The Appropriation Of Black Culture By White Americans

We are talking about TODAY not 100 years ago

No I'm talking about anytime. You can talk about what you want to.
You have to reach to the past to find any significant dirt on us, back in a time when EVERYONE misbehaved. Pussies like you cant handle a REAL discussion about TODAYS "problems" (aka black people). You would rather talk about dead people none of us ever knew. Your pitiful distractions are obvious and transparent. Your game is weak.
Only intellectually inferior morons think the past has no bearing on the future/present. Everyone didnt misbehave. White people did. Some still exist to this day but since they are outnumbered they hide like feral animals normally do.
The past has zero bearing on today, because it already happened and it cant be changed. YOU think you can excuse the behavior of your community today by saying "hey, white people once did something bad too", but that is the response of a child. Get a clue dipshit. No one gives a fuck about slavery. No one thinks about it one iota in the white community. WE DONT CARE! Shut up about it already. It has nothing to do with current events and no matter how hard you try, you will NEVER convince anyone that it does.

Quit trying to distract from your communities awful behavior all over the nation. Your people suck, so what we would like to do is hopefully get you guys to do something to make you suck less. Got it?

I ignored the rest of your response after this "The past has zero bearing on today". Go get an education and let me know when you realize the error of your thinking chimp.
Prove me wrong then. The black community has CRAZY high crime rates, drop out rates, fatherless households, etc. Tell us how a discussion about slavery will end those problems. If you fail to do that, then you are clearly talking out of your ass. Lets have none of your predictable deflections, just get right to the point. I guarun-fucking-tee you will not be able to accomplish this task because you are a loser. Go ahead, prove me wrong, loser.
Come to think of it --- you guys stole Basketball and Fried Chicken and waffles. Think we got the short end of the deal... Why y'all want to eat and play so white??? :lmao:

We just improved upon Fried chicken and Basketball because you guys couldn't get it right. Waffles are not really a Black culture thing. Its a southern thing. I never had chicken an waffles until this year.

Yeah -- So I could claim that Florida-GeorgiaLine improved on Rap Music because YOU guys couldn't get it right. The chicken/waffle thing is on my list of stuff to do.. But it sounds like too many meals in one..

Some of characters in the Rap industry are really unique. Other than the ganster branch, you got your Snoop Dog daddy who is a crack-up caricature stoner, and Flav and the "intellectual branch". Then there is the White rapper branch of the tree which you are certainly gonna disown.
:lol: It's a very broad and diverse line-up..

No you cant do that because the Florida-GeorgiaLine is not rap. I looked it up they are country but then Blacks started that as well.

You must not listen to rap or you would know Flav is not the intellectual branch and Snoop is considered gangsta rap. Of the white boys rapping, Eminem is by far the best and only white boy that can actually claim legend status in rap. The others are definitely gimmicks. He grew up around Blacks so in a way he is a prime example of the OP.
No I'm talking about anytime. You can talk about what you want to.
You have to reach to the past to find any significant dirt on us, back in a time when EVERYONE misbehaved. Pussies like you cant handle a REAL discussion about TODAYS "problems" (aka black people). You would rather talk about dead people none of us ever knew. Your pitiful distractions are obvious and transparent. Your game is weak.
Only intellectually inferior morons think the past has no bearing on the future/present. Everyone didnt misbehave. White people did. Some still exist to this day but since they are outnumbered they hide like feral animals normally do.
The past has zero bearing on today, because it already happened and it cant be changed. YOU think you can excuse the behavior of your community today by saying "hey, white people once did something bad too", but that is the response of a child. Get a clue dipshit. No one gives a fuck about slavery. No one thinks about it one iota in the white community. WE DONT CARE! Shut up about it already. It has nothing to do with current events and no matter how hard you try, you will NEVER convince anyone that it does.

Quit trying to distract from your communities awful behavior all over the nation. Your people suck, so what we would like to do is hopefully get you guys to do something to make you suck less. Got it?

I ignored the rest of your response after this "The past has zero bearing on today". Go get an education and let me know when you realize the error of your thinking chimp.
Prove me wrong then. The black community has CRAZY high crime rates, drop out rates, fatherless households, etc. Tell us how a discussion about slavery will end those problems. If you fail to do that, then you are clearly talking out of your ass. Lets have none of your predictable deflections, just get right to the point. I guarun-fucking-tee you will not be able to accomplish this task because you are a loser. Go ahead, prove me wrong, loser.

