The Appropriation Of Black Culture By White Americans

Same reason people in India like it, in russia like it, and europe like, in africa like it. in china like it. People like music. Pretty simple

Now if you wanna make it in to a Everyone wants to act like black people thing, well, you are mistaking a teenage fad and mainstream music into something that it is not. People like music, mainstream music always appeals to everyone.

Everyone cant act Black because there is no such thing. Taking things from a culture is not acting Black. its taking it and making it part of their culture. I am asking why the mass appeal to Black culture all of the sudden? Stop beating around the bush and just say you dont know if you cant answer the question.
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?
A serious decline in standards.
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?
A serious decline in standards.

Why is there a serious decline in standards?
Blacks music has been in american culture since damn near the start of america. Almost all music starts out underground, as it growns in popularity etc etc etc
Blacks music has been in american culture since damn near the start of america. Almost all music starts out underground, as it growns in popularity etc etc etc

Everyone knows that but not like this. In the past Black music was stolen and everyone pretended white people started it. Full credit is given now to Black artists yet the white public still cant get enough of it. Something is different. Rap music permeates damn near everything. You may not be aware of it but a lot of commercial incorporate rap music from the beats to the actual lyrics and artist performing in them.

Its advertising, and every fad of music has had its music hijacked in some way or the other. The doors music was used for a buick commercial. That is pretty bad.

And as advertising and the mighty dollar rule, its always the advertising world telling everyone what they do and do not like in the name of appealing to them or whatever demographic they are trying to appeal to. And most people watch and think what a load of crap it is. Not so much the music as the message they are trying to convey.

Everyone knows that but not like this. In the past Black music was stolen and everyone pretended white people started it. Full credit is given now to Black artists yet the white public still cant get enough of it.

This is a thing of the way old past. Pre-1950 and the advent of rock and roll.

I would say Jazz or artistist who aped jazz musicians. There was no mistaking popular Jazz vs impersonating them. Mass media in and of itself ended that practice a long time ago. Is it popular, well the proof is in the numbers and they do not lie.

And it is not the 'white public' it is people of all races and cultures via the power of mass media and the internet. Like all things in America it is a straight 50/50 shift. some like, some hate. IMO I think its a stretch to say what you are saying.

I listened to Public Enemy when they first started out and loved them. I listen to them now and just remember the fun I had at the time I listened to it. Don't really care for the music now.

I remember when Yo MTV raps was a hour special when it first started on friday nights.
Blacks music has been in american culture since damn near the start of america. Almost all music starts out underground, as it growns in popularity etc etc etc

Everyone knows that but not like this. In the past Black music was stolen and everyone pretended white people started it. Full credit is given now to Black artists yet the white public still cant get enough of it. Something is different. Rap music permeates damn near everything. You may not be aware of it but a lot of commercial incorporate rap music from the beats to the actual lyrics and artist performing in them.

The black Archie Bunker wouldn't take a white case if he was a lawyer, but he wants to know why black musical styles go mainstream..

I know full well that every successful white R&B and Rock star from the 20th century answers the question -- "who were your major influences in your style" with names of 1930/40 black blues players. Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, BB and Albert King.. So you got the credit --- stop whining.. Sitcoms get stolen. Music evolves..
A teenage fad mostly
Sadly the Wigger generation always has new recruits. If not for them, cRap "music" would have been gone after the FAT BOYS left the scene.
Unfortunately, like most deluded white people with inbred genetics, you don't have a clue about rap. Rap was there before white people discovered it and it will be there with Black people regardless of white people liking it or not. My question is what is attracting the white youth? Can you answer that? If not shut up.

Goin' ghetto. That's no secret.
White kids pick up the culture because it's edgy and they think it makes them look cool.
Just another route for the rebellious teen that they eventually grow out of.
Seriously,when was the last time you saw a thirty year old wigger?
But again,at least they grow out of it when they realize they wont amount to shit if they continue acting like idiots.
It's really no different than the long hair and heavy metal of my younger days.
I'd suggest that most "racism" isn't an objection to the color of someone's skin but rather a preference of one culture over another. Thus, appropriation of one culture by another, especially if the culture appropriating is usually the racist one, is only a good thing. I.E. if whites adopt black culture and assimilate it into their own, there should be fewer white racists.
I'd suggest that most "racism" isn't an objection to the color of someone's skin but rather a preference of one culture over another. Thus, appropriation of one culture by another, especially if the culture appropriating is usually the racist one, is only a good thing. I.E. if whites adopt black culture and assimilate it into their own, there should be fewer white racists.

I'll agree with the first part.
If you dress and act like a hoodlum I dont care what color you're still trash.
Wear your pants around your knees?...trash.
Have so many facial piercings your face looks like a charm bracelet?...trash.
But I expect this out of teenagers. The smart ones grow out of it.
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?

Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture.

We are behind the curve when it comes to crime and out of wedlock children too.
Not in crime. You set the standard when it comes to crime. However, we are talking about Black culture not white culture.

Yeah, what's the percentage of black men in jail?
Keep setting that curve.

You think there might be a reason for that dumbass?
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?

Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture.

We are behind the curve when it comes to crime and out of wedlock children too.
Not in crime. You set the standard when it comes to crime. However, we are talking about Black culture not white culture.

Yeah, what's the percentage of black men in jail?
Keep setting that curve.

You think there might be a reason for that dumbass?

Yes. it's that blacks commit a lot of crime. I hope that helps.
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?

Big booties and curvy bodies? Are you saying white women try to look black? That's funny because it's actually clearly the other way around.
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?

Big booties and curvy bodies? Are you saying white women try to look black? That's funny because it's actually clearly the other way around.
Being a lard ass from too many cheeseburgers and tater tots is a desire to become negroid?
"Only people with insecurities want things to be complex. That way they can pretend they know more than someone else that only has to study what you did to acquire the knowledge. True genius is when everything is simple. Haven't you noticed that when someone is a master at something they make it look easy?"

Very insightful, and very true. Simplicity is it's own beauty. It's so beautiful because it's so difficult to achieve.

"quote" button inop
Im going to have to disagree. People who compose classical music are called geniuses frequently and so are chess players. Have you ever heard anyone refer to a rapper as a genius? For the record it doesnt count when Kanye calls himself a genius. It doesnt take a genius to write rap lyrics. The lyrics might be clever and possibly even deep, but not genius.

The ability to do complex things is genius.
'Any damn fool can be complicated, it takes a genius to be simple, but great'. Woody Guthrie
Can a fool split the atom? Is splitting the atom simple or complicated? Woody Guthrie couldn't do it, but he wasn't a genius, was he. Any damn fool can say "it takes genius to be simple", but that doesn't make it true.
How do you know that Woody was not smart enough to split an atom. You are talking out of your ass.
He didn't even go to college you fucking dolt. He couldn't split a sandwich, let alone an atom.
He was a smart man and you have to idea what he could do if he put his mind to it.
Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture. However, it seems that younger white people have whole heartedly jumped on the Black bandwagon and have taken many aspects of Black culture to incorporate into mainstream culture. From rap music to cornrows and now to big booties and curvy bodies Black culture seems to drive mainstream culture more than ever. What is causing this shift?

Growing up I noticed that white people always seemed to be behind the 8 ball when it came to being current with Black culture.

We are behind the curve when it comes to crime and out of wedlock children too.
Not in crime. You set the standard when it comes to crime. However, we are talking about Black culture not white culture.

Yeah, what's the percentage of black men in jail?
Keep setting that curve.

You think there might be a reason for that dumbass?

It has something to do with crime. Idiot.

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