The Backbone Donors—President Trump and Freedom-loving Americans


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Confession: I was once a Swamp dweller. As an appointee in the President George W. Bush Administration, I did those things Swamp dwellers do. I worked on legislation, wrote regulations, and hobnobbed around Washington. My boss happily branded me “Troublemaker” while others, Democrat and Republican, used that word with less affection.

What does it take to be branded a troublemaker in Washington? Well, you only need to stand up for regular folks (in my case parents and children), try to expand freedom by reducing government power, and try to make ethical decisions with a dose of common sense.

Remember that the Swamp dwellers, on both sides of the aisle, looked the other way while Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to receive money from foreign entities and governments while she was Secretary of State and a U.S. senator. They looked the other way while Vice President Joe Biden and his son openly gamed the system to enrich the family.

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The Backbone Donors—President Trump and Freedom-loving Americans

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