham (Egypt). How does this keep happening?

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 2:16-19 - Common English Bible

19 They replied, “An Egyptian man rescued us from a bunch of shepherds. Afterward, he even helped us draw water to let the flock drink.”

Please note this is in Midian where Moses meets his future Black wife Zipporah and where his future Black father-in-law Jethro lives and later gave him the foundations of our legal system here in the US.
The Egyptians mourned Yaakov because the famine ended with his arrival in Egypt.
The whole world was terrified of another famine when he died.
Now we will compare the 2 people. The Egyptians and the Hebrews. Remember the Egyptians are out of Kwam or as commonly known Ham. This means hot and Black. The Hebrews on the other hand are out of Shem. More than once throughout the Torah a Hebrew is mistaken for an Egyptian. Below is a passage where Joseph is burying his father Jacob In Canaan. One must note that the Canaanites lived with the Hebrews and should have been able to tell an Egyptian from a Hebrew if they looked different right? Take note specifically of verse 11.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 50:7-12 - King James Version

"7 And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt"

"11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan."

How did the Canaanites not know that it was a mixed procession of Hebrews and Egyptians? I mean they lived with the Hebrews and were familiar with the Egyptians. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that it was impossible to tell them apart.
Why are Americans known as Americans and not as Irish Americans, etc?
And it is well established that during and after the famine that Egypt was flush with people from the starving nations that wanted to live in a better economy.
Anyone who moved to Egypt was legislated to dress like an Egyptian.
The Children of Israel who lived in Goshen did not go along with the dress plan.

Your logic is based on picking verses and not studying the text as a whole.
Your logic is weak and unfounded. On top of that you are once again incorrect. Irish Americans are known as Irish Americans. We know these things because of organizations such as this.

Irish Network USA

Now to address your unintentional support of my point. If the Hebrews and Egyptians looked the same and wore the same clothing, no one could tell them apart. Thanks for pointing that out.
The entire world knew who Yaakov was.
Only Yosef dressed like an Egyptian.
And you have no clue what you're talking about.
If everyone knew who Jacob was why didnt the Canaanites say it was "a great mourning of the Hebrews"?
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Now we come to another passage in the bible were Moses has ran away from Egypt after he has killed a guard for hurting a Hebrew man. The Pharaoh realizes he is a Hebrew at this point. (he must have had bad eyes right?) Once again a supposedly white person is mistaken for a man from the land of Ham (Egypt). How does this keep happening?

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 2:16-19 - Common English Bible

19 They replied, “An Egyptian man rescued us from a bunch of shepherds. Afterward, he even helped us draw water to let the flock drink.”

Please note this is in Midian where Moses meets his future Black wife Zipporah and where his future Black father-in-law Jethro lives and later gave him the foundations of our legal system here in the US.
Schmuck, Moshe was a Prince of Egypt as so was DRESSED like an EGYPTIAN!

BTW, Yistro provided the infrastructure of the legal system.
God provided the Laws.
Now we come to another passage in the bible were Moses has ran away from Egypt after he has killed a guard for hurting a Hebrew man. The Pharaoh realizes he is a Hebrew at this point. (he must have had bad eyes right?) Once again a supposedly white person is mistaken for a man from the land of Ham (Egypt). How does this keep happening?

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 2:16-19 - Common English Bible

19 They replied, “An Egyptian man rescued us from a bunch of shepherds. Afterward, he even helped us draw water to let the flock drink.”

Please note this is in Midian where Moses meets his future Black wife Zipporah and where his future Black father-in-law Jethro lives and later gave him the foundations of our legal system here in the US.
Schmuck, Moshe was a Prince of Egypt as so was DRESSED like an EGYPTIAN!

BTW, Yistro provided the infrastructure of the legal system.
God provided the Laws.
I know he was dressed like an Egyptian. Why didnt they say he was a Hebrew dressed like an Egyptian? A white guy wearing FUBU for example would have been remarked upon in a all Black community. That would have been of note.
The Egyptians mourned Yaakov because the famine ended with his arrival in Egypt.
The whole world was terrified of another famine when he died.
Thats great but it doesnt address the point that the Canaanites didnt realize he was a Hebrew. Got an answer for that riddle yet?
Because the Children of Israel weren't worried about another famine; they were fully aware that a blessing brought about by a tzaddik is not annulled so easily.
Now we come to another passage in the bible were Moses has ran away from Egypt after he has killed a guard for hurting a Hebrew man. The Pharaoh realizes he is a Hebrew at this point. (he must have had bad eyes right?) Once again a supposedly white person is mistaken for a man from the land of Ham (Egypt). How does this keep happening?