You are no one to prove wrong. Simple thinking monkeys like you don't even merit consideration. You lost any amount of credibility you had left with your "past has no bearing on the future" statement. You have a lot of work to do before I can engage you in any discussion of relevance.
Come to think of it --- you guys stole Basketball and Fried Chicken and waffles. Think we got the short end of the deal... Why y'all want to eat and play so white??? :lmao:

We just improved upon Fried chicken and Basketball because you guys couldn't get it right. Waffles are not really a Black culture thing. Its a southern thing. I never had chicken an waffles until this year.

Yeah -- So I could claim that Florida-GeorgiaLine improved on Rap Music because YOU guys couldn't get it right. The chicken/waffle thing is on my list of stuff to do.. But it sounds like too many meals in one..

Some of characters in the Rap industry are really unique. Other than the ganster branch, you got your Snoop Dog daddy who is a crack-up caricature stoner, and Flav and the "intellectual branch". Then there is the White rapper branch of the tree which you are certainly gonna disown.
:lol: It's a very broad and diverse line-up..

No you cant do that because the Florida-GeorgiaLine is not rap. I looked it up they are country but then Blacks started that as well.

You must not listen to rap or you would know Flav is not the intellectual branch and Snoop is considered gangsta rap. Of the white boys rapping, Eminem is by far the best and only white boy that can actually claim legend status in rap. The others are definitely gimmicks. He grew up around Blacks so in a way he is a prime example of the OP.

Kinda obvious even to stupid white men that Flav is not "the intellectual branch" :lmao: Bad sentence construction.. And SnoopLionDog is about as threatening as Captain Hook. He's a bad gangster..
I'm fascinated at the species and genres in it all..

If rap appears in Country like Fl-Ga Line, It's because it is evolving. And Yup -- it's still country -- and you ain't gonna get the royalties. Just enjoy the chaos of multiculturalism...
You have to reach to the past to find any significant dirt on us, back in a time when EVERYONE misbehaved. Pussies like you cant handle a REAL discussion about TODAYS "problems" (aka black people). You would rather talk about dead people none of us ever knew. Your pitiful distractions are obvious and transparent. Your game is weak.
Only intellectually inferior morons think the past has no bearing on the future/present. Everyone didnt misbehave. White people did. Some still exist to this day but since they are outnumbered they hide like feral animals normally do.
The past has zero bearing on today, because it already happened and it cant be changed. YOU think you can excuse the behavior of your community today by saying "hey, white people once did something bad too", but that is the response of a child. Get a clue dipshit. No one gives a fuck about slavery. No one thinks about it one iota in the white community. WE DONT CARE! Shut up about it already. It has nothing to do with current events and no matter how hard you try, you will NEVER convince anyone that it does.

Quit trying to distract from your communities awful behavior all over the nation. Your people suck, so what we would like to do is hopefully get you guys to do something to make you suck less. Got it?

I ignored the rest of your response after this "The past has zero bearing on today". Go get an education and let me know when you realize the error of your thinking chimp.
Prove me wrong then. The black community has CRAZY high crime rates, drop out rates, fatherless households, etc. Tell us how a discussion about slavery will end those problems. If you fail to do that, then you are clearly talking out of your ass. Lets have none of your predictable deflections, just get right to the point. I guarun-fucking-tee you will not be able to accomplish this task because you are a loser. Go ahead, prove me wrong, loser.

You are no one to prove wrong. Simple thinking monkeys like you don't even merit consideration. You lost any amount of credibility you had left with your "past has no bearing on the future" statement. You have a lot of work to do before I can engage you in any discussion of relevance.
ONCE AGAIN, you fail to back up your claim. Until you can answer that question you are going to look stupid any time you try that "the past is important today" bullshit. Why do you make it so easy to beat you in debates? Why say shit that you cant support with logic? Im going to call you out every time when you make absurd claims, so why even make them if you cant back them up?

Thank you for proving that slavery is no excuse for black behavior today. It is clearly a position that cant be defended, otherwise you would have.

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