The Army may need to be called in. Top House Democrats might not certify a Trump win.

Crybaby House Democrats might not certify a legitimate Trump win in November. The way I see it is, two phone calls are going to have to be made. First, to the Supreme Court, and second, to the Army. These Marxists are going to have to be dealt with sooner or later and it might as well start if they deny Trump the presidency even after a clean vote and a legitimate win. The gloves will be off, mark my words.


The military was supposed to be our last hope to save America, once all the other safeguards had failed us. The dems own the military and now that last hope is gone! Have you seen the militay step in when the commies brought it 20 million illegals? What about if the commie brought in 50 million? Would the military step up to save America or just follow orders?

When it comes to joining the military or the draft? You would be fighting for the commie dems. It would be like fighting for Hitler. F that! I'm old, so it does not matter to me. But if young, I'd never, ever join the commie dem military. No need to travel. All my enemies are right here...not overseas.

Reps let this go too far and have no hope to save America.

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