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 2:16-19 - Common English Bible

19 They replied, “An Egyptian man rescued us from a bunch of shepherds. Afterward, he even helped us draw water to let the flock drink.”

Please note this is in Midian where Moses meets his future Black wife Zipporah and where his future Black father-in-law Jethro lives and later gave him the foundations of our legal system here in the US.
Schmuck, Moshe was a Prince of Egypt as so was DRESSED like an EGYPTIAN!

BTW, Yistro provided the infrastructure of the legal system.
God provided the Laws.
I know he was dressed like an Egyptian. Why didnt they say he was a Hebrew dressed like an Egyptian? A white guy wearing FUBU for example would have been remarked upon in a all Black community. That would have been of note.
Tell me, where was Moshe raised and educated?
The Egyptians mourned Yaakov because the famine ended with his arrival in Egypt.
The whole world was terrified of another famine when he died.
Thats great but it doesnt address the point that the Canaanites didnt realize he was a Hebrew. Got an answer for that riddle yet?
Because the Children of Israel weren't worried about another famine; they were fully aware that a blessing brought about by a tzaddik is not annulled so easily.
What does that have to do with what I just asked? The Canaanites are not the people of Yisrayl. I asked why didnt the Canaanites realize Jacob was a Hebrew?
Now we come to another passage in the bible were Moses has ran away from Egypt after he has killed a guard for hurting a Hebrew man. The Pharaoh realizes he is a Hebrew at this point. (he must have had bad eyes right?) Once again a supposedly white person is mistaken for a man from the land of Ham (Egypt). How does this keep happening?

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 2:16-19 - Common English Bible

19 They replied, “An Egyptian man rescued us from a bunch of shepherds. Afterward, he even helped us draw water to let the flock drink.”

Please note this is in Midian where Moses meets his future Black wife Zipporah and where his future Black father-in-law Jethro lives and later gave him the foundations of our legal system here in the US.
Schmuck, Moshe was a Prince of Egypt as so was DRESSED like an EGYPTIAN!

BTW, Yistro provided the infrastructure of the legal system.
God provided the Laws.
I know he was dressed like an Egyptian. Why didnt they say he was a Hebrew dressed like an Egyptian? A white guy wearing FUBU for example would have been remarked upon in a all Black community. That would have been of note.
Tell me, where was Moshe raised and educated?
Not in Midian. He was unknown in Midian.
The Egyptians mourned Yaakov because the famine ended with his arrival in Egypt.
The whole world was terrified of another famine when he died.
Thats great but it doesnt address the point that the Canaanites didnt realize he was a Hebrew. Got an answer for that riddle yet?
Because the Children of Israel weren't worried about another famine; they were fully aware that a blessing brought about by a tzaddik is not annulled so easily.
What does that have to do with what I just asked? The Canaanites are not the people of Yisrayl. I asked why didnt the Canaanites realize Jacob was a Hebrew?
The verse refers specifically to the Egyptians because they were afraid the famine would return.
Everyone in Canaan knew Yaakov's family.
Your problem is that you don't know how to comprehend God's word.
The Egyptians mourned Yaakov because the famine ended with his arrival in Egypt.
The whole world was terrified of another famine when he died.
Thats great but it doesnt address the point that the Canaanites didnt realize he was a Hebrew. Got an answer for that riddle yet?
Because the Children of Israel weren't worried about another famine; they were fully aware that a blessing brought about by a tzaddik is not annulled so easily.
What does that have to do with what I just asked? The Canaanites are not the people of Yisrayl. I asked why didnt the Canaanites realize Jacob was a Hebrew?
The verse refers specifically to the Egyptians because they were afraid the famine would return.
Everyone in Canaan knew Yaakov's family.
Your problem is that you don't know how to comprehend God's word.
You keep saying everyone in Canaan knew who Jacob was. If thats true then they would have known he was a Hebrew and not an Egyptian. Why did they say it was a great mourning for the Egyptians instead of the Hebrews? I think your problem is you cant understand a simple question.

